// // Element.swift // SwifSoup // // Created by Nabil Chatbi on 29/09/16. // Copyright © 2016 Nabil Chatbi.. All rights reserved. // import Foundation open class Element: Node { var _tag: Tag private static let classString = "class" private static let emptyString = "" private static let idString = "id" private static let rootString = "#root" //private static let classSplit : Pattern = Pattern("\\s+") private static let classSplit = "\\s+" /** * Create a new, standalone Element. (Standalone in that is has no parent.) * * @param tag tag of this element * @param baseUri the base URI * @param attributes initial attributes * @see #appendChild(Node) * @see #appendElement(String) */ public init(_ tag: Tag, _ baseUri: String, _ attributes: Attributes) { self._tag = tag super.init(baseUri, attributes) } /** * Create a new Element from a tag and a base URI. * * @param tag element tag * @param baseUri the base URI of this element. It is acceptable for the base URI to be an empty * string, but not null. * @see Tag#valueOf(String, ParseSettings) */ public init(_ tag: Tag, _ baseUri: String) { self._tag = tag super.init(baseUri, Attributes()) } open override func nodeName() -> String { return _tag.getName() } /** * Get the name of the tag for this element. E.g. {@code div} * * @return the tag name */ open func tagName() -> String { return _tag.getName() } open func tagNameNormal() -> String { return _tag.getNameNormal() } /** * Change the tag of this element. For example, convert a {@code } to a {@code
} with * {@code el.tagName("div")}. * * @param tagName new tag name for this element * @return this element, for chaining */ @discardableResult public func tagName(_ tagName: String)throws->Element { try Validate.notEmpty(string: tagName, msg: "Tag name must not be empty.") _tag = try Tag.valueOf(tagName, ParseSettings.preserveCase) // preserve the requested tag case return self } /** * Get the Tag for this element. * * @return the tag object */ open func tag() -> Tag { return _tag } /** * Test if this element is a block-level element. (E.g. {@code
== true} or an inline element * {@code

== false}). * * @return true if block, false if not (and thus inline) */ open func isBlock() -> Bool { return _tag.isBlock() } /** * Get the {@code id} attribute of this element. * * @return The id attribute, if present, or an empty string if not. */ open func id() -> String { guard let attributes = attributes else {return Element.emptyString} do { return try attributes.getIgnoreCase(key: Element.idString) } catch {} return Element.emptyString } /** * Set an attribute value on this element. If this element already has an attribute with the * key, its value is updated; otherwise, a new attribute is added. * * @return this element */ @discardableResult open override func attr(_ attributeKey: String, _ attributeValue: String)throws->Element { try super.attr(attributeKey, attributeValue) return self } /** * Set a boolean attribute value on this element. Setting to true sets the attribute value to "" and * marks the attribute as boolean so no value is written out. Setting to false removes the attribute * with the same key if it exists. * * @param attributeKey the attribute key * @param attributeValue the attribute value * * @return this element */ @discardableResult open func attr(_ attributeKey: String, _ attributeValue: Bool)throws->Element { try attributes?.put(attributeKey, attributeValue) return self } /** * Get this element's HTML5 custom data attributes. Each attribute in the element that has a key * starting with "data-" is included the dataset. *

* E.g., the element {@code

...} has the dataset * {@code package=jsoup, language=java}. *

* This map is a filtered view of the element's attribute map. Changes to one map (add, remove, update) are reflected * in the other map. *

* You can find elements that have data attributes using the {@code [^data-]} attribute key prefix selector. * @return a map of {@code key=value} custom data attributes. */ open func dataset()->Dictionary { return attributes!.dataset() } open override func parent() -> Element? { return parentNode as? Element } /** * Get this element's parent and ancestors, up to the document root. * @return this element's stack of parents, closest first. */ open func parents() -> Elements { let parents: Elements = Elements() Element.accumulateParents(self, parents) return parents } private static func accumulateParents(_ el: Element, _ parents: Elements) { let parent: Element? = el.parent() if (parent != nil && !(parent!.tagName() == Element.rootString)) { parents.add(parent!) accumulateParents(parent!, parents) } } /** * Get a child element of this element, by its 0-based index number. *

