A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

464 lines
13 KiB

5 years ago
// CharacterReader.swift
// SwiftSoup
// Created by Nabil Chatbi on 10/10/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Nabil Chatbi.. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
CharacterReader consumes tokens off a string. To replace the old TokenQueue.
public final class CharacterReader {
private static let empty = ""
public static let EOF: UnicodeScalar = "\u{FFFF}"//65535
private let input: [UnicodeScalar]
private let length: Int
private var pos: Int = 0
private var mark: Int = 0
//private let stringCache: Array<String?> // holds reused strings in this doc, to lessen garbage
public init(_ input: String) {
self.input = Array(input.unicodeScalars)
self.length = self.input.count
//stringCache = Array(repeating:nil, count:512)
public func getPos() -> Int {
return self.pos
public func isEmpty() -> Bool {
return pos >= length
public func current() -> UnicodeScalar {
return (pos >= length) ? CharacterReader.EOF : input[pos]
public func consume() -> UnicodeScalar {
let val = (pos >= length) ? CharacterReader.EOF : input[pos]
pos += 1
return val
public func unconsume() {
pos -= 1
public func advance() {
pos += 1
public func markPos() {
mark = pos
public func rewindToMark() {
pos = mark
public func consumeAsString() -> String {
let p = pos
return String(input[p])
//return String(input, pos+=1, 1)
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input char
* @param c scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
public func nextIndexOf(_ c: UnicodeScalar) -> Int {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
for i in pos..<length {
if (c == input[i]) {
return i - pos
return -1
* Returns the number of characters between the current position and the next instance of the input sequence
* @param seq scan target
* @return offset between current position and next instance of target. -1 if not found.
public func nextIndexOf(_ seq: String) -> Int {
// doesn't handle scanning for surrogates
if(seq.isEmpty) {return -1}
let startChar: UnicodeScalar = seq.unicodeScalar(0)
for var offset in pos..<length {
// scan to first instance of startchar:
if (startChar != input[offset]) {
while(offset < length && startChar != input[offset]) { offset+=1 }
var i = offset + 1
let last = i + seq.unicodeScalars.count-1
if (offset < length && last <= length) {
var j = 1
while i < last && seq.unicodeScalar(j) == input[i] {
// found full sequence
if (i == last) {
return offset - pos
return -1
public func consumeTo(_ c: UnicodeScalar) -> String {
let offset = nextIndexOf(c)
if (offset != -1) {
let consumed = cacheString(pos, offset)
pos += offset
return consumed
} else {
return consumeToEnd()
public func consumeTo(_ seq: String) -> String {
let offset = nextIndexOf(seq)
if (offset != -1) {
let consumed = cacheString(pos, offset)
pos += offset
return consumed
} else {
return consumeToEnd()
public func consumeToAny(_ chars: UnicodeScalar...) -> String {
return consumeToAny(chars)
public func consumeToAny(_ chars: [UnicodeScalar]) -> String {
let start: Int = pos
let remaining: Int = length
let val = input
OUTER: while (pos < remaining) {
if chars.contains(val[pos]) {
break OUTER
// for c in chars {
// if (val[pos] == c){
// break OUTER
// }
// }
pos += 1
return pos > start ? cacheString(start, pos-start) : CharacterReader.empty
public func consumeToAnySorted(_ chars: UnicodeScalar...) -> String {
return consumeToAnySorted(chars)
public func consumeToAnySorted(_ chars: [UnicodeScalar]) -> String {
let start = pos
let remaining = length
let val = input
while (pos < remaining) {
if chars.contains(val[pos]) {
pos += 1
return pos > start ? cacheString(start, pos-start) : CharacterReader.empty
public func consumeData() -> String {
// &, <, null
let start = pos
let remaining = length
let val = input
while (pos < remaining) {
let c: UnicodeScalar = val[pos]
if (c == UnicodeScalar.Ampersand || c == UnicodeScalar.LessThan || c == TokeniserStateVars.nullScalr) {
pos += 1
return pos > start ? cacheString(start, pos-start) : CharacterReader.empty
public func consumeTagName() -> String {
// '\t', '\n', '\r', '\f', ' ', '/', '>', nullChar
let start = pos
let remaining = length
let val = input
while (pos < remaining) {
let c: UnicodeScalar = val[pos]
if (c == UnicodeScalar.BackslashT || c == UnicodeScalar.BackslashN || c == UnicodeScalar.BackslashR || c == UnicodeScalar.BackslashF || c == UnicodeScalar.Space || c == UnicodeScalar.Slash || c == UnicodeScalar.GreaterThan || c == TokeniserStateVars.nullScalr) {
pos += 1
return pos > start ? cacheString(start, pos-start) : CharacterReader.empty
public func consumeToEnd() -> String {
let data = cacheString(pos, length-pos)
pos = length
return data
public func consumeLetterSequence() -> String {
let start = pos
while (pos < length) {
let c: UnicodeScalar = input[pos]
if ((c >= "A" && c <= "Z") || (c >= "a" && c <= "z") || c.isMemberOfCharacterSet(CharacterSet.letters)) {
pos += 1
} else {
return cacheString(start, pos - start)
