A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
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5 years ago
Supports creation of a String from pieces
open class StringBuilder {
fileprivate var stringValue: Array<Character>
Construct with initial String contents
:param: string Initial value; defaults to empty string
public init(string: String = "") {
self.stringValue = Array(string)
public init(_ size: Int) {
self.stringValue = Array()
Return the String object
:return: String
open func toString() -> String {
return String(stringValue)
Return the current length of the String object
open var length: Int {
return self.stringValue.count
//return countElements(stringValue)
Append a String to the object
:param: string String
:return: reference to this StringBuilder instance
open func append(_ string: String) {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: string)
open func appendCodePoint(_ chr: Character) {
open func appendCodePoints(_ chr: [Character]) {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: chr)
open func appendCodePoint(_ ch: Int) {
open func appendCodePoint(_ ch: UnicodeScalar) {
open func appendCodePoints(_ chr: [UnicodeScalar]) {
for c in chr {
Append a Printable to the object
:param: value a value supporting the Printable protocol
:return: reference to this StringBuilder instance
open func append<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ value: T) -> StringBuilder {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: value.description)
return self
open func append(_ value: UnicodeScalar) -> StringBuilder {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: value.description)
return self
open func insert<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ offset: Int, _ value: T) -> StringBuilder {
stringValue.insert(contentsOf: value.description, at: offset)
return self
Append a String and a newline to the object
:param: string String
:return: reference to this StringBuilder instance
open func appendLine(_ string: String) -> StringBuilder {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: "\n")
return self
Append a Printable and a newline to the object
:param: value a value supporting the Printable protocol
:return: reference to this StringBuilder instance
open func appendLine<T: CustomStringConvertible>(_ value: T) -> StringBuilder {
stringValue.append(contentsOf: value.description)
stringValue.append(contentsOf: "\n")
return self
Reset the object to an empty string
:return: reference to this StringBuilder instance
open func clear() -> StringBuilder {
stringValue = Array()
return self
Append a String to a StringBuilder using operator syntax
:param: lhs StringBuilder
:param: rhs String
public func += (lhs: StringBuilder, rhs: String) {
Append a Printable to a StringBuilder using operator syntax
:param: lhs Printable
:param: rhs String
public func += <T: CustomStringConvertible>(lhs: StringBuilder, rhs: T) {
Create a StringBuilder by concatenating the values of two StringBuilders
:param: lhs first StringBuilder
:param: rhs second StringBuilder
:result StringBuilder
public func +(lhs: StringBuilder, rhs: StringBuilder) -> StringBuilder {
return StringBuilder(string: lhs.toString() + rhs.toString())