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boB Rudis 8f387319b2
initial commit
3 years ago
R initial commit 3 years ago
inst/tinytest R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
man initial commit 3 years ago
tests R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
.Rbuildignore initial commit 3 years ago
.codecov.yml R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
.gitignore R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
.travis.yml R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
DESCRIPTION initial commit 3 years ago
LICENSE initial commit 3 years ago initial commit 3 years ago
NAMESPACE initial commit 3 years ago R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago
README.Rmd initial commit 3 years ago initial commit 3 years ago
brimr.Rproj R package repo initialization complete 3 years ago

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usablestate and is being activelydeveloped. Signedby Signed commit% Linux buildStatus
Minimal RVersion License


Tools to Work with Brim and zqd


Brim ( enables efficient query operations on large packqet captures and log sources, such as Zeek. Tools are provided to with with Brim components, including the Brim zqd query back-end.

What’s Inside The Tin

The following functions are implemented:

  • brim_ast: Turn a Brim ZQL query into an abstract syntax tree
  • brim_host: Retrieve the Brim host URL
  • brim_search_raw: Post a ZQL query to the given Brim instance and retrieve results in raq ZJSON format
  • brim_search: Post a ZQL query to the given Brim instance and retrieve processed results
  • brim_spaces: Retrieve active Brim spaces from the specified Brim instance


# or
# or

NOTE: To use the ‘remotes’ install options you will need to have the {remotes} package installed.



# current version
## [1] '0.1.0'
## # A tibble: 1 x 4
##   id                 name                              data_path                                            storage_kind
## * <chr>              <chr>                             <chr>                                                <chr>       
## 1 sp_1p6pwLgtsESYBT… 2021-02-17-Trickbot-gtag-rob13-i… file:///Users/hrbrmstr/Library/Application%20Suppor… filestore

zql <- '_path=conn | count() by id.orig_h, id.resp_h, id.resp_p | sort id.orig_h, id.resp_h, id.resp_p'

cat(jsonlite::toJSON(jsonlite::fromJSON(brim_ast(zql)), pretty = TRUE))
## {
##   "op": ["SequentialProc"],
##   "procs": [
##     {
##       "op": "FilterProc",
##       "filter": {
##         "op": "CompareField",
##         "comparator": "=",
##         "field": {
##           "op": "BinaryExpr",
##           "operator": ".",
##           "lhs": {
##             "op": "RootRecord"
##           },
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "Identifier",
##             "name": "_path"
##           }
##         },
##         "value": {
##           "op": "Literal",
##           "type": "string",
##           "value": "conn"
##         }
##       },
##       "keys": {},
##       "reducers": {},
##       "fields": {}
##     },
##     {
##       "op": "GroupByProc",
##       "filter": {
##         "field": {
##           "lhs": {},
##           "rhs": {}
##         },
##         "value": {}
##       },
##       "limit": 0,
##       "keys": [
##         {
##           "op": "Assignment",
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "BinaryExpr",
##               "operator": ".",
##               "lhs": {
##                 "op": "RootRecord"
##               },
##               "rhs": {
##                 "op": "Identifier",
##                 "name": "id"
##               }
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "orig_h"
##             }
##           }
##         },
##         {
##           "op": "Assignment",
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "BinaryExpr",
##               "operator": ".",
##               "lhs": {
##                 "op": "RootRecord"
##               },
##               "rhs": {
##                 "op": "Identifier",
##                 "name": "id"
##               }
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "resp_h"
##             }
##           }
##         },
##         {
##           "op": "Assignment",
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "BinaryExpr",
##               "operator": ".",
##               "lhs": {
##                 "op": "RootRecord"
##               },
##               "rhs": {
##                 "op": "Identifier",
##                 "name": "id"
##               }
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "resp_p"
##             }
##           }
##         }
##       ],
##       "reducers": [
##         {
##           "op": "Assignment",
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "Reducer",
##             "operator": "count"
##           }
##         }
##       ],
##       "fields": {}
##     },
##     {
##       "op": "SortProc",
##       "filter": {
##         "field": {
##           "lhs": {},
##           "rhs": {}
##         },
##         "value": {}
##       },
##       "keys": {},
##       "reducers": {},
##       "fields": [
##         {
##           "op": "BinaryExpr",
##           "operator": ".",
##           "lhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "RootRecord"
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "id"
##             }
##           },
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "Identifier",
##             "name": "orig_h"
##           }
##         },
##         {
##           "op": "BinaryExpr",
##           "operator": ".",
##           "lhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "RootRecord"
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "id"
##             }
##           },
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "Identifier",
##             "name": "resp_h"
##           }
##         },
##         {
##           "op": "BinaryExpr",
##           "operator": ".",
##           "lhs": {
##             "op": "BinaryExpr",
##             "operator": ".",
##             "lhs": {
##               "op": "RootRecord"
##             },
##             "rhs": {
##               "op": "Identifier",
##               "name": "id"
##             }
##           },
##           "rhs": {
##             "op": "Identifier",
##             "name": "resp_p"
##           }
##         }
##       ],
##       "sortdir": 1,
##       "nullsfirst": false
##     }
##   ]
## }

space <- "2021-02-17-Trickbot-gtag-rob13-infection-in-AD-environment.pcap"

r <- brim_search(space, zql)

str(r, 2)
## List of 5
##  $ :List of 2
##   ..$ type   : chr "TaskStart"
##   ..$ task_id: int 0
##  $ :List of 3
##   ..$ type      : chr "SearchRecords"
##   ..$ channel_id: int 0
##   ..$ records   :'data.frame':   74 obs. of  4 variables:
##  $ :List of 3
##   ..$ type      : chr "SearchEnd"
##   ..$ channel_id: int 0
##   ..$ reason    : chr "eof"
##  $ :List of 7
##   ..$ type           : chr "SearchStats"
##   ..$ start_time     :List of 2
##   ..$ update_time    :List of 2
##   ..$ bytes_read     : int 238052
##   ..$ bytes_matched  : int 54486
##   ..$ records_read   : int 1082
##   ..$ records_matched: int 384
##  $ :List of 2
##   ..$ type   : chr "TaskEnd"
##   ..$ task_id: int 0

brimr Metrics

Lang # Files (%) LoC (%) Blank lines (%) # Lines (%)
R 3 0.38 53 0.39 25 0.27 41 0.29
Rmd 1 0.12 15 0.11 21 0.23 30 0.21
SUM 4 0.50 68 0.50 46 0.50 71 0.50

clock Package Metrics for brimr

Code of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.