public func consumeLetterThenDigitSequence() -> String {
let start = pos
while (pos < length) {
let c = input[pos]
if ((c >= "A" && c <= "Z") || (c >= "a" && c <= "z") || c.isMemberOfCharacterSet(CharacterSet.letters)) {
pos += 1
} else {
while (!isEmpty()) {
let c = input[pos]
if (c >= "0" && c <= "9") {
pos += 1
} else {
return cacheString(start, pos - start)
public func consumeHexSequence() -> String {
let start = pos
while (pos < length) {
let c = input[pos]
if ((c >= "0" && c <= "9") || (c >= "A" && c <= "F") || (c >= "a" && c <= "f")) {
} else {
return cacheString(start, pos - start)
public func consumeDigitSequence() -> String {
let start = pos
while (pos < length) {
let c = input[pos]
if (c >= "0" && c <= "9") {
} else {
return cacheString(start, pos - start)
public func matches(_ c: UnicodeScalar) -> Bool {
return !isEmpty() && input[pos] == c
public func matches(_ seq: String) -> Bool {
let scanLength = seq.unicodeScalars.count
if (scanLength > length - pos) {
return false
for offset in 0..<scanLength {
if (seq.unicodeScalar(offset) != input[pos+offset]) {
return false
return true
public func matchesIgnoreCase(_ seq: String ) -> Bool {
let scanLength = seq.unicodeScalars.count
if(scanLength == 0) {
return false
if (scanLength > length - pos) {
return false
for offset in 0..<scanLength {
let upScan: UnicodeScalar = seq.unicodeScalar(offset).uppercase
let upTarget: UnicodeScalar = input[pos+offset].uppercase
if (upScan != upTarget) {
return false
return true
public func matchesAny(_ seq: UnicodeScalar...) -> Bool {
if (isEmpty()) {
return false
let c: UnicodeScalar = input[pos]
for seek in seq {
if (seek == c) {
return true
return false
public func matchesAnySorted(_ seq: [UnicodeScalar]) -> Bool {
return !isEmpty() && seq.contains(input[pos])
public func matchesLetter() -> Bool {
if (isEmpty()) {
return false
let c = input[pos]
return (c >= "A" && c <= "Z") || (c >= "a" && c <= "z") || c.isMemberOfCharacterSet(CharacterSet.letters)
public func matchesDigit() -> Bool {
if (isEmpty()) {
return false
let c = input[pos]
return (c >= "0" && c <= "9")
public func matchConsume(_ seq: String) -> Bool {
if (matches(seq)) {
pos += seq.unicodeScalars.count
return true
} else {
return false
public func matchConsumeIgnoreCase(_ seq: String) -> Bool {
if (matchesIgnoreCase(seq)) {
pos += seq.unicodeScalars.count
return true
} else {
return false
public func containsIgnoreCase(_ seq: String ) -> Bool {
// used to check presence of </title>, </style>. only finds consistent case.
let loScan = seq.lowercased(with: Locale(identifier: "en"))
let hiScan = seq.uppercased(with: Locale(identifier: "eng"))
return (nextIndexOf(loScan) > -1) || (nextIndexOf(hiScan) > -1)
public func toString() -> String {
return String(input[pos..<length])
//return String.unicodescalars(Array(input[pos..<length]))
//return input.string(pos, length - pos)
* Caches short strings, as a flywheel pattern, to reduce GC load. Just for this doc, to prevent leaks.
* <p />
* Simplistic, and on hash collisions just falls back to creating a new string, vs a full HashMap with Entry list.
* That saves both having to create objects as hash keys, and running through the entry list, at the expense of
* some more duplicates.
private func cacheString(_ start: Int, _ count: Int) -> String {
return String(input[start..<start+count])
// Too Slow
// var cache: [String?] = stringCache
// // limit (no cache):
// if (count > CharacterReader.maxCacheLen) {
// return String(val[start..<start+count].flatMap { Character($0) })
// }
// // calculate hash:
// var hash: Int = 0
// var offset = start
// for _ in 0..<count {
// let ch = val[offset].value
// hash = Int.addWithOverflow(Int.multiplyWithOverflow(31, hash).0, Int(ch)).0
// offset+=1
// }
// // get from cache
// hash = abs(hash)
// let i = hash % cache.count
// let index: Int = abs(i) //Int(hash & Int(cache.count) - 1)
// var cached = cache[index]
// if (cached == nil) { // miss, add
// cached = String(val[start..<start+count].flatMap { Character($0) })
// //cached = val.string(start, count)
// cache[Int(index)] = cached
// } else { // hashcode hit, check equality
// if (rangeEquals(start, count, cached!)) { // hit
// return cached!
// } else { // hashcode conflict
// cached = String(val[start..<start+count].flatMap { Character($0) })
// //cached = val.string(start, count)
// cache[index] = cached // update the cache, as recently used strings are more likely to show up again
// }
// }
// return cached!
// /**
// * Check if the value of the provided range equals the string.
// */
// public func rangeEquals(_ start: Int, _ count: Int, _ cached: String) -> Bool {
// if (count == cached.unicodeScalars.count) {
// var count = count
// let one = input
// var i = start
// var j = 0
// while (count != 0) {
// count -= 1
// if (one[i] != cached.unicodeScalar(j) ) {
// return false
// }
// j += 1
// i += 1
// }
// return true
// }
// return false
// }
extension CharacterReader: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return self.toString()