% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/contributor.R \name{kb_contributors} \alias{kb_contributors} \alias{kd_contributor} \title{Helpers to query AttackerKB contributors} \usage{ kb_contributors( contributor_id = NULL, username = NULL, avatar = NULL, created = NULL, score = NULL, q = NULL, api_key = attackerkb_api_key() ) kd_contributor(contributor_id, api_key = attackerkb_api_key()) } \arguments{ \item{contributor_id}{UUID of a specific contributror to return} \item{username}{Return contributors with the matching username.} \item{avatar}{Return all contributors where avatar matches the given value} \item{created}{Return all contributors that were created on the given date.} \item{score}{Return all contributors with this score.} \item{q}{Return all contributors that have usernames that match the query string.} \item{api_key}{See \code{\link[=attackerkb_api_key]{attackerkb_api_key()}}} } \description{ The main \code{kb_contributors} function maps 1:1 to the API. Leave values \code{NULL} that you do not want included in the search parameters. } \references{ \url{https://api.attackerkb.com/api-docs/docs} }