rJava Interface to AWS Athena SDK
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#' Start Query Execution
#' @md
#' @param query SQL query statements to be executed
#' @param database database within which the query executes.
#' @param output_location location in S3 where query results are stored.
#' @param client_request_token unique case-sensitive string used to ensure the
#' request to create the query is idempotent (executes only once). If another
#' `StartQueryExecution` request is received, the same response is returned
#' and another query is not created. If a parameter has changed, for example,
#' the `query` , an error is returned. **This is auto-generated-for-you**.
#' @param encryption_option indicates whether Amazon S3 server-side encryption
#' with Amazon S3-managed keys (`SSE-S3`), server-side encryption with
#' KMS-managed keys (`SSE-KMS`), or client-side encryption with KMS-managed
#' keys (`CSE-KMS`) is used. Default is `NULL` (no encryption)
#' @param kms_key For `SSE-KMS` and `CSE-KMS`, this is the KMS key ARN or ID.
#' Default is `NULL` (no encryption)
#' @param region AWS region string
#' @param profile if not using the default credentials chain or a dedicated
#' properties file then provide the named profile from `~/.aws/credentials`
#' you wish to use
#' @param properties_file if not using the default credentials provider chain or
#' a named profile then provide the path to an Athena credentials proeprty file.
#' @param workgroup workgroup
#' @export
start_query_execution <- function(query, database, output_location,
client_request_token = uuid::UUIDgenerate(),
encryption_option = NULL,
kms_key = NULL,
region = "us-east-1",
profile = NULL,
properties_file = NULL,
workgroup = "primary") {
client <- aws_athena_client(region = region, profile = profile, properties_file = properties_file)
ctx <- .jnew("com.amazonaws.services.athena.model.QueryExecutionContext")
ctx <- ctx$withDatabase(database)
res_cfg <- .jnew("com.amazonaws.services.athena.model.ResultConfiguration")
res_cfg <- res_cfg$withOutputLocation(output_location)
qx_req <- .jnew("com.amazonaws.services.athena.model.StartQueryExecutionRequest")
qx_req <- qx_req$withQueryString(query)
qx_req <- qx_req$withQueryExecutionContext(ctx)
qx_req <- qx_req$withResultConfiguration(res_cfg)
qx_req <- qx_req$withClientRequestToken(client_request_token)
qx_req <- qx_req$withWorkGroup(workgroup)
res <- client$startQueryExecution(qx_req)
out <- res$getQueryExecutionId()