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Day 9 R

boB Rudis 3 years ago
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 1D7529BE14E2BBA9
  1. 5
  2. 162
  3. 149
  4. 610
  5. 1000


@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/06.R="E6CEEABC" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/06.R="E6CEEABC"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/"6D546EAC" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/"6D546EAC"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/07.R="ACB3EB6E" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/R/07.R="ACB3EB6E"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/"74DC8DCF" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/"74DC8DCF"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/Swift/2020-code-advent.playground/Sources/05-01.swift="8E24EF14" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/Swift/2020-code-advent.playground/Sources/05-01.swift="8E24EF14"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/01-01.txt="53BE9636" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/01-01.txt="53BE9636"
@ -18,6 +20,7 @@
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/03-01.txt="3353A6D2" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/03-01.txt="3353A6D2"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/04-01.txt="C5B6BCAC" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/04-01.txt="C5B6BCAC"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/06-01.txt="F27C3C93" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/input/06-01.txt="F27C3C93"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/01.js="77D3BDB6" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/01.js="77D3BDB6"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/02.js="BC8B36A1" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/02.js="BC8B36A1"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/03.js="E24752E6" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/03.js="E24752E6"
@ -25,4 +28,4 @@
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/05.js="AFC9E61D" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/js/05.js="AFC9E61D"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/scala/01/01/src/main/scala/Main.scala="8F03A1D5" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/scala/01/01/src/main/scala/Main.scala="8F03A1D5"
/Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/scala/02/02/src/main/scala/Main.scala="418A1A5F" /Users/hrbrmstr/Development/2020-code-advent/scala/02/02/src/main/scala/Main.scala="418A1A5F"
/private/tmp/test.txt="DFC19AA4" /private/tmp/test.txt="1CB0AD22"


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# --- Day 8: Handheld Halting ---
