Package: attckr Type: Package Title: Analyze Adversary Tactics and Techniques Using the MITRE ATT&CK CTI Corpus Version: 0.2.0 Date: 2019-10-24 Authors@R: c( person("Bob", "Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-5670-2640")) ) Maintainer: Bob Rudis Description: MITRE ATT&CK is a globally-accessible knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques based on real-world observations. The ATT&CK knowledge base is used as a foundation for the development of specific threat models and methodologies in the private sector, in government, and in the cybersecurity product and service community. Tools are provided to analyze adversary tactics and techniques, build incident metrics, and identify high level program gaps using the MITRE ATT&CK CTI Corpus. URL: BugReports: Encoding: UTF-8 License: Apache License 2.0 | file LICENSE LazyData: true Suggests: testthat, covr Depends: R (>= 3.2.0), grid, gtable, ggplot2 Imports: jsonlite, tibble, ggplot2, readr, glue, dplyr, shiny, stringi, rmarkdown Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE) RoxygenNote: 7.1.0