#' Retrieves influenza hospitalization statistics from the CDC #' #' Uses the data source from the #' \href{https://gis.cdc.gov/GRASP/Fluview/FluHospRates.html}{CDC FluView} #' and provides influenza hospitalization reporting data as a data frame. #' #' @param area one of "\code{flusurvnet}", "\code{eip}", "\code{ihsp}", or two #' digit state abbreviation for an individual site. Exceptions are #' New York - Albany ("\code{nya}") and New York - Rochester ("\code{nyr}") #' @param age_group a vector of age groups to pull data for. Possible values are: #' "\code{overall}", "\code{0-4y}", "\code{5-17y}, "\code{18-49y}, #' "\code{50-64y}, "\code{65+y}". #' @param years a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. \code{2014} for CDC #' flu season 2014-2015). Default value is the current year and all #' \code{years} values should be >= \code{2009} #' @return A single \code{data.frame}. #' @note There is often a noticeable delay when making the API request to the CDC. #' This is not due to a large download size, but the time it takes for their #' servers to crunch the data. Wrap the function call in \code{httr::with_verbose} #' if you would like to see what's going on. #' @export #' @examples \dontrun{ #' # All of FluSurv-NET, 50-64 years old, 2010/11-2014/15 flu seasons #' flu <- get_hosp_data("flusurvnet", "50-64y", years=2010:2014) #' } get_hosp_data <- function(area="flusurvnet", age_group="overall", years=as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y")) - 1) { area <- tolower(area) age_group <- tolower(age_group) if (!(area %in% c("flusurvnet", "eip", "ihsp", "ca", "co", "ct", "ga", "md", "mn", "nm", "nya", "nyr", "or", "tn", "id", "ia", "mi", "oh", "ok", "ri", "sd", "ut"))) stop("Error: area must be one of flusurvnet, eip, ihsp, or a valid state abbreviation") if (length(area) != 1) stop("Error: can only select one area") if (!all(age_group %in% c("overall", "0-4y", "5-17y", "18-49y", "50-64y", "65+y"))) stop("Error: invalid age group specified") if (any(years < 2009)) stop("Error: years should be >= 2009") # Match names of age groups to numbers for API age_match <- data.frame(age_group = c("overall", "0-4y", "5-17y", "18-49y", "50-64y", "65+y"), code = c(6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) age_group_num <- age_match$code[age_match$age_group %in% age_group] # format the input parameters to fit the CDC API years <- years - 1960 area_match <- data.frame(area = c("flusurvnet", "eip", "ca", "co", "ct", "ga", "md", "mn", "nm", "nya", "nyr", "or", "tn", "ihsp", "id", "ia", "mi", "oh", "ok", "ri", "sd", "ut"), catch = c(22, 22, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 17, 20, 22, 6, 5, 8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21), network = c(1, rep(2, 12), rep(3, 9))) # Format years year_list <- lapply(seq_along(years), function(x) list(ID = years[x])) # Format age group age_list <- lapply(seq_along(age_group_num), function(x) list(ID = age_group_num[x])) params <- list(AppVersion = "Public", agegroups = age_list, catchmentid = area_match$catch[area_match$area == area], networkid = area_match$network[area_match$area == area], seasons = year_list) out_file <- tempfile(fileext=".json") # CDC API returns a ZIP file so we grab, save & expand it to then read in CSVs tmp <- httr::POST("https://gis.cdc.gov/GRASP/Flu3/PostPhase03DownloadData", body = params, encode = "json", httr::write_disk(out_file, overwrite = T)) httr::stop_for_status(tmp) if (!(file.exists(out_file))) stop("Error: cannot process downloaded data") file <- jsonlite::fromJSON(out_file)[[1]] # pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(file)) # purrr::map(file, function(x) { # pb$tick()$print() # ct <- ifelse(grepl("who", x, ignore.case=TRUE), 1, 1) # suppressMessages(readr::read_csv(x, skip=ct)) # }) -> file_list # names(file_list) <- substr(basename(files), 1, nchar(basename(files)) - 4) # Depending on the parameters, there could be more than one # file returned. When there's only one, return a more usable # structure. # when no rows, then it's likely the caller specified the # current year and the flu season has technically not started yet. # so help them out and move the year back and get current flu # season data. if ((nrow(file) == 0) && (length(years)==1) && (years == (as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))-1960))) { message("Adjusting [years] to get current season...") return(get_hosp_data(area=area, age_group=age_group, years=years+1960-1)) } else { return(file) } }