You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

10484 lines
399 KiB

9 years ago
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# cloc -- Count Lines of Code {{{1
# Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Al Danial <>
# First release August 2006
# Includes code from:
# - SLOCCount v2.26
# by David Wheeler.
# - Regexp::Common v2.120
# by Damian Conway and Abigail.
# - Win32::Autoglob
# by Sean M. Burke.
# - Algorithm::Diff
# by Tye McQueen.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# 1}}}
my $VERSION = "1.64"; # odd number == beta; even number == stable
my $URL = "";
require 5.006;
# use modules {{{1
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp qw { tempfile tempdir };
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use POSIX "strftime";
# Digest::MD5 isn't in the standard distribution. Use it only if installed.
my $HAVE_Digest_MD5 = 0;
eval "use Digest::MD5;";
if (defined $Digest::MD5::VERSION) {
$HAVE_Digest_MD5 = 1;
} else {
warn "Digest::MD5 not installed; will skip file uniqueness checks.\n";
# Time::HiRes became standard with Perl 5.8
my $HAVE_Time_HiRes = 0;
eval "use Time::HiRes;";
$HAVE_Time_HiRes = 1 if defined $Time::HiRes::VERSION;
my $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
# Regexp::Common isn't in the standard distribution. It will
# be installed in a temp directory if necessary.
if (eval "use Regexp::Common;") {
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1;
} else {
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 0;
my $HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 0;
# Algorithm::Diff isn't in the standard distribution. It will
# be installed in a temp directory if necessary.
eval "use Algorithm::Diff qw ( sdiff ) ";
if (defined $Algorithm::Diff::VERSION) {
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 1;
} else {
# print "2 HAVE_Algorith_Diff = $HAVE_Algorith_Diff\n";
# test_alg_diff($ARGV[$#ARGV - 1], $ARGV[$#ARGV]); die;
# Uncomment next two lines when building Windows executable with perl2exe
# or if running on a system that already has Regexp::Common.
#use Regexp::Common;
#$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1;
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "File/"
use Text::Tabs qw { expand };
use Cwd qw { cwd };
use File::Glob;
my $PERL_516 = $] >= 5.016 ? 1 : 0; # 5.16 deprecates defined(@array)
no warnings 'deprecated'; # will need to comment this out to test
# each new Perl version
# 1}}}
# Usage information, options processing. {{{1
my $ON_WINDOWS = 0;
$ON_WINDOWS = 1 if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/) or ($^O eq "Windows_NT");
if ($ON_WINDOWS and $ENV{'SHELL'}) {
if ($ENV{'SHELL'} =~ m{^/}) {
$ON_WINDOWS = 0; # make Cygwin look like Unix
} else {
$ON_WINDOWS = 1; # MKS defines $SHELL but still acts like Windows
my $NN = chr(27) . "[0m"; # normal
$NN = "" if $ON_WINDOWS or !(-t STDERR); # -t STDERR: is it a terminal?
my $BB = chr(27) . "[1m"; # bold
$BB = "" if $ON_WINDOWS or !(-t STDERR);
my $script = basename $0;
my $usage = "
Usage: $script [options] <file(s)/dir(s)> | <set 1> <set 2> | <report files>
Count, or compute differences of, physical lines of source code in the
given files (may be archives such as compressed tarballs or zip files)
and/or recursively below the given directories.
${BB}Input Options${NN}
--extract-with=<cmd> This option is only needed if cloc is unable
to figure out how to extract the contents of
the input file(s) by itself.
Use <cmd> to extract binary archive files (e.g.:
.tar.gz, .zip, .Z). Use the literal '>FILE<' as
a stand-in for the actual file(s) to be
extracted. For example, to count lines of code
in the input files
gcc-4.2.tar.gz perl-5.8.8.tar.gz
on Unix use
--extract-with='gzip -dc >FILE< | tar xf -'
or, if you have GNU tar,
--extract-with='tar zxf >FILE<'
and on Windows use, for example:
--extract-with=\"\\\"c:\\Program Files\\WinZip\\WinZip32.exe\\\" -e -o >FILE< .\"
(if WinZip is installed there).
--list-file=<file> Take the list of file and/or directory names to
process from <file>, which has one file/directory
name per line. Only exact matches are counted;
relative path names will be resolved starting from
the directory where cloc is invoked.
See also --exclude-list-file.
--unicode Check binary files to see if they contain Unicode
expanded ASCII text. This causes performance to
drop noticably.
${BB}Processing Options${NN}
--autoconf Count .in files (as processed by GNU autoconf) of
recognized languages.
--by-file Report results for every source file encountered.
--by-file-by-lang Report results for every source file encountered
in addition to reporting by language.
--count-and-diff <set1> <set2>
First perform direct code counts of source file(s)
of <set1> and <set2> separately, then perform a diff
of these. Inputs may be pairs of files, directories,
or archives. See also --diff, --diff-alignment,
--diff-timeout, --ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace.
--diff <set1> <set2> Compute differences in code and comments between
source file(s) of <set1> and <set2>. The inputs
may be pairs of files, directories, or archives.
Use --diff-alignment to generate a list showing
which file pairs where compared. See also
--count-and-diff, --diff-alignment, --diff-timeout,
--ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace.
--diff-timeout <N> Ignore files which take more than <N> seconds
to process. Default is 10 seconds.
(Large files with many repeated lines can cause
Algorithm::Diff::sdiff() to take hours.)
--follow-links [Unix only] Follow symbolic links to directories
(sym links to files are always followed).
Process all files that have a <ext> extension
with the counter for language <lang>. For
example, to count all .f files with the
Fortran 90 counter (which expects files to
end with .f90) instead of the default Fortran 77
counter, use
--force-lang=\"Fortran 90\",f
If <ext> is omitted, every file will be counted
with the <lang> counter. This option can be
specified multiple times (but that is only
useful when <ext> is given each time).
See also --script-lang, --lang-no-ext.
--force-lang-def=<file> Load language processing filters from <file>,
then use these filters instead of the built-in
filters. Note: languages which map to the same
file extension (for example:
MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury; Pascal/PHP;
Lisp/OpenCL; Lisp/Julia; Perl/Prolog) will be
ignored as these require additional processing
that is not expressed in language definition
files. Use --read-lang-def to define new
language filters without replacing built-in
filters (see also --write-lang-def).
--ignore-whitespace Ignore horizontal white space when comparing files
with --diff. See also --ignore-case.
--ignore-case Ignore changes in case; consider upper- and lower-
case letters equivalent when comparing files with
--diff. See also --ignore-whitespace.
--lang-no-ext=<lang> Count files without extensions using the <lang>
counter. This option overrides internal logic
for files without extensions (where such files
are checked against known scripting languages
by examining the first line for #!). See also
--force-lang, --script-lang.
--max-file-size=<MB> Skip files larger than <MB> megabytes when
traversing directories. By default, <MB>=100.
cloc's memory requirement is roughly twenty times
larger than the largest file so running with
files larger than 100 MB on a computer with less
than 2 GB of memory will cause problems.
Note: this check does not apply to files
explicitly passed as command line arguments.
--read-binary-files Process binary files in addition to text files.
This is usually a bad idea and should only be
attempted with text files that have embedded
binary data.
--read-lang-def=<file> Load new language processing filters from <file>
and merge them with those already known to cloc.
If <file> defines a language cloc already knows
about, cloc's definition will take precedence.
Use --force-lang-def to over-ride cloc's
definitions (see also --write-lang-def ).
--script-lang=<lang>,<s> Process all files that invoke <s> as a #!
scripting language with the counter for language
<lang>. For example, files that begin with
will be counted with the Perl counter by using
The language name is case insensitive but the
name of the script language executable, <s>,
must have the right case. This option can be
specified multiple times. See also --force-lang,
--sdir=<dir> Use <dir> as the scratch directory instead of
letting File::Temp chose the location. Files
written to this location are not removed at
the end of the run (as they are with File::Temp).
--skip-uniqueness Skip the file uniqueness check. This will give
a performance boost at the expense of counting
files with identical contents multiple times
(if such duplicates exist).
--stdin-name=<file> Give a file name to use to determine the language
for standard input.
--strip-comments=<ext> For each file processed, write to the current
directory a version of the file which has blank
lines and comments removed. The name of each
stripped file is the original file name with
.<ext> appended to it. It is written to the
current directory unless --original-dir is on.
--original-dir [Only effective in combination with
--strip-comments] Write the stripped files
to the same directory as the original files.
--sum-reports Input arguments are report files previously
created with the --report-file option. Makes
a cumulative set of results containing the
sum of data from the individual report files.
--unix Override the operating system autodetection
logic and run in UNIX mode. See also
--windows, --show-os.
--windows Override the operating system autodetection
logic and run in Microsoft Windows mode.
See also --unix, --show-os.
${BB}Filter Options${NN}
--exclude-dir=<D1>[,D2,] Exclude the given comma separated directories
D1, D2, D3, et cetera, from being scanned. For
example --exclude-dir=.cache,test will skip
all files that have /.cache/ or /test/ as part
of their path.
Directories named .bzr, .cvs, .hg, .git, and
.svn are always excluded.
Do not count files having the given file name
--exclude-lang=<L1>[,L2,] Exclude the given comma separated languages
L1, L2, L3, et cetera, from being counted.
--exclude-list-file=<file> Ignore files and/or directories whose names
appear in <file>. <file> should have one file
name per line. Only exact matches are ignored;
relative path names will be resolved starting from
the directory where cloc is invoked.
See also --list-file.
--include-lang=<L1>[,L2,] Count only the given comma separated languages
L1, L2, L3, et cetera.
--match-d=<regex> Only count files in directories matching the Perl
regex. For example
only counts files in directories containing
/src/ or /include/.
--not-match-d=<regex> Count all files except those in directories
matching the Perl regex.
--match-f=<regex> Only count files whose basenames match the Perl
regex. For example
only counts files that start with Widget or widget.
--not-match-f=<regex> Count all files except those whose basenames
match the Perl regex.
--skip-archive=<regex> Ignore files that end with the given Perl regular
expression. For example, if given
the code will skip files that end with .zip,
.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, and
--skip-win-hidden On Windows, ignore hidden files.
${BB}Debug Options${NN}
--categorized=<file> Save names of categorized files to <file>.
--counted=<file> Save names of processed source files to <file>.
--explain=<lang> Print the filters used to remove comments for
language <lang> and exit. In some cases the
filters refer to Perl subroutines rather than
regular expressions. An examination of the
source code may be needed for further explanation.
--diff-alignment=<file> Write to <file> a list of files and file pairs
showing which files were added, removed, and/or
compared during a run with --diff. This switch
forces the --diff mode on.
--help Print this usage information and exit.
--found=<file> Save names of every file found to <file>.
--ignored=<file> Save names of ignored files and the reason they
were ignored to <file>.
--print-filter-stages Print processed source code before and after
each filter is applied.
--show-ext[=<ext>] Print information about all known (or just the
given) file extensions and exit.
--show-lang[=<lang>] Print information about all known (or just the
given) languages and exit.
--show-os Print the value of the operating system mode
and exit. See also --unix, --windows.
-v[=<n>] Verbose switch (optional numeric value).
--version Print the version of this program and exit.
--write-lang-def=<file> Writes to <file> the language processing filters
then exits. Useful as a first step to creating
custom language definitions (see also
--force-lang-def, --read-lang-def).
${BB}Output Options${NN}
--3 Print third-generation language output.
(This option can cause report summation to fail
if some reports were produced with this option
while others were produced without it.)
--by-percent X Instead of comment and blank line counts, show
these values as percentages based on the value
of X in the denominator:
X = 'c' -> # lines of code
X = 'cm' -> # lines of code + comments
X = 'cb' -> # lines of code + blanks
X = 'cmb' -> # lines of code + comments + blanks
For example, if using method 'c' and your code
has twice as many lines of comments as lines
of code, the value in the comment column will
be 200%. The code column remains a line count.
--csv Write the results as comma separated values.
--csv-delimiter=<C> Use the character <C> as the delimiter for comma
separated files instead of ,. This switch forces
--out=<file> Synonym for --report-file=<file>.
--csv to be on.
--progress-rate=<n> Show progress update after every <n> files are
processed (default <n>=100). Set <n> to 0 to
suppress progress output (useful when redirecting
output to STDOUT).
--quiet Suppress all information messages except for
the final report.
--report-file=<file> Write the results to <file> instead of STDOUT.
--sql=<file> Write results as SQL create and insert statements
which can be read by a database program such as
SQLite. If <file> is -, output is sent to STDOUT.
--sql-append Append SQL insert statements to the file specified
by --sql and do not generate table creation
statements. Only valid with the --sql option.
--sql-project=<name> Use <name> as the project identifier for the
current run. Only valid with the --sql option.
--sql-style=<style> Write SQL statements in the given style instead
of the default SQLite format. Currently, the
only style option is Oracle.
--sum-one For plain text reports, show the SUM: output line
even if only one input file is processed.
--xml Write the results in XML.
--xsl=<file> Reference <file> as an XSL stylesheet within
the XML output. If <file> is 1 (numeric one),
writes a default stylesheet, cloc.xsl (or
cloc-diff.xsl if --diff is also given).
This switch forces --xml on.
--yaml Write the results in YAML.
# Help information for options not yet implemented:
# --inline Process comments that appear at the end
# of lines containing code.
# --html Create HTML files of each input file showing
# comment and code lines in different colors.
$| = 1; # flush STDOUT
my $start_time = get_time();
my (
$opt_categorized ,
$opt_found ,
@opt_force_lang ,
$opt_lang_no_ext ,
@opt_script_lang ,
$opt_count_diff ,
$opt_diff ,
$opt_diff_alignment ,
$opt_diff_timeout ,
$opt_html ,
$opt_ignored ,
$opt_counted ,
$opt_show_ext ,
$opt_show_lang ,
$opt_progress_rate ,
$opt_print_filter_stages ,
$opt_v ,
$opt_version ,
$opt_exclude_lang ,
$opt_exclude_list_file ,
$opt_exclude_dir ,
$opt_explain ,
$opt_include_lang ,
$opt_force_lang_def ,
$opt_read_lang_def ,
$opt_write_lang_def ,
$opt_strip_comments ,
$opt_original_dir ,
$opt_quiet ,
$opt_report_file ,
$opt_sdir ,
$opt_sum_reports ,
$opt_unicode ,
$opt_no3 , # accept it but don't use it
$opt_3 ,
$opt_extract_with ,
$opt_by_file ,
$opt_by_file_by_lang ,
$opt_by_percent ,
$opt_xml ,
$opt_xsl ,
$opt_yaml ,
$opt_csv ,
$opt_csv_delimiter ,
$opt_match_f ,
$opt_not_match_f ,
$opt_match_d ,
$opt_not_match_d ,
$opt_skip_uniqueness ,
$opt_list_file ,
$opt_help ,
$opt_skip_win_hidden ,
$opt_read_binary_files ,
$opt_sql ,
$opt_sql_append ,
$opt_sql_project ,
$opt_sql_style ,
$opt_inline ,
$opt_exclude_ext ,
$opt_ignore_whitespace ,
$opt_ignore_case ,
$opt_follow_links ,
$opt_autoconf ,
$opt_sum_one ,
$opt_stdin_name ,
$opt_force_on_windows ,
$opt_force_on_unix , # actually forces !$ON_WINDOWS
$opt_show_os ,
$opt_skip_archive ,
$opt_max_file_size , # in MB
my $getopt_success = GetOptions(
"by_file|by-file" => \$opt_by_file ,
"by_file_by_lang|by-file-by-lang" => \$opt_by_file_by_lang ,
"categorized=s" => \$opt_categorized ,
"counted=s" => \$opt_counted ,
"include_lang|include-lang=s" => \$opt_include_lang ,
"exclude_lang|exclude-lang=s" => \$opt_exclude_lang ,
"exclude_dir|exclude-dir=s" => \$opt_exclude_dir ,
"exclude_list_file|exclude-list-file=s" => \$opt_exclude_list_file ,
"explain=s" => \$opt_explain ,
"extract_with|extract-with=s" => \$opt_extract_with ,
"found=s" => \$opt_found ,
"count_and_diff|count-and-diff" => \$opt_count_diff ,
"diff" => \$opt_diff ,
"diff-alignment|diff_alignment=s" => \$opt_diff_alignment ,
"diff-timeout|diff_timeout=i" => \$opt_diff_timeout ,
"html" => \$opt_html ,
"ignored=s" => \$opt_ignored ,
"quiet" => \$opt_quiet ,
"force_lang_def|force-lang-def=s" => \$opt_force_lang_def ,
"read_lang_def|read-lang-def=s" => \$opt_read_lang_def ,
"show_ext|show-ext:s" => \$opt_show_ext ,
"show_lang|show-lang:s" => \$opt_show_lang ,
"progress_rate|progress-rate=i" => \$opt_progress_rate ,
"print_filter_stages|print-filter-stages" => \$opt_print_filter_stages ,
"report_file|report-file=s" => \$opt_report_file ,
"out=s" => \$opt_report_file ,
"script_lang|script-lang=s" => \@opt_script_lang ,
"sdir=s" => \$opt_sdir ,
"skip_uniqueness|skip-uniqueness" => \$opt_skip_uniqueness ,
"strip_comments|strip-comments=s" => \$opt_strip_comments ,
"original_dir|original-dir" => \$opt_original_dir ,
"sum_reports|sum-reports" => \$opt_sum_reports ,
"unicode" => \$opt_unicode ,
"no3" => \$opt_no3 , # ignored
"3" => \$opt_3 ,
"v:i" => \$opt_v ,
"version" => \$opt_version ,
"write_lang_def|write-lang-def=s" => \$opt_write_lang_def ,
"xml" => \$opt_xml ,
"xsl=s" => \$opt_xsl ,
"force_lang|force-lang=s" => \@opt_force_lang ,
"lang_no_ext|lang-no-ext=s" => \$opt_lang_no_ext ,
"yaml" => \$opt_yaml ,
"csv" => \$opt_csv ,
"csv_delimeter|csv-delimiter=s" => \$opt_csv_delimiter ,
"match_f|match-f=s" => \$opt_match_f ,
"not_match_f|not-match-f=s" => \$opt_not_match_f ,
"match_d|match-d=s" => \$opt_match_d ,
"not_match_d|not-match-d=s" => \$opt_not_match_d ,
"list_file|list-file=s" => \$opt_list_file ,
"help" => \$opt_help ,
"skip_win_hidden|skip-win-hidden" => \$opt_skip_win_hidden ,
"read_binary_files|read-binary-files" => \$opt_read_binary_files ,
"sql=s" => \$opt_sql ,
"sql_project|sql-project=s" => \$opt_sql_project ,
"sql_append|sql-append" => \$opt_sql_append ,
"sql_style|sql-style=s" => \$opt_sql_style ,
"inline" => \$opt_inline ,
"exclude_ext|exclude-ext=s" => \$opt_exclude_ext ,
"ignore_whitespace|ignore-whitespace" => \$opt_ignore_whitespace ,
"ignore_case|ignore-case" => \$opt_ignore_case ,
"follow_links|follow-links" => \$opt_follow_links ,
"autoconf" => \$opt_autoconf ,
"sum_one|sum-one" => \$opt_sum_one ,
"by_percent|by-percent=s" => \$opt_by_percent ,
"stdin_name|stdin-name=s" => \$opt_stdin_name ,
"windows" => \$opt_force_on_windows ,
"unix" => \$opt_force_on_unix ,
"show_os|show-os" => \$opt_show_os ,
"skip_archive|skip-archive=s" => \$opt_skip_archive ,
"max_file_size|max-file-size=i" => \$opt_max_file_size ,
$opt_by_file = 1 if defined $opt_by_file_by_lang;
my $CLOC_XSL = "cloc.xsl"; # created with --xsl
$CLOC_XSL = "cloc-diff.xsl" if $opt_diff;
die "\n" unless $getopt_success;
die $usage if $opt_help;
my %Exclude_Language = ();
%Exclude_Language = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_lang)
if $opt_exclude_lang;
my %Exclude_Dir = ();
%Exclude_Dir = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_dir )
if $opt_exclude_dir ;
my %Include_Language = ();
%Include_Language = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_include_lang)
if $opt_include_lang;
