#' Craft macOS Menu Bar Applications with Rscript #' #' Mat Ryer's macOS utility enables any #' script to become a menu bar application. Tools are provided to make it #' easier to craft these scripts. #' #' @section Installing BitBar: #' #' If you have [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) installed, you can do: #' #' ```shell #' brew cask install bitbar #' ``` #' #' Otherwise [grab the latest release](https://github.com/matryer/bitbar/releases/latest) and install it the hard way. #' #' Open the application and choose the directory you want to be your plugins directory. This is where your menubar scripts will go. #' (I use `~/Library/BitBar/Plugins` but you can pick any directory; just make sure it isn't one with #' a gazillion files as that impacts BitBar's performance). #' #' @md #' @name bitbar #' @importFrom usethis use_template #' @importFrom tools file_path_sans_ext file_ext #' @import httr shiny miniUI #' @keywords internal #' @author Bob Rudis (bob@@rud.is) "_PACKAGE"