Perform Secure-by-default or Woefully Insecure ‘DNS’ Queries
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90 строки
1.9 KiB

classname = "DNSRecord",
public = list(
header = NULL,
questions = list(),
rr = list(),
auth = list(),
ar = list(),
initialize = function(header = NULL, questions = NULL,
rr = NULL, q = NULL, a = NULL,
auth = NULL, ar = NULL) {
self$header <- header %||% DNSHeader$new()
self$questions <- questions %||% list()
self$rr <- rr %||% list()
self$auth <- auth %||% list()
self$ar <- ar %||% list()
if (length(q)) self$questions <- append(self$questions, q)
if (length(a)) self$rr <- append(self$rr, a)
question = function(qname, qtype = "A", qclass = "IN") {
q = DNSQuestion$new(
qname = qname,
qtype = .qtype[toupper(qtype)],
qclass = .class[toupper(qclass)]
parse = function(buf, buf_pos = 1L) {
#self$header <- NULL
self$questions <- list()
self$rr <- list()
self$auth <- list()
self$ar <- list()
buf_pos <- 1L
ret <- DNSHeader$new()$parse(buf)
self$header <- ret
buf_pos <- attr(ret, "buflen") + 1L
self$questions <- lapply(1:self$header$q, function(.idx) {
ret <- DNSQuestion$new()$parse(buf, buf_pos)
buf_pos <<- buf_pos + attr(ret, "buflen")
# Reset header q/a/auth/ar counts to match numver of records (normally done transparently)
set_header_qa = function() {
self$header$q <- length(self$questions)
self$header$a <- length(self$rr)
self$header$auth <- length(self$auth)
self$header$ar <- length(self$ar)
pack = function() {
out <- self$header$pack()
for (q in self$questions) out <- c(out, q$pack())
private = list(
) -> DNSRecord