# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand # Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393 #' Return gdns library version #' #' @export gdns_lib_version <- function() { .Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_lib_version`) } #' Test whether an object is an external pointer #' #' @param x object to test #' @keywords internal check_is_xptr <- function(s) { invisible(.Call(`_clandnstine_check_is_xptr`, s)) } #' Test whether an external pointer is null #' #' @param x object to test #' @keywords internal is_null_xptr_ <- function(s) { .Call(`_clandnstine_is_null_xptr_`, s) } #' Internal version of gdns_resolver #' @keywords internal int_gdns_resolver <- function(resolvers) { .Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_resolver`, resolvers) } #' Resolve a host to an addrss #' #' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()] #' @param host to lookup #' @export #' @examples #' x <- gdns_resolver() #' gdns_get_address(x, "yahoo.com") #' x %>% gdns_get_address("yahoo.com") gdns_get_address <- function(gctx, host) { .Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_address`, gctx, host) } int_get_resolvers <- function(gctx) { .Call(`_clandnstine_int_get_resolvers`, gctx) } int_gdns_query <- function(gctx, name, rr, include_reporting = FALSE) { .Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_query`, gctx, name, rr, include_reporting) }