A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
// CharacterExt.swift
// SwifSoup
// Created by Nabil Chatbi on 08/10/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Nabil Chatbi.. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
extension Character {
public static let space: Character = " "
public static let BackslashT: Character = "\t"
public static let BackslashN: Character = "\n"
public static let BackslashF: Character = Character(UnicodeScalar(12))
public static let BackslashR: Character = "\r"
public static let BackshashRBackslashN: Character = "\r\n"
public static let MIN_SUPPLEMENTARY_CODE_POINT: UInt32 = 0x010000
/// True for any space character, and the control characters \t, \n, \r, \f, \v.
var isWhitespace: Bool {
switch self {
case Character.space, Character.BackslashT, Character.BackslashN, Character.BackslashF, Character.BackslashR: return true
case Character.BackshashRBackslashN: return true
default: return false
/// `true` if `self` normalized contains a single code unit that is in the category of Decimal Numbers.
var isDigit: Bool {
return isMemberOfCharacterSet(CharacterSet.decimalDigits)
/// Lowercase `self`.
var lowercase: Character {
let str = String(self).lowercased()
return str[str.startIndex]
/// Return `true` if `self` normalized contains a single code unit that is a member of the supplied character set.
/// - parameter set: The `NSCharacterSet` used to test for membership.
/// - returns: `true` if `self` normalized contains a single code unit that is a member of the supplied character set.
func isMemberOfCharacterSet(_ set: CharacterSet) -> Bool {
let normalized = String(self).precomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping
let unicodes = normalized.unicodeScalars
guard unicodes.count == 1 else { return false }
return set.contains(UnicodeScalar(unicodes.first!.value)!)
static func convertFromIntegerLiteral(value: IntegerLiteralType) -> Character {
return Character(UnicodeScalar(value)!)
static func isLetter(_ char: Character) -> Bool {
return char.isLetter()
func isLetter() -> Bool {
return self.isMemberOfCharacterSet(CharacterSet.letters)
static func isLetterOrDigit(_ char: Character) -> Bool {
return char.isLetterOrDigit()
func isLetterOrDigit() -> Bool {
if(self.isLetter()) {return true}
return self.isDigit