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7 years ago
#' Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Hospitalizations
#' @md
7 years ago
#' @param surveillance_area one of "`flusurv`", "`eip`", or "`ihsp`"
#' @param region Using "`all`" mimics selecting "Entire Network" from the
#' CDC FluView application drop down. Individual regions for each
#' surveillance area can also be selected. Use [surveillance_areas()] to
#' see a list of valid sub-regions for each surveillance area.
7 years ago
#' @references
#' - [Hospital Portal](
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
7 years ago
#' hosp_fs <- hospitalizations("flusurv")
#' hosp_eip <- hospitalizations("eip")
#' hosp_ihsp <- hospitalizations("ihsp")
#' }
hospitalizations <- function(surveillance_area=c("flusurv", "eip", "ihsp"),
region="all") {
7 years ago
sarea <- match.arg(tolower(surveillance_area), choices = c("flusurv", "eip", "ihsp"))
sarea <- .surv_rev_map[sarea]
7 years ago
meta <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")
areas <- setNames(meta$catchments[,c("networkid", "name", "area", "catchmentid")],
c("networkid", "surveillance_area", "region", "id"))
reg <- region
if (reg == "all") reg <- "Entire Network"
tgt <- dplyr::filter(areas, (surveillance_area == sarea) & (region == reg))
if (nrow(tgt) == 0) {
stop("Region not found. Use `surveillance_areas()` to see a list of valid inputs.",
7 years ago
url = "",
Origin = "",
Accept = "application/json, text/plain, */*",
Referer = ""
encode = "json",
body = list(
appversion = "Public",
networkid = tgt$networkid,
cacthmentid = tgt$id
7 years ago
) -> res
res <- httr::content(res)
hosp <- list(res = res, meta = meta)
age_df <- setNames(hosp$meta$ages, c("age_label", "age", "color"))
age_df <- age_df[,c("age", "age_label")]
sea_df <- setNames(
c("sea_description", "sea_endweek", "sea_label", "seasonid", "sea_startweek", "color", "color_hexvalue"))
sea_df <- sea_df[,c("seasonid", "sea_label", "sea_description", "sea_startweek", "sea_endweek")]
ser_names <- unlist(hosp$res$busdata$datafields, use.names = FALSE)
mmwr_df <- bind_rows(hosp$res$mmwr)
mmwr_df <- mmwr_df[,c("mmwrid", "weekend", "weeknumber", "weekstart", "year",
"yearweek", "seasonid", "weekendlabel", "weekendlabel2")]
dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(hosp$res$busdata$dataseries, function(.x) {
tdf <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(.x$data, function(.x) setNames(.x, ser_names)))
tdf$age <- .x$age
tdf$season <- .x$season
})) -> xdf
dplyr::left_join(xdf, mmwr_df, c("mmwrid", "weeknumber")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(age_df, "age") %>%
dplyr::left_join(sea_df, "seasonid") %>%
surveillance_area = sarea,
region = reg
7 years ago
#' Retrieve a list of valid sub-regions for each surveillance area.
#' @md
#' @export
#' @examples
#' surveillance_areas()
surveillance_areas <- function() {
meta <- jsonlite::fromJSON("")
xdf <- setNames(meta$catchments[,c("name", "area")], c("surveillance_area", "region"))
xdf$surveillance_area <- .surv_map[xdf$surveillance_area]