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#' Retrieves (high-level) weekly (XML) influenza surveillance report from the CDC
#' The CDC publishes a \href{}{weekly
#' influenza report} detailing high-level flu activity per-state. They also
#' publish a data file (see \code{References}) of historical report readings.
#' This function reads that XML file and produces a long \code{data_frame}
#' with the historical surveillance readings.\cr
#' \cr
#' This function provides similar data to \code{\link{get_state_data}} but without
#' the reporting source metadata and a limit on the historical flu information.
#' @references \url{}
#' @return \code{tbl_df} (also classed with \code{cdcweeklyreport}) with six
#' columns: \code{year}, \code{week_number}, \code{state}, \code{color},
#' \code{label}, \code{subtitle}
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' wfr <- get_weekly_flu_report()
#' }
get_weekly_flu_report <- function() {
# grab the report
doc <- xml2::read_xml("")
# extract the time periods
periods <- xml2::xml_attrs(xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "timeperiod"))
# for each period extract the state information and
# shove it all into a data frame
pb <- dplyr::progress_estimated(length(periods))
purrr::map_df(periods, function(period) {
tp <- sprintf("//timeperiod[@number='%s' and @year='%s']",
period["number"], period["year"])
weeks <- xml2::xml_find_first(doc, tp)
kids <- xml2::xml_children(weeks)
abbrev <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(kids, "abbrev"), TRUE)
color <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(kids, "color"), TRUE)
label <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_all(kids, "label"), TRUE)
year = period["year"],
week_number = period["number"],
state = abbrev,
color = color,
label = label,
subtitle = period["subtitle"]
}) -> out))
class(out) <- c("cdcweeklyreport", class(out))