A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// FormElement.swift
// SwifSoup
// Created by Nabil Chatbi on 29/09/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Nabil Chatbi.. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
* A HTML Form Element provides ready access to the form fields/controls that are associated with it. It also allows a
* form to easily be submitted.
public class FormElement: Element {
private let _elements: Elements = Elements()
* Create a new, standalone form element.
* @param tag tag of this element
* @param baseUri the base URI
* @param attributes initial attributes
public override init(_ tag: Tag, _ baseUri: String, _ attributes: Attributes) {
super.init(tag, baseUri, attributes)
* Get the list of form control elements associated with this form.
* @return form controls associated with this element.
public func elements() -> Elements {
return _elements
* Add a form control element to this form.
* @param element form control to add
* @return this form element, for chaining
public func addElement(_ element: Element) -> FormElement {
return self
* Prepare to submit this form. A Connection object is created with the request set up from the form values. You
* can then set up other options (like user-agent, timeout, cookies), then execute it.
* @return a connection prepared from the values of this form.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the form's absolute action URL cannot be determined. Make sure you pass the
* document's base URI when parsing.
// public func submit()throws->Connection {
// let action: String = hasAttr("action") ? try absUrl("action") : try baseUri()
// Validate.notEmpty(action, "Could not determine a form action URL for submit. Ensure you set a base URI when parsing.")
// Connection.Method method = attr("method").toUpperCase().equals("POST") ?
// Connection.Method.POST : Connection.Method.GET
// return Jsoup.connect(action)
// .data(formData())
// .method(method)
// }
* Get the data that this form submits. The returned list is a copy of the data, and changes to the contents of the
* list will not be reflected in the DOM.
* @return a list of key vals
// public List<Connection.KeyVal> formData() {
// ArrayList<Connection.KeyVal> data = new ArrayList<Connection.KeyVal>();
// // iterate the form control elements and accumulate their values
// for (Element el: elements) {
// if (!el.tag().isFormSubmittable()) continue; // contents are form listable, superset of submitable
// if (el.hasAttr("disabled")) continue; // skip disabled form inputs
// String name = el.attr("name");
// if (name.length() == 0) continue;
// String type = el.attr("type");
// if ("select".equals(el.tagName())) {
// Elements options = el.select("option[selected]");
// boolean set = false;
// for (Element option: options) {
// data.add(HttpConnection.KeyVal.create(name, option.val()));
// set = true;
// }
// if (!set) {
// Element option = el.select("option").first();
// if (option != null)
// data.add(HttpConnection.KeyVal.create(name, option.val()));
// }
// } else if ("checkbox".equalsIgnoreCase(type) || "radio".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
// // only add checkbox or radio if they have the checked attribute
// if (el.hasAttr("checked")) {
// final String val = el.val().length() > 0 ? el.val() : "on";
// data.add(HttpConnection.KeyVal.create(name, val));
// }
// } else {
// data.add(HttpConnection.KeyVal.create(name, el.val()));
// }
// }
// return data;
// }
public override func copy(with zone: NSZone? = nil) -> Any {
let clone = FormElement(_tag, baseUri!, attributes!)
return copy(clone: clone)
public override func copy(parent: Node?) -> Node {
let clone = FormElement(_tag, baseUri!, attributes!)
return copy(clone: clone, parent: parent)
public override func copy(clone: Node, parent: Node?) -> Node {
let clone = clone as! FormElement
for att in _elements.array() {
return super.copy(clone: clone, parent: parent)