You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

52 lines
1.7 KiB

.tactics_f <- list()
.tactics_f[["mitre-attack"]] <- list(
id = c(
"initial-access", "execution", "persistence", "privilege-escalation",
"defense-evasion", "credential-access", "discovery", "lateral-movement",
"collection", "command-and-control", "exfiltration", "impact"
pretty = c(
"Initial Access", "Execution", "Persistence", "Privilege Escalation",
"Defense Evasion", "Credential Access", "Discovery", "Lateral Movement",
"Collection", "Command And Control", "Exfiltration", "Impact"
nl = c(
"Initial\nAccess", "Execution", "Persistence", "Privilege\nEscalation",
"Defense\nEvasion", "Credential\nAccess", "Discovery", "Lateral\nMovement",
"Collection", "Command\nAnd\nControl", "Exfiltration", "Impact"
#' Make an ordered Tactics factor with optional better labelling
#' @param tactics a character vector
#' @param input what is in `tactics`?
#' @param output what do you want the factor label to be?
#' @param matrix which matrix?
#' @export
fct_tactic <- function(tactics,
input = c("id", "pretty", "nl"),
output = c("pretty", "nl", "id"),
matrix = c("enterprise", "mobile", "pre")) {
input <- match.arg(input[1], c("id", "pretty", "nl"))
output <- match.arg(output[1], c("id", "pretty", "nl"))
matrix <- match.arg(matrix[1], c("enterprise", "mobile", "pre"))
enterprise = "mitre-attack",
mobile = "mitre-mobile-attack",
pre = "mitre-pre-attack"
) -> tax
input <- .tactics_f[[tax]][[input]]
output <- .tactics_f[[tax]][[output]]
factor(x = tactics, levels = input, labels = output, ordered = TRUE)