% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/set-transports.R \name{gdns_set_transports} \alias{gdns_set_transports} \title{Specifies what transport(s) is/ar used for DNS lookups} \usage{ gdns_set_transports(gctx, transports = c("tls", "udp", "tcp")) } \arguments{ \item{gctx}{gdns resolver context created with \code{\link[=gdns_resolver]{gdns_resolver()}}} \item{transports}{character vector of any/all of "\code{udp}", "\code{tcp}" or "\code{tls}". Order matters as it specifies that the library will use to try to perform the lookups.} } \description{ Specifies what transport(s) is/ar used for DNS lookups } \examples{ x <- gdns_context() x <- gdns_set_transports(x, "tls") }