A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Attributes.swift
// SwifSoup
// Created by Nabil Chatbi on 29/09/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Nabil Chatbi.. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
* The attributes of an Element.
* <p>
* Attributes are treated as a map: there can be only one value associated with an attribute key/name.
* </p>
* <p>
* Attribute name and value comparisons are <b>case sensitive</b>. By default for HTML, attribute names are
* normalized to lower-case on parsing. That means you should use lower-case strings when referring to attributes by
* name.
* </p>
open class Attributes: NSCopying {
public static var dataPrefix: String = "data-"
var attributes: OrderedDictionary<String, Attribute> = OrderedDictionary<String, Attribute>()
// linked hash map to preserve insertion order.
// null be default as so many elements have no attributes -- saves a good chunk of memory
public init() {}
Get an attribute value by key.
@param key the (case-sensitive) attribute key
@return the attribute value if set; or empty string if not set.
@see #hasKey(String)
open func get(key: String) -> String {
let attr: Attribute? = attributes.get(key: key)
return attr != nil ? attr!.getValue() : ""
* Get an attribute's value by case-insensitive key
* @param key the attribute name
* @return the first matching attribute value if set; or empty string if not set.
open func getIgnoreCase(key: String )throws -> String {
try Validate.notEmpty(string: key)
for attrKey in (attributes.keySet()) {
if attrKey.equalsIgnoreCase(string: key) {
return attributes.get(key: attrKey)!.getValue()
return ""
Set a new attribute, or replace an existing one by key.
@param key attribute key
@param value attribute value
open func put(_ key: String, _ value: String) throws {
let attr = try Attribute(key: key, value: value)
put(attribute: attr)
Set a new boolean attribute, remove attribute if value is false.
@param key attribute key
@param value attribute value
open func put(_ key: String, _ value: Bool) throws {
if (value) {
try put(attribute: BooleanAttribute(key: key))
} else {
try remove(key: key)
Set a new attribute, or replace an existing one by key.
@param attribute attribute
open func put(attribute: Attribute) {
attributes.put(value: attribute, forKey: attribute.getKey())
Remove an attribute by key. <b>Case sensitive.</b>
@param key attribute key to remove
open func remove(key: String)throws {
try Validate.notEmpty(string: key)
attributes.remove(key: key)
Remove an attribute by key. <b>Case insensitive.</b>
@param key attribute key to remove
open func removeIgnoreCase(key: String ) throws {
try Validate.notEmpty(string: key)
for attrKey in attributes.keySet() {
if (attrKey.equalsIgnoreCase(string: key)) {
attributes.remove(key: attrKey)
Tests if these attributes contain an attribute with this key.
@param key case-sensitive key to check for
@return true if key exists, false otherwise
open func hasKey(key: String) -> Bool {
return attributes.containsKey(key: key)
Tests if these attributes contain an attribute with this key.
@param key key to check for
@return true if key exists, false otherwise
open func hasKeyIgnoreCase(key: String) -> Bool {
for attrKey in attributes.keySet() {
if (attrKey.equalsIgnoreCase(string: key)) {
return true
return false
Get the number of attributes in this set.
@return size
open func size() -> Int {
return attributes.count//TODO: check retyrn right size
Add all the attributes from the incoming set to this set.
@param incoming attributes to add to these attributes.
open func addAll(incoming: Attributes?) {
guard let incoming = incoming else {
if (incoming.size() == 0) {
attributes.putAll(all: incoming.attributes)
// open func iterator() -> IndexingIterator<Array<Attribute>> {
// if (attributes.isEmpty) {
// let args: [Attribute] = []
// return args.makeIterator()
// }
// return attributes.orderedValues.makeIterator()
// }
Get the attributes as a List, for iteration. Do not modify the keys of the attributes via this view, as changes
to keys will not be recognised in the containing set.
@return an view of the attributes as a List.
open func asList() -> Array<Attribute> {
var list: Array<Attribute> = Array(/*attributes.size()*/)
for entry in attributes.orderedValues {
return list
* Retrieves a filtered view of attributes that are HTML5 custom data attributes; that is, attributes with keys
* starting with {@code data-}.
* @return map of custom data attributes.
//Map<String, String>
open func dataset() -> Dictionary<String, String> {
var dataset = Dictionary<String, String>()
for attribute in attributes {
let attr = attribute.1
if(attr.isDataAttribute()) {
let key = attr.getKey().substring(Attributes.dataPrefix.count)
dataset[key] = attribute.1.getValue()
return dataset
Get the HTML representation of these attributes.
@return HTML
@throws SerializationException if the HTML representation of the attributes cannot be constructed.
open func html()throws -> String {
let accum = StringBuilder()
try html(accum: accum, out: Document("").outputSettings()) // output settings a bit funky, but this html() seldom used
return accum.toString()
public func html(accum: StringBuilder, out: OutputSettings ) throws {
for attribute in attributes.orderedValues {
accum.append(" ")
attribute.html(accum: accum, out: out)
open func toString()throws -> String {
return try html()
* Checks if these attributes are equal to another set of attributes, by comparing the two sets
* @param o attributes to compare with
* @return if both sets of attributes have the same content
open func equals(o: AnyObject?) -> Bool {
if(o == nil) {return false}
if (self === o.self) {return true}
guard let that: Attributes = o as? Attributes else {return false}
return (attributes == that.attributes)
* Calculates the hashcode of these attributes, by iterating all attributes and summing their hashcodes.
* @return calculated hashcode
open func hashCode() -> Int {
return attributes.hashCode()
public func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let clone = Attributes()
clone.attributes = attributes.clone()
return clone
open func clone() -> Attributes {
return self.copy() as! Attributes
fileprivate static func dataKey(key: String) -> String {
return dataPrefix + key
extension Attributes: Sequence {
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<Attribute> {
var list = attributes.orderedValues
return AnyIterator {
return list.count > 0 ? list.removeFirst() : nil