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Update get_flu_data to new CDC API and availability of state level data

Craig McGowan 7 years ago
  1. 4
  2. 96
  3. 8


@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ Type: Package
Title: Retrieve U.S. Flu Season Data from the CDC FluView Portal
Version: 0.5.2
Date: 2017-03-14
Author: Bob Rudis (
Maintainer: Bob Rudis <>
Authors@R: c(person("Bob","Rudis", email = "", role = c("aut", "cre")),
person("Craig", "McGowan", email = "", role = "ctb"))
Encoding: UTF-8
Description: The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) maintains a portal
<> for


@ -9,11 +9,14 @@
#' A lookup table between HHS regions and their member states/territories
#' is provided in \code{\link{hhs_regions}}.
#' @param region one of "\code{hhs}", "\code{census}", "\code{national}"
#' @param region one of "\code{hhs}", "\code{census}", "\code{national}",
#' "\code{state}"
#' @param sub_region depends on the \code{region_type}.\cr
#' For "\code{national}", the \code{sub_region} should be \code{NA}.\cr
#' For "\code{hhs}", should be a vector between \code{1:10}.\cr
#' For "\code{census}", should be a vector between \code{1:9}
#' For "\code{census}", should be a vector between \code{1:9}.\cr
#' For "\code{state}", should be a vector of state/territory names
#' or "\code{all}".
#' @param data_source either of "\code{who}" (for WHO NREVSS) or "\code{ilinet}"
#' or "\code{all}" (for both)
#' @param years a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. \code{2014} for CDC
@ -37,13 +40,13 @@ get_flu_data <- function(region="hhs", sub_region=1:10,
region <- tolower(region)
data_source <- tolower(data_source)
if (!(region %in% c("hhs", "census", "national")))
if (!(region %in% c("hhs", "census", "national", "state")))
stop("Error: region must be one of hhs, census or national")
if (length(region) != 1)
stop("Error: can only select one region")
if (region=="national") sub_region = ""
if (region=="national") sub_region = 0
if ((region=="hhs") && !all(sub_region %in% 1:10))
stop("Error: sub_region values must fall between 1:10 when region is 'hhs'")
@ -57,31 +60,75 @@ get_flu_data <- function(region="hhs", sub_region=1:10,
if (any(years < 1997))
stop("Error: years should be > 1997")
# format the input parameters to fit the CDC API
years <- years - 1960
# Match names of states to numbers for API
if (region == "state") {
sub_region <- tolower(sub_region)
reg <- as.numeric(c("hhs"=1, "census"=2, "national"=3)[[region]])
if (any(sub_region == "all")) {
sub_region_inpt <- 1:57
} else {
state_match <- data.frame(state = tolower(c(sort(c(,
"District of Columbia")),
"American Samoa",
"Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands",
"Puerto Rico",
"Virgin Islands",
"New York City",
"Los Angeles")),
num = 1:57,
stringsAsFactors = F)
sub_region_inpt <- state_match$num[state_match$state %in% sub_region]
if (length(sub_region_inpt) == 0)
stop("Error: no eligible state/territory names provided")
} else sub_region_inpt <- sub_region
if ("all" %in% data_source) data_source <- c("who", "ilinet")
# format the input parameters to fit the CDC API
data_source <- gsub("who", "WHO_NREVSS", data_source)
data_source <- gsub("ilinet", "ILINet", data_source)
years <- years - 1960
params <- list(SubRegionsList = paste0(sub_region, collapse=","),
DataSources = paste0(data_source, collapse=","),
RegionID = reg,
SeasonsList = paste0(years, collapse=","))
reg <- as.numeric(c("hhs"=1, "census"=2, "national"=3, "state" = 5)[[region]])
# Format data source
if (data_source == "who") {
data_list <- list(list(ID = 0,
Name = "WHO_NREVSS"))
} else if (data_source == "ilinet") {
data_list <- list(list(ID = 1,
Name = "ILINet"))
} else data_list <- list(list(ID = 0,
Name = "WHO_NREVSS"),
list(ID = 1,
Name = "ILINet"))
# Format years
year_list <- lapply(seq_along(years),
function(x) list(ID = years[x],
Name = paste(years[x])))
# Format sub regions
sub_reg_list <- lapply(seq_along(sub_region_inpt),
function(x) list(ID = sub_region_inpt[x],
Name = paste(sub_region_inpt[x])))
params <- list(AppVersion = "Public",
DatasourceDT = data_list,
RegionTypeId = reg,
SeasonsDT = year_list,
SubRegionsDT = sub_reg_list)
out_file <- tempfile(fileext=".zip")
# CDC API returns a ZIP file so we grab, save & expand it to then read in CSVs
tmp <- httr::POST("",
tmp <- httr::POST("",
body = params,
encode = "json",
if (!(file.exists(out_file)))
stop("Error: cannot process downloaded data")
@ -97,7 +144,17 @@ get_flu_data <- function(region="hhs", sub_region=1:10,
suppressMessages(readr::read_csv(x, skip=ct))
}) -> file_list
names(file_list) <- substr(basename(files), 1, 3)
names(file_list) <- substr(basename(files), 1, nchar(basename(files)) - 4)
# If data are missing, X causes numeric columns to be read as character
purrr::map(file_list, function(x) {
# Create list of columns that should be numeric - exclude character columns
cols <- which(!colnames(x) %in% c("REGION", "REGION TYPE",
suppressWarnings(x[cols] <- purrr::map(x[cols], as.numeric))
}) -> file_list
# Depending on the parameters, there could be more than one
# file returned. When there's only one, return a more usable
@ -128,3 +185,4 @@ get_flu_data <- function(region="hhs", sub_region=1:10,


@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ get_flu_data(region = "hhs", sub_region = 1:10, data_source = "ilinet",
years = as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "\%Y")))
\item{region}{one of "\code{hhs}", "\code{census}", "\code{national}"}
\item{region}{one of "\code{hhs}", "\code{census}", "\code{national}",
\item{sub_region}{depends on the \code{region_type}.\cr
For "\code{national}", the \code{sub_region} should be \code{NA}.\cr
For "\code{hhs}", should be a vector between \code{1:10}.\cr
For "\code{census}", should be a vector between \code{1:9}}
For "\code{census}", should be a vector between \code{1:9}.\cr
For "\code{state}", should be a vector of state/territory names
or "\code{all}".}
\item{data_source}{either of "\code{who}" (for WHO NREVSS) or "\code{ilinet}"
or "\code{all}" (for both)}
@ -49,4 +52,3 @@ There is often a noticeable delay when making the API request to the CDC.
flu <- get_flu_data("hhs", 1:10, c("who", "ilinet"), years=2000:2014)