* Note that an element can have both mixed Nodes and Elements as children. This method inspects * a filtered list of children that are elements, and the index is based on that filtered list. *

* * @param index the index number of the element to retrieve * @return the child element, if it exists, otherwise throws an {@code IndexOutOfBoundsException} * @see #childNode(int) */ open func child(_ index: Int) -> Element { return children().get(index) } /** * Get this element's child elements. *

* This is effectively a filter on {@link #childNodes()} to get Element nodes. *

* @return child elements. If this element has no children, returns an * empty list. * @see #childNodes() */ open func children() -> Elements { // create on the fly rather than maintaining two lists. if gets slow, memoize, and mark dirty on change var elements = Array() for node in childNodes { if let n = node as? Element { elements.append(n) } } return Elements(elements) } /** * Get this element's child text nodes. The list is unmodifiable but the text nodes may be manipulated. *

* This is effectively a filter on {@link #childNodes()} to get Text nodes. * @return child text nodes. If this element has no text nodes, returns an * empty list. *

* For example, with the input HTML: {@code

One Two Three

} with the {@code p} element selected: *
  • {@code p.text()} = {@code "One Two Three Four"}
  • *
  • {@code p.ownText()} = {@code "One Three Four"}
  • *
  • {@code p.children()} = {@code Elements[,
  • *
  • {@code p.childNodes()} = {@code List["One ", , " Three ",
    , " Four"]}
  • *
  • {@code p.textNodes()} = {@code List["One ", " Three ", " Four"]}
  • *
*/ open func textNodes()->Array { var textNodes = Array() for node in childNodes { if let n = node as? TextNode { textNodes.append(n) } } return textNodes } /** * Get this element's child data nodes. The list is unmodifiable but the data nodes may be manipulated. *

* This is effectively a filter on {@link #childNodes()} to get Data nodes. *

* @return child data nodes. If this element has no data nodes, returns an * empty list. * @see #data() */ open func dataNodes()->Array { var dataNodes = Array() for node in childNodes { if let n = node as? DataNode { dataNodes.append(n) } } return dataNodes } /** * Find elements that match the {@link Selector} CSS query, with this element as the starting context. Matched elements * may include this element, or any of its children. *

* This method is generally more powerful to use than the DOM-type {@code getElementBy*} methods, because * multiple filters can be combined, e.g.: *

  • {@code el.select("a[href]")} - finds links ({@code a} tags with {@code href} attributes) *
  • {@code el.select("a[href*=example.com]")} - finds links pointing to example.com (loosely) *

