U.S. 2020 Democratic Election WSJ Cartogram in R
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

40 lines
874 B

#' Expand the state totals per delegate into an indexed data frame
#' @param delegates a data frame with `state`, `candidate`, and
#' `delegates` count or use the default which gets the
#' current data as long as the WSJ keeps it alive.
#' @export
expand_candidates <- function(delegates = read_delegates()) {
map_df(unique(delegates$state), ~{
filter(delegates, state == .x) %>%
arrange(desc(delegates)) -> cur
state = character(0),
candidate = character(0),
idx = integer(0)
) -> res
last_idx <- 0
for (cand in unique(cur$candidate)) {
state = cur$state[1],
candidate = cand,
idx = (last_idx+1):(last_idx+1+cur[cur$candidate == cand,]$delegates)
) -> out
last_idx <- tail(out$idx, 1)
res <- bind_rows(res, out)