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```{r pkg-knitr-opts, include=FALSE}
```{r badges, results='asis', echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
```{r description, results='asis', echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
## Installing BitBar
If you have [homebrew]( installed, you can do:
brew cask install bitbar
Otherwise [grab the latest release]( and install it the hard way.
Open the application and choose the directory you want to be your plugins directory. This is where your menubar scripts will go.
(I use `~/Library/BitBar/Plugins` but you can pick any directory; just make sure it isn't one with
a gazillion files as that impacts BitBar's performance).
## What's Inside The Tin
The following functions are implemented:
```{r ingredients, results='asis', echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
4 years ago
There are also two RStudio Addins, one with a GUI for entering in the script metadata & starting a new BitBar {bitbar} script and one for opening up the BitBar plugins directory in the Finder.
## Installation
```{r install-ex, results='asis', echo=FALSE, cache=FALSE}
## Usage
```{r lib-ex}
# current version
This will open up a `my-awesome-bitbar-script.R` in RStudio (if available) or whatever editor `file.edit()` is configured to use.
```{r ex-01, eval=FALSE}
save_as = file.path(bitbar_plugins_dir(), "my-awesome-bitbar-script.R"),
title = ":blue_heart:",
4 years ago
description = "Example BitBar Script"
## bitbar Metrics
```{r cloc, echo=FALSE}
## Code of Conduct
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct.
By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.