Perform Secure-by-default or Woefully Insecure ‘DNS’ Queries
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
654 B

.res_types <- c("stub" = 520L, "recursive" = 521L)
#' Specify whether DNS queries are performed with recursive lookups or as a stub resolver
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param res_type length 1 character vector of either "`stub`" or "`recursive`"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- gdns_context()
#' x <- gdns_set_resolution_type(x, "stub")
gdns_set_resolution_type <- function(gctx, res_type = c("stub", "recursive")) {
unique(tolower(trimws(res_type))), c("stub", "recursive")
) -> transports
res_type <- unname(.res_types[res_type])
int_gdns_set_resolution_type(gctx, res_type)