* See the query syntax documentation in {@link org.jsoup.select.Selector}. *

* * @param cssQuery a {@link Selector} CSS-like query * @return elements that match the query (empty if none match) * @see org.jsoup.select.Selector * @throws Selector.SelectorParseException (unchecked) on an invalid CSS query. */ public func select(_ cssQuery: String)throws->Elements { return try Selector.select(cssQuery, self) } /** * Check if this element matches the given {@link Selector} CSS query. * @param cssQuery a {@link Selector} CSS query * @return if this element matches the query */ public func iS(_ cssQuery: String)throws->Bool { return try iS(QueryParser.parse(cssQuery)) } /** * Check if this element matches the given {@link Selector} CSS query. * @param cssQuery a {@link Selector} CSS query * @return if this element matches the query */ public func iS(_ evaluator: Evaluator)throws->Bool { guard let od = self.ownerDocument() else { return false } return try evaluator.matches(od, self) } /** * Add a node child node to this element. * * @param child node to add. * @return this element, so that you can add more child nodes or elements. */ @discardableResult public func appendChild(_ child: Node)throws->Element { // was - Node#addChildren(child). short-circuits an array create and a loop. try reparentChild(child) ensureChildNodes() childNodes.append(child) child.setSiblingIndex(childNodes.count - 1) return self } /** * Add a node to the start of this element's children. * * @param child node to add. * @return this element, so that you can add more child nodes or elements. */ @discardableResult public func prependChild(_ child: Node)throws->Element { try addChildren(0, child) return self } /** * Inserts the given child nodes into this element at the specified index. Current nodes will be shifted to the * right. The inserted nodes will be moved from their current parent. To prevent moving, copy the nodes first. * * @param index 0-based index to insert children at. Specify {@code 0} to insert at the start, {@code -1} at the * end * @param children child nodes to insert * @return this element, for chaining. */ @discardableResult public func insertChildren(_ index: Int, _ children: Array)throws->Element { //Validate.notNull(children, "Children collection to be inserted must not be null.") var index = index let currentSize: Int = childNodeSize() if (index < 0) { index += currentSize + 1} // roll around try Validate.isTrue(val: index >= 0 && index <= currentSize, msg: "Insert position out of bounds.") try addChildren(index, children) return self } /** * Create a new element by tag name, and add it as the last child. * * @param tagName the name of the tag (e.g. {@code div}). * @return the new element, to allow you to add content to it, e.g.: * {@code parent.appendElement("h1").attr("id", "header").text("Welcome")} */ @discardableResult public func appendElement(_ tagName: String)throws->Element { let child: Element = Element(try Tag.valueOf(tagName), getBaseUri()) try appendChild(child) return child } /** * Create a new element by tag name, and add it as the first child. * * @param tagName the name of the tag (e.g. {@code div}). * @return the new element, to allow you to add content to it, e.g.: * {@code parent.prependElement("h1").attr("id", "header").text("Welcome")} */ @discardableResult public func prependElement(_ tagName: String)throws->Element { let child: Element = Element(try Tag.valueOf(tagName), getBaseUri()) try prependChild(child) return child } /** * Create and append a new TextNode to this element. * * @param text the unencoded text to add * @return this element */ @discardableResult public func appendText(_ text: String)throws->Element { let node: TextNode = TextNode(text, getBaseUri()) try appendChild(node) return self } /** * Create and prepend a new TextNode to this element. * * @param text the unencoded text to add * @return this element */ @discardableResult public func prependText(_ text: String)throws->Element { let node: TextNode = TextNode(text, getBaseUri()) try prependChild(node) return self } /** * Add inner HTML to this element. The supplied HTML will be parsed, and each node appended to the end of the children. * @param html HTML to add inside this element, after the existing HTML * @return this element * @see #html(String) */ @discardableResult public func append(_ html: String)throws->Element { let nodes: Array = try Parser.parseFragment(html, self, getBaseUri()) try addChildren(nodes) return self } /** * Add inner HTML into this element. The supplied HTML will be parsed, and each node prepended to the start of the element's children. * @param html HTML to add inside this element, before the existing HTML * @return this element * @see #html(String) */ @discardableResult public func prepend(_ html: String)throws->Element { let nodes: Array = try Parser.parseFragment(html, self, getBaseUri()) try addChildren(0, nodes) return self } /** * Insert the specified HTML into the DOM before this element (as a preceding sibling). * * @param html HTML to add before this element * @return this element, for chaining * @see #after(String) */ @discardableResult open override func before(_ html: String)throws->Element { return try super.before(html) as! Element } /** * Insert the specified node into the DOM before this node (as a preceding sibling). * @param node to add before this element * @return this Element, for chaining * @see #after(Node) */ @discardableResult open override func before(_ node: Node)throws->Element { return try super.before(node) as! Element } /** * Insert the specified HTML into the DOM after this element (as a following sibling). * * @param html HTML to add after this element * @return this element, for chaining * @see #before(String) */ @discardableResult open override func after(_ html: String)throws->Element { return try super.after(html) as! Element } /** * Insert the specified node into the DOM after this node (as a following sibling). * @param node to add after this element * @return this element, for chaining * @see #before(Node) */ open override func after(_ node: Node)throws->Element { return try super.after(node) as! Element } /** * Remove all of the element's child nodes. Any attributes are left as-is. * @return this element */ @discardableResult public func empty() -> Element { childNodes.removeAll() return self } /** * Wrap the supplied HTML around this element. * * @param html HTML to wrap around this element, e.g. {@code
}. Can be arbitrarily deep. * @return this element, for chaining. */ @discardableResult open override func wrap(_ html: String)throws->Element { return try super.wrap(html) as! Element } /** * Get a CSS selector that will uniquely select this element. *