# Forcibly exclude .svn, .cvs, .hg, .git, .bzr directories. The contents of these
# directories often conflict with files of interest.
$opt_exclude_dir = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".svn"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".cvs"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".hg"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".git"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".bzr"} = 1;
$opt_count_diff = defined $opt_count_diff ? 1 : 0;
$opt_diff = 1 if $opt_diff_alignment;
$opt_exclude_ext = "" unless $opt_exclude_ext;
$opt_ignore_whitespace = 0 unless $opt_ignore_whitespace;
$opt_ignore_case = 0 unless $opt_ignore_case;
$opt_lang_no_ext = 0 unless $opt_lang_no_ext;
$opt_follow_links = 0 unless $opt_follow_links;
$opt_diff_timeout =10 unless $opt_diff_timeout;
$opt_csv = 1 if $opt_csv_delimiter;
$ON_WINDOWS = 1 if $opt_force_on_windows;
$ON_WINDOWS = 0 if $opt_force_on_unix;
$opt_max_file_size = 100 unless $opt_max_file_size;
my @COUNT_DIFF_ARGV = undef;
my $COUNT_DIFF_report_file = undef;
if ($opt_count_diff) {
die "--count-and-diff requires two arguments; got ", scalar @ARGV, "\n"
if scalar @ARGV != 2;
# prefix with a dummy term so that $opt_count_diff is the
# index into @COUNT_DIFF_ARGV to work on at each pass
@COUNT_DIFF_ARGV = (undef, $ARGV[0],
[$ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]]); # 3rd pass: diff them
$COUNT_DIFF_report_file = $opt_report_file if $opt_report_file;
# Options defaults:
$opt_progress_rate = 100 unless defined $opt_progress_rate;
$opt_progress_rate = 0 if defined $opt_quiet;
if (!defined $opt_v) {
$opt_v = 0;
} elsif (!$opt_v) {
$opt_v = 1;
if (defined $opt_xsl) {
$opt_xsl = $CLOC_XSL if $opt_xsl eq "1";
$opt_xml = 1;
my $skip_generate_report = 0;
$opt_sql_style = 0 unless defined $opt_sql_style;
$opt_sql = 0 unless $opt_sql_style or defined $opt_sql;
if ($opt_sql eq "-" || $opt_sql eq "1") { # stream SQL output to STDOUT
$opt_quiet = 1;
$skip_generate_report = 1;
$opt_by_file = 1;
$opt_sum_reports = 0;
$opt_progress_rate = 0;
} elsif ($opt_sql) { # write SQL output to a file
$opt_by_file = 1;
$skip_generate_report = 1;
$opt_sum_reports = 0;
if ($opt_sql_style) {
$opt_sql_style = lc $opt_sql_style;
if (!grep { lc $_ eq $opt_sql_style } qw ( Oracle )) {
die "'$opt_sql_style' is not a recognized SQL style.\n";
$opt_by_percent = '' unless defined $opt_by_percent;
if ($opt_by_percent and $opt_by_percent !~ m/^(c|cm|cb|cmb)$/i) {
die "--by-percent must be either 'c', 'cm', 'cb', or 'cmb'\n";
$opt_by_percent = lc $opt_by_percent;
die $usage unless defined $opt_version or
defined $opt_show_lang or
defined $opt_show_ext or
defined $opt_show_os or
defined $opt_write_lang_def or
defined $opt_list_file or
defined $opt_xsl or
defined $opt_explain or
scalar @ARGV >= 1;
die "--diff requires two arguments; got ", scalar @ARGV, "\n"
if $opt_diff and scalar @ARGV != 2;
if ($opt_version) {
printf "$VERSION\n";
# 1}}}
# Step 1: Initialize global constants. {{{1
my $nFiles_Found = 0; # updated in make_file_list
my (%Language_by_Extension, %Language_by_Script,
%Filters_by_Language, %Not_Code_Extension, %Not_Code_Filename,
%Language_by_File, %Scale_Factor, %Known_Binary_Archives,
my %Error_Codes = ( 'Unable to read' => -1,
'Neither file nor directory' => -2,
'Diff error (quoted comments?)' => -3,
'Diff error, exceeded timeout' => -4,
if ($opt_force_lang_def) {
# replace cloc's definitions
$opt_force_lang_def , # Sample values:
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
} else {
set_constants( #
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%Known_Binary_Archives, # Known_Binary_Archives{.tar} = 1
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
if ($opt_read_lang_def) {
# augment cloc's definitions (keep cloc's where there are overlaps)
$opt_read_lang_def , # Sample values:
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
if ($opt_lang_no_ext and !defined $Filters_by_Language{$opt_lang_no_ext}) {
die_unknown_lang($opt_lang_no_ext, "--lang-no-ext")
check_scale_existence(\%Filters_by_Language, \%Language_by_Extension,
# Process command line provided extention-to-language mapping overrides.
# Make a hash of known languages in lower case for easier matching.
my %Recognized_Language_lc = (); # key = language name in lc, value = true name
foreach my $language (keys %Filters_by_Language) {
my $lang_lc = lc $language;
$Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc} = $language;
my %Forced_Extension = (); # file name extensions which user wants to count
my $All_One_Language = 0; # set to !0 if --force-lang's <ext> is missing
foreach my $pair (@opt_force_lang) {
my ($lang, $extension) = split(',', $pair);
my $lang_lc = lc $lang;
if (defined $extension) {
$Forced_Extension{$extension} = $lang;
die_unknown_lang($lang, "--force-lang")
unless $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
$Language_by_Extension{$extension} = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
} else {
# the scary case--count everything as this language
$All_One_Language = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
foreach my $pair (@opt_script_lang) {
my ($lang, $script_name) = split(',', $pair);
my $lang_lc = lc $lang;
if (!defined $script_name) {
die "The --script-lang option requires a comma separated pair of ".
die_unknown_lang($lang, "--script-lang")
unless $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
$Language_by_Script{$script_name} = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
# If user provided file extensions to ignore, add these to
# the exclusion list.
foreach my $ext (map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_ext ) ) {
$ext = lc $ext if $ON_WINDOWS;
$Not_Code_Extension{$ext} = 1;
# If SQL or --by-file output is requested, keep track of directory names
# generated by File::Temp::tempdir and used to temporarily hold the results
# of compressed archives. Contents of the SQL table 't' will be much
# cleaner if these meaningless directory names are stripped from the front
# of files pulled from the archives.
my %TEMP_DIR = ();
my $TEMP_OFF = 0; # Needed for --sdir; keep track of the number of
# scratch directories made in this run to avoid
# file overwrites by multiple extractions to same
# sdir.
# Also track locations where temporary installations, if necessary, of
# Algorithm::Diff and/or Regexp::Common are done. Make sure these
# directories are not counted as inputs (ref bug #80 2012-11-23).
my %TEMP_INST = ();
# invert %Language_by_Script hash to get an easy-to-look-up list of known
# scripting languages
my %Script_Language = map { $_ => 1 } values %Language_by_Script ;
# 1}}}
# Step 2: Early exits for display, summation. {{{1
print_extension_info( $opt_show_ext ) if defined $opt_show_ext ;
print_language_info( $opt_show_lang, '') if defined $opt_show_lang;
print_language_filters( $opt_explain ) if defined $opt_explain ;
exit if (defined $opt_show_ext) or
(defined $opt_show_lang) or
(defined $opt_explain);
# Sorry, coding purists. Using a goto to implement --count-and-diff
# which has to do three passes over the main code, starting with
# a clean slate each time.
if ($opt_count_diff) {
@ARGV = ( $COUNT_DIFF_ARGV[ $opt_count_diff ] );
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
$opt_diff = 1;
@ARGV = @{$COUNT_DIFF_ARGV[ $opt_count_diff ]}; # last arg is list of list
if ($opt_report_file) {
# Instead of just one output file, will have three.
# Keep their names unique otherwise results are clobbered.
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
$opt_report_file = $COUNT_DIFF_report_file . ".diff.$ARGV[0].$ARGV[1]";
} else {
$opt_report_file = $COUNT_DIFF_report_file . "." . $ARGV[0];
} else {
# STDOUT; print a header showing what it's working on
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
print "\ndiff $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1]::\n";
} else {
print "\n" if $opt_count_diff > 1;
print "$ARGV[0]::\n";
#print "Before glob have [", join(",", @ARGV), "]\n";
@ARGV = windows_glob(@ARGV) if $ON_WINDOWS;
#print "after glob have [", join(",", @ARGV), "]\n";
# filter out archive files if requested to do so
if (defined $opt_skip_archive) {
my @non_archive = ();
foreach my $candidate (@ARGV) {
if ($candidate !~ m/${opt_skip_archive}$/) {
push @non_archive, $candidate;
@ARGV = @non_archive;
if ($opt_sum_reports and $opt_diff) {
my @results = ();
if ($opt_list_file) { # read inputs from the list file
my @list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
@results = combine_diffs(\@list);
} else { # get inputs from the command line
@results = combine_diffs(\@ARGV);
if ($opt_report_file) {
write_file($opt_report_file, @results);
} else {
print "\n", join("\n", @results), "\n";
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
my %Results = ();
foreach my $type( "by language", "by report file" ) {
my $found_lang = undef;
if ($opt_list_file) { # read inputs from the list file
my @list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
$found_lang = combine_results(\@list,
\%{$Results{ $type }},
\%Filters_by_Language );
} else { # get inputs from the command line
$found_lang = combine_results(\@ARGV,
\%{$Results{ $type }},
\%Filters_by_Language );
next unless %Results;
my $end_time = get_time();
my @results = generate_report($VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
\%{$Results{ $type }}, \%Scale_Factor);
if ($opt_report_file) {
my $ext = ".lang";
$ext = ".file" unless $type eq "by language";
next if !$found_lang and $ext eq ".lang";
write_file($opt_report_file . $ext, @results);
} else {
print "\n", join("\n", @results), "\n";
if ($opt_write_lang_def) {
write_lang_def($opt_write_lang_def ,
\%Language_by_Script ,
\%Language_by_File ,
\%Filters_by_Language ,
\%Not_Code_Extension ,
\%Not_Code_Filename ,
\%Scale_Factor ,
\%EOL_Continuation_re ,
if ($opt_show_os) {
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
print "Windows\n";
} else {
print "UNIX\n";
# 1}}}
# Step 3: Create a list of files to consider. {{{1
# a) If inputs are binary archives, first cd to a temp
# directory, expand the archive with the user-given
# extraction tool, then add the temp directory to
# the list of dirs to process.
# b) Create a list of every file that might contain source
# code. Ignore binary files, zero-sized files, and
# any file in a directory the user says to exclude.
# c) Determine the language for each file in the list.
my @binary_archive = ();
my $cwd = cwd();
if ($opt_extract_with) {
#print "cwd main = [$cwd]\n";
my @extract_location = ();
foreach my $bin_file (@ARGV) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
my $bin_file_full_path = "";
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $bin_file )) {
$bin_file_full_path = $bin_file;
#print "bin_file_full_path (was ful) = [$bin_file_full_path]\n";
} else {
$bin_file_full_path = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $bin_file );
#print "bin_file_full_path (was rel) = [$bin_file_full_path]\n";
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($bin_file_full_path);
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @extract_location, $extract_dir;
chdir $cwd;
# It is possible that the binary archive itself contains additional
# files compressed the same way (true for Java .ear files). Go
# through all the files that were extracted, see if they are binary
# archives and try to extract them. Lather, rinse, repeat.
my $binary_archives_exist = 1;
my $count_binary_archives = 0;
my $previous_count = 0;
my $n_pass = 0;
while ($binary_archives_exist) {
@binary_archive = ();
foreach my $dir (@extract_location) {
find(\&archive_files, $dir); # populates global @binary_archive
foreach my $archive (@binary_archive) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($archive);
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @extract_location, $extract_dir;
unlink $archive; # otherwise will be extracting it forever
$count_binary_archives = scalar @binary_archive;
if ($count_binary_archives == $previous_count) {
$binary_archives_exist = 0;
$previous_count = $count_binary_archives;
chdir $cwd;
@ARGV = @extract_location;
} else {
# see if any of the inputs need to be auto-uncompressed &/or expanded
my @updated_ARGS = ();
foreach my $Arg (@ARGV) {
if (is_dir($Arg)) {
push @updated_ARGS, $Arg;
my $full_path = "";
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $Arg )) {
$full_path = $Arg;
} else {
$full_path = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $Arg );
#print "full_path = [$full_path]\n";
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($full_path);
if ($extract_cmd) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @updated_ARGS, $extract_dir;
chdir $cwd;
} else {
# this is a conventional, uncompressed, unarchived file
# or a directory; keep as-is
push @updated_ARGS, $Arg;
@ARGV = @updated_ARGS;
# make sure we're not counting any directory containing
# temporary installations of Regexp::Common, Algorithm::Diff
foreach my $d (sort keys %TEMP_INST) {
foreach my $a (@ARGV) {
next unless is_dir($a);
if ($opt_v > 2) {
printf "Comparing %s (location of %s) to input [%s]\n",
$d, $TEMP_INST{$d}, $a;
if ($a eq $d) {
die "File::Temp::tempdir chose directory ",
$d, " to install ", $TEMP_INST{$d}, " but this ",
"matches one of your input directories. Rerun ",
"with --sdir and supply a different temporary ",
"directory for ", $TEMP_INST{$d}, "\n";
# 1}}}
my @Errors = ();
my @file_list = (); # global variable updated in files()
my %Ignored = (); # files that are not counted (language not recognized or
# problems reading the file)
my @Lines_Out = ();
if ($opt_diff) {
# Step 4: Separate code from non-code files. {{{1
my @fh = ();
my @files_for_set = ();
# make file lists for each separate argument
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @ARGV; $i++) {
push @fh,
make_file_list([ $ARGV[$i] ], \%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
@{$files_for_set[$i]} = @file_list;
if ($opt_exclude_list_file) {
# note: process_exclude_list_file() references global @file_list
@file_list = ();
# 1}}}
# Step 5: Remove duplicate files. {{{1
my %Language = ();
my %unique_source_file = ();
my $n_set = 0;
foreach my $FH (@fh) { # loop over each pair of file sets
\%{$Language{$FH}} ,
\%{$unique_source_file{$FH}} ,
\%Error_Codes ,
\@Errors ,
\%Ignored );
printf "%2d: %8d unique file%s. \r",
plural_form(scalar keys %unique_source_file)
unless $opt_quiet;
# 1}}}
# Step 6: Count code, comments, blank lines. {{{1
my %Results_by_Language = ();
my %Results_by_File = ();
my %Delta_by_Language = ();
my %Delta_by_File = ();
foreach (my $F = 0; $F < scalar @fh - 1; $F++) {
# loop over file sets; do diff between set $F to $F+1
my $nCounted = 0;
my @file_pairs = ();
my @files_added = ();
my @files_removed = ();
