Gather the architecture of running processes on macOS 11+
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3 years ago
# archinfo
Returns a list of running processes and the architecture they are running under.
Apple M1/Apple Silicon/arm64 macOS can run x86_64 programs via Rosetta and most M1 systems currently (~March 2021) very likely run a mix of x86_64 and arm64 processes.
Activity Monitor can show the architecture, but command line tools such as `ps` and `top` do not due to Apple hiding the details of the proper `sysctl()` incantations necessary to get this info.
3 years ago
Patrick Wardle reverse engineered Activity Monitor— <> — and I slapped that hack together with some code from Sydney San Martin — — into a nascent, bare-bones command line utility `archinfo`.
3 years ago
3 years ago
It returns columnar output or JSON (via `--json`) — that will work nicely with `jq` — of running processes and their respective architectures.
3 years ago
Build from source or grab from the releases.
3 years ago
$ archinfo
5949 arm64 /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework/AudioComponentRegistrar
5923 arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/
5901 x86_64 /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/IPCBox/
5873 arm64 /Applications/Utilities/Adobe Creative Cloud Experience/CCXProcess/
5863 arm64 /bin/sleep
5861 x86_64 /Applications/
5855 x86_64 /Applications/Elgato Control Control Center
5852 x86_64 /Applications/
5849 arm64 /System/Library/CoreServices/
3 years ago
3 years ago
Rscript -e 'table(jsonlite::stream_in(textConnection(system("/usr/local/bin/archinfo --json", intern=TRUE)))$arch)'
3 years ago
## arm64 x86_64
## 419 29