rJava Interface to AWS Athena SDK
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#' Translate from one type system to another
#' @param type type (character)
#' @param to one of `athena` or `r`
#' @export
athena_type_trans <- function(type, to = c("r", "athena")) {
if (match.arg(tolower(to[1]), c("athena", "r")) == "r") {
sapply(type, switch,
boolean = "logical",
tinyint = "integer",
smallint = "integer",
int = "integer",
integer = "integer",
bigint = "integer64",
double = "double",
float = "double",
decimal = "double",
char = "character",
varchar = "character",
binary = "raw",
date = "Date",
timestamp = "POSIXct",
array = "character",
map = "character",
struct = "character"
} else {
type, switch,
logical = "boolean",
integer = "integer",
integer64 = "bigint",
double = "double",
character = "varchar",
raw = "binary",
Date = "date",
POSIXct = "timestamp"
#' @rdname athena_type_trans
#' @param name,type equal length character vectors; type should be an R type
#' @export
to_cols <- function(name, type) {
type, switch,
logical = readr::col_logical(),
integer = readr::col_integer(),
integer64 = readr::col_number(),
double = readr::col_double(),
character = readr::col_character(),
raw = readr::col_character(),
Date = readr::col_date(),
POSIXct = readr::col_datetime()
) -> l
l <- set_names(l)
do.call(readr::cols, l)