* If the element has an ID, returns #id; * otherwise returns the parent (if any) CSS selector, followed by {@literal '>'}, * followed by a unique selector for the element (tag.class.class:nth-child(n)). *

* * @return the CSS Path that can be used to retrieve the element in a selector. */ public func cssSelector()throws->String { let elementId = id() if (elementId.count > 0) { return "#" + elementId } // Translate HTML namespace ns:tag to CSS namespace syntax ns|tag let tagName: String = self.tagName().replacingOccurrences(of: ":", with: "|") var selector: String = tagName let cl = try classNames() let classes: String = cl.joined(separator: ".") if (classes.count > 0) { selector.append(".") selector.append(classes) } if (parent() == nil || ((parent() as? Document) != nil)) // don't add Document to selector, as will always have a html node { return selector } selector.insert(contentsOf: " > ", at: selector.startIndex) if (try parent()!.select(selector).array().count > 1) { selector.append(":nth-child(\(try elementSiblingIndex() + 1))") } return try parent()!.cssSelector() + (selector) } /** * Get sibling elements. If the element has no sibling elements, returns an empty list. An element is not a sibling * of itself, so will not be included in the returned list. * @return sibling elements */ public func siblingElements() -> Elements { if (parentNode == nil) {return Elements()} let elements: Array? = parent()?.children().array() let siblings: Elements = Elements() if let elements = elements { for el: Element in elements { if (el != self) { siblings.add(el) } } } return siblings } /** * Gets the next sibling element of this element. E.g., if a {@code div} contains two {@code p}s, * the {@code nextElementSibling} of the first {@code p} is the second {@code p}. *

* This is similar to {@link #nextSibling()}, but specifically finds only Elements *

* @return the next element, or null if there is no next element * @see #previousElementSibling() */ public func nextElementSibling()throws->Element? { if (parentNode == nil) {return nil} let siblings: Array? = parent()?.children().array() let index: Int? = try Element.indexInList(self, siblings) try Validate.notNull(obj: index) if let siblings = siblings { if (siblings.count > index!+1) { return siblings[index!+1] } else { return nil} } return nil } /** * Gets the previous element sibling of this element. * @return the previous element, or null if there is no previous element * @see #nextElementSibling() */ public func previousElementSibling()throws->Element? { if (parentNode == nil) {return nil} let siblings: Array? = parent()?.children().array() let index: Int? = try Element.indexInList(self, siblings) try Validate.notNull(obj: index) if (index! > 0) { return siblings?[index!-1] } else { return nil } } /** * Gets the first element sibling of this element. * @return the first sibling that is an element (aka the parent's first element child) */ public func firstElementSibling() -> Element? { // todo: should firstSibling() exclude this? let siblings: Array? = parent()?.children().array() return (siblings != nil && siblings!.count > 1) ? siblings![0] : nil } /* * Get the list index of this element in its element sibling list. I.e. if this is the first element * sibling, returns 0. * @return position in element sibling list */ public func elementSiblingIndex()throws->Int { if (parent() == nil) {return 0} let x = try Element.indexInList(self, parent()?.children().array()) return x == nil ? 0 : x! } /** * Gets the last element sibling of this element * @return the last sibling that is an element (aka the parent's last element child) */ public func lastElementSibling() -> Element? { let siblings: Array? = parent()?.children().array() return (siblings != nil && siblings!.count > 1) ? siblings![siblings!.count - 1] : nil } private static func indexInList(_ search: Element, _ elements: Array?)throws->Int? { try Validate.notNull(obj: elements) if let elements = elements { for i in 0..Elements { try Validate.notEmpty(string: tagName) let tagName = tagName.lowercased().trim() return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.Tag(tagName), self) } /** * Find an element by ID, including or under this element. *