align_by_pairs(\%{$unique_source_file{$fh[$F ]}} , # in
\%{$unique_source_file{$fh[$F+1]}} , # in
\@files_added , # out
\@files_removed , # out
\@file_pairs , # out
my %already_counted = (); # already_counted{ filename } = 1
if (!@file_pairs) {
# Special case where all files were either added or deleted.
# In this case, one of these arrays will be empty:
# @files_added, @files_removed
# so loop over both to cover both cases.
my $status = @files_added ? 'added' : 'removed';
my $offset = @files_added ? 1 : 0 ;
foreach my $file (@files_added, @files_removed) {
next unless defined $Language{$fh[$F+$offset]}{$file};
my $Lang = $Language{$fh[$F+$offset]}{$file};
next if $Lang eq '(unknown)';
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($file, $Lang, \@Errors);
$already_counted{$file} = 1;
my $code_count = $all_line_count-$blank_count-$comment_count;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$Delta_by_File{$file}{'code' }{$status} += $code_count ;
$Delta_by_File{$file}{'blank' }{$status} += $blank_count ;
$Delta_by_File{$file}{'comment'}{$status} += $comment_count;
$Delta_by_File{$file}{'lang' }{$status} = $Lang ;
$Delta_by_File{$file}{'nFiles' }{$status} += 1 ;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang}{'code' }{$status} += $code_count ;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang}{'blank' }{$status} += $blank_count ;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang}{'comment'}{$status} += $comment_count;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang}{'nFiles' }{$status} += 1 ;
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper(\@files_added, \@files_removed, \@file_pairs);
my @alignment = (); # only used if --diff-alignment
#print "after align_by_pairs:\n";
#print "added:\n";
push @alignment, sprintf "Files added: %d\n", scalar @files_added
if $opt_diff_alignment;
foreach my $f (@files_added) {
next if $already_counted{$f};
#printf "%10s -> %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f};
# Don't proceed unless the file (both L and R versions)
# is in a known language.
next if $opt_include_lang
and not $Include_Language{$Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f}};
next if $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f} eq "(unknown)";
next if $Exclude_Language{$Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f}};
push @alignment, sprintf " + %s ; %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f}
if $opt_diff_alignment;
++$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f} }{'nFiles'}{'added'};
# Additionally, add contents of file $f to
# Delta_by_File{$f}{comment/blank/code}{'added'}
# Delta_by_Language{$lang}{comment/blank/code}{'added'}
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($f, $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f}, \@Errors);
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f} }{'comment'}{'added'} +=
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f} }{'blank'}{'added'} +=
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f} }{'code'}{'added'} +=
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'comment'}{'added'} = $comment_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'blank'}{'added'} = $blank_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'code'}{'added'} =
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
push @alignment, "\n";
#print "removed:\n";
push @alignment, sprintf "Files removed: %d\n", scalar @files_removed
if $opt_diff_alignment;
foreach my $f (@files_removed) {
next if $already_counted{$f};
# Don't proceed unless the file (both L and R versions)
# is in a known language.
next if $opt_include_lang
and not $Include_Language{$Language{$fh[$F]}{$f}};
next if $Language{$fh[$F]}{$f} eq "(unknown)";
next if $Exclude_Language{$Language{$fh[$F]}{$f}};
++$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F]}{$f} }{'nFiles'}{'removed'};
push @alignment, sprintf " - %s ; %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F]}{$f}
if $opt_diff_alignment;
#printf "%10s -> %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f};
# Additionally, add contents of file $f to
# Delta_by_File{$f}{comment/blank/code}{'removed'}
# Delta_by_Language{$lang}{comment/blank/code}{'removed'}
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($f, $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f}, \@Errors);
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f} }{'comment'}{'removed'} +=
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f} }{'blank'}{'removed'} +=
$Delta_by_Language{ $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f} }{'code'}{'removed'} +=
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'comment'}{'removed'} = $comment_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'blank'}{'removed'} = $blank_count;
$Delta_by_File{ $f }{'code'}{'removed'} =
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
push @alignment, "\n";
my $alignment_pairs_index = scalar @alignment;
my $n_file_pairs_compared = 0;
# Don't know ahead of time how many file pairs will be compared
# since duplicates are weeded out below. The answer is
# scalar @file_pairs only if there are no duplicates.
push @alignment, sprintf "File pairs compared: UPDATE_ME\n"
if $opt_diff_alignment;
foreach my $pair (@file_pairs) {
my $file_L = $pair->[0];
my $file_R = $pair->[1];
my $Lang_L = $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$file_L};
my $Lang_R = $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$file_R};
#print "main step 6 file_L=$file_L file_R=$file_R\n";
printf "Counting: %d\r", $nCounted
unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($nCounted % $opt_progress_rate));
next if $Ignored{$file_L};
# filter out non-included languages
if ($opt_include_lang and not $Include_Language{$Lang_L}
and not $Include_Language{$Lang_R}) {
$Ignored{$file_L} = "--include-lang=$Lang_L";
$Ignored{$file_R} = "--include-lang=$Lang_R";
# filter out excluded or unrecognized languages
if ($Exclude_Language{$Lang_L} or $Exclude_Language{$Lang_R}) {
$Ignored{$file_L} = "--exclude-lang=$Lang_L";
$Ignored{$file_R} = "--exclude-lang=$Lang_R";
my $not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR = 0;
#print "file_LR = [$file_L] [$file_R]\n";
#print "Lang_LR = [$Lang_L] [$Lang_R]\n";
if ($PERL_516) {
if (!(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_L} }) or
!(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_R} })) {
$not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR = 1;
} else {
if (!defined(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_L} }) or
!defined(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_R} })) {
$not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR = 1;
if ($not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR) {
if (($Lang_L eq "(unknown)") or ($Lang_R eq "(unknown)")) {
$Ignored{$fh[$F ]}{$file_L} = "language unknown (#1)";
$Ignored{$fh[$F+1]}{$file_R} = "language unknown (#1)";
} else {
$Ignored{$fh[$F ]}{$file_L} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Lang_L}";
$Ignored{$fh[$F+1]}{$file_R} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Lang_R}";
#print "DIFF($file_L, $file_R)\n";
# step 0: compare the two files' contents
chomp ( my @lines_L = read_file($file_L) );
chomp ( my @lines_R = read_file($file_R) );
my $language_file_L = "";
if (defined $Language{$fh[$F]}{$file_L}) {
$language_file_L = $Language{$fh[$F]}{$file_L};
} else {
# files $file_L and $file_R do not contain known language
my $contents_are_same = 1;
if (scalar @lines_L == scalar @lines_R) {
# same size, must compare line-by-line
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @lines_L; $i++) {
if ($lines_L[$i] ne $lines_R[$i]) {
$contents_are_same = 0;
if ($contents_are_same) {
} else {
} else {
$contents_are_same = 0;
# different sizes, contents have changed
if ($opt_diff_alignment) {
my $str = "$file_L | $file_R ; $language_file_L";
if ($contents_are_same) {
push @alignment, " == $str";
} else {
push @alignment, " != $str";
# step 1: identify comments in both files
#print "Diff blank removal L language= $Lang_L";
#print " scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
my @original_minus_blanks_L
= rm_blanks( \@lines_L, $Lang_L, \%EOL_Continuation_re);
#print "1: scalar(original_minus_blanks_L)=", scalar @original_minus_blanks_L, "\n";
@lines_L = @original_minus_blanks_L;
#print "2: scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
@lines_L = add_newlines(\@lines_L); # compensate for rm_comments()
@lines_L = rm_comments( \@lines_L, $Lang_L, $file_L,
#print "3: scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
#print "Diff blank removal R language= $Lang_R\n";
my @original_minus_blanks_R
= rm_blanks( \@lines_R, $Lang_R, \%EOL_Continuation_re);
@lines_R = @original_minus_blanks_R;
@lines_R = add_newlines(\@lines_R); # taken away by rm_comments()
@lines_R = rm_comments( \@lines_R, $Lang_R, $file_R,
my (@diff_LL, @diff_LR, );
array_diff( $file_L , # in
\@original_minus_blanks_L , # in
\@lines_L , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@Errors); # in/out
my (@diff_RL, @diff_RR, );
array_diff( $file_R , # in
\@original_minus_blanks_R , # in
\@lines_R , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_RL, \@diff_RR , # out
\@Errors); # in/out
# each line of each file is now classified as
# code or comment
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("diff_LL", \@diff_LL, "diff_LR", \@diff_LR, );
#print Dumper("diff_RL", \@diff_RL, "diff_RR", \@diff_RR, );
# step 2: separate code from comments for L and R files
my @code_L = ();
my @code_R = ();
my @comm_L = ();
my @comm_R = ();
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LL) {
if ($line_info->{'type'} eq "code" ) {
push @code_L, $line_info->{char};
} elsif ($line_info->{'type'} eq "comment") {
push @comm_L, $line_info->{char};
} else {
die "Diff unexpected line type ",
$line_info->{'type'}, "for $file_L line ",
foreach my $line_info (@diff_RL) {
if ($line_info->{type} eq "code" ) {
push @code_R, $line_info->{'char'};
} elsif ($line_info->{type} eq "comment") {
push @comm_R, $line_info->{'char'};
} else {
die "Diff unexpected line type ",
$line_info->{'type'}, "for $file_R line ",
if ($opt_ignore_whitespace) {
# strip all whitespace from each line of source code
# and comments then use these stripped arrays in diffs
foreach (@code_L) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@code_R) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@comm_L) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@comm_R) { s/\s+//g }
if ($opt_ignore_case) {
# change all text to lowercase in diffs
foreach (@code_L) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@code_R) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@comm_L) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@comm_R) { $_ = lc }
# step 3: compute code diffs
array_diff("$file_L v. $file_R" , # in
\@code_L , # in
\@code_R , # in
"revision" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@Errors); # in/out
#print Dumper("diff_LL", \@diff_LL, "diff_LR", \@diff_LR, );
#print Dumper("diff_LR", \@diff_LR);
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LR) {
my $status = $line_info->{'desc'}; # same|added|removed|modified
if ($opt_by_file) {
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("code diffs:", \@diff_LL, \@diff_LR);
# step 4: compute comment diffs
array_diff("$file_L v. $file_R" , # in
\@comm_L , # in
\@comm_R , # in
"revision" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@Errors); # in/out
#print Dumper("comment diff_LR", \@diff_LR);
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LR) {
my $status = $line_info->{'desc'}; # same|added|removed|modified
if ($opt_by_file) {
#print Dumper("comment diffs:", \@diff_LL, \@diff_LR);
#die; here= need to save original line number in diff result for html display
# step 5: compute difference in blank lines (kind of pointless)
next if $Lang_L eq '(unknown)' or
$Lang_R eq '(unknown)';
my ($all_line_count_L,
$blank_count_L ,
$comment_count_L ,
) = call_counter($file_L, $Lang_L, \@Errors);
my ($all_line_count_R,
$blank_count_R ,
$comment_count_R ,
) = call_counter($file_R, $Lang_R, \@Errors);
if ($blank_count_L < $blank_count_R) {
my $D = $blank_count_R - $blank_count_L;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang_L}{'blank'}{'added'} += $D;
} else {
my $D = $blank_count_L - $blank_count_R;
$Delta_by_Language{$Lang_L}{'blank'}{'removed'} += $D;
if ($opt_by_file) {
if ($blank_count_L < $blank_count_R) {
my $D = $blank_count_R - $blank_count_L;
$Delta_by_File{$file_L}{'blank'}{'added'} += $D;
} else {
my $D = $blank_count_L - $blank_count_R;
$Delta_by_File{$file_L}{'blank'}{'removed'} += $D;
my $code_count_L = $all_line_count_L-$blank_count_L-$comment_count_L;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$Results_by_File{$file_L}{'code' } = $code_count_L ;
$Results_by_File{$file_L}{'blank' } = $blank_count_L ;
$Results_by_File{$file_L}{'comment'} = $comment_count_L ;
$Results_by_File{$file_L}{'lang' } = $Lang_L ;
$Results_by_File{$file_L}{'nFiles' } = 1 ;
} else {
$Results_by_File{$file_L} = 1; # just keep track of counted files
$Results_by_Language{$Lang_L}{'code'} += $code_count_L ;
$Results_by_Language{$Lang_L}{'blank'} += $blank_count_L ;
$Results_by_Language{$Lang_L}{'comment'} += $comment_count_L;
if ($opt_diff_alignment) {
$alignment[$alignment_pairs_index] =~ s/UPDATE_ME/$n_file_pairs_compared/;
write_file($opt_diff_alignment, @alignment);
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("Delta_by_Language:" , \%Delta_by_Language);
#print Dumper("Results_by_Language:", \%Results_by_Language);
#print Dumper("Delta_by_File:" , \%Delta_by_File);
#print Dumper("Results_by_File:" , \%Results_by_File);
my @ignored_reasons = map { "$_: $Ignored{$_}" } sort keys %Ignored;
write_file($opt_ignored, @ignored_reasons ) if $opt_ignored;
write_file($opt_counted, sort keys %Results_by_File) if $opt_counted;
# 1}}}
# Step 7: Assemble results. {{{1
my $end_time = get_time();
printf "%8d file%s ignored. \n",
plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored) unless $opt_quiet;
print_errors(\%Error_Codes, \@Errors) if @Errors;
if (!%Delta_by_Language) {
print "Nothing to count.\n";
if ($opt_by_file) {
@Lines_Out = diff_report($VERSION, get_time() - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Delta_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
} else {
@Lines_Out = diff_report($VERSION, get_time() - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Delta_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
# 1}}}
} else {
# Step 4: Separate code from non-code files. {{{1
my $fh = 0;
if ($opt_list_file) {
my @list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
$fh = make_file_list(\@list, \%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
} else {
$fh = make_file_list(\@ARGV, \%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
# make_file_list populates global variable @file_list via call to
# File::Find's find() which in turn calls files()
if ($opt_exclude_list_file) {
# note: process_exclude_list_file() references global @file_list
if ($opt_skip_win_hidden and $ON_WINDOWS) {
my @file_list_minus_hidded = ();
# eval code to run on Unix without 'missing Win32::File module' error.
my $win32_file_invocation = '
use Win32::File;
foreach my $F (@file_list) {
my $attr = undef;
Win32::File::GetAttributes($F, $attr);
if ($attr & HIDDEN) {
$Ignored{$F} = "Windows hidden file";
print "Ignoring $F since it is a Windows hidden file\n"
if $opt_v > 1;
} else {
push @file_list_minus_hidded, $F;
eval $win32_file_invocation;
@file_list = @file_list_minus_hidded;
#printf "%8d file%s excluded. \n",
# plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored)
# unless $opt_quiet;
# die print ": ", join("\n: ", @file_list), "\n";
# 1}}}
# Step 5: Remove duplicate files. {{{1
my %Language = ();
my %unique_source_file = ();
remove_duplicate_files($fh , # in
\%Language , # out
\%unique_source_file , # out
\%Error_Codes , # in
\@Errors , # out
\%Ignored ); # out
printf "%8d unique file%s. \n",
plural_form(scalar keys %unique_source_file)
unless $opt_quiet;
# 1}}}
# Step 6: Count code, comments, blank lines. {{{1
my %Results_by_Language = ();
my %Results_by_File = ();
my $nCounted = 0;
foreach my $file (sort keys %unique_source_file) {
printf "Counting: %d\r", $nCounted
unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($nCounted % $opt_progress_rate));
next if $Ignored{$file};
if ($opt_include_lang and not $Include_Language{$Language{$file}}) {
$Ignored{$file} = "--include-lang=$Language{$file}";
if ($Exclude_Language{$Language{$file}}) {
$Ignored{$file} = "--exclude-lang=$Language{$file}";
my $Filters_by_Language_Language_file = !defined @{$Filters_by_Language{$Language{$file}} };
if ($Filters_by_Language_Language_file) {
if ($Language{$file} eq "(unknown)") {
$Ignored{$file} = "language unknown (#1)";
} else {
$Ignored{$file} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Language{$file}}";
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($file, $Language{$file}, \@Errors);
my $code_count = $all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$Results_by_File{$file}{'code' } = $code_count ;
$Results_by_File{$file}{'blank' } = $blank_count ;
$Results_by_File{$file}{'comment'} = $comment_count ;
$Results_by_File{$file}{'lang' } = $Language{$file};
$Results_by_File{$file}{'nFiles' } = 1;
} else {
$Results_by_File{$file} = 1; # just keep track of counted files
$Results_by_Language{$Language{$file}}{'code'} += $code_count ;
$Results_by_Language{$Language{$file}}{'blank'} += $blank_count ;
$Results_by_Language{$Language{$file}}{'comment'} += $comment_count;
my @ignored_reasons = map { "$_: $Ignored{$_}" } sort keys %Ignored;
write_file($opt_ignored, @ignored_reasons ) if $opt_ignored;
write_file($opt_counted, sort keys %Results_by_File) if $opt_counted;
# 1}}}
# Step 7: Assemble results. {{{1
my $end_time = get_time();
printf "%8d file%s ignored.\n", plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored)
unless $opt_quiet;
print_errors(\%Error_Codes, \@Errors) if @Errors;
exit unless %Results_by_Language;
generate_sql($end_time - $start_time,
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor) if $opt_sql;
exit if $skip_generate_report;
if ($opt_by_file_by_lang) {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Results_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
} elsif ($opt_by_file) {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
} else {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Results_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
# 1}}}
if ($opt_report_file) { write_file($opt_report_file, @Lines_Out); }
else { print "\n", join("\n", @Lines_Out), "\n"; }
if ($opt_count_diff) {
exit if $opt_count_diff > 3;
goto Top_of_Processing_Loop;
sub process_exclude_list_file { # {{{1
my ($list_file , # in
$rh_exclude_dir , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
# note: references global @file_list
print "-> process_exclude_list_file($list_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# reject a specific set of files and/or directories
my @reject_list = read_list_file($list_file);
my @file_reject_list = ();
foreach my $F_or_D (@reject_list) {
if (is_dir($F_or_D)) {
$rh_exclude_dir->{$F_or_D} = 1;
} elsif (is_file($F_or_D)) {
push @file_reject_list, $F_or_D;
# Normalize file names for better comparison.
my %normalized_input = normalize_file_names(@file_list);
my %normalized_reject = normalize_file_names(@file_reject_list);
my %normalized_exclude = normalize_file_names(keys %{$rh_exclude_dir});
foreach my $F (keys %normalized_input) {
if ($normalized_reject{$F} or is_excluded($F, \%normalized_exclude)) {
my $orig_F = $normalized_input{$F};
$rh_ignored->{$orig_F} = "listed in exclusion file $opt_exclude_list_file";
print "Ignoring $orig_F because it appears in $opt_exclude_list_file\n"
if $opt_v > 1;
print "<- process_exclude_list_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub combine_results { # {{{1
# returns 1 if the inputs are categorized by language
# 0 if no identifiable language was found
my ($ra_report_files, # in
$report_type , # in "by language" or "by report file"
$rhh_count , # out count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in
) = @_;
print "-> combine_results(report_type=$report_type)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $found_language = 0;
foreach my $file (@{$ra_report_files}) {
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^(http|Language|SUM|-----)/;
if (!$opt_by_file and
m{^(.*?)\s+ # language
(\d+)\s+ # files
(\d+)\s+ # blank
(\d+)\s+ # comments
(\d+)\s+ # code
( # next four entries missing with -nno3
x\s+ # x
\d+\.\d+\s+ # scale
=\s+ # =
(\d+\.\d+)\s* # scaled code
$}x) {
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
if ($PERL_516) {
next unless @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$1}};
} else {
next unless defined @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$1}};
