#' Retrieve CDC U.S. Coverage Map #' #' The CDC FluView application uses a composite basemap of coverage areas #' within the United States that elides and scales Alaska, Hawaii and #' Puerto Rico and provides elided and scaled breakouts for New York City #' and the District of Columbia.\cr #' \cr #' The basemap provides polygon identifiers by: #' \cr #' - `STATE_FIPS` #' - `STATE_ABBR` #' - `STATE_NAME` #' - `HHS_Region` #' - `FIPSTXT`) #' \cr #' This function retrieves the shapefile, projects to EPSG:5069 and #' returns it as an `sf` (simple features) object. #' #' @md #' @export #' @examples \dontrun{ #' plot(cdc_coverage_map()) #' } cdc_coverage_map <- function() { xsf <- sf::st_read(.cdc_basemap, quiet=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE) sf::st_crs(xsf) <- 4326 sf::st_transform(xsf, 5069) }