A small menubar app that allows you to switch between R versions quickly (if you have multiple versions of R framework installed). https://rud.is/rswitch
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

91 lines
2.4 KiB

// main.swift
// rswitch-cmd
// Created by boB Rudis on 4/25/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Bob Rudis. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import ArgumentParser
final class StandardErrorOutputStream: TextOutputStream {
func write(_ string: String) {
struct RSwitch: ParsableCommand {
static var configuration = CommandConfiguration(
abstract: "Switch R versions.",
version: "1.0.0"
@Flag(name: .shortAndLong, help: "List R versions.")
var list: Bool
@Argument(help: "The R version to switch to.")
var rversion: String?
func run() throws {
var outputStream = StandardErrorOutputStream()
let targetPath = RVersions.currentVersionTarget()
let versions = try RVersions.reloadVersions()
if (list || (rversion == nil)) {
for version in versions {
let complete = RVersions.hasRBinary(versionPath: version)
var v = version
if (version == targetPath) { v = v + " *" }
if (!complete) { v = version + " (incomplete)" }
} else {
if (!versions.contains(rversion!)) {
print("R version " + rversion! + " not found.", to: &outputStream)
} else {
if (rversion! == targetPath) {
print("Current R version already points to " + targetPath)
} else {
let fm = FileManager.default
let rm_link = (RVersions.macos_r_framework as NSString).appendingPathComponent("Current")
let new_link = (RVersions.macos_r_framework as NSString).appendingPathComponent(rversion!)
do {
try fm.removeItem(atPath: rm_link)
} catch {
print("Failed to remove existing R version symlink. Check file/directory permissions.", to: &outputStream)
do {
try fm.createSymbolicLink(
at: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: rm_link) as URL,
withDestinationURL: NSURL(fileURLWithPath: new_link) as URL
} catch {
print("Failed to create a symlink to the chosen R version. Check file/directory permissions.", to: &outputStream)