Perform Secure-by-default or Woefully Insecure ‘DNS’ Queries
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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/resolver.R
\title{Initialized the context's local names namespace with values from the given hosts file.}
gdns_set_hosts(gctx, hosts_file)
\item{gctx}{gdns resolver context created with \code{\link[=gdns_resolver]{gdns_resolver()}}}
\item{hosts_file}{path to a valid \code{hosts} file (e.g. "\verb{/etc/hosts}). This value
will be \code{\link[=path.expand]{path.expand()}}ed.}
Initialized the context's local names namespace with values from the given hosts file.
x <- gdns_context()
gdns_set_hosts(x, "/etc/hosts")
Other context functions:
\concept{context functions}