% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/cdcfluview.R \name{get_flu_data} \alias{get_flu_data} \title{Retrieve CDC flu data} \usage{ get_flu_data(region = "hhs", sub_region = 1:10, data_source = "ilinet", years = 2014) } \arguments{ \item{region}{one of "\code{hhs}", "\code{census}", "\code{national}"} \item{sub_region}{depends on the \code{region_type}.\cr For "\code{national}", the \code{sub_region} should be \code{NA}.\cr For "\code{hhs}", should be a vector between \code{1:10}.\cr For "\code{census}", should be a vector between \code{1:9}} \item{data_source}{either of "\code{who}" (for WHO NREVSS) or "\code{ilinet}" or "\code{all}" (for both)} \item{years}{a vector of years to retrieve data for (i.e. \code{2014} for CDC flu seasn 2014-2015)} } \value{ If only a single \code{data_source} is specified, then a single \code{data.frame} is returned, otherwise a named list with each \code{data.frame} is returned. } \description{ Uses the data source from the CDC FluView \url{http://gis.cdc.gov/grasp/fluview/fluportaldashboard.html} and provides flu reporting data as either a single data frame or a list of data frames (depending on whether either WHO NREVSS or ILINet - or both - is chosen) } \examples{ \dontrun{ flu <- get_flu_data("hhs", 1:10, c("who", "ilinet"), years=2000:2014) } }