% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/datasets.r \docType{data} \name{hhs_regions} \alias{hhs_regions} \title{HHS Region Table} \format{A data frame with 59 rows and 4 variables} \usage{ data(hhs_regions) } \description{ This dataset contains the names, numbers, regional offices for-, and states/territories belonging to the (presently) 10 HHS U.S. regions in "long" format. It consists of a \code{data.frame} with the following columns: \itemize{ \item \code{region}: the official HHS region name (e.g. "\code{Region 1}") \item \code{region_number}: the associated region number \item \code{regional_office}: the HHS regional office for the entire region \item \code{state_or_territory}: state or territory belonging to the region } } \note{ Last updated 2015-08-09. } \references{ \url{https://www.hhs.gov/about/agencies/iea/regional-offices/index.html} } \keyword{datasets}