% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/albersusa.R \name{usa_composite} \alias{usa_composite} \title{Retrieve a U.S. state composite map, optionally with a projection} \usage{ usa_composite(proj = c("longlat", "laea", "lcc", "eqdc", "aeqd")) } \arguments{ \item{proj}{if anything but \code{longlat} is specified, the shapefile will be pre-projected before being returned} } \description{ The \code{proj} parameter is intende to simplify usage for those using base plotting. If anything but \code{longlat} is specified the composite map will be pre-projected to those } \details{ This is what's in the SPDF \code{@data} slot: \preformatted{ Observations: 51 Variables: 13 $ geo_id (chr) "0400000US04", "0400000US05", "0400000US06", "0400... $ fips_state (chr) "04", "05", "06", "08", "09", "11", "13", "17", "1... $ name (chr) "Arizona", "Arkansas", "California", "Colorado", "... $ iso_3166_2 (chr) "AZ", "AR", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DC", "GA", "IL", "I... $ census (int) 6392017, 2915918, 37253956, 5029196, 3574097, 6017... $ pop_estimataes_base (int) 6392310, 2915958, 37254503, 5029324, 3574096, 6017... $ pop_2010 (int) 6411999, 2922297, 37336011, 5048575, 3579345, 6052... $ pop_2011 (int) 6472867, 2938430, 37701901, 5119661, 3590537, 6204... $ pop_2012 (int) 6556236, 2949300, 38062780, 5191709, 3594362, 6350... $ pop_2013 (int) 6634997, 2958765, 38431393, 5272086, 3599341, 6491... $ pop_2014 (int) 6731484, 2966369, 38802500, 5355866, 3596677, 6588... } A reference GeoJSON file is provided in the following location (i.e. you can use it in any mapping program): \preformatted{ system.file("extdata/composite_us_states.geojson.gz", package="albersusa") } } \examples{ library(sp) plot(usa_composite()) plot(usa_composite("laea")) }