* Note that this finds the first matching ID, starting with this element. If you search down from a different * starting point, it is possible to find a different element by ID. For unique element by ID within a Document, * use {@link Document#getElementById(String)} * @param id The ID to search for. * @return The first matching element by ID, starting with this element, or null if none found. */ public func getElementById(_ id: String)throws->Element? { try Validate.notEmpty(string: id) let elements: Elements = try Collector.collect(Evaluator.Id(id), self) if (elements.array().count > 0) { return elements.get(0) } else { return nil } } /** * Find elements that have this class, including or under this element. Case insensitive. *

* Elements can have multiple classes (e.g. {@code

}. This method * checks each class, so you can find the above with {@code el.getElementsByClass("header")}. * * @param className the name of the class to search for. * @return elements with the supplied class name, empty if none * @see #hasClass(String) * @see #classNames() */ public func getElementsByClass(_ className: String)throws->Elements { try Validate.notEmpty(string: className) return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.Class(className), self) } /** * Find elements that have a named attribute set. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute, e.g. {@code href} * @return elements that have this attribute, empty if none */ public func getElementsByAttribute(_ key: String)throws->Elements { try Validate.notEmpty(string: key) let key = key.trim() return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.Attribute(key), self) } /** * Find elements that have an attribute name starting with the supplied prefix. Use {@code data-} to find elements * that have HTML5 datasets. * @param keyPrefix name prefix of the attribute e.g. {@code data-} * @return elements that have attribute names that start with with the prefix, empty if none. */ public func getElementsByAttributeStarting(_ keyPrefix: String)throws->Elements { try Validate.notEmpty(string: keyPrefix) let keyPrefix = keyPrefix.trim() return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeStarting(keyPrefix), self) } /** * Find elements that have an attribute with the specific value. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute * @param value value of the attribute * @return elements that have this attribute with this value, empty if none */ public func getElementsByAttributeValue(_ key: String, _ value: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValue(key, value), self) } /** * Find elements that either do not have this attribute, or have it with a different value. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute * @param value value of the attribute * @return elements that do not have a matching attribute */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueNot(_ key: String, _ value: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValueNot(key, value), self) } /** * Find elements that have attributes that start with the value prefix. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute * @param valuePrefix start of attribute value * @return elements that have attributes that start with the value prefix */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueStarting(_ key: String, _ valuePrefix: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValueStarting(key, valuePrefix), self) } /** * Find elements that have attributes that end with the value suffix. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute * @param valueSuffix end of the attribute value * @return elements that have attributes that end with the value suffix */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueEnding(_ key: String, _ valueSuffix: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValueEnding(key, valueSuffix), self) } /** * Find elements that have attributes whose value contains the match string. Case insensitive. * * @param key name of the attribute * @param match substring of value to search for * @return elements that have attributes containing this text */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueContaining(_ key: String, _ match: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValueContaining(key, match), self) } /** * Find elements that have attributes whose values match the supplied regular expression. * @param key name of the attribute * @param pattern compiled regular expression to match against attribute values * @return elements that have attributes matching this regular expression */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueMatching(_ key: String, _ pattern: Pattern)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AttributeWithValueMatching(key, pattern), self) } /** * Find elements that have attributes whose values match the supplied regular expression. * @param key name of the attribute * @param regex regular expression to match against attribute values. