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7 years ago
#' Retrieve WHO/NREVSS Surveillance Data
#' The CDC FluView Portal provides in-season and past seasons' national, regional,
#' and state-level outpatient illness and viral surveillance data from both
#' ILINet (Influenza-like Illness Surveillance Network) and WHO/NREVSS
#' (National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System).
#' This function retrieves current and historical WHO/NREVSS surveillance data for
#' the identified region.
#' @md
#' @note HHS, Census and State data retrieval is not as "instantaneous" as their ILINet
#' counterparts.\cr\cr
#' Also, beginning for the 2015-16 season, reports from public health and clinical
#' laboratories are presented separately in the weekly influenza update. This is
#' the reason why a list of data frames is returned.\cr\cr
#' **ALSO** The new CDC API seems to be missing some public health lab data fields.
7 years ago
#' @param region one of "`national`", "`hhs`", "`census`", or "`state`"
#' @return list of data frames identified by
#' - `combined_prior_to_2015_16`
#' - `public_health_labs`
#' - `clinical_labs`
#' @references
#' - [CDC FluView Portal](
#' - [ILINet Portal]( (Login required)
#' - [WHO/NREVSS](
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
7 years ago
#' national_who <- who_nrevss("national")
#' hhs_who <- who_nrevss("hhs")
#' census_who <- who_nrevss("census")
#' state_who <- who_nrevss("state")
#' }
7 years ago
who_nrevss <- function(region=c("national", "hhs", "census", "state")) {
region <- match.arg(tolower(region), c("national", "hhs", "census", "state"))
AppVersion = "Public",
DatasourceDT = list(list(ID = 1, Name = "WHO_NREVSS")),
RegionTypeId = .region_map[region]
) -> params
params$SubRegionsDT <- switch(
national = { list(list(ID=0, Name="")) },
hhs = { lapply(1:10, function(i) list(ID=i, Name=as.character(i))) },
census = { lapply(1:9, function(i) list(ID=i, Name=as.character(i))) },
state = { lapply(1:59, function(i) list(ID=i, Name=as.character(i))) }
seasons <- 37:((unclass(as.POSIXlt(Sys.time()))[["year"]] + 1900) - 1960)
params$SeasonsDT <- lapply(seasons, function(i) list(ID=i, Name=as.character(i)))
tf <- tempfile(fileext = ".zip")
td <- tempdir()
on.exit(unlink(tf), TRUE)
url = "",
Origin = "",
Accept = "application/json, text/plain, */*",
Referer = ""
encode = "json",
body = params,
7 years ago
# httr::verbose(),
7 years ago
) -> res
nm <- unzip(tf, overwrite = TRUE, exdir = td)
lapply(nm, function(x) {
tdf <- read.csv(x, skip = 1, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
tdf <- .mcga(tdf)
class(tdf) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")
tdf[tdf=="X"] <- NA
tdf[tdf=="XX"] <- NA
7 years ago
}) -> xdf
xdf <- setNames(xdf, sub("who_nrevss_", "", tools::file_path_sans_ext(tolower(basename(nm)))))
xdf <- lapply(xdf, function(.x) {
x_cols <- colnames(.x)
if ((("year" %in% x_cols) & ("week" %in% x_cols))) {
.x$wk_date <- suppressWarnings(mmwr_week_to_date(.x$year, .x$week))
} else {
.x$wk_date <- as.Date(NA)
if (region == "national") .x$region <- "National"
7 years ago