diff --git a/README.Rmd b/README.Rmd index b1dde73..55dd7b9 100644 --- a/README.Rmd +++ b/README.Rmd @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ output: rmarkdown::github_document `bismer` : Generate Shakespearean insults -Inspired by Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) : +Inspired by Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) : and requested by Jeff Hollister (@jhollist). The following functions are implemented: diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 2f88ea7..d4cef5b 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ `bismer` : Generate Shakespearean insults -Inspired by Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) : +Inspired by Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) : and requested by Jeff Hollister (@jhollist). The following functions are implemented: @@ -28,31 +28,31 @@ packageVersion("bismer") purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult())) ``` - ## [1] "thou infectious beef-witted ooxoomb" - ## [1] "thou puking tardy-gaited lewdster" - ## [1] "thou qualling guts-griping foot-licker" - ## [1] "thou venomed doghearted vassal" - ## [1] "thou churlish ill-breeding foot-licker" - ## [1] "thou craven clay-brained skainsmate" - ## [1] "thou clouted full-gorged mumble-news" - ## [1] "thou paunchy doghearted mammet" - ## [1] "thou venomed dizzy-eyed malt-worm" - ## [1] "thou roguish rough-hewn boar-pig" + ## [1] "thou puny beetle-headed death-token" + ## [1] "thou errant tickle-brained flap-dragon" + ## [1] "thou rank ill-breeding whey-face" + ## [1] "thou spleeny crook-pared pumpion" + ## [1] "thou errant milk-livered hugger-mugger" + ## [1] "thou tottering clay-brained haggard" + ## [1] "thou mewling fat-kidneyed bladder" + ## [1] "thou impertinent toad-spotted harpy" + ## [1] "thou droning dread-bolted baggage" + ## [1] "thou wayward unchin-snouted pumpion" ``` r purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult(thou=FALSE))) ``` - ## [1] "craven reeling-ripe gudgeon" - ## [1] "impertinent milk-livered moldwarp" - ## [1] "paunchy guts-griping moldwarp" - ## [1] "spleeny guts-griping death-token" - ## [1] "mangled fly-bitten bum-bailey" - ## [1] "droning tickle-brained haggard" - ## [1] "mangled clay-brained pignut" - ## [1] "frothy pottle-deep horn-beast" - ## [1] "fawning rump-fed scut" - ## [1] "reeky hasty-witted haggard" + ## [1] "warped knotty-pated giglet" + ## [1] "warped tickle-brained flap-dragon" + ## [1] "dissembling beetle-headed giglet" + ## [1] "surly tardy-gaited miscreant" + ## [1] "surly dread-bolted pignut" + ## [1] "puking spur-galled boar-pig" + ## [1] "fobbing clay-brained mumble-news" + ## [1] "goatish dismal-dreaning codpiece" + ## [1] "beslubbering base-court death-token" + ## [1] "roguish boil-brained maggot-pie" ### Test Results @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ library(testthat) date() ``` - ## [1] "Sun Mar 26 12:52:57 2017" + ## [1] "Sun Mar 26 12:55:05 2017" ``` r test_dir("tests/")