Gather the architecture of running processes on macOS 11+
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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3 years ago
# replace this with yours if you want to codesign your own binary
IDENTITY="Apple Development: Bob Rudis (9V3BZ2VH79)"
3 years ago
$(CC) archinfo.c -o x86_app -target x86_64-apple-macos10.12
$(CC) archinfo.c -o arm_app -target arm64-apple-macos11
lipo -create -output archinfo x86_app arm_app && rm x86_app arm_app
leaks: archinfo
leaks --readonlyContent -atExit -- ./archinfo | grep LEAK: || true
leaks --readonlyContent -atExit -- ./archinfo --json | grep LEAK: || true
leaks --readonlyContent -atExit -- ./archinfo --json | grep LEAK: || true
3 years ago
sign: archinfo
codesign --force --verify --verbose --sign ${IDENTITY} archinfo
3 years ago
rm -f archinfo
3 years ago
install: archinfo
codesign --force --verify --verbose --sign ${IDENTITY} archinfo
cp archinfo /usr/local/bin
3 years ago
test: archinfo
@./archinfo | grep -q tccd && echo "Columns: PASSED (list)" || echo "Columns: FAILED (list)"
@./archinfo --columns | grep -q tccd && echo "Columns: PASSED (list, explicit)" || echo "Columns: FAILED (list, explicit)"
@./archinfo --json | grep -q 'tccd"}' && echo " JSON: PASSED (list)" || echo " JSON: FAILED (list)"
@(./archinfo --pid `pgrep keyboardservicesd` | grep -q '64') && echo "Columns: PASSED (single)" || echo "Columns: FAILED (single)"
@(./archinfo --columns --pid `pgrep keyboardservicesd` | grep -q '64') && echo "Columns: PASSED (single, explicit)" || echo "Columns: FAILED (single, explicit)"
@(./archinfo --json --pid `pgrep keyboardservicesd` | grep -q '"}') && echo " JSON: PASSED (single)" || echo " JSON: FAILED (single)"