% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/coverage-map.r \name{cdc_coverage_map} \alias{cdc_coverage_map} \title{Retrieve CDC U.S. Coverage Map} \usage{ cdc_coverage_map() } \description{ The CDC FluView application uses a composite basemap of coverage areas within the United States that elides and scales Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and provides elided and scaled breakouts for New York City and the District of Columbia.\cr \cr The basemap provides polygon identifiers by: \cr \itemize{ \item \code{STATE_FIPS} \item \code{STATE_ABBR} \item \code{STATE_NAME} \item \code{HHS_Region} \item \code{FIPSTXT}) \cr This function retrieves the shapefile, projects to EPSG:5069 and returns it as an \code{sf} (simple features) object. } } \examples{ \dontrun{ plot(cdc_coverage_map()) } }