# above test necessary to avoid trying to sum reports
# of reports (which have no language breakdown).
$found_language = 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'nFiles' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'blank' } += $3;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'comment'} += $4;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'code' } += $5;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'scaled' } += $7 if $opt_3;
} else {
$rhh_count->{$file}{'nFiles' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'blank' } += $3;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'comment'} += $4;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code' } += $5;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'scaled' } += $7 if $opt_3;
} elsif ($opt_by_file and
m{^(.*?)\s+ # language
(\d+)\s+ # blank
(\d+)\s+ # comments
(\d+)\s+ # code
( # next four entries missing with -nno3
x\s+ # x
\d+\.\d+\s+ # scale
=\s+ # =
(\d+\.\d+)\s* # scaled code
$}x) {
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
next unless %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$1}};
# above test necessary to avoid trying to sum reports
# of reports (which have no language breakdown).
$found_language = 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'nFiles' } += 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'blank' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'comment'} += $3;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'code' } += $4;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'scaled' } += $6 if $opt_3;
} else {
$rhh_count->{$file}{'nFiles' } += 1;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'blank' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'comment'} += $3;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code' } += $4;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'scaled' } += $6 if $opt_3;
print "<- combine_results\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $found_language;
} # 1}}}
sub compute_denominator { # {{{1
my ($method, $nCode, $nComment, $nBlank, ) = @_;
print "-> compute_denominator\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %den = ( "c" => $nCode );
$den{"cm"} = $den{"c"} + $nComment;
$den{"cmb"} = $den{"cm"} + $nBlank;
$den{"cb"} = $den{"c"} + $nBlank;
print "<- compute_denominator\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $den{ $method };
} # 1}}}
sub diff_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
print "-> diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($opt_xml or $opt_yaml) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_xml_yaml_report(@_)
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_csv_report(@_)
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "diff_report: ", Dumper($rhhh_count), "\n";
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my %sum = (); # sum{nFiles|blank|comment|code}{same|modified|added|removed}
my $max_len = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
foreach my $V (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
$rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$sum{$V}{$S} += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$max_len = length($language) if length($language) > $max_len;
my $column_1_offset = 0;
$column_1_offset = $max_len - 17 if $max_len > 17;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $spacing_0 = 23;
my $spacing_1 = 13;
my $spacing_2 = 9;
my $spacing_3 = 17;
if (!$opt_3) {
$spacing_1 = 19;
$spacing_2 = 14;
$spacing_3 = 28;
$spacing_0 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_1 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_3 += $column_1_offset;
my %Format = (
'1' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_0}s ",
'2' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_3}s ",
'3' => { 'xml' => 'files_count="%d" ',
'txt' => '%5d ',
'4' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%d" comment="%d" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d",
'5' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%.2f" comment="%.2f" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%3.2f \%3.2f \%${spacing_2}d",
'6' => { 'xml' => 'factor="%.2f" scaled="%.2f" ',
'txt' => ' x %6.2f = %14.2f',
my $Style = "txt";
$Style = "xml" if $opt_xml ;
$Style = "xml" if $opt_yaml; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_csv ; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
my $hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (79 + $column_1_offset);
$hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (68 + $column_1_offset)
if (!$opt_3) and (68 + $column_1_offset) > 79;
my $data_line = "";
my $first_column;
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
$first_column = "Language";
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$first_column = "File";
$BY_FILE = 1;
} else {
$first_column = "Report File";
my $header_line = sprintf "%s v %s", $URL, $version;
my $sum_files = 1;
my $sum_lines = 1;
$header_line .= sprintf(" T=%.2f s (%.1f files/s, %.1f lines/s)",
$elapsed_sec ,
$sum_lines/$elapsed_sec) unless $opt_sum_reports;
if ($Style eq "txt") {
push @results, output_header($header_line, $hyphen_line, $BY_FILE);
} elsif ($Style eq "csv") {
die "csv";
# column headers
if (!$opt_3 and $BY_FILE) {
my $spacing_n = $spacing_1 - 11;
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_n}s" , $first_column;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", $first_column;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s" , "" ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , "files";
my $PCT_symbol = "";
$PCT_symbol = " \%" if $opt_by_percent;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
"blank${PCT_symbol}" ,
"comment${PCT_symbol}" ,
if ($Style eq "txt") {
push @results, $data_line;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
####foreach my $lang_or_file (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
#### $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} = 0 unless
#### defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
push @results, rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
} else {
push @results, $lang_or_file;
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
my $indent = $spacing_1 - 2;
my $line .= sprintf " %-${indent}s", $S;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line .= sprintf " ";
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s", $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} );
if ($rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
0.0, 0.0, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
push @results, $line;
push @results, "-" x 79;
push @results, "SUM:";
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
my $indent = $spacing_1 - 2;
my $line .= sprintf " %-${indent}s", $S;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line .= sprintf " ";
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s", $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent,
$sum{'code'}{$S}, $sum{'comment'}{$S}, $sum{'blank'}{$S});
if ($sum{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
$sum{'blank'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$sum{'comment'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
0.0, 0.0, $sum{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
$sum{'blank'}{$S} ,
$sum{'comment'}{$S} ,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ;
push @results, $line;
push @results, "-" x 79;
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub xml_or_yaml_header { # {{{1
my ($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec, $sum_files, $sum_lines, $by_file) = @_;
print "-> xml_or_yaml_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $header = "";
my $file_rate = $sum_files/$elapsed_sec;
my $line_rate = $sum_lines/$elapsed_sec;
my $type = "";
$type = "diff_" if $opt_diff;
my $report_file = "";
if ($opt_report_file) {
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
if ($by_file) {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file.file</report_file>"
} else {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file.lang</report_file>"
} else {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file</report_file>"
if ($opt_xml) {
$header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
$header .= "\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . $opt_xsl . "\"?>" if $opt_xsl;
$header .= "<${type}results>
$header .= "\n$report_file"
if $opt_report_file;
$header .= "\n</header>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
$header = "---\n# $URL
header :
cloc_url :
cloc_version : $version
elapsed_seconds : $elapsed_sec
n_files : $sum_files
n_lines : $sum_lines
files_per_second : $file_rate
lines_per_second : $line_rate";
if ($opt_report_file) {
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
if ($by_file) {
$header .= "\n report_file : $opt_report_file.file"
} else {
$header .= "\n report_file : $opt_report_file.lang"
} else {
$header .= "\n report_file : $opt_report_file";
print "<- xml_or_yaml_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $header;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_xml_yaml_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> diff_xml_yaml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "diff_report: ", Dumper($rhhh_count), "\n";
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my %sum = (); # sum{nFiles|blank|comment|code}{same|modified|added|removed}
my $sum_files = 0;
my $sum_lines = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
foreach my $V (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
$rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$sum{$V}{$S} += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
if ($V eq "nFiles") {
$sum_files += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
} else {
$sum_lines += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $data_line = "";
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$BY_FILE = 1;
push @results,
xml_or_yaml_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if ($opt_xml) {
push @results, " <$S>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @results, "$S :";
########foreach my $lang_or_file (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
######## $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} = 0 unless
######## defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
my $L = "";
if ($opt_xml) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$L .= sprintf " <file name=\"%s\" files_count=\"1\" ",
rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR));
} else {
$L .= sprintf " <language name=\"%s\" files_count=\"%d\" ",
$lang_or_file ,
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%.2f\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"0.0\" ", $T;
foreach my $T (qw(code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
push @results, $L . "/>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
push @results, sprintf " - file : %s",
rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
push @results, sprintf " files_count : 1",
} else {
push @results, sprintf " - language : %s", $lang_or_file;
push @results, sprintf " files_count : %d",
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %.2f",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
push @results, sprintf " %s : 0.0", $T;
foreach my $T (qw(code)) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %d",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment code)) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %d",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
if ($opt_xml) {
my $L = sprintf " <total sum_files=\"%d\" ", $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ,
$sum{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($sum{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%.2f\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"0.0\" ", $V;
foreach my $V (qw(code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
push @results, $L . "/>";
push @results, " </$S>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @results, sprintf "%s_total :\n sum_files : %d",
$S, $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ,
$sum{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($sum{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %.2f", $V, $sum{$V}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
push @results, sprintf " %s : 0.0", $V;
foreach my $V (qw(code)) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %d", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment code)) {
push @results, sprintf " %s : %d", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
if ($opt_xml) {
push @results, "</diff_results>";
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "<- diff_xml_yaml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_csv_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in unused
) = @_;
print "-> diff_csv_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "diff_csv_report: ", Dumper($rhhh_count), "\n";
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my $data_line = "";
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$BY_FILE = 1;
my $DELIM = ",";
$DELIM = $opt_csv_delimiter if defined $opt_csv_delimiter;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $line = "Language${DELIM} ";
$line = "File${DELIM} " if $BY_FILE;
foreach my $item (qw(files blank comment code)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'files';
foreach my $symbol ( '==', '!=', '+', '-', ) {
$line .= "$symbol $item${DELIM} ";
$line .= "\"$URL v $version T=$elapsed_sec s\"";
push @results, $line;
foreach my $lang_or_file (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{'added'} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR) . "$DELIM ";
} else {
$line = $lang_or_file . "${DELIM} ";
if ($opt_by_percent) {
foreach my $item (qw(nFiles)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'nFiles';
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
foreach my $item (qw(blank comment)) {
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol} and
defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} and
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf("%.2f", $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol} / $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} * 100).${DELIM};
} else {
$line .= "0.00${DELIM} ";
foreach my $item (qw(code)) {
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
} else {
foreach my $item (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'nFiles';
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
push @results, $line;
print "<- diff_csv_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_leading_tempdir { # {{{1
my ($in_file, $rh_temp_dirs, ) = @_;
my $clean_filename = $in_file;
foreach my $temp_d (keys %{$rh_temp_dirs}) {
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
# \ -> / necessary to allow the next if test's
# m{} to work in the presence of spaces in file names
$temp_d =~ s{\\}{/}g;
$clean_filename =~ s{\\}{/}g;
if ($clean_filename =~ m{^$temp_d/}) {
$clean_filename =~ s{^$temp_d/}{};
$clean_filename =~ s{/}{\\}g if $ON_WINDOWS; # then go back from / to \
return $clean_filename;
} # 1}}}
sub generate_sql { # {{{1
my ($elapsed_sec, # in
$rhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{lang|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> generate_sql\n" if $opt_v > 2;
$opt_sql_project = cwd() unless defined $opt_sql_project;
$opt_sql_project =~ s{/}{\\}g if $ON_WINDOWS;
my $schema = undef;
if ($opt_sql_style eq "oracle") {
$schema = "
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
project VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
elapsed_s NUMBER(10, 6)
project VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
language VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_fullname VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_dirname VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_basename VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
nblank INTEGER,
ncomment INTEGER,
ncode INTEGER,
nscaled NUMBER(10, 6)
} else {
$schema = "
create table metadata ( -- $URL v $VERSION
timestamp varchar(500),
Project varchar(500),
elapsed_s real);
create table t (
Project varchar(500) ,
Language varchar(500) ,
File varchar(500) ,
File_dirname varchar(500) ,
File_basename varchar(500) ,
nBlank integer ,
nComment integer ,
nCode integer ,
nScaled real );
$opt_sql = "-" if $opt_sql eq "1";
my $open_mode = ">";
$open_mode = ">>" if $opt_sql_append;
my $fh = new IO::File; # $opt_sql, "w";
if (!$fh->open("${open_mode}${opt_sql}")) {
die "Unable to write to $opt_sql $!\n";
print $fh $schema unless defined $opt_sql_append;
if ($opt_sql_style eq "oracle") {
printf $fh "insert into metadata values(TO_TIMESTAMP('%s','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), '%s', %f);\n",
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time())),
$opt_sql_project, $elapsed_sec;
} else {
print $fh "begin transaction;\n";
printf $fh "insert into metadata values('%s', '%s', %f);\n",
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time())),
$opt_sql_project, $elapsed_sec;
my $nIns = 0;
foreach my $file (keys %{$rhh_count}) {
my $language = $rhh_count->{$file}{'lang'};
my $clean_filename = $file;
# If necessary (that is, if the input contained an
# archive file [.tar.gz, etc]), strip the temporary
# directory name which was used to expand the archive
# from the file name.
$clean_filename = rm_leading_tempdir($clean_filename, \%TEMP_DIR);
$clean_filename =~ s/\'/''/g; # double embedded single quotes
# to escape them
printf $fh "insert into t values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', " .
"%d, %d, %d, %f);\n",
$opt_sql_project ,
$language ,
$clean_filename ,
dirname( $clean_filename) ,
basename($clean_filename) ,
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code'} ,
if (!($nIns % 10_000) and ($opt_sql_style ne "oracle")) {
print $fh "commit;\n";
print $fh "begin transaction;\n";
if ($opt_sql_style ne "oracle") {
print $fh "commit;\n";
$fh->close unless $opt_sql eq "-"; # don't try to close STDOUT
print "<- generate_sql\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# sample query:
# select project, language,
# sum(nCode) as Code,
# sum(nComment) as Comments,
# sum(nBlank) as Blank,
# sum(nCode)+sum(nComment)+sum(nBlank) as All_Lines,
# 100.0*sum(nComment)/(sum(nCode)+sum(nComment)) as Comment_Pct
# from t group by Project, Language order by Project, Code desc;
} # 1}}}
sub output_header { # {{{1
my ($header_line,
$BY_FILE ,) = @_;
print "-> output_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @R = ();
if ($opt_xml) {
push @R, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>";
push @R, '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' .
$opt_xsl . '"?>' if $opt_xsl;
push @R, "<results>";
push @R, "<header>$header_line</header>";
if ($BY_FILE) {
push @R, "<files>";
} else {
push @R, "<languages>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @R, "---\n# $header_line";
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
# append the header to the end of the column headers
# to keep the output a bit cleaner from a spreadsheet
# perspective
} else {
push @R, "";
} else {
push @R, $header_line;
push @R, $hyphen_line;
print "<- output_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @R;
} # 1}}}
sub generate_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> generate_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $DELIM = ",";
$DELIM = $opt_csv_delimiter if defined $opt_csv_delimiter;
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my $sum_files = 0;
my $sum_code = 0;
my $sum_blank = 0;
my $sum_comment = 0;
my $max_len = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhh_count}) {
$sum_files += $rhh_count->{$language}{'nFiles'} ;
$sum_blank += $rhh_count->{$language}{'blank'} ;
$sum_comment += $rhh_count->{$language}{'comment'};
$sum_code += $rhh_count->{$language}{'code'} ;
$max_len = length($language) if length($language) > $max_len;
my $column_1_offset = 0;
$column_1_offset = $max_len - 17 if $max_len > 17;
my $sum_lines = $sum_blank + $sum_comment + $sum_code;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $spacing_0 = 23;
my $spacing_1 = 13;
my $spacing_2 = 9;
my $spacing_3 = 17;
if (!$opt_3) {
$spacing_1 = 19;
$spacing_2 = 14;
$spacing_3 = 28;
$spacing_0 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_1 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_3 += $column_1_offset;
my %Format = (
'1' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_0}s ",
'2' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_3}s ",
'3' => { 'xml' => 'files_count="%d" ',
'txt' => '%5d ',
'4' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%d" comment="%d" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d",
'5' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%3.2f" comment="%3.2f" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%14.2f \%14.2f \%${spacing_2}d",
'6' => { 'xml' => 'factor="%.2f" scaled="%.2f" ',
'txt' => ' x %6.2f = %14.2f',
my $Style = "txt";
$Style = "xml" if $opt_xml ;
$Style = "xml" if $opt_yaml; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_csv ; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
my $hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (79 + $column_1_offset);
$hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (68 + $column_1_offset)
if (!$opt_3) and (68 + $column_1_offset) > 79;
my $data_line = "";
my $first_column;
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
$first_column = "Language";
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$first_column = "File";
$BY_FILE = 1;
} elsif ($report_type eq "by report file") {
$first_column = "File";
} else {
$first_column = "Report File";
my $header_line = sprintf "%s v %s", $URL, $version;
$header_line .= sprintf(" T=%.2f s (%.1f files/s, %.1f lines/s)",
$elapsed_sec ,
$sum_lines/$elapsed_sec) unless $opt_sum_reports;
if ($opt_xml or $opt_yaml) {
push @results, xml_or_yaml_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
$ALREADY_SHOWED_HEADER = 1 unless $opt_sum_reports;
# --sum-reports yields two xml or yaml files, one by
# language and one by report file, each of which needs a header
if ($opt_xml) {
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, "<files>";
} else {
push @results, "<languages>";
} else {
push @results, output_header($header_line, $hyphen_line, $BY_FILE);
if ($Style eq "txt") {
# column headers
if (!$opt_3 and $BY_FILE) {
my $spacing_n = $spacing_1 - 11;
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_n}s ", $first_column;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", $first_column;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , " " ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , "files";
my $PCT_symbol = "";
$PCT_symbol = " \%" if $opt_by_percent;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
"blank${PCT_symbol}" ,
"comment${PCT_symbol}" ,
$data_line .= sprintf " %8s %14s",
"scale" ,
"3rd gen. equiv"
if $opt_3;
push @results, $data_line;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
if ($opt_csv) {
my $header2;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$header2 = "language${DELIM}filename";
} else {
$header2 = "files${DELIM}language";
$header2 .= "${DELIM}blank${DELIM}comment${DELIM}code";
$header2 .= "${DELIM}scale${DELIM}3rd gen. equiv" if $opt_3;
$header2 .= ${DELIM} . '"' . $header_line . '"';
push @results, $header2;
my $sum_scaled = 0;
####foreach my $lang_or_file (keys %{$rhh_count}) {
#### $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} = 0 unless
#### defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhh_count}) {
next if $lang_or_file eq "by report file";
my ($factor, $scaled);
$factor = 1;
if (defined $rh_scale->{$lang_or_file}) {
$factor = $rh_scale->{$lang_or_file};
} else {
warn "No scale factor for $lang_or_file; using 1.00";
} else { # by individual code file
if ($report_type ne "by report file") {
next unless defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
next unless defined $rh_scale->{$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}};
$factor = $rh_scale->{$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}};
$scaled = $factor*$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
} else {
if (!defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'}) {
$opt_3 = 0;
# If we're summing together files previously generated
# with --no3 then rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'}
# this variable will be undefined. That should only
# happen when summing together by file however.
} elsif ($BY_LANGUAGE) {
warn "Missing scaled language info for $lang_or_file\n";
if ($opt_3) {
$scaled = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'};
$factor = $scaled/$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
if ($BY_FILE) {
my $clean_filename = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
$clean_filename = xml_metachars($clean_filename) if $opt_xml;
$data_line = sprintf $Format{'1'}{$Style}, $clean_filename;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf $Format{'2'}{$Style}, $lang_or_file;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{3}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'} unless $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} );
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{5}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{4}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{6}{$Style} ,
$factor ,
$scaled if $opt_3;
$sum_scaled += $scaled if $opt_3;
if ($opt_xml) {
if (defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}) {
my $lang = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
if (!defined $languages->{$lang}) {
$languages->{$lang} = $lang;
$data_line.=' language="' . $lang . '" ';
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, " <file " . $data_line . "/>";
} else {
push @results, " <language " . $data_line . "/>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @results,$lang_or_file . ":";
push @results," nFiles: " .$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'}
unless $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} );
push @results," blank: " . sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100);
push @results," comment: " . sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100);
push @results," code: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
} else {
push @results," blank: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} ;
push @results," comment: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'};
push @results," code: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
push @results," language: ".$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}
if $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_3) {
push @results, " scaled: " . $scaled;
push @results, " factor: " . $factor;
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
my $extra_3 = "";
$extra_3 = "${DELIM}$factor${DELIM}$scaled" if $opt_3;
my $first_column = undef;
my $clean_name = $lang_or_file;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
$clean_name = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
} else {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'};
my $str = $first_column . ${DELIM} .