# Your flight to the major airline hub reaches cruising altitude without
# incident. While you consider checking the in-flight menu for one of those
# drinks that come with a little umbrella, you are interrupted by the kid
# sitting next to you.
# Their handheld game console won't turn on! They ask if you can take a look.
# You narrow the problem down to a strange infinite loop in the boot code
# (your puzzle input) of the device. You should be able to fix it, but first
# you need to be able to run the code in isolation.
# The boot code is represented as a text file with one instruction per line of
# text. Each instruction consists of an operation (acc, jmp, or nop) and an
# argument (a signed number like +4 or -20).
# acc increases or decreases a single global value called the accumulator by
# the value given in the argument. For example, acc +7 would increase the
# accumulator by 7. The accumulator starts at 0. After an acc instruction,
# the instruction immediately below it is executed next.
# jmp jumps to a new instruction relative to itself. The next instruction to
# execute is found using the argument as an offset from the jmp instruction;
# for example, jmp +2 would skip the next instruction, jmp +1 would
# continue to the instruction immediately below it, and jmp -20 would
# cause the instruction 20 lines above to be executed next.
# nop stands for No OPeration - it does nothing. The instruction immediately
# below it is executed next.
# For example, consider the following program:
# nop +0
# acc +1
# jmp +4
# acc +3
# jmp -3
# acc -99
# acc +1
# jmp -4
# acc +6
# These instructions are visited in this order:
# nop +0 | 1
# acc +1 | 2, 8(!)
# jmp +4 | 3
# acc +3 | 6
# jmp -3 | 7
# acc -99 |
# acc +1 | 4
# jmp -4 | 5
# acc +6 |
# First, the nop +0 does nothing. Then, the accumulator is increased from
# 0 to 1 (acc +1) and jmp +4 sets the next instruction to the other acc +1
# near the bottom. After it increases the accumulator from 1 to 2, jmp -4
# executes, setting the next instruction to the only acc +3. It sets the
# accumulator to 5, and jmp -3 causes the program to continue back at the
# first acc +1.
# This is an infinite loop: with this sequence of jumps, the program will
# run forever. The moment the program tries to run any instruction a second
# time, you know it will never terminate.
# Immediately before the program would run an instruction a second time, the
# value in the accumulator is 5.
# Run your copy of the boot code. Immediately before any instruction is
# executed a second time, what value is in the accumulator?
input <- "../input/08-01.txt"
file = input,
delim = " ",
col_names = c("instr", "value"),
col_types = "cd"
) %>%
visits = 0
) -> asm
curr <- 1
accumulator <- 0
while (all(asm$visits < 2)) {
asm$visits[curr] <- asm$visits[curr] + 1
"nop" = curr + 1,
"acc" = curr + 1,
"jmp" = curr + asm[curr,]$value
) -> nxt
if (nxt > nrow(asm)) break
if ((asm$visits[curr] < 2) && (asm$instr[curr] == "acc")) {
accumulator <- accumulator + asm$value[curr]
curr <- nxt
# 08-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------
file = input,
delim = " ",
col_names = c("instr", "value"),
col_types = "cd"
) %>%
visits = 0
) -> asm
orig_program <- asm
for (run in seq_len(nrow(asm))) {
asm <- orig_program
curr <- 1
accumulator <- 0
"acc" = "acc",
"nop" = "jmp",
"jmp" = "nop"
) -> asm$instr[run]
while (all(asm$visits < 2)) {
asm$visits[curr] <- asm$visits[curr] + 1
"acc" = curr + 1,
"nop" = curr + 1,
"jmp" = curr + asm[curr,]$value
) -> nxt
if (nxt > nrow(asm)) break
if ((asm$visits[curr] < 2) && (asm$instr[curr] == "acc")) {
accumulator <- accumulator + asm$value[curr]
curr <- nxt
if (all(asm$visits < 2)) break


@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# --- Day 9: Encoding Error ---
# With your neighbor happily enjoying their video game, you turn your attention
# to an open data port on the little screen in the seat in front of you.
# Though the port is non-standard, you manage to connect it to your computer
# through the clever use of several paperclips. Upon connection, the port
# outputs a series of numbers (your puzzle input).
# The data appears to be encrypted with the eXchange-Masking Addition System
# (XMAS) which, conveniently for you, is an old cypher with an important weakness.
# XMAS starts by transmitting a preamble of 25 numbers. After that, each number
# you receive should be the sum of any two of the 25 immediately previous
# numbers. The two numbers will have different values, and there might be more
# than one such pair.
# For example, suppose your preamble consists of the numbers 1 through 25 in a
# random order. To be valid, the next number must be the sum of two of those numbers:
# 26 would be a valid next number, as it could be 1 plus 25 (or many other pairs, like 2 and 24).
# 49 would be a valid next number, as it is the sum of 24 and 25.
# 100 would not be valid; no two of the previous 25 numbers sum to 100.
# 50 would also not be valid; although 25 appears in the previous 25 numbers, the two numbers in the pair must be different.
# Suppose the 26th number is 45, and the first number (no longer an option,
# as it is more than 25 numbers ago) was 20. Now, for the next number to be
# valid, there needs to be some pair of numbers among 1-19, 21-25, or 45 that
# add up to it:
# 26 would still be a valid next number, as 1 and 25 are still within the previous 25 numbers.
# 65 would not be valid, as no two of the available numbers sum to it.
# 64 and 66 would both be valid, as they are the result of 19+45 and 21+45 respectively.
# Here is a larger example which only considers the previous 5 numbers (and has a preamble of length 5):
# 35
# 20
# 15
# 25
# 47
# 40
# 62
# 55
# 65
# 95
# 102
# 117
# 150
# 182
# 127
# 219
# 299
# 277
# 309
# 576
# In this example, after the 5-number preamble, almost every number is the sum
# of two of the previous 5 numbers; the only number that does not follow this
# rule is 127.
# The first step of attacking the weakness in the XMAS data is to find the
# first number in the list (after the preamble) which is not the sum of two of
# the 25 numbers before it. What is the first number that does not have this
# property?
test_input <- c(35, 20, 15, 25, 47, 40, 62, 55, 65, 95, 102, 117, 150, 182, 127, 219, 299, 277, 309, 576)
# input <- test_input
input <- as.numeric(read_lines("../input/09-01.txt"))
# preamble_length <- 5
preamble_length <- 25
window <- 1:preamble_length
input_start <- preamble_length + 1
no_sum_found <- TRUE
while(no_sum_found && (length(input)>=(preamble_length + 1))) {, 2))) %>%
val1 = input[V1],
val2 = input[V2],
sum = input[V1] + input[V2]
) -> pair_sums
no_sum_found <- any(pair_sums$sum == input[input_start])
if (no_sum_found) input <- tail(input, -1)
(invalid <- input[input_start])