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m) to control regex options. * @return elements that have attributes matching this regular expression */ public func getElementsByAttributeValueMatching(_ key: String, _ regex: String)throws->Elements { var pattern: Pattern do { pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) try pattern.validate() } catch { throw Exception.Error(type: ExceptionType.IllegalArgumentException, Message: "Pattern syntax error: \(regex)") } return try getElementsByAttributeValueMatching(key, pattern) } /** * Find elements whose sibling index is less than the supplied index. * @param index 0-based index * @return elements less than index */ public func getElementsByIndexLessThan(_ index: Int)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.IndexLessThan(index), self) } /** * Find elements whose sibling index is greater than the supplied index. * @param index 0-based index * @return elements greater than index */ public func getElementsByIndexGreaterThan(_ index: Int)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.IndexGreaterThan(index), self) } /** * Find elements whose sibling index is equal to the supplied index. * @param index 0-based index * @return elements equal to index */ public func getElementsByIndexEquals(_ index: Int)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.IndexEquals(index), self) } /** * Find elements that contain the specified string. The search is case insensitive. The text may appear directly * in the element, or in any of its descendants. * @param searchText to look for in the element's text * @return elements that contain the string, case insensitive. * @see Element#text() */ public func getElementsContainingText(_ searchText: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.ContainsText(searchText), self) } /** * Find elements that directly contain the specified string. The search is case insensitive. The text must appear directly * in the element, not in any of its descendants. * @param searchText to look for in the element's own text * @return elements that contain the string, case insensitive. * @see Element#ownText() */ public func getElementsContainingOwnText(_ searchText: String)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.ContainsOwnText(searchText), self) } /** * Find elements whose text matches the supplied regular expression. * @param pattern regular expression to match text against * @return elements matching the supplied regular expression. * @see Element#text() */ public func getElementsMatchingText(_ pattern: Pattern)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.Matches(pattern), self) } /** * Find elements whose text matches the supplied regular expression. * @param regex regular expression to match text against. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m) to control regex options. * @return elements matching the supplied regular expression. * @see Element#text() */ public func getElementsMatchingText(_ regex: String)throws->Elements { let pattern: Pattern do { pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) try pattern.validate() } catch { throw Exception.Error(type: ExceptionType.IllegalArgumentException, Message: "Pattern syntax error: \(regex)") } return try getElementsMatchingText(pattern) } /** * Find elements whose own text matches the supplied regular expression. * @param pattern regular expression to match text against * @return elements matching the supplied regular expression. * @see Element#ownText() */ public func getElementsMatchingOwnText(_ pattern: Pattern)throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.MatchesOwn(pattern), self) } /** * Find elements whose text matches the supplied regular expression. * @param regex regular expression to match text against. You can use embedded flags (such as (?i) and (?m) to control regex options. * @return elements matching the supplied regular expression. * @see Element#ownText() */ public func getElementsMatchingOwnText(_ regex: String)throws->Elements { let pattern: Pattern do { pattern = Pattern.compile(regex) try pattern.validate() } catch { throw Exception.Error(type: ExceptionType.IllegalArgumentException, Message: "Pattern syntax error: \(regex)") } return try getElementsMatchingOwnText(pattern) } /** * Find all elements under this element (including self, and children of children). * * @return all elements */ public func getAllElements()throws->Elements { return try Collector.collect(Evaluator.AllElements(), self) } /** * Gets the combined text of this element and all its children. Whitespace is normalized and trimmed. *

