rJava Interface to AWS Athena SDK
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rJava Interface to AWS Athena SDK


Provides R wrapper methods to core ‘aws-java-sdk-athena’ Java library methods to interrogate and orchestrate Amazon Athena queries.

What’s Inside the Tin?

The following functions are implemented:

  • collect_async: Collect Amazon Athena ‘dplyr’ query results asynchronously
  • download_query_execution_results: Use S3 to download the results of an Athena Query
  • get_query_execution: Get Query Execution
  • list_query_executions: List Query Executions
  • s3_download_file: Download a key from a bucket to a local file
  • start_query_execution: Start Query Execution
  • stop_query_execution: Stop Query Execution


# OR
# OR



## [1] '0.1.0'


qx <- list_query_executions(profile = "personal")

## [1] "d287b857-5801-493e-a647-76b5cacdac71"
## [2] "cbaad9f0-9231-443b-82dc-4cd8c8fad21b"
## [3] "8e5d155f-4eda-44fa-b2a4-2245d71b7f41"
## [4] "fb1d48d3-6875-4681-b01e-c59a5a33377d"
## [5] "cb7d50fb-a2c7-4ada-a4f9-ea35fbbaf764"
## [6] "5ddc2339-1987-4890-a521-1cee09b1e291"
str(get_query_execution(qx[[1]], profile = "personal"), 1)
## List of 10
##  $ workgroup      : chr "primary"
##  $ query          : chr "SELECT \"tsday\", \"host\", \"receivedbytes\", \"requestprocessingtime\", \"proto_version\"\nFROM (SELECT \"tim"| __truncated__
##  $ context        : chr "sampledb"
##  $ statement_type : chr "DML"
##  $ state          : chr "SUCCEEDED"
##  $ started        : chr "19 Feb 2019 19:11:51 GMT"
##  $ completed      : chr "19 Feb 2019 19:11:52 GMT"
##  $ output_location: chr "s3://aws-athena-query-results-569593279821-us-east-1/d287b857-5801-493e-a647-76b5cacdac71.csv"
##  $ data_scanned   : num 351173
##  $ execution_time : num 1142

awsathenajars Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
R 15 0.94 255 0.96 101 0.84 180 0.85
Rmd 1 0.06 11 0.04 19 0.16 33 0.15