# --- Part Two ---
# The final step in breaking the XMAS encryption relies on the invalid number
# you just found: you must find a contiguous set of at least two numbers in
# your list which sum to the invalid number from step 1.
# Again consider the above example:
# 35
# 20
# 15
# 25
# 47
# 40
# 62
# 55
# 65
# 95
# 102
# 117
# 150
# 182
# 127
# 219
# 299
# 277
# 309
# 576
# In this list, adding up all of the numbers from 15 through 40 produces the
# invalid number from step 1, 127. (Of course, the contiguous set of numbers
# in your actual list might be much longer.)
# To find the encryption weakness, add together the smallest and largest
# number in this contiguous range; in this example, these are 15 and 47,
# producing 62.
# What is the encryption weakness in your XMAS-encrypted list of numbers?
# s
# 09-02 -------------------------------------------------------------------
# input <- test_input
input <- as.numeric(read_lines("../input/09-01.txt"))
for (i in seq_along(input)) {
csum <- cumsum(input[i:length(input)])
if (any(csum == invalid)) break
sum(range(input[i:(i+which(csum == invalid)-1)]))


@ -0,0 +1,610 @@
acc +0
jmp +516
acc -16
nop +326
jmp +366
jmp +400
jmp +494
acc -5
jmp +475
acc +29
nop +24
jmp +186
jmp -5
acc +50
acc +49
acc +49
nop +507
jmp +236
acc -4
acc +50
acc +48
jmp +293
jmp +461
acc +48
acc +2
jmp +241
acc +38
jmp +544
jmp +1
jmp +382
acc -4
acc -10
acc +44
jmp +444
jmp +1
acc +20
acc -1
acc +25
jmp +332
acc +18
jmp +184
acc +1
acc +20
acc -7
acc -12
jmp +84
acc +30
jmp -19
nop +491
acc +37
acc +44
jmp +220
acc +3
acc +19
jmp +485
jmp +222
nop +264
acc +4
jmp +151
nop -36
acc +48
jmp +356
acc +28
acc +29
nop +397
jmp +168
nop +115
acc -13
acc -11
jmp +470
jmp +201
acc +48
acc -6
acc -18
acc -13
jmp +442
jmp +266
acc +10
acc +30
acc -7
acc -8
jmp +380
acc +1
nop +106
acc +9
acc -11
jmp -79
jmp +166
acc -9
jmp +300
acc +39
acc +1
acc +27
acc +26
jmp +367
jmp +291
acc +18
jmp +100
acc +25
acc +43
acc -8
acc -12
jmp +475
acc +15
jmp +492
acc -5
acc -12
acc +35
acc +25
jmp +360
nop +301
acc +32
acc -1
jmp +436
acc +21
jmp +109
acc +1
nop +230
jmp -113
acc +24
acc +12
acc +13
acc +27
jmp -52
jmp +476
acc +15
acc -18
acc -13
jmp +323
acc -10
acc +35
acc -6
nop +377
jmp +8
jmp +430
nop +50
acc +33
acc -1
jmp -72
acc -19
jmp -92
jmp +1
jmp -87
nop -120
nop -34
jmp +159
jmp +183
jmp +1
acc -4
acc +49
acc -4
jmp +73
acc -18
acc +34
acc -8
jmp +403
acc +32
acc +0
acc +0
jmp +390
acc +19
jmp +305
acc -15
jmp +176
acc +3
jmp +36
acc +29
acc +21
jmp +1
acc -17
jmp +144
acc +16
acc +4
acc +49
acc -7
jmp -65
acc +28
acc +2
acc +23
acc +46
jmp +278
jmp +424
acc +45
acc +7
jmp -49
jmp -50
acc -11
nop -121
jmp -140
jmp +1
acc -8
jmp +206
acc -7
jmp +1
acc +20
acc +30
jmp +375
nop +312
jmp +111
acc +23
jmp -15
acc +27
acc +46
acc +36
jmp +360
acc +1
acc +25
acc +29
jmp -137
jmp +177
acc +15
acc -13
acc +48
acc +29
jmp +76
nop -174
acc +27
jmp +214
acc +4
jmp +120
nop -165
acc -16
jmp +2
jmp +238
jmp +224
jmp -154
acc +12
jmp +162
acc +31
acc +26
acc -13
acc +18
jmp +173
acc +38
jmp +1
jmp +199
