Perform Secure-by-default or Woefully Insecure ‘DNS’ Queries
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# Generated by using Rcpp::compileAttributes() -> do not edit by hand
# Generator token: 10BE3573-1514-4C36-9D1C-5A225CD40393
#' Return gdns library version
#' @family utlity functions
#' @export
gdns_lib_version <- function() {
#' Internal version of gdns_update_resolvers
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_update_resolvers <- function(gctx, resolvers) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_update_resolvers`, gctx, resolvers)
#' Specify the number of milliseconds to wait for request to return
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param timeout number of milliseconds (integer; i.e. not-fractional)
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_set_timeout <- function(gctx, timeout) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_set_timeout`, gctx, timeout)
#' Retreive the number of milliseconds to wait for request to return
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_timeout <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_timeout`, gctx)
#' Set/unset context to round robin queries over the available upstreams
#' when resolving with the stub resolution type.
#' @md
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param flag if `TRUE` (the default) round robin queries when using more than one stub resolver,
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_set_round_robin_upstreams <- function(gctx, flag = TRUE) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_set_round_robin_upstreams`, gctx, flag)
#' Internal version of gdns_set_hosts()
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_set_hosts <- function(gctx, hosts) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_set_hosts`, gctx, hosts)
#' Internal version of set_transports()
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_set_transports <- function(gctx, trans) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_set_transports`, gctx, trans)
#' Internal version of gdns_set_resolution_type()
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_set_resolution_type <- function(gctx, res_type) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_set_resolution_type`, gctx, res_type)
#' Retreive what transports are used for DNS lookups.
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_transports <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_transports`, gctx)
#' Retreive the value of the localnames namespace
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_hosts <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_hosts`, gctx)
#' Retreive the value with which the context's upstream recursive servers and suffixes were initialized
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_resolvconf <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_resolvconf`, gctx)
#' Retreive the value with which the context's upstream recursive servers and suffixes were initialized
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_tls_ca_path <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_tls_ca_path`, gctx)
#' Retreive the file location with CA certificates for verification purposes
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_get_tls_ca_file <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_tls_ca_file`, gctx)
#' Specify where the location for CA certificates for verification purposes are located
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param ca_path directory with Certificate Authority certificates
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_set_tls_ca_path <- function(gctx, ca_path) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_set_tls_ca_path`, gctx, ca_path)
#' Specify the file with CA certificates for verification purposes
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param ca_file file with Certificate Authority certificates
#' @family context functions
#' @export
gdns_set_tls_ca_file <- function(gctx, ca_file) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_set_tls_ca_file`, gctx, ca_file)
#' Retrieve the list of addresses in use for looking up top-level domains in use by the context.
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_get_root_servers <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_get_root_servers`, gctx)
int_dns_wire_to_list <- function(buf) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_dns_wire_to_list`, buf)
#' Test whether an object is an external pointer
#' @param x object to test
#' @keywords internal
check_is_xptr <- function(s) {
invisible(.Call(`_clandnstine_check_is_xptr`, s))
#' Test whether an external pointer is null
#' @param x object to test
#' @keywords internal
is_null_xptr_ <- function(s) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_is_null_xptr_`, s)
#' Internal version of gdns_context
#' @keywords internal
int_gdns_context <- function(resolvers) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_context`, resolvers)
#' Resolve a host to an addrss
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @param host to lookup
#' @family query functions
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- gdns_resolver()
#' gdns_get_address(x, "")
#' x %>% gdns_get_address("")
gdns_get_address <- function(gctx, host) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_address`, gctx, host)
int_get_resolvers <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_get_resolvers`, gctx)
int_gdns_query <- function(gctx, name, rr, include_reporting = FALSE) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_int_gdns_query`, gctx, name, rr, include_reporting)
#' Get the current resolution type setting
#' @param gctx gdns resolver context created with [gdns_resolver()]
#' @export
#' @family context functions
#' @examples
#' x <- gdns_context()
#' gdns_get_resolution_type(x)
gdns_get_resolution_type <- function(gctx) {
.Call(`_clandnstine_gdns_get_resolution_type`, gctx)