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#' Execute a zq command line
#' zq is a command-line tool for processing logs. It applies boolean logic to
#' filter each log value, optionally computes analytics and transformations,
#' and returns results that can be consumed programmatically.\cr
#' \cr
#' This function takes command line arguments to be used with `zq` (
#' in the form [system2()] uses) and reads the results into a
#' data frame (it is actually a `data.table`).\cr
#' \cr
#' If the environment variable `ZQ_PATH` is not set or invalid, this function
#' will attempt to guess the `zq` binary path.\cr
#' \cr
#' Do not specify an output format as `-f ndjson` is added by default.
#' @param args see [system2()]
#' @param parse if `TRUE` (the default) the output of the command line call
#' will be parsed using [ndjson::stream_in()]. There are some combinations
#' of `zq` flags that will never return ndjson output. There are heuristics
#' in place to detect this, but you can deliberately force the function
#' to return raw command line output by setting this to `FALSE`.
#' @return `data.table` (if output is parseable); character vector (if output is
#' either not parseable or `parse` equals `FALSE`); or `NULL` in the
#' event an error occurred when processing the `zq` command line.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' zq_cmd(
#' c(
#' '"* | cut ts,id.orig_h,id.orig_p"', # note the quotes
#' system.file("logs", "conn.log.gz", package = "brimr")
#' )
#' )
zq_cmd <- function(args, parse = TRUE) {
zq_path <- find_zq()
if ( {
"Cannot locate 'zq'. Please set the ZQ_PATH to the full path to the ",
"executable or install Brim Desktop and/or zq.", call. = FALSE
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
command = zq_path,
args = c("-f ", "ndjson", args),
stdout = tf
) -> res
if (!is.null(res)) {
one <- readLines(tf, 1)
if ((parse) && grepl("\\{", one)) return(ndjson::stream_in(tf))