`bismer` : Generate Shakespearean insults Inspired by Dr. Vicky Forster (@vickyyyf) : and requested by Jeff Hollister (@jhollist). The following functions are implemented: - `insult`: Generate a Shakespearean insult The `insult()` function is aliased to - `gehornian` - `híenan` - `misgrétan` - `scendan` for those who want to go "all-in" on the Shakespeare thing. ### Installation ``` r devtools::install_github("hrbrmstr/bismer") ``` ### Usage ``` r library(bismer) # current verison packageVersion("bismer") ``` ## [1] '0.1.1' ``` r purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult())) ``` ## [1] "thou errant rude-growing ooxoomb" ## [1] "thou qualling fly-bitten miscreant" ## [1] "thou saucy flap-mouthed bum-bailey" ## [1] "thou reeky rude-growing puttock" ## [1] "thou lumpish common-kissing clotpole" ## [1] "thou paunchy weather-bitten strumpet" ## [1] "thou weedy common-kissing puttock" ## [1] "thou weedy full-gorged hedge-pig" ## [1] "thou puking pottle-deep joithead" ## [1] "thou gorbellied clapper-clawed dewberry" ``` r purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult(thou=FALSE))) ``` ## [1] "bawdy dismal-dreaning pignut" ## [1] "reeky unchin-snouted pumpion" ## [1] "currish doghearted lewdster" ## [1] "clouted bat-fouling minnow" ## [1] "lumpish hasty-witted gudgeon" ## [1] "qualling full-gorged harpy" ## [1] "surly common-kissing foot-licker" ## [1] "loggerheaded pottle-deep fustilarian" ## [1] "spongy hedge-born scut" ## [1] "spleeny beef-witted bum-bailey" ``` r purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult(sentence=TRUE))) ``` ## [1] "Thou art a cockered flap-mouthed varlot!" ## [1] "Thou art a roguish common-kissing wagtail!" ## [1] "Thou art a venomed dizzy-eyed ooxoomb!" ## [1] "Thou art a currish ill-breeding skainsmate!" ## [1] "Thou art a vain unchin-snouted hugger-mugger!" ## [1] "Thou art a vain milk-livered gudgeon!" ## [1] "Thou art a jarring ill-nurtured harpy!" ## [1] "Thou art a craven ill-breeding harpy!" ## [1] "Thou art a bawdy spur-galled haggard!" ## [1] "Thou art a frothy bat-fouling flax-wench!" ``` r purrr::walk(1:10, ~print(insult(sentence=TRUE, exclaim=FALSE))) ``` ## [1] "Thou art a venomed milk-livered flap-dragon." ## [1] "Thou art a bootless plume-plucked flirt-gill." ## [1] "Thou art a roguish hasty-witted canker-blossom." ## [1] "Thou art a vain folly-fallen bladder." ## [1] "Thou art a roguish bat-fouling death-token." ## [1] "Thou art a currish rude-growing pignut." ## [1] "Thou art an artless shard-borne giglet." ## [1] "Thou art a roguish ill-nurtured ratsbane." ## [1] "Thou art a dissembling tardy-gaited flax-wench." ## [1] "Thou art a dissembling idle-headed mammet."