$clean_name . ${DELIM};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{'blank'} );
$str .= sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100) . ${DELIM} .
sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100) . ${DELIM} .
} else {
$str .= $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} . ${DELIM} .
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}. ${DELIM} .
$str .= $extra_3;
push @results, $str;
} else {
push @results, $data_line;
my $avg_scale = 1; # weighted average of scale factors
$avg_scale = sprintf("%.2f", $sum_scaled / $sum_code)
if $sum_code and $opt_3;
if ($opt_xml) {
$data_line = "";
if (!$BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "sum_files=\"%d\" ", $sum_files;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'5'}{$Style},
$sum_blank / $DEN * 100,
$sum_comment / $DEN * 100,
$sum_code ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'4'}{$Style},
$sum_blank ,
$sum_comment ,
$sum_code ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'6'}{$Style},
$avg_scale ,
$sum_scaled if $opt_3;
push @results, " <total " . $data_line . "/>";
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, "</files>";
} else {
foreach my $language (keys %{$languages}) {
push @results, ' <language name="' . $language . '"/>';
push @results, "</languages>";
if (!$opt_by_file_by_lang or $ALREADY_SHOWED_XML_SECTION) {
push @results, "</results>";
} else {
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @results, "SUM:";
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
push @results, " blank: " . sprintf("%.2f", $sum_blank / $DEN * 100);
push @results, " comment: ". sprintf("%.2f", $sum_comment / $DEN * 100);
push @results, " code: " . $sum_code ;
} else {
push @results, " blank: " . $sum_blank ;
push @results, " comment: ". $sum_comment;
push @results, " code: " . $sum_code ;
push @results, " nFiles: " . $sum_files ;
if ($opt_3) {
push @results, " scaled: " . $sum_scaled;
push @results, " factor: " . $avg_scale ;
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
# do nothing
} else {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_0}s ", "SUM:" ;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", "SUM:" ;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}d ", $sum_files;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'5'}{$Style},
$sum_blank / $DEN * 100,
$sum_comment / $DEN * 100,
$sum_code ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'4'}{$Style},
$sum_blank ,
$sum_comment ,
$sum_code ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'6'}{$Style},
$avg_scale ,
$sum_scaled if $opt_3;
push @results, $hyphen_line if $sum_files > 1 or $opt_sum_one;
push @results, $data_line if $sum_files > 1 or $opt_sum_one;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "<- generate_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub print_errors { # {{{1
my ($rh_Error_Codes, # in
$raa_errors , # in
) = @_;
print "-> print_errors\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %error_string = reverse(%{$rh_Error_Codes});
my $nErrors = scalar @{$raa_errors};
warn sprintf "\n%d error%s:\n", plural_form(scalar @Errors);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nErrors; $i++) {
warn sprintf "%s: %s\n",
$error_string{ $raa_errors->[$i][0] },
$raa_errors->[$i][1] ;
print "<- print_errors\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub write_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # in
$rh_Language_by_Script , # in
$rh_Language_by_File , # in
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # in
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # in
$rh_Scale_Factor , # in
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # in
) = @_;
print "-> write_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $OUT = new IO::File $file, "w";
die "Unable to write to $file\n" unless defined $OUT;
foreach my $language (sort keys %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language}) {
next if $language eq "MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury" or
$language eq "PHP/Pascal" or
$language eq "Pascal/Puppet" or
$language eq "Lisp/OpenCL" or
$language eq "Lisp/Julia" or
$language eq "Perl/Prolog" or
$language eq "D/dtrace" or
$language eq "IDL/Qt Project/Prolog";
printf $OUT "%s\n", $language;
foreach my $filter (@{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}) {
printf $OUT " filter %s", $filter->[0];
printf $OUT " %s", $filter->[1] if defined $filter->[1];
# $filter->[0] == 'remove_between_general',
# 'remove_between_regex', and
# 'remove_matches_2re' have two args
printf $OUT " %s", $filter->[2] if defined $filter->[2];
print $OUT "\n";
foreach my $ext (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Extension}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$ext}) {
printf $OUT " extension %s\n", $ext;
foreach my $filename (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_File}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_File->{$filename}) {
printf $OUT " filename %s\n", $filename;
foreach my $script_exe (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Script}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_Script->{$script_exe}) {
printf $OUT " script_exe %s\n", $script_exe;
printf $OUT " 3rd_gen_scale %.2f\n", $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language};
if (defined $rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language}) {
printf $OUT " end_of_line_continuation %s\n",
print "<- write_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub read_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # out
$rh_Language_by_File , # out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # out
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # out
) = @_;
print "-> read_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
die "Unable to read $file.\n" unless defined $IN;
my $language = "";
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
if (/^(\w+.*?)\s*$/) {
$language = $1;
die "Missing computer language name, line $. of $file\n"
unless $language;
if (/^\s{4}filter\s+(remove_between_(general|2re|regex))
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)s*$/x) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $3 , $4 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 , $2 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}extension\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
if (defined $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}) {
die "File extension collision: $1 ",
"maps to languages '$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}' ",
"and '$language'\n" ,
"Edit $file and remove $1 from one of these two ",
"language definitions.\n";
$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}filename\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Language_by_File->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}script_exe\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Language_by_Script->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}3rd_gen_scale\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Scale_Factor->{$language} = $1;
} elsif (/^\s{4}end_of_line_continuation\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language} = $1;
} else {
die "Unexpected data line $. of $file:\n$_\n";
print "<- read_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub merge_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # in/out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # in/out
$rh_Language_by_File , # in/out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in/out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # in/out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # in/out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # in/out
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # in/out
) = @_;
print "-> merge_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
die "Unable to read $file.\n" unless defined $IN;
my $language = "";
my $already_know_it = undef;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
if (/^(\w+.*?)\s*$/) {
$language = $1;
$already_know_it = defined $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language};
die "Missing computer language name, line $. of $file\n"
unless $language;
if (/^ filter\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 ]
} elsif (/^ filter\s+(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 , $2 ]
} elsif (/^ extension\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
if (defined $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}) {
die "File extension collision: $1 ",
"maps to languages '$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}' ",
"and '$language'\n" ,
"Edit $file and remove $1 from one of these two ",
"language definitions.\n";
$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^ filename\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Language_by_File->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^ script_exe\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Language_by_Script->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^ 3rd_gen_scale\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Scale_Factor->{$language} = $1;
} elsif (/^ end_of_line_continuation\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language} = $1;
} else {
die "Unexpected data line $. of $file:\n$_\n";
print "<- merge_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub print_extension_info { # {{{1
my ($extension,) = @_;
if ($extension) { # show information on this extension
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
printf "%-15s -> %s\n", $ext, $Language_by_Extension{$ext}
if $ext =~ m{$extension}i;
} else { # show information on all extensions
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
printf "%-15s -> %s\n", $ext, $Language_by_Extension{$ext};
} # 1}}}
sub print_language_info { # {{{1
my ($language,
$prefix ,) = @_;
my %extensions = (); # the subset matched by the given $language value
if ($language) { # show information on this language
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
push @{$extensions{$Language_by_Extension{$ext}} }, $ext
if lc $Language_by_Extension{$ext} eq lc $language;
# if $Language_by_Extension{$ext} =~ m{$language}i;
} else { # show information on all languages
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
push @{$extensions{$Language_by_Extension{$ext}} }, $ext
# add exceptions (one file extension mapping to multiple languages)
if (!$language or
$language =~ /^(Objective C|MATLAB|MUMPS|Mercury)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Objective C'}}, "m";
push @{$extensions{'MATLAB'}} , "m";
push @{$extensions{'MUMPS'}} , "m";
delete $extensions{'MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(Lisp|OpenCL)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Lisp'}} , "cl";
push @{$extensions{'OpenCL'}}, "cl";
delete $extensions{'Lisp/OpenCL'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(Lisp|Julia)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Lisp'}} , "jl";
push @{$extensions{'Julia'}} , "jl";
delete $extensions{'Lisp/Julia'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(Perl|Prolog)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Perl'}} , "pl";
push @{$extensions{'Prolog'}}, "pl";
delete $extensions{'Perl/Prolog'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(IDL|Qt Project|Prolog)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'IDL'}} , "pro";
push @{$extensions{'Qt Project'}}, "pro";
push @{$extensions{'Prolog'}} , "pro";
delete $extensions{'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(D|dtrace)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'D'}} , "d";
push @{$extensions{'dtrace'}} , "d";
delete $extensions{'D/dtrace'};
} elsif ($language =~ /^(Ant)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Ant'}} , "build.xml";
delete $extensions{'Ant/XML'};
if (%extensions) {
foreach my $lang (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %extensions) {
if ($prefix) {
printf "%s %s\n", $prefix, join(", ", @{$extensions{$lang}});
} else {
printf "%-26s (%s)\n", $lang, join(", ", @{$extensions{$lang}});
} # 1}}}
sub print_language_filters { # {{{1
my ($language,) = @_;
if (!defined @{$Filters_by_Language{$language}}) {
warn "Unknown language: $language\n";
warn "Use --show-lang to list all defined languages.\n";
printf "%s\n", $language;
foreach my $filter (@{$Filters_by_Language{$language}}) {
printf " filter %s", $filter->[0];
printf " %s", $filter->[1] if defined $filter->[1];
printf " %s", $filter->[2] if defined $filter->[2];
print "\n";
print_language_info($language, " extensions:");
} # 1}}}
sub make_file_list { # {{{1
my ($ra_arg_list, # in file and/or directory names to examine
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out errors encountered
$rh_ignored , # out files not recognized as computer languages
) = @_;
print "-> make_file_list(@{$ra_arg_list})\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($fh, $filename);
if ($opt_categorized) {
$filename = $opt_categorized;
$fh = new IO::File $filename, "+>"; # open for read/write
die "Unable to write to $filename: $!\n" unless defined $fh;
} elsif ($opt_sdir) {
# write to the user-defined scratch directory
$filename = $opt_sdir . '/cloc_file_list.txt';
$fh = new IO::File $filename, "+>"; # open for read/write
die "Unable to write to $filename: $!\n" unless defined $fh;
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary file
($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); # delete file on exit
print "Using temp file list [$filename]\n" if $opt_v;
my @dir_list = ();
foreach my $file_or_dir (@{$ra_arg_list}) {
#print "make_file_list file_or_dir=$file_or_dir\n";
my $size_in_bytes = 0;
if (!-r $file_or_dir) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file_or_dir];
if (is_file($file_or_dir)) {
if (!(-s $file_or_dir)) { # 0 sized file, named pipe, socket
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'zero sized file';
} elsif (-B $file_or_dir and !$opt_read_binary_files) {
# avoid binary files unless user insists on reading them
if ($opt_unicode) {
# only ignore if not a Unicode file w/trivial
# ASCII transliteration
if (!unicode_file($file_or_dir)) {
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'binary file';
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'binary file';
push @file_list, "$file_or_dir";
} elsif (is_dir($file_or_dir)) {
push @dir_list, $file_or_dir;
} else {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Neither file nor directory'} , $file_or_dir];
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'not file, not directory';
foreach my $dir (@dir_list) {
#print "make_file_list dir=$dir\n";
# populates global variable @file_list
find({wanted => \&files ,
preprocess => \&find_preprocessor,
follow => $opt_follow_links }, $dir);
$nFiles_Found = scalar @file_list;
printf "%8d text file%s.\n", plural_form($nFiles_Found) unless $opt_quiet;
write_file($opt_found, sort @file_list) if $opt_found;
my $nFiles_Categorized = 0;
foreach my $file (@file_list) {
printf "classifying $file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $basename = basename $file;
if ($Not_Code_Filename{$basename}) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "listed in " . '$' .
} elsif ($basename =~ m{~$}) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "temporary editor file";
my $size_in_bytes = (stat $file)[7];
my $language = "";
if ($All_One_Language) {
# user over-rode auto-language detection by using
# --force-lang with just a language name (no extension)
$language = $All_One_Language;
} else {
$language = classify_file($file ,
$rh_Err ,
die "make_file_list($file) undef size" unless defined $size_in_bytes;
die "make_file_list($file) undef lang" unless defined $language;
printf $fh "%d,%s,%s\n", $size_in_bytes, $language, $file;
#printf "classified %d files\n", $nFiles_Categorized
# unless (!$opt_progress_rate or
# ($nFiles_Categorized % $opt_progress_rate));
printf "classified %d files\r", $nFiles_Categorized
if !$opt_quiet and $nFiles_Categorized > 1;
print "<- make_file_list()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $fh; # handle to the file containing the list of files to process
} # 1}}}
sub remove_duplicate_files { # {{{1
my ($fh , # in
$rh_Language , # out
$rh_unique_source_file, # out
$rh_Err , # in
$raa_errors , # out errors encountered
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
# Check for duplicate files by comparing file sizes.
# Where files are equally sized, compare their MD5 checksums.
print "-> remove_duplicate_files\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $n = 0;
my %files_by_size = (); # files_by_size{ # bytes } = [ list of files ]
seek($fh, 0, 0); # rewind to beginning of the temp file
while (<$fh>) {
my ($size_in_bytes, $language, $file) = split(/,/, $_, 3);
$rh_Language->{$file} = $language;
push @{$files_by_size{$size_in_bytes}}, $file;
if ($opt_skip_uniqueness) {
$rh_unique_source_file->{$file} = 1;
return if $opt_skip_uniqueness;
if ($opt_progress_rate and ($n > $opt_progress_rate)) {
printf "Duplicate file check %d files (%d known unique)\r",
$n, scalar keys %files_by_size;
$n = 0;
foreach my $bytes (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %files_by_size) {
printf "Unique: %8d files \r",
$n unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($n % $opt_progress_rate));
if (scalar @{$files_by_size{$bytes}} == 1) {
# only one file is this big; must be unique
$rh_unique_source_file->{$files_by_size{$bytes}[0]} = 1;
} else {
#print "equally sized files: ",join(", ", @{$files_by_size{$bytes}}), "\n";
# Files in the list @{$files_by_size{$bytes} all are
# $bytes long. Sort the list by file basename.
# # sorting on basename causes repeatability problems
# # if the basename is not unique (eg "includeA/x.h"
# # and "includeB/x.h". Instead, sort on full path.
# # Ref bug #114.
# my @sorted_bn = ();
# my %BN = map { basename($_) => $_ } @{$files_by_size{$bytes}};
# foreach my $F (sort keys %BN) {
# push @sorted_bn, $BN{$F};
# }
my @sorted_bn = sort @{$files_by_size{$bytes}};
foreach my $F (different_files(\@sorted_bn ,
$rh_Err ,
$raa_errors ,
$rh_ignored ) ) {
$rh_unique_source_file->{$F} = 1;
print "<- remove_duplicate_files\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub find_preprocessor { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find()
# Reads global variable %Exclude_Dir.
# Populates global variable %Ignored.
# Reject files/directories in cwd which are in the exclude list.
my @ok = ();
foreach my $F_or_D (@_) { # pure file or directory name, no separators
if ($Exclude_Dir{$F_or_D}) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "--exclude-dir=$Exclude_Dir{$F_or_D}";
} elsif (-d $F_or_D) {
if ($opt_not_match_d and $F_or_D =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "--not-match-d=$opt_not_match_d";
} else {
push @ok, $F_or_D;
} else {
push @ok, $F_or_D;
return @ok;
} # 1}}}
sub files { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find() Populates global variable @file_list.