* For example, given HTML {@code

Hello there now!

}, {@code p.text()} returns {@code "Hello there now!"} * * @return unencoded text, or empty string if none. * @see #ownText() * @see #textNodes() */ class textNodeVisitor: NodeVisitor { let accum: StringBuilder init(_ accum: StringBuilder) { self.accum = accum } public func head(_ node: Node, _ depth: Int) { if let textNode = (node as? TextNode) { Element.appendNormalisedText(accum, textNode) } else if let element = (node as? Element) { if (accum.length > 0 && (element.isBlock() || element._tag.getName() == "br") && !TextNode.lastCharIsWhitespace(accum)) { accum.append(" ") } } } public func tail(_ node: Node, _ depth: Int) { } } public func text()throws->String { let accum: StringBuilder = StringBuilder() try NodeTraversor(textNodeVisitor(accum)).traverse(self) return accum.toString().trim() } /** * Gets the text owned by this element only; does not get the combined text of all children. *

* For example, given HTML {@code

Hello there now!

}, {@code p.ownText()} returns {@code "Hello now!"}, * whereas {@code p.text()} returns {@code "Hello there now!"}. * Note that the text within the {@code b} element is not returned, as it is not a direct child of the {@code p} element. * * @return unencoded text, or empty string if none. * @see #text() * @see #textNodes() */ public func ownText() -> String { let sb: StringBuilder = StringBuilder() ownText(sb) return sb.toString().trim() } private func ownText(_ accum: StringBuilder) { for child: Node in childNodes { if let textNode = (child as? TextNode) { Element.appendNormalisedText(accum, textNode) } else if let child = (child as? Element) { Element.appendWhitespaceIfBr(child, accum) } } } private static func appendNormalisedText(_ accum: StringBuilder, _ textNode: TextNode) { let text: String = textNode.getWholeText() if (Element.preserveWhitespace(textNode.parentNode)) { accum.append(text) } else { StringUtil.appendNormalisedWhitespace(accum, string: text, stripLeading: TextNode.lastCharIsWhitespace(accum)) } } private static func appendWhitespaceIfBr(_ element: Element, _ accum: StringBuilder) { if (element._tag.getName() == "br" && !TextNode.lastCharIsWhitespace(accum)) { accum.append(" ") } } static func preserveWhitespace(_ node: Node?) -> Bool { // looks only at this element and one level up, to prevent recursion & needless stack searches if let element = (node as? Element) { return element._tag.preserveWhitespace() || element.parent() != nil && element.parent()!._tag.preserveWhitespace() } return false } /** * Set the text of this element. Any existing contents (text or elements) will be cleared * @param text unencoded text * @return this element */ @discardableResult public func text(_ text: String)throws->Element { empty() let textNode: TextNode = TextNode(text, baseUri) try appendChild(textNode) return self } /** Test if this element has any text content (that is not just whitespace). @return true if element has non-blank text content. */ public func hasText() -> Bool { for child: Node in childNodes { if let textNode = (child as? TextNode) { if (!textNode.isBlank()) { return true } } else if let el = (child as? Element) { if (el.hasText()) { return true } } } return false } /** * Get the combined data of this element. Data is e.g. the inside of a {@code script} tag. * @return the data, or empty string if none * * @see #dataNodes() */ public func data() -> String { let sb: StringBuilder = StringBuilder() for childNode: Node in childNodes { if let data = (childNode as? DataNode) { sb.append(data.getWholeData()) } else if let element = (childNode as? Element) { let elementData: String = element.data() sb.append(elementData) } } return sb.toString() } /** * Gets the literal value of this element's "class" attribute, which may include multiple class names, space * separated. (E.g. on <div class="header gray"> returns, "header gray") * @return The literal class attribute, or empty string if no class attribute set. */ public func className()throws->String { return try attr(Element.classString).trim() } /** * Get all of the element's class names. E.g. on element {@code
}, * returns a set of two elements {@code "header", "gray"}. Note that modifications to this set are not pushed to * the backing {@code class} attribute; use the {@link #classNames(java.util.Set)} method to persist them. * @return set of classnames, empty if no class attribute */ public func classNames()throws->OrderedSet { let fitted = try className().replaceAll(of: Element.classSplit, with: " ", options: .caseInsensitive) let names: [String] = fitted.components(separatedBy: " ") let classNames: OrderedSet = OrderedSet(sequence: names) classNames.remove(Element.emptyString) // if classNames() was empty, would include an empty class return classNames } /** Set the element's {@code class} attribute to the supplied class names. @param classNames set of classes @return this element, for