jmp -202
jmp +127
acc -12
jmp -42
acc -12
acc +36
acc -4
acc +24
jmp +343
acc -17
nop +277
acc +13
jmp +56
jmp +41
nop +92
acc +32
jmp +182
nop +111
acc +0
acc +29
jmp +219
nop -234
acc +0
acc +31
acc +49
jmp +216
jmp +247
acc +24
acc -10
jmp +218
acc +14
acc -19
acc +14
jmp +11
jmp +82
acc +5
acc +28
acc +35
jmp -93
acc +24
jmp -210
acc +39
jmp -107
jmp -150
acc -7
jmp -185
acc +25
acc -15
jmp +63
acc +14
acc +50
jmp -7
acc +13
jmp +298
nop +69
jmp -268
acc -5
jmp +66
jmp +48
nop -1
acc +38
acc +3
acc +46
jmp +259
nop +235
acc +4
jmp -186
jmp +94
acc -16
acc +6
jmp +287
acc -19
jmp -221
jmp -69
acc +8
nop -102
acc +31
jmp +204
jmp -81
acc +12
acc +21
acc -8
nop +151
jmp -155
acc +50
nop +145
acc -6
acc +0
jmp -296
acc +16
acc +30
acc +11
jmp +254
acc +0
acc -8
nop +162
acc -17
jmp -144
acc +6
acc +2
acc +32
acc -5
jmp +21
jmp -77
acc +38
jmp +117
acc +27
acc -11
nop -203
jmp +201
jmp -305
acc +40
nop -330
acc -7
jmp -279
jmp +60
nop -163
jmp -53
nop +115
acc +24
jmp +1
acc +45
jmp -92
acc +0
acc +13
jmp -302
acc +25
jmp +208
nop -293
jmp +5
jmp +1
acc -13
nop -272
jmp +62
acc -4
acc +32
acc +49
jmp -124
acc -19
nop -246
jmp -353
nop -349
acc +13
acc +21
jmp -165
acc +14
acc +37
nop +28
acc +7
jmp -308
acc +11
jmp +71
jmp -139
nop -19
acc -7
acc -3
jmp -302
acc -2
acc +1
nop -43
jmp -280
acc +10
acc +9
jmp -358
acc +39
acc +16
acc -11
jmp +1
jmp +142
acc -15
acc -17
acc +9
acc +11
jmp -172
jmp -90
nop +135
acc -1
jmp -379
acc +39
acc -13
jmp -57
acc -3
acc -7
jmp +1
jmp +80
acc +7
acc +11
acc +30
nop +69
jmp -140
acc +11
acc +7
acc +3
jmp -417
jmp -314
acc -6
jmp -6
jmp -224
acc +0
jmp -131
acc +7
acc +33
jmp +20
acc +32
acc -14
nop -375
jmp -394
acc +8
acc +47
acc +29
acc -6
jmp -381
acc -8
jmp -353
jmp -108
acc -16
acc +21
jmp -329
acc +13
acc +0
acc +0
jmp -402
acc -8
jmp -307
jmp -308
jmp -358
acc +38
acc -19
acc +33
jmp -276
jmp -114
acc -6
jmp +55
acc +16
jmp -244
nop +22
acc -7
acc +19
jmp -154
jmp +18
jmp -50
acc +31
acc +50
acc +2
jmp -260
acc -16
jmp -135
acc +50
acc -9
acc +50
acc +27
jmp -323
acc +26
nop -249
acc +46
acc +3
jmp -474
acc +50
acc -7
jmp -78
jmp +1
acc -6
acc +6
jmp +94
acc +47
acc -3
acc +13
jmp -485
nop -499
acc +35
acc +35
acc -1
jmp -259
nop -486
acc +48
acc -4
jmp +23
acc +33
acc +37
acc +10
jmp +61
acc -1
jmp +1
jmp +1
acc -8
jmp +61
jmp -237
jmp -164
acc +39
acc +38
nop -302
jmp -468
acc -15
jmp -6
acc -9
acc +1
acc +41
acc +48
jmp -285
acc +1
acc +24
jmp -111
jmp -90
acc +46
acc +21
acc +43
jmp -103
acc -9
nop -5
jmp -274
acc -13
jmp -262
jmp -39
acc +43
nop -463
acc +15
acc +23
jmp -176
nop -305
acc +2
acc +28
jmp -198
acc +15
acc -18
jmp -473
acc -13
acc +9
jmp -46
acc +1
acc +43
acc +6
jmp +10
acc +24
acc -3
jmp -424
acc -1
acc +47
jmp +1
acc +20
jmp -17
jmp -59
nop -19
acc +42
acc +47
jmp -9
jmp -576
nop -148
acc +0
jmp +12
acc -15
jmp -209
acc +13
jmp -442
nop -548
nop -62
acc +22
jmp -92
jmp -516
acc +8
jmp -301
acc +1
jmp -146
acc -15
jmp -366
jmp -440
acc +17
acc +25
acc +28
jmp -240
acc -2
acc +25
nop -68
acc +14
jmp +1


File diff suppressed because it is too large