# See also find_preprocessor() which prunes undesired directories.
my $Dir = cwd(); # not $File::Find::dir which just gives relative path
if ($opt_match_f ) { return unless /$opt_match_f/; }
if ($opt_not_match_f) { return if /$opt_not_match_f/; }
if ($opt_match_d ) { return unless $Dir =~ m{$opt_match_d} }
my $nBytes = -s $_ ;
if (!$nBytes) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = 'zero sized file';
printf "files(%s) zero size\n", $File::Find::name if $opt_v > 5;
return unless $nBytes ; # attempting other tests w/pipe or socket will hang
if ($nBytes > $opt_max_file_size*1024**2) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "file size of " .
$nBytes/1024**2 . " MB exceeds max file size of " .
"$opt_max_file_size MB";
printf "file(%s) exceeds $opt_max_file_size MB\n",
$File::Find::name if $opt_v > 5;
my $is_dir = is_dir($_);
my $is_bin = -B $_ ;
printf "files(%s) size=%d is_dir=%d -B=%d\n",
$File::Find::name, $nBytes, $is_dir, $is_bin if $opt_v > 5;
$is_bin = 0 if $opt_unicode and unicode_file($_);
$is_bin = 0 if $opt_read_binary_files;
return if $is_dir or $is_bin;
printf "%8d files\r", $nFiles_Found
unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($nFiles_Found % $opt_progress_rate));
push @file_list, $File::Find::name;
} # 1}}}
sub archive_files { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find() Populates global variable @binary_archive
foreach my $ext (keys %Known_Binary_Archives) {
push @binary_archive, $File::Find::name
if $File::Find::name =~ m{$ext$};
} # 1}}}
sub is_file { # {{{1
# portable method to test if item is a file
# (-f doesn't work in ActiveState Perl on Windows)
my $item = shift @_;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
my $mode = (stat $item)[2];
$mode = 0 unless $mode;
if ($mode & 0100000) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
} else {
return (-f $item); # works on Unix, Linux, CygWin, z/OS
} # 1}}}
sub is_dir { # {{{1
# portable method to test if item is a directory
# (-d doesn't work in ActiveState Perl on Windows)
my $item = shift @_;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
my $mode = (stat $item)[2];
$mode = 0 unless $mode;
if ($mode & 0040000) { return 1; }
else { return 0; }
} else {
return (-d $item); # works on Unix, Linux, CygWin, z/OS
} # 1}}}
sub is_excluded { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$excluded , # in hash of excluded directories
) = @_;
my($filename, $filepath, $suffix) = fileparse($file);
foreach my $path (sort keys %{$excluded}) {
return 1 if ($filepath =~ m{^$path/}i);
} # 1}}}
sub classify_file { # {{{1
my ($full_file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
print "-> classify_file($full_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $language = "(unknown)";
if (basename($full_file) eq "-" && defined $opt_stdin_name) {
$full_file = $opt_stdin_name;
my $look_at_first_line = 0;
my $file = basename $full_file;
if ($opt_autoconf and $file =~ /\.in$/) {
$file =~ s/\.in$//;
return $language if $Not_Code_Filename{$file}; # (unknown)
return $language if $file =~ m{~$}; # a temp edit file (unknown)
if (defined $Language_by_File{$file}) {
if ($Language_by_File{$file} eq "Ant/XML") {
return Ant_or_XML( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_File{$file} eq "Maven/XML") {
return Maven_or_XML($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} else {
return $Language_by_File{$file};
if ($file =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/) { # has an extension
print "$full_file extension=[$1]\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $extension = $1;
# Windows file names are case insensitive so map
# all extensions to lowercase there.
$extension = lc $extension if $ON_WINDOWS;
my @extension_list = ( $extension );
if ($file =~ /\.([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/) { # has a double extension
my $extension = $1;
$extension = lc $extension if $ON_WINDOWS;
unshift @extension_list, $extension; # examine double ext first
foreach my $extension (@extension_list) {
if ($Not_Code_Extension{$extension} and
!$Forced_Extension{$extension}) {
# If .1 (for example) is an extention that would ordinarily be
# ignored but the user has insisted this be counted with the
# --force-lang option, then go ahead and count it.
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'listed in $Not_Code_Extension{' . $extension . '}';
return $language;
if (defined $Language_by_Extension{$extension}) {
if ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq
'MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury') {
my $lang_M_or_O = "";
matlab_or_objective_C($full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if ($lang_M_or_O) {
return $lang_M_or_O;
} else { # an error happened in matlab_or_objective_C()
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'failure in matlab_or_objective_C()';
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'PHP/Pascal') {
if (really_is_php($full_file)) {
return 'PHP';
} elsif (really_is_incpascal($full_file)) {
return 'Pascal';
} else {
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Pascal/Puppet') {
my $lang_Pasc_or_Pup = "";
pascal_or_puppet( $full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if ($lang_Pasc_or_Pup) {
return $lang_Pasc_or_Pup;
} else { # an error happened in pascal_or_puppet()
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'failure in pascal_or_puppet()';
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Lisp/OpenCL') {
return Lisp_or_OpenCL($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Lisp/Julia') {
return Lisp_or_Julia( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Perl/Prolog') {
return Perl_or_Prolog($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog') {
return IDL_or_QtProject($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'D/dtrace') {
# is it D or an init.d shell script?
my $a_script = really_is_D($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
if ($a_script) {
# could be dtrace, sh, bash or anything one would
# write an init.d script in
if (defined $Language_by_Script{$a_script}) {
return $Language_by_Script{$a_script};
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
"Unrecognized script language, '$a_script'";
} else {
return 'D';
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Smarty') {
# Smarty extension .tpl is generic; make sure the
# file at least roughly resembles PHP. Alternatively,
# if the user forces the issue, do the count.
my $force_smarty = 0;
foreach (@opt_force_lang) {
if (lc($_) eq "smarty,tpl") {
$force_smarty = 1;
if (really_is_php($full_file) or $force_smarty) {
return 'Smarty';
} else {
return $language; # (unknown)
} else {
return $Language_by_Extension{$extension};
} else { # has an unmapped file extension
$look_at_first_line = 1;
} elsif (defined $Language_by_File{lc $file}) {
return $Language_by_File{lc $file};
} elsif ($opt_lang_no_ext and
defined $Filters_by_Language{$opt_lang_no_ext}) {
return $opt_lang_no_ext;
} else { # no file extension
$look_at_first_line = 1;
if ($look_at_first_line) {
# maybe it is a shell/Perl/Python/Ruby/etc script that
# starts with pound bang:
# #!/usr/bin/perl
# #!/usr/bin/env perl
my $script_language = peek_at_first_line($full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if (!$script_language) {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} = "language unknown (#2)";
# returns (unknown)
if (defined $Language_by_Script{$script_language}) {
if (defined $Filters_by_Language{
$Language_by_Script{$script_language}}) {
$language = $Language_by_Script{$script_language};
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
"undefined: Filters_by_Language{" .
$Language_by_Script{$script_language} .
"} for scripting language $script_language";
# returns (unknown)
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} = "language unknown (#3)";
# returns (unknown)
print "<- classify_file($full_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $language;
} # 1}}}
sub peek_at_first_line { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> peek_at_first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $script_language = "";
if (!-r $file) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $script_language;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
print "<- peek_at_first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $script_language;
chomp(my $first_line = <$IN>);
if (defined $first_line) {
#print "peek_at_first_line of [$file] first_line=[$first_line]\n";
if ($first_line =~ /^#\!\s*(\S.*?)$/) {
#print "peek_at_first_line 1=[$1]\n";
my @pound_bang = split(' ', $1);
#print "peek_at_first_line basename 0=[", basename($pound_bang[0]), "]\n";
if (basename($pound_bang[0]) eq "env" and
scalar @pound_bang > 1) {
$script_language = $pound_bang[1];
#print "peek_at_first_line pound_bang A $pound_bang[1]\n";
} else {
$script_language = basename $pound_bang[0];
#print "peek_at_first_line pound_bang B $script_language\n";
print "<- peek_at_first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $script_language;
} # 1}}}
sub different_files { # {{{1
# See which of the given files are unique by computing each file's MD5
# sum. Return the subset of files which are unique.
my ($ra_files , # in
$rh_Err , # in
$raa_errors , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
print "-> different_files(@{$ra_files})\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %file_hash = (); # file_hash{md5 hash} = [ file1, file2, ... ]
foreach my $F (@{$ra_files}) {
next if is_dir($F); # needed for Windows
my $IN = new IO::File $F, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $F];
$rh_ignored->{$F} = 'cannot read';
} else {
if ($HAVE_Digest_MD5) {
binmode $IN;
my $MD5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($IN)->hexdigest;
#print "$F, $MD5\n";
push @{$file_hash{$MD5}}, $F;
} else {
# all files treated unique
push @{$file_hash{$F}}, $F;
# Loop over file sets having identical MD5 sums. Within
# each set, pick the file that most resembles known source
# code.
my @unique = ();
for my $md5 (sort keys %file_hash) {
my $i_best = 0;
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@{$file_hash{$md5}}); $i++) {
my $F = $file_hash{$md5}[$i];
my (@nul_a, %nul_h);
my $language = classify_file($F, $rh_Err,
# don't save these errors; pointless
\@nul_a, \%nul_h);
$i_best = $i if $language ne "(unknown)";
# keep the best one found and identify the rest as ignored
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_hash{$md5}}); $i++) {
if ($i == $i_best) {
push @unique, $file_hash{$md5}[$i_best];
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$file_hash{$md5}[$i]} = "duplicate of " .
print "<- different_files(@unique)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @unique;
} # 1}}}
sub call_counter { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$language , # in
$ra_Errors, # out
) = @_;
# Logic: pass the file through the following filters:
# 1. remove blank lines
# 2. remove comments using each filter defined for this language
# (example: SQL has two, remove_starts_with(--) and
# remove_c_comments() )
# 3. compute comment lines as
# total lines - blank lines - lines left over after all
# comment filters have been applied
print "-> call_counter($file, $language)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "call_counter: ", Dumper(@routines), "\n";
my @lines = ();
my $ascii = "";
if (-B $file and $opt_unicode) {
# was binary so must be unicode
$/ = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
my $bin_text = <$IN>;
$/ = "\n";
$ascii = unicode_to_ascii( $bin_text );
@lines = split("\n", $ascii );
foreach (@lines) { $_ = "$_\n"; }
} else {
# regular text file
@lines = read_file($file);
$ascii = join('', @lines);
my @original_lines = @lines;
my $total_lines = scalar @lines;
print_lines($file, "Original file:", \@lines) if $opt_print_filter_stages;
@lines = rm_blanks(\@lines, $language, \%EOL_Continuation_re); # remove blank lines
my $blank_lines = $total_lines - scalar @lines;
print_lines($file, "Blank lines removed:", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
@lines = rm_comments(\@lines, $language, $file,
my $comment_lines = $total_lines - $blank_lines - scalar @lines;
if ($opt_strip_comments) {
my $stripped_file = "";
if ($opt_original_dir) {
$stripped_file = $file . ".$opt_strip_comments";
} else {
$stripped_file = basename $file . ".$opt_strip_comments";
write_file($stripped_file, @lines);
if ($opt_html and !$opt_diff) {
chomp(@original_lines); # includes blank lines, comments
chomp(@lines); # no blank lines, no comments
my (@diff_L, @diff_R, %count);
# remove blank lines to get better quality diffs; count
# blank lines separately
my @original_lines_minus_white = ();
# however must keep track of how many blank lines were removed and
# where they were removed so that the HTML display can include it
my %blank_line = ();
my $insert_line = 0;
foreach (@original_lines) {
if (/^\s*$/) {
++$blank_line{ $insert_line };
} else {
push @original_lines_minus_white, $_;
array_diff( $file , # in
\@original_lines_minus_white , # in
\@lines , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_L, \@diff_R, , # out
$ra_Errors); # in/out
write_comments_to_html($file, \@diff_L, \@diff_R, \%blank_line);
#print Dumper("count", \%count);
print "<- call_counter($total_lines, $blank_lines, $comment_lines)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
return ($total_lines, $blank_lines, $comment_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub windows_glob { # {{{1
# Windows doesn't expand wildcards. Use code from Sean M. Burke's
# Win32::Autoglob module to do this.
return map {;
( defined($_) and m/[\*\?]/ ) ? sort(glob($_)) : $_
} @_;
} # 1}}}
sub write_file { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
@lines , # in
) = @_;
#print "write_file 1 [$file]\n";
# Do ~ expansion (by Tim LaBerge, fixes bug 2787984)
my $preglob_filename = $file;
#print "write_file 2 [$preglob_filename]\n";
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$file = (windows_glob($file))[0];
} else {
$file = File::Glob::glob($file);
#print "write_file 3 [$file]\n";
$file = $preglob_filename unless $file;
#print "write_file 4 [$file]\n";
print "-> write_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't already exist.
my $abs_file_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );
my ($volume, $directories, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath( $abs_file_path );
mkpath($volume . $directories, 1, 0777);
my $OUT = new IO::File $file, "w";
if (defined $OUT) {
print $OUT join("\n", @lines), "\n";
} else {
warn "Unable to write to $file\n";
print "Wrote $file" unless $opt_quiet;
print ", $CLOC_XSL" if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "\n" unless $opt_quiet;
print "<- write_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub read_file { # {{{1
my ($file, ) = @_;
my %BoM = (
"fe ff" => 2 ,
"ff fe" => 2 ,
"ef bb bf" => 3 ,
"f7 64 4c" => 3 ,
"0e fe ff" => 3 ,
"fb ee 28" => 3 ,
"00 00 fe ff" => 4 ,
"ff fe 00 00" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 38" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 39" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 2b" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 2f" => 4 ,
"dd 73 66 73" => 4 ,
"84 31 95 33" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 38 2d" => 5 ,
print "-> read_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @lines = ();
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (defined $IN) {
@lines = <$IN>;
if ($lines[$#lines]) { # test necessary for zero content files
# (superfluous?)
# Some files don't end with a new line. Force this:
$lines[$#lines] .= "\n" unless $lines[$#lines] =~ m/\n$/;
} else {
warn "Unable to read $file\n";
# Are first few characters of the file Unicode Byte Order
# Marks (
# If yes, remove them.
if (@lines) {
my @chrs = split('', $lines[0]);
my $n_chrs = scalar @chrs;
my ($n2, $n3, $n4, $n5) = ('', '', '', '');
$n2 = sprintf("%x %x", map ord, @chrs[0,1]) if $n_chrs >= 2;
$n3 = sprintf("%s %x", $n2, ord $chrs[2]) if $n_chrs >= 3;
$n4 = sprintf("%s %x", $n3, ord $chrs[3]) if $n_chrs >= 4;
$n5 = sprintf("%s %x", $n4, ord $chrs[4]) if $n_chrs >= 5;
if (defined $BoM{$n2}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 2;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n3}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 3;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n4}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 4;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n5}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 5;
# Trim DOS line endings. This allows Windows files
# to be diff'ed with Unix files without line endings
# causing every line to differ.
foreach (@lines) { s/\cM$// }
print "<- read_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @lines;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_blanks { # {{{1
my ($ra_in ,
$language ,
$rh_EOL_continuation_re) = @_;
print "-> rm_blanks(language=$language)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "rm_blanks: language = [$language]\n";
my @out = ();
if ($language eq "COBOL") {
@out = remove_cobol_blanks($ra_in);
} else {
# removes blank lines
if (defined $rh_EOL_continuation_re->{$language}) {
@out = remove_matches_2re($ra_in, '^\s*$',
} else {
@out = remove_matches($ra_in, '^\s*$');
print "<- rm_blanks(language=$language)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @out;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines , # in, must be free of blank lines
$language , # in
$file , # in (some language counters, eg Haskell, need
# access to the original file)
$rh_EOL_continuation_re , # in
) = @_;
print "-> rm_comments(file=$file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @routines = @{$Filters_by_Language{$language}};
my @lines = @{$ra_lines};
my @original_lines = @{$ra_lines};
if (!scalar @original_lines) {
return @lines;
foreach my $call_string (@routines) {
my $subroutine = $call_string->[0];
if (! defined &{$subroutine}) {
warn "rm_comments undefined subroutine $subroutine for $file\n";
print "rm_comments file=$file sub=$subroutine\n" if $opt_v > 1;
my @args = @{$call_string};
shift @args; # drop the subroutine name
if (@args and $args[0] eq '>filename<') {
shift @args;
unshift @args, $file;
no strict 'refs';
@lines = &{$subroutine}(\@lines, @args); # apply filter...
