A Swift wrapper for [`libpsl`](https://github.com/rockdaboot/libpsl) to work with internet domains in the context of the [Public Suffix List](https://publicsuffix.org/).
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
4.9 KiB

import psl
enum SwiftPSLError : Error {
case FileNotFound
case Invalidarg
case Converter
case ToUTF16
case ToLower
case ToUTF8
case NoMem
public final class SwiftPSL {
public let pslVersion = PSL_VERSION
public let pslVersionMajor = PSL_VERSION_MAJOR
public let pslVersionMinor = PSL_VERSION_MINOR
public let pslVersionPatch = PSL_VERSION_PATCH
public struct pslType {
static let ICANN : Int32 = PSL_TYPE_ICANN
static let NoStarRule : Int32 = PSL_TYPE_NO_STAR_RULE
static let ANY : Int32 = PSL_TYPE_ANY
static let Private : Int32 = PSL_TYPE_PRIVATE
private var ctx : OpaquePointer? = psl_builtin()
private var isBuiltin = true
// psl_error_t value. PSL_SUCCESS: Success PSL_ERR_INVALID_ARG: str is a NULL value. PSL_ERR_CONVERTER: Failed to open the unicode converter with name encoding PSL_ERR_TO_UTF16: Failed to convert str to unicode PSL_ERR_TO_LOWER: Failed to convert unicode to lowercase PSL_ERR_TO_UTF8: Failed to convert unicode to UTF-8 PSL_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed to allocate memory
public func strToUTF8Lower(_ str : String, encoding : String = "utf-8", locale : String = "en") throws -> String? {
var lower : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let ret = psl_str_to_utf8lower(str, encoding, locale, &lower)
var dom : String? = nil
switch ret {
case PSL_ERR_INVALID_ARG: throw SwiftPSLError.Invalidarg
case PSL_ERR_CONVERTER: throw SwiftPSLError.Converter
case PSL_ERR_TO_UTF16: throw SwiftPSLError.ToUTF16
case PSL_ERR_TO_LOWER: throw SwiftPSLError.ToLower
case PSL_ERR_TO_UTF8: throw SwiftPSLError.ToUTF8
case PSL_ERR_NO_MEM: throw SwiftPSLError.NoMem
default: dom = String(cString: lower!)
public func publicSuffix(_ domain : String, encoding : String = "utf-8", locale : String = "en") -> String? {
let psl : OpaquePointer? = ctx
var lower : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let dom : String? = (psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, locale, &lower) == PSL_SUCCESS) ? String(cString: psl_unregistrable_domain(psl, lower)) : nil
public func apexDomain(_ domain : String, encoding : String = "utf-8", locale : String = "en") -> String? {
let psl : OpaquePointer? = ctx
var lower : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let dom : String? = (psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, locale, &lower) == PSL_SUCCESS) ? String(cString: psl_registrable_domain(psl, lower)) : nil
public func isPublicSuffix(_ domain : String, encoding : String = "utf-8", locale : String = "en") -> Bool {
let psl : OpaquePointer? = ctx
var lower : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let res : Bool = (psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, locale, &lower) == PSL_SUCCESS) && (psl_is_public_suffix(psl, lower) == 1)
public func isPublicSuffix(_ domain : String, type : Int32, encoding : String = "utf-8", locale : String = "en") -> Bool {
let psl : OpaquePointer? = ctx
var lower : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let res : Bool = (psl_str_to_utf8lower(domain, encoding, locale, &lower) == PSL_SUCCESS) && (psl_is_public_suffix2(psl, lower, type) == 1)
public func isCookieDomainAcceptable(_ hostname : String, cookieDomain : String) -> Bool {
let psl : OpaquePointer? = ctx
var lower1 : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
var lower2 : UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>?
let rc1 = psl_str_to_utf8lower(hostname, "utf-8", "en", &lower1)
let rc2 = psl_str_to_utf8lower(cookieDomain, "utf-8", "en", &lower2)
let res : Bool = (rc1 == PSL_SUCCESS) && (rc2 == PSL_SUCCESS) && (psl_is_cookie_domain_acceptable(psl, lower1, lower2) == 1)
public init() {}
public init(_ path: String) throws {
ctx = psl_load_file(path)
if (ctx == nil) { throw SwiftPSLError.FileNotFound }
isBuiltin = false
public func free() {
if ((!isBuiltin) && (ctx != nil)) {
ctx = nil
public func suffixCount() -> Int32 {
public func suffixWildcardCount() -> Int32 {
public func suffixExceptionCount() -> Int32 {
public func builtinDistFilename() -> String {
return(String(cString: psl_dist_filename()))
public func builtinFilename() -> String {
return(String(cString: psl_builtin_filename()))
public func builtinSHA1() -> String {
return(String(cString: psl_builtin_sha1sum()))
public func isBuiltinOutdated() -> Bool {
return(psl_builtin_outdated() == 1)
public func builtinTimestamp() -> Int {
let ft = psl_builtin_file_time()
deinit {