chaining */ @discardableResult public func classNames(_ classNames: OrderedSet)throws->Element { try attributes?.put(Element.classString, StringUtil.join(classNames, sep: " ")) return self } /** * Tests if this element has a class. Case insensitive. * @param className name of class to check for * @return true if it does, false if not */ // performance sensitive public func hasClass(_ className: String) -> Bool { let classAtt: String? = attributes?.get(key: Element.classString) let len: Int = (classAtt != nil) ? classAtt!.count : 0 let wantLen: Int = className.count if (len == 0 || len < wantLen) { return false } let classAttr = classAtt! // if both lengths are equal, only need compare the className with the attribute if (len == wantLen) { return className.equalsIgnoreCase(string: classAttr) } // otherwise, scan for whitespace and compare regions (with no string or arraylist allocations) var inClass: Bool = false var start: Int = 0 for i in 0..Element { let classes: OrderedSet = try classNames() classes.append(className) try classNames(classes) return self } /** Remove a class name from this element's {@code class} attribute. @param className class name to remove @return this element */ @discardableResult public func removeClass(_ className: String)throws->Element { let classes: OrderedSet = try classNames() classes.remove(className) try classNames(classes) return self } /** Toggle a class name on this element's {@code class} attribute: if present, remove it; otherwise add it. @param className class name to toggle @return this element */ @discardableResult public func toggleClass(_ className: String)throws->Element { let classes: OrderedSet = try classNames() if (classes.contains(className)) {classes.remove(className) } else { classes.append(className) } try classNames(classes) return self } /** * Get the value of a form element (input, textarea, etc). * @return the value of the form element, or empty string if not set. */ public func val()throws->String { if (tagName()=="textarea") { return try text() } else { return try attr("value") } } /** * Set the value of a form element (input, textarea, etc). * @param value value to set * @return this element (for chaining) */ @discardableResult public func val(_ value: String)throws->Element { if (tagName() == "textarea") { try text(value) } else { try attr("value", value) } return self } override func outerHtmlHead(_ accum: StringBuilder, _ depth: Int, _ out: OutputSettings)throws { if (out.prettyPrint() && (_tag.formatAsBlock() || (parent() != nil && parent()!.tag().formatAsBlock()) || out.outline())) { if (accum.length > 0) { indent(accum, depth, out) } } accum .append("<") .append(tagName()) try attributes?.html(accum: accum, out: out) // selfclosing includes unknown tags, isEmpty defines tags that are always empty if (childNodes.isEmpty && _tag.isSelfClosing()) { if (out.syntax() == OutputSettings.Syntax.html && _tag.isEmpty()) { accum.append(">") } else { accum.append(" />") // in html, in xml } } else { accum.append(">") } } override func outerHtmlTail(_ accum: StringBuilder, _ depth: Int, _ out: OutputSettings) { if (!(childNodes.isEmpty && _tag.isSelfClosing())) { if (out.prettyPrint() && (!childNodes.isEmpty && ( _tag.formatAsBlock() || (out.outline() && (childNodes.count>1 || (childNodes.count==1 && !(((childNodes[0] as? TextNode) != nil))))) ))) { indent(accum, depth, out) } accum.append("") } } /** * Retrieves the element's inner HTML. E.g. on a {@code
} with one empty {@code

}, would return * {@code

}. (Whereas {@link #outerHtml()} would return {@code

}.) * * @return String of HTML. * @see #outerHtml() */ public func html()throws->String { let accum: StringBuilder = StringBuilder() try html2(accum) return getOutputSettings().prettyPrint() ? accum.toString().trim() : accum.toString() } private func html2(_ accum: StringBuilder)throws { for node in childNodes { try node.outerHtml(accum) } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ open override func html(_ appendable: StringBuilder)throws->StringBuilder { for node in childNodes { try node.outerHtml(appendable) } return appendable } /** * Set this element's inner HTML. Clears the existing HTML first. * @param html HTML to parse and set into this element * @return this element * @see #append(String) */ @discardableResult public func html(_ html: String)throws->Element { empty() try append(html) return self } public override func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any { let clone = Element(_tag, baseUri!, attributes!) return copy(clone: clone) } public override func copy(parent: Node?) -> Node { let clone = Element(_tag, baseUri!, attributes!) return copy(clone: clone, parent: parent) } public override func copy(clone: Node, parent: Node?) -> Node { return super.copy(clone: clone, parent: parent) } override public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) { super.hash(into: &hasher) hasher.combine(_tag) } }