print_lines($file, "After $subroutine(@args)", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
# then remove blank lines which are created by comment removal
if (defined $rh_EOL_continuation_re->{$language}) {
@lines = remove_matches_2re(\@lines, '^\s*$',
} else {
@lines = remove_matches(\@lines, '^\s*$');
print_lines($file, "post $subroutine(@args) blank cleanup:", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
# Exception for scripting languages: treat the first #! line as code.
# Will need to add it back in if it was removed earlier.
if (defined $Script_Language{$language} and
$original_lines[0] =~ /^#!/ and
(scalar(@lines) == 0 or
$lines[0] ne $original_lines[0])) {
unshift @lines, $original_lines[0]; # add the first line back
foreach (@lines) { chomp } # make sure no spurious newlines were added
print "<- rm_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_f77_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_f77_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if m{^[*cC]};
next if m{^\s*!};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_f77_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_f90_comments { # {{{1
# derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_f90_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
# a comment is m/^\s*!/
# an empty line is m/^\s*$/
# a HPF statement is m/^\s*!hpf\$/i
# an Open MP statement is m/^\s*!omp\$/i
if (! m/^(\s*!|\s*$)/ || m/^\s*!(hpf|omp)\$/i) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_f90_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_matches { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern , # in Perl regular expression (case insensitive)
) = @_;
print "-> remove_matches(pattern=$pattern)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
#chomp; print "remove_matches [$pattern] [$_]\n";
next if m{$pattern}i;
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_matches\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_matches returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_matches_2re { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern1, # in Perl regex 1 (case insensitive) to match
$pattern2, # in Perl regex 2 (case insensitive) to not match prev line
) = @_;
print "-> remove_matches_2re(pattern=$pattern1,$pattern2)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_lines}; $i++) {
# chomp($ra_lines->[$i]);
#print "remove_matches_2re [$pattern1] [$pattern2] [$ra_lines->[$i]]\n";
if ($i) {
#print "remove_matches_2re prev=[$ra_lines->[$i-1]] this=[$ra_lines->[$i]]\n";
next if ($ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{$pattern1}i) and
($ra_lines->[$i-1] !~ m{$pattern2}i);
} else {
# on first line
next if $ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{$pattern1}i;
push @save_lines, $ra_lines->[$i];
print "<- remove_matches_2re\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_matches_2re returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_inline { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern , # in Perl regular expression (case insensitive)
) = @_;
print "-> remove_inline(pattern=$pattern)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
unless ($opt_inline) {
return @{$ra_lines};
my $nLines_affected = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
#chomp; print "remove_inline [$pattern] [$_]\n";
if (m{$pattern}i) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_inline\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_inline returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_above { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_above(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# Make two passes through the code:
# 1. check if the marker exists
# 2. remove anything above the marker if it exists,
# do nothing if the marker does not exist
# Pass 1
my $found_marker = 0;
for (my $line_number = 1;
$line_number <= scalar @{$ra_lines};
$line_number++) {
if ($ra_lines->[$line_number-1] =~ m{$marker}) {
$found_marker = $line_number;
# Pass 2 only if needed
my @save_lines = ();
if ($found_marker) {
my $n = 1;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, $_
if $n >= $found_marker;
} else { # marker wasn't found; save all lines
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_above\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_below { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_below(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
last if m{$marker};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_below\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_below_above { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker_below, $marker_above, ) = @_;
# delete lines delimited by start and end line markers such
# as Perl POD documentation
print "-> remove_below_above(markerB=$marker_below, A=$marker_above)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $between = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (!$between and m{$marker_below}) {
$between = 1;
if ($between and m{$marker_above}) {
$between = 0;
next if $between;
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_below_above\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
# $marker must contain one of the balanced pairs understood
# by Regexp::Common::balanced, namely
# '{}' '()' '[]' or '<>'
print "-> remove_between(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %acceptable = ('{}'=>1, '()'=>1, '[]'=>1, '<>'=>1, );
die "remove_between: invalid delimiter '$marker'\n",
"the delimiter must be one of these four pairs:\n",
"{} () [] <>\n" unless
Install_Regexp_Common() unless $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
no strict 'vars';
# otherwise get:
# Global symbol "%RE" requires explicit package name at cloc line xx.
if ($all_lines =~ m/$RE{balanced}{-parens => $marker}/) {
no warnings;
$all_lines =~ s/$1//g;
print "<- remove_between\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return split("\n", $all_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between_general { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $start_marker, $end_marker, ) = @_;
# Start and end markers may be any length strings.
print "-> remove_between_general(start=$start_marker, end=$end_marker)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/\Q$start_marker\E.*?\Q$end_marker\E//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\Q$end_marker\E/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if $in_comment;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)\Q$start_marker\E/; # $1 may be blank or code
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/; # leading blank; all comment
if ($in_comment) {
# part code, part comment; strip the comment and keep the code
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_between_general\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between_regex { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $start_RE, $end_RE, ) = @_;
# Start and end regex's may be any length strings.
print "-> remove_between_regex(start=$start_RE, end=$end_RE)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/${start_RE}.*?${end_RE}//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/$end_RE/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if $in_comment;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)${start_RE}/; # $1 may be blank or code
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/; # leading blank; all comment
if ($in_comment) {
# part code, part comment; strip the comment and keep the code
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_between_regex\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_cobol_blanks { # {{{1
# subroutines derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
my $free_format = 0; # Support "free format" source code.
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if m/^\s*$/;
my $line = expand($_); # convert tabs to equivalent spaces
$free_format = 1 if $line =~ m/^......\$.*SET.*SOURCEFORMAT.*FREE/i;
if ($free_format) {
push @save_lines, $_;
} else {
# Greg Toth:
# (1) Treat lines with any alphanum in cols 1-6 and
# blanks in cols 7 through 71 as blank line, and
# (2) Treat lines with any alphanum in cols 1-6 and
# slash (/) in col 7 as blank line (this is a
# page eject directive).
push @save_lines, $_ unless m/^\d{6}\s*$/ or
($line =~ m/^.{6}\s{66}/) or
($line =~ m/^......\//);
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_cobol_comments { # {{{1
# subroutines derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
my $free_format = 0; # Support "free format" source code.
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (m/^......\$.*SET.*SOURCEFORMAT.*FREE/i) {$free_format = 1;}
if ($free_format) {
push @save_lines, $_ unless m{^\s*\*};
} else {
push @save_lines, $_ unless m{^......\*} or m{^\*};
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_jcl_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_jcl_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
next if m{^\s*//\*};
last if m{^\s*//\s*$};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_jcl_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_jsp_comments { # {{{1
# JSP comment is <%-- body of comment --%>
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_jsp_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/<\%\-\-.*?\-\-\%>//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\-\-\%>/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)<\%\-\-/;
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/;
next if ($in_comment);
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_jsp_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_html_comments { # {{{1
# HTML comment is <!-- body of comment -->
# Need to use my own routine until the HTML comment regex in
# the Regexp::Common module can handle <!-- -- -->
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_html_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/<!\-\-.*?\-\->//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\-\->/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)<!\-\-/;
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/;
next if ($in_comment);
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_html_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_haml_block { # {{{1
# Haml block comments are defined by a silent comment marker like
# /
# or
# -#
# followed by indented text on subsequent lines.
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_haml_block\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
my $line = expand($_); # convert tabs to equivalent spaces
if ($in_comment) {
$line =~ /^(\s*)/;
# print "indent=", length $1, "\n";
if (length $1 < $in_comment) {
# indent level is less than comment level
# are back in code
$in_comment = 0;
} else {
# still in comments, don't use this line
} elsif ($line =~ m{^(\s*)(/|-#)\s*$}) {
if ($1) {
$in_comment = length $1 + 1; # number of leading spaces + 1
} else {
$in_comment = 1;
# print "in_comment=$in_comment\n";
push @save_lines, $line;
print "<- remove_haml_block\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub add_newlines { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> add_newlines \n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, "$_\n";
print "<- add_newlines \n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub docstring_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Python docstrings to C comments.
print "-> docstring_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_docstring = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
while (/"""/) {
if (!$in_docstring) {
$in_docstring = 1;
} else {
$in_docstring = 0;
print "<- docstring_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub powershell_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts PowerShell block comment markers to C comments.
print "-> powershell_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_docstring = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
print "<- powershell_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub smarty_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Smarty comments to C comments.
print "-> smarty_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
print "<- smarty_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub determine_lit_type { # {{{1
my ($file) = @_;
open (FILE, $file);
while (<FILE>) {
if (m/^\\begin{code}/) { close FILE; return 2; }
if (m/^>\s/) { close FILE; return 1; }
return 0;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_haskell_comments { # {{{1
# Bulk of code taken from SLOCCount's haskell_count script.
# Strips out {- .. -} and -- comments and counts the rest.
# Pragmas, {-#...}, are counted as SLOC.
# BUG: Doesn't handle strings with embedded block comment markers gracefully.
# In practice, that shouldn't be a problem.
my ($ra_lines, $file, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_haskell_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
my $incomment = 0;
my ($literate, $inlitblock) = (0,0);
$literate = 1 if $file =~ /\.lhs$/;
if($literate) { $literate = determine_lit_type($file) }
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if ($literate == 1) {
if (!s/^>//) { s/.*//; }
} elsif ($literate == 2) {
if ($inlitblock) {
if (m/^\\end{code}/) { s/.*//; $inlitblock = 0; }
} elsif (!$inlitblock) {
if (m/^\\begin{code}/) { s/.*//; $inlitblock = 1; }
else { s/.*//; }
if ($incomment) {
if (m/\-\}/) { s/^.*?\-\}//; $incomment = 0;}
else { s/.*//; }
if (!$incomment) {
if (m/{-/ && (!m/{-#/)) {
$incomment = 1;
if (m/\S/) { push @save_lines, $_; }
# if ($incomment) {print "ERROR: ended in comment in $ARGV\n";}
print "<- remove_haskell_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub print_lines { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$title , # in
$ra_lines , # in
) = @_;
printf "->%-30s %s\n", $file, $title;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_lines}; $i++) {
printf "%5d | %s", $i+1, $ra_lines->[$i];
print "\n" unless $ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{\n$}
} # 1}}}
sub set_constants { # {{{1
my ($rh_Language_by_Extension , # out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # out
$rh_Language_by_File , # out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # out
$rh_Known_Binary_Archives , # out
$rh_EOL_continuation_re , # out
) = @_;
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_Extension} = ( # {{{1
'abap' => 'ABAP' ,
'ac' => 'm4' ,
'ada' => 'Ada' ,
'adb' => 'Ada' ,
'ads' => 'Ada' ,
'adso' => 'ADSO/IDSM' ,
'ahk' => 'AutoHotkey' ,
'am' => 'make' ,
'ample' => 'AMPLE' ,
'as' => 'ActionScript' ,
'dofile' => 'AMPLE' ,
'startup' => 'AMPLE' ,
'asa' => 'ASP' ,
'asax' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'ascx' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'asm' => 'Assembly' ,
'asmx' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'asp' => 'ASP' ,
'aspx' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'master' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'sitemap' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'cshtml' => 'Razor' ,
'awk' => 'awk' ,
'bash' => 'Bourne Again Shell' ,
'bas' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'bat' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'BAT' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'cmd' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'CMD' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'btm' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'BTM' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'build.xml' => 'Ant' ,
'cbl' => 'COBOL' ,
'CBL' => 'COBOL' ,
'c' => 'C' ,
'C' => 'C++' ,
'cc' => 'C++' ,
'c++' => 'C++' ,
'ccs' => 'CCS' ,
'cfc' => 'ColdFusion CFScript' ,
'cfm' => 'ColdFusion' ,
'cl' => 'Lisp/OpenCL' ,
'clj' => 'Clojure' ,
'cljs' => 'ClojureScript' ,
'cls' => 'Visual Basic' , # also Apex Class
'CMakeLists.txt' => 'CMake' ,
'cmake' => 'CMake' ,
'cob' => 'COBOL' ,
'COB' => 'COBOL' ,
'coffee' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'component' => 'Visualforce Component' ,
'config' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'cpp' => 'C++' ,
'cs' => 'C#' ,
'csh' => 'C Shell' ,
'css' => "CSS" ,
'ctl' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'cu' => 'CUDA' ,
'cxx' => 'C++' ,
'd' => 'D/dtrace' ,
# in addition, .d can map to init.d files typically written as
# bash or sh scripts
'da' => 'DAL' ,
'dart' => 'Dart' ,
'def' => 'Windows Module Definition',
'diff' => 'diff' ,
'dmap' => 'NASTRAN DMAP' ,
'dpr' => 'Pascal' ,
'dita' => 'DITA' ,
'dsr' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'dtd' => 'DTD' ,
'ec' => 'C' ,
'ecpp' => 'ECPP' ,
'el' => 'Lisp' ,
'exs' => 'Elixir' ,
'ex' => 'Elixir' ,
'erb' => 'ERB' ,
'ERB' => 'ERB' ,
'erl' => 'Erlang' ,
'exp' => 'Expect' ,
'f77' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'F77' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'f90' => 'Fortran 90' ,
'F90' => 'Fortran 90' ,
'f95' => 'Fortran 95' ,
'F95' => 'Fortran 95' ,
'f' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'F' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'for' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'FOR' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'ftn' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'FTN' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'fmt' => 'Oracle Forms' ,
'focexec' => 'Focus' ,
'frm' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'fs' => 'F#' ,
'fsi' => 'F#' ,
'gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'Gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'go' => 'Go' ,
'gsp' => 'Grails' ,
'groovy' => 'Groovy' ,
'gant' => 'Groovy' ,
'gradle' => 'Groovy' ,
'h' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'H' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hh' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hpp' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hb' => 'Harbour' ,
'hrl' => 'Erlang' ,
'hs' => 'Haskell' ,
'shader' => 'HLSL' ,
'cg' => 'HLSL' ,
'cginc' => 'HLSL' ,
'haml' => 'Haml' ,
'handlebars' => 'Handlebars' ,
'hbs' => 'Handlebars' ,
'htm' => 'HTML' ,
'html' => 'HTML' ,
'i3' => 'Modula3' ,
'idl' => 'IDL' ,
'ism' => 'InstallShield' ,
'pro' => 'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog' ,
'ig' => 'Modula3' ,
'il' => 'SKILL' ,
'ils' => 'SKILL++' ,
'inc' => 'PHP/Pascal' , # might be PHP or Pascal
'ino' => 'Arduino Sketch' ,
'pde' => 'Arduino Sketch' , # pre 1.0
'itk' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'java' => 'Java' ,
'jcl' => 'JCL' , # IBM Job Control Lang.
'jl' => 'Lisp/Julia' ,
'js' => 'Javascript' ,
'jsf' => 'JavaServer Faces' ,
'xhtml' => 'JavaServer Faces' ,
'json' => 'JSON' ,
'jsp' => 'JSP' , # Java server pages
'jspf' => 'JSP' , # Java server pages
'vm' => 'Velocity Template Language' ,
'ksc' => 'Kermit' ,
'ksh' => 'Korn Shell' ,
'kt' => 'Kotlin' ,
'lhs' => 'Haskell' ,
'l' => 'lex' ,
'less' => 'LESS' ,
'lsp' => 'Lisp' ,
'lisp' => 'Lisp' ,
'lua' => 'Lua' ,
'm3' => 'Modula3' ,
'm4' => 'm4' ,
'makefile' => 'make' ,
'Makefile' => 'make' ,
'mc' => 'Windows Message File' ,
'met' => 'Teamcenter met' ,
'mg' => 'Modula3' ,
# 'mli' => 'ML' , # ML not implemented
# 'ml' => 'ML' ,
'ml' => 'OCaml' ,
'mli' => 'OCaml' ,
'mly' => 'OCaml' ,
'mll' => 'OCaml' ,
'm' => 'MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' ,
'mm' => 'Objective C++' ,
'mustache' => 'Mustache' ,
'wdproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'csproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'vcproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'wixproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'vbproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'mps' => 'MUMPS' ,
'mth' => 'Teamcenter mth' ,
'oscript' => 'LiveLink OScript' ,
'pad' => 'Ada' , # Oracle Ada preprocessor
'page' => 'Visualforce Page' ,
'pas' => 'Pascal' ,
'pcc' => 'C++' , # Oracle C++ preprocessor
'perl' => 'Perl' ,
'pfo' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'pgc' => 'C' , # Postgres embedded C/C++
'php3' => 'PHP' ,
'php4' => 'PHP' ,
'php5' => 'PHP' ,
'php' => 'PHP' ,
'pig' => 'Pig Latin' ,
'plh' => 'Perl' ,
'pl' => 'Perl/Prolog' ,
'PL' => 'Perl/Prolog' ,
'plx' => 'Perl' ,
'pm' => 'Perl' ,
'pom.xml' => 'Maven' ,
'pom' => 'Maven' ,
'P' => 'Prolog' ,
'p' => 'Pascal' ,
'pp' => 'Pascal/Puppet' ,
'psql' => 'SQL' ,
'py' => 'Python' ,
'pyx' => 'Cython' ,
'qml' => 'QML' ,
'rb' => 'Ruby' ,
'rake' => 'Ruby' ,
# 'resx' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'rex' => 'Oracle Reports' ,
'rexx' => 'Rexx' ,
'rhtml' => 'Ruby HTML' ,
'rs' => 'Rust' ,
's' => 'Assembly' ,
'S' => 'Assembly' ,
'SCA' => 'Visual Fox Pro' ,
'sca' => 'Visual Fox Pro' ,
'scala' => 'Scala' ,
'sbl' => 'Softbridge Basic' ,
'SBL' => 'Softbridge Basic' ,
'sc' => 'Lisp' ,
'scm' => 'Lisp' ,
'sed' => 'sed' ,
'ses' => 'Patran Command Language' ,
'pcl' => 'Patran Command Language' ,
'pl1' => 'PL/I' ,
'purs' => 'PureScript' ,
'prefab' => 'Unity-Prefab' ,
'proto' => 'Protocol Buffers' ,
'mat' => 'Unity-Prefab' ,
'ps1' => 'PowerShell' ,
'R' => 'R' ,
'rkt' => 'Racket' ,
'rktl' => 'Racket' ,
'ss' => 'Racket' ,
'scm' => 'Racket' ,
'sch' => 'Racket' ,
'scrbl' => 'Racket' ,
'tsv' => 'RobotFramework' ,
'robot' => 'RobotFramework' ,
'rc' => 'Windows Resource File' ,
'rc2' => 'Windows Resource File' ,
'sas' => 'SAS' ,
'sass' => 'SASS' ,
'scss' => 'SASS' ,
'sh' => 'Bourne Shell' ,
'smarty' => 'Smarty' ,
'sml' => 'Standard ML' ,
'sig' => 'Standard ML' ,
'fun' => 'Standard ML' ,
'sql' => 'SQL' ,
'SQL' => 'SQL' ,
'sproc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'spoc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'spc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'udf.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'data.sql' => 'SQL Data' ,
'v' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog' ,
'sv' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog' ,
'svh' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog' ,
'tcl' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tcsh' => 'C Shell' ,
'tk' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tpl' => 'Smarty' ,
'trigger' => 'Apex Trigger' ,
'ts' => 'TypeScript' ,
'tss' => 'Titanium Style Sheet' ,
'vala' => 'Vala' ,
'vapi' => 'Vala Header' ,
'vhd' => 'VHDL' ,
'VHD' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhdl' => 'VHDL' ,
'VHDL' => 'VHDL' ,
'vba' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VBA' => 'Visual Basic' ,
# 'vbp' => 'Visual Basic' , # .vbp - autogenerated
'vb' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VB' => 'Visual Basic' ,
# 'vbw' => 'Visual Basic' , # .vbw - autogenerated
'vbs' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VBS' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'webinfo' => 'ASP.Net' ,
'xml' => 'XML' ,
'XML' => 'XML' ,
'mxml' => 'MXML' ,
'build' => 'NAnt script' ,
'vim' => 'vim script' ,
'swift' => 'Swift' ,
'xaml' => 'XAML' ,
'wxs' => 'WiX source' ,
'wxi' => 'WiX include' ,
'wxl' => 'WiX string localization' ,
'prg' => 'xBase' ,
'ch' => 'xBase Header' ,
'xq' => 'XQuery' ,
'xquery' => 'XQuery' ,
'xsd' => 'XSD' ,
'XSD' => 'XSD' ,
'xslt' => 'XSLT' ,
'XSLT' => 'XSLT' ,
'xsl' => 'XSLT' ,
'XSL' => 'XSLT' ,
'y' => 'yacc' ,
'yaml' => 'YAML' ,
'yml' => 'YAML' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_Script} = ( # {{{1
'awk' => 'awk' ,
'bash' => 'Bourne Again Shell' ,
'bc' => 'bc' ,# calculator
'csh' => 'C Shell' ,
'dmd' => 'D' ,
'dtrace' => 'dtrace' ,
'idl' => 'IDL' ,
'kermit' => 'Kermit' ,
'ksh' => 'Korn Shell' ,
'lua' => 'Lua' ,
'make' => 'make' ,
'octave' => 'Octave' ,
'perl5' => 'Perl' ,
'perl' => 'Perl' ,
'python' => 'Python' ,
'python2.6'=> 'Python' ,
'python2.7'=> 'Python' ,
'python3' => 'Python' ,
'python3.3'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.4'=> 'Python' ,
'rexx' => 'Rexx' ,
'regina' => 'Rexx' ,
'ruby' => 'Ruby' ,
'sed' => 'sed' ,
'sh' => 'Bourne Shell' ,
'swipl' => 'Prolog' ,
'tcl' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tclsh' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tcsh' => 'C Shell' ,
'wish' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_File} = ( # {{{1
'Makefile' => 'make' ,
'makefile' => 'make' ,
'gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'Gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'CMakeLists.txt' => 'CMake' ,
'build.xml' => 'Ant/XML' ,
'pom.xml' => 'Maven/XML' ,
'Rakefile' => 'Ruby' ,
'rakefile' => 'Ruby' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language} = ( # {{{1
'(unknown)' => [ ],
'ABAP' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\*' ], ],
'ActionScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'ASP' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'ASP.Net' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Ada' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ], ],
'ADSO/IDSM' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*[\+\!]' ], ],
'AMPLE' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
'Ant/XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Ant' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Apex Trigger' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Arduino Sketch' => [ # same as C
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Assembly' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\@' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\|' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*!' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\@.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\|.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '!.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'AutoHotkey' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'awk' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'bc' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Bourne Again Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Bourne Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'C' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], # C99
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ], # C99
'C++' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'C/C++ Header' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Clojure' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'ClojureScript' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'CMake' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'CUDA' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Cython' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'C#' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'CCS' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'CSS' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'COBOL' => [ [ 'remove_cobol_comments', ], ],
'CoffeeScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'ColdFusion' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'ColdFusion CFScript'=> [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Crystal Reports' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
'D/dtrace' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'D' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '/+', '+/' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'DAL' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '[', ']', ],
