% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/clandnstine-package.R \docType{package} \name{clandnstine} \alias{clandnstine} \title{Perform Secure-by-default or Woefully Insecure 'DNS' Queries} \description{ Methods are provided to query 'Domain Name System' ('DNS') stub and recursive resolvers for all 'DNS' resource record types using 'UDP', TCP', and/or 'TLS' transport layers. 'DNS' query support is provided by the 'getdns' () C library. } \details{ \itemize{ \item URL: \url{https://gitlab.com/hrbrmstr/clandnstine} \item BugReports: \url{https://gitlab.com/hrbrmstr/clandnstine/issues} } } \author{ Bob Rudis (bob@rud.is) } \keyword{internal}