% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/validate-tactics.R \name{validate_tactics} \alias{validate_tactics} \title{Validate Tactics strings against MITRE authoritative source} \usage{ validate_tactics(tactics, matrix = c("enterprise", "mobile", "pre"), na_rm = TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{tactics}{a character vector of tactic strings to validate. This will be converted to lower-case, left/right spaces will be trimmed and internal spaces will be converted to a single \code{-}} \item{matrix}{which matrix to use when validating?} \item{na_rm}{remove NA's before comparing?} } \value{ \code{TRUE} if all tactics validate, otherwise \code{FALSE} with messages identifying the invalid tactics. } \description{ Validate Tactics strings against MITRE authoritative source } \examples{ validate_tactics("persistence") validate_tactics(c("persistence", "Persistence", "Persistance")) }