You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#' Validate Techniques strings against MITRE authoritative source
#' @param tactics a character vector of tactic strings to validate.
#' @param matrix which matrix to use when validating?
#' @param ignore_case if `TRUE` case will not be taken into account when
#' comparing strings. Default is `FALSE`.
#' @param na_rm remove NA's before comparing?
#' @return `TRUE` if all tactics validate, otherwise `FALSE` with messages
#' identifying the invalid tactics.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' validate_techniques("persistence")
#' validate_techniques(c("persistence", "Persistence", "Persistance"))
validate_techniques <- function(techniques, matrix = c("enterprise", "mobile", "pre"),
ignore_case = FALSE, na_rm = TRUE) {
matrix <- match.arg(matrix[1], c("enterprise", "mobile", "pre"))
enterprise = "mitre-attack",
mobile = "mitre-mobile-attack",
pre = "mitre-pre-attack"
) -> tax
if (na_rm) {
no_na <- na.exclude(techniques)
where_nas <- attr(no_na, "na.action", exact = TRUE)
if (length(where_nas)) message("Removed ", length(where_nas), " NA values.\n")
tec <- as.character(no_na)
mtec <- unique(tidy_attack[tidy_attack$matrix == tax, "technique", drop=TRUE])
o_tec <- tec
if (ignore_case) {
o_tec <- tolower(tec)
mtec <- tolower(mtec)
bad <- unique(o_tec[which(!(tec %in% mtec))])
if (length(bad)) {
bad <- sort(bad)
suggest <- sapply(bad, agrep, x = mtec, = ignore_case)
suggest <- ifelse(lengths(suggest) == 0, "No suggestions found", suggest),
lapply(names(suggest), function(x) {
input = x,
alts = as.character(suggest[[x]]),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% as_tibble()
) -> suggest
can_suggest <- which(suggest[["alts"]] != "No suggestions found")
suggest[can_suggest, "alts"] <- sprintf('Perhaps: "%s"',
mtec[as.integer(suggest[can_suggest, "alts", drop=TRUE])])
"Techniques not in the ", matrix, " MITRE ATT&CK matrix found:\n",
paste0(sprintf('- "%s (%s)"', suggest$input, suggest$alts), collapse = "\n"),
call. = FALSE
input = suggest$input,
alts = suggest$alts
} else {
message("All techniques were found in the ", matrix, " MITRE ATT&CK Framework.")