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#' Retrieve a U.S. county composite map, optionally with a projection, as a simplefeature
#' The \code{proj} parameter is intende to simplify usage for those using base
#' plotting. If anything but \code{longlat} is specified the composite map
#' will be pre-projected to those
#' This is what's in the object looks like:
#' \preformatted{
#' Observations: 3,143
#' Variables: 9
#' $ fips <fctr> 01001, 01009, 01017, 01021, 01033, 01045, 01051, 01065, 01079, 0...
#' $ state_fips <fctr> 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 01, 05, 05, 06, ...
#' $ county_fips <fctr> 001, 009, 017, 021, 033, 045, 051, 065, 079, 083, 099, 107, 121,...
#' $ name <fctr> Autauga, Blount, Chambers, Chilton, Colbert, Dale, Elmore, Hale,...
#' $ lsad <fctr> County, County, County, County, County, County, County, County, ...
#' $ census_area <dbl> 594.436, 644.776, 596.531, 692.854, 592.619, 561.150, 618.485, 64...
#' $ state <fctr> Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, Alabama, A...
#' $ iso_3166_2 <fctr> AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AL, AR, AR, CA, ...
#' $ geometry <simple_feature> MULTIPOLYGON(((-86.496774 3..., MULTIPOLYGON(((-86.577...#' }
#' A reference GeoJSON file isprovided in the following location (i.e. you can use
#' it in any mapping program):
#' \preformatted{
#' system.file("extdata/composite_us_counties.geojson.gz", package="albersusa")
#' }
#' @param proj if anything but \code{longlat} is specified, the shapefile will
#' be pre-projected before being returned
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sf)
#' plot(counties_sf()) # these take a while to render
#' plot(counties_sf("laea"))
counties_sf <- function(proj=c("longlat", "laea", "lcc", "eqdc", "aeqd")) {
# us <- readOGR(system.file("extdata/composite_us_counties.geojson", package="albersusa"),
# stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
# verbose=FALSE)
cty <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/counties_sf.rda", package="albersusa"))
# saveRDS(cty, "inst/extdata/counties_sf.rda", version = 2)
proj <- match.arg(proj, c("longlat", "laea", "lcc", "eqdc", "aeqd"))
if (proj != "longlat") {
proj <- switch(proj,
cty <- sf::st_transform(cty, proj)