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5 years ago
# cdcfluview 0.9.0
- fix bug in epiweek computation in ilinet() thanks to a bug report by @jturtle (#19)
# cdcfluview 0.7.0
* The CDC changed most of their API endpoints to support a new HTML interface and
re-jiggered the back-end API. Craig McGowan updated the old cdcfluview API function
to account for the changes. However, the new API endpoints provided additional
data features and it seemed to make sense to revamp the package to fit more in line
with the way the APIs were structured. Legacy cdcfluview functions have been deprecated
and will display deprecation messages when run. The new cdcfluview package API
changes a few things about how you work with the data but the README and examples
show how to work with it.
# cdcfluview 0.5.2
* Modified behavior of `get_flu_data()` to actually grab current flu season
year if a single year was specified and it is the current year and the
return is a 0 length data frame (fixes #7)
* Added code coverage tests for all API functions.
# cdcfluview 0.5.1
7 years ago
* Replaced `http` URLs with `https` as `http` ones no longer work (fixes #6)
* Fixed State data download (CDC changed the hidden API)
7 years ago
8 years ago
# cdcfluview 0.5.0
* Fixed issue with WHO data format change
* Added Mortality Surveillance Data retrieval function
* Switched to readr::read_csv() and since it handles column names
better this will break your scripts until you use the new
column names.
# cdcfluview 0.4.0
7 years ago
* First CRAN release