'Dart' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
# diff is kind of weird: anything but a space in the first column
# will count as code, with the exception of #, ---, +++. Spaces
# in the first column denote context lines which aren't part of the
# difference.
'diff' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\-\-\-' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\+\+\+' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s' ],
'DITA' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'dtrace' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'ECPP' => [
[ 'remove_between_general',
'<%doc>', '</%doc>', ],
[ 'remove_between_general',
'<#' , '#>' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'ERB' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<%#', '%>' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\$.*$' ],
'DOS Batch' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*rem', ], ],
'DTD' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'Elixir' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Erlang' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
'Expect' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Focus' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\-\*' ], ],
'Fortran 77' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'Fortran 90' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_f90_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'Fortran 95' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_f90_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'F#' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
'Go' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Grails' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Groovy' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Handlebars' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!--', '--}}' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!', '}}' ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
'Harbour' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'HLSL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Haml' => [
[ 'remove_haml_block' , ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*/\s*\S+' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*-#\s*\S+' ],
'HTML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Haskell' => [ [ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ], ],
'IDL' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'InstallShield' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'JSP' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'JavaServer Faces' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Java' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Javascript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'JCL' => [ [ 'remove_jcl_comments' , ], ],
'JSON' => [ # ECMA-404, the JSON standard definition
# makes no provision for JSON comments
# so just use a placeholder filter
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*$' ],
'Julia' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '#=', '=#' ],
'Kotlin' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '/*', '*/' ],
'LESS' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Lisp' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '#|', '|#' ],
'Lisp/OpenCL' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Lisp/Julia' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'LiveLink OScript' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
# 'Lua' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'lua' ], ],
'Lua' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\-\-' ], ],
'make' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'MATLAB' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
'Maven/XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Maven' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Mercury' => [
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
'Modula3' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ], ],
# Modula 3 comments are (* ... *) so applying the Pascal filter
# which also treats { ... } as a comment is not really correct.
'Objective C' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Objective C++' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'OCaml' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ],
'OpenCL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], # C99
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ], # C99
'PHP/Pascal' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'MUMPS' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'Mustache' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!', '}}' ],
'Octave' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Oracle Forms' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Oracle Reports' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Pascal' => [
[ 'remove_between_regex', '{[^$]', '}' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
####'Pascal' => [
#### [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ],
#### [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
#### ],
'Pascal/Puppet' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Puppet' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'PureScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '{-', '-}' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'Patran Command Language'=> [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\$#' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'PL/I' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Perl' => [ [ 'remove_below' , '^__(END|DATA)__'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=head1', '^=cut' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Perl/Prolog' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Pig Latin' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'PowerShell' => [
[ 'powershell_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Prolog' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\%' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '(//|\%).*$' ],
'Protocol Buffers' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Python' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'PHP' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'QML' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Qt Project' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'R' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Racket' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'Razor' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '@*', '*@' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'RobotFramework' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Comment' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*{3}\s+(Variables|Test\s+Cases|Settings|Keywords)\s+\*{3}' ] ,
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\[(Documentation|Tags)\]' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Rexx' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Ruby' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=begin', '^=end' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Ruby HTML' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'Rust' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'SAS' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '*', ';' ],
'SASS' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Scala' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'SKILL' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
'SKILL++' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
'SQL' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'SQL Stored Procedure'=> [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'SQL Data' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'sed' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Smarty' => [
[ 'smarty_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Standard ML' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
'Swift' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'm4' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^dnl ' ], ],
'C Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Kermit' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Korn Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Tcl/Tk' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Teamcenter met' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Teamcenter mth' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ], ],
'Titanium Style Sheet' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_between_regex', '/[^/]', '[^/]/' ],
'TypeScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Unity-Prefab' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Visual Fox Pro' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\*.*$' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*&&' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '&&.*$' ],
'Softbridge Basic' => [ [ 'remove_above' , '^\s*Attribute\s+VB_Name\s+=' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Attribute\s+'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'Vala' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Vala Header' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Verilog-SystemVerilog' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'VHDL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'vim script' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*"' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '".*$' ],
'Visual Basic' => [ [ 'remove_above' , '^\s*Attribute\s+VB_Name\s+=' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Attribute\s+'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'Visualforce Component' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Visualforce Page' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Velocity Template Language' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Teamcenter def' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ], ],
'Windows Module Definition' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'yacc' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'YAML' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'lex' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'XAML' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'xBase Header' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'xBase' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'MXML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Windows Message File' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;\s*$' ],
# next line only hypothetical
# [ 'remove_matches_2re' , '^\s*;\s*/\*',
# '^\s*;\s*\*/', ],
'Windows Resource File' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'WiX source' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'WiX include' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'WiX string localization' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'XQuery' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(:', ':)' ],
'XSD' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'XSLT' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'NAnt script' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'MSBuild script' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
# 1}}}
%{$rh_EOL_continuation_re} = ( # {{{1
'ActionScript' => '\\\\$' ,
'Assembly' => '\\\\$' ,
'ASP' => '\\\\$' ,
'ASP.Net' => '\\\\$' ,
'Ada' => '\\\\$' ,
'awk' => '\\\\$' ,
'bc' => '\\\\$' ,
'C' => '\\\\$' ,
'C++' => '\\\\$' ,
'C/C++ Header' => '\\\\$' ,
'CMake' => '\\\\$' ,
'Cython' => '\\\\$' ,
'C#' => '\\\\$' ,
'D' => '\\\\$' ,
'Dart' => '\\\\$' ,
'Expect' => '\\\\$' ,
'Go' => '\\\\$' ,
'IDL' => '\$\\$' ,
'Java' => '\\\\$' ,
'Javascript' => '\\\\$' ,
'LESS' => '\\\\$' ,
'Lua' => '\\\\$' ,
'make' => '\\\\$' ,
'MATLAB' => '\.\.\.\s*$' ,
'MXML' => '\\\\$' ,
'Objective C' => '\\\\$' ,
'Objective C++' => '\\\\$' ,
'OCaml' => '\\\\$' ,
'Octave' => '\.\.\.\s*$' ,
'Qt Project' => '\\\\$' ,
'Patran Command Language'=> '\\\\$' ,
'PowerShell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Python' => '\\\\$' ,
'R' => '\\\\$' ,
'Ruby' => '\\\\$' ,
'sed' => '\\\\$' ,
'Swift' => '\\\\$' ,
'Bourne Again Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Bourne Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'C Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Kermit' => '\\\\$' ,
'Korn Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Tcl/Tk' => '\\\\$' ,
'TypeScript' => '\\\\$' ,
'lex' => '\\\\$' ,
'Vala' => '\\\\$' ,
'Vala Header' => '\\\\$' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Not_Code_Extension} = ( # {{{1
'1' => 1, # Man pages (documentation):
'2' => 1,
'3' => 1,
'4' => 1,
'5' => 1,
'6' => 1,
'7' => 1,
'8' => 1,
'9' => 1,
'a' => 1, # Static object code.
'ad' => 1, # X application default resource file.
'afm' => 1, # font metrics
'arc' => 1, # arc(1) archive
'arj' => 1, # arj(1) archive
'au' => 1, # Audio sound filearj(1) archive
'bak' => 1, # Backup files - we only want to count the "real" files.
'bdf' => 1,
'bmp' => 1,
'bz2' => 1, # bzip2(1) compressed file
'csv' => 1, # comma separated values
'desktop' => 1,
'dic' => 1,
'doc' => 1,
'elc' => 1,
'eps' => 1,
'fig' => 1,
'gif' => 1,
'gz' => 1,
'hdf' => 1, # hierarchical data format
'in' => 1, # Debatable.
'jpg' => 1,
'kdelnk' => 1,
'man' => 1,
'mf' => 1,
'mp3' => 1,
'n' => 1,
'o' => 1, # Object code is generated from source code.
'pbm' => 1,
'pdf' => 1,
'pfb' => 1,
'png' => 1,
'po' => 1,
'ps' => 1, # Postscript is _USUALLY_ generated automatically.
'sgm' => 1,
'sgml' => 1,
'so' => 1, # Dynamically-loaded object code.
'Tag' => 1,
'tex' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'tfm' => 1,
'tgz' => 1, # gzipped tarball
'tiff' => 1,
'txt' => 1,
'vf' => 1,
'wav' => 1,
'xbm' => 1,
'xpm' => 1,
'Y' => 1, # file compressed with "Yabba"
'Z' => 1, # file compressed with "compress"
'zip' => 1, # zip archive
); # 1}}}
%{$rh_Not_Code_Filename} = ( # {{{1
'AUTHORS' => 1,
'BUGS' => 1,
'BUGS' => 1,
'Changelog' => 1,
'ChangeLog' => 1,
'ChangeLog' => 1,
'Changes' => 1,
'CHANGES' => 1,
'COPYING' => 1,
'COPYING' => 1,
'.cvsignore' => 1,
'Entries' => 1,
'FAQ' => 1,
'iconfig.h' => 1, # Skip "iconfig.h" files; they're used in Imakefiles.
'INSTALL' => 1,
'MD5SUMS' => 1,
'NEWS' => 1,
'readme' => 1,
'Readme' => 1,
'README' => 1,
'' => 1, # used in kdemultimedia, it's confusing.
'Repository' => 1,
'Root' => 1, # CVS
'TODO' => 1,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Scale_Factor} = ( # {{{1
'(unknown)' => 0.00,
'1032/af' => 5.00,
'1st generation default' => 0.25,
'2nd generation default' => 0.75,
'3rd generation default' => 1.00,
'4th generation default' => 4.00,
'5th generation default' => 16.00,
'aas macro' => 0.88,
'abap/4' => 5.00,
'ABAP' => 5.00,
'accel' => 4.21,
'access' => 2.11,
'ActionScript' => 1.36,
'actor' => 3.81,
'acumen' => 2.86,
'Ada' => 0.52,
'Ada 83' => 1.13,
'Ada 95' => 1.63,
'adr/dl' => 2.00,
'adr/ideal/pdl' => 4.00,
'ads/batch' => 4.00,
'ads/online' => 4.00,
'ADSO/IDSM' => 3.00,
'advantage' => 2.11,
'ai shell default' => 1.63,
'ai shells' => 1.63,
'algol 68' => 0.75,
'algol w' => 0.75,
'ambush' => 2.50,
'aml' => 1.63,
'AMPLE' => 2.00,
'Ant/XML' => 1.90,
'Ant' => 1.90,
'amppl ii' => 1.25,
'ansi basic' => 1.25,
'ansi cobol 74' => 0.75,
'ansi cobol 85' => 0.88,
'SQL' => 6.15,
'SQL Stored Procedure' => 6.15,
'SQL Data' => 1.00,
'answer/db' => 6.15,
'apl 360/370' => 2.50,
'apl default' => 2.50,
'apl*plus' => 2.50,
'applesoft basic' => 0.63,
'application builder' => 4.00,
'application manager' => 2.22,
'aps' => 0.96,
'aps' => 4.71,
'apt' => 1.13,
'aptools' => 4.00,
'arc' => 1.63,
'ariel' => 0.75,
'arity' => 1.63,
'art' => 1.63,
'art enterprise' => 1.74,
'artemis' => 2.00,
'artim' => 1.74,
'as/set' => 4.21,
'asi/inquiry' => 6.15,
'ask windows' => 1.74,
'asa' => 1.29,
'ASP' => 1.29,
'ASP.Net' => 1.29,
'aspx' => 1.29,
'asax' => 1.29,
'ascx' => 1.29,
'asmx' => 1.29,
'config' => 1.29,
'webinfo' => 1.29,
'CCS' => 5.33,
'Apex Trigger' => 1.4 ,
'Arduino Sketch' => 1.00,
'Assembly' => 0.25,
'Assembly (macro)' => 0.51,
'associative default' => 1.25,
'autocoder' => 0.25,
'AutoHotkey' => 1.29,
'awk' => 3.81,
'aztec c' => 0.63,
'balm' => 0.75,
'base sas' => 1.51,
'basic' => 0.75,
'basic a' => 0.63,
'bc' => 1.50,
'berkeley pascal' => 0.88,
'better basic' => 0.88,
'bliss' => 0.75,
'bmsgen' => 2.22,
'boeingcalc' => 13.33,
'bteq' => 6.15,
'C' => 0.77,
'c set 2' => 0.88,
'C#' => 1.36,
'C++' => 1.51,
'c86plus' => 0.63,
'cadbfast' => 2.00,
'caearl' => 2.86,
'cast' => 1.63,
'cbasic' => 0.88,
'cdadl' => 4.00,
'cellsim' => 1.74,
'ColdFusion' => 4.00,
'ColdFusion CFScript' => 4.00,
'chili' => 0.75,
'chill' => 0.75,
'cics' => 1.74,
'clarion' => 1.38,
'clascal' => 1.00,
'cli' => 2.50,
'clipper' => 2.05,
'clipper db' => 2.00,
'clos' => 3.81,
'Clojure' => 1.25,
'ClojureScript' => 1.25,
'clout' => 2.00,
'CMake' => 1.00,
'cms2' => 0.75,
'cmsgen' => 4.21,
'COBOL' => 1.04,
'COBOL ii' => 0.75,
'COBOL/400' => 0.88,
'cobra' => 4.00,
'codecenter' => 2.22,
'cofac' => 2.22,
'CoffeeScript' => 2.00,
'cogen' => 2.22,
'cognos' => 2.22,
'cogo' => 1.13,
'comal' => 1.00,
'comit ii' => 1.25,
'common lisp' => 1.25,
'concurrent pascal' => 1.00,
'conniver' => 1.25,
'cool:gen/ief' => 2.58,
'coral 66' => 0.75,
'corvet' => 4.21,
'corvision' => 5.33,
'cpl' => 0.50,
'Crystal Reports' => 4.00,
'csl' => 1.63,
'csp' => 1.51,
'cssl' => 1.74,
'CSS' => 1.0,
'culprit' => 1.57,
'CUDA' => 1.00,
'cxpert' => 1.63,
'cygnet' => 4.21,
'D' => 1.70,
'DAL' => 1.50,
'Dart' => 2.00,
'data base default' => 2.00,
'dataflex' => 2.00,
'datatrieve' => 4.00,
'dbase iii' => 2.00,
'dbase iv' => 1.54,
'dcl' => 0.38,
'diff' => 1.00,
'decision support default' => 2.22,
'decrally' => 2.00,
'delphi' => 2.76,
'DITA' => 1.90,
'dl/1' => 2.00,
'dtrace' => 2.00,
'NASTRAN DMAP' => 2.35,
'dna4' => 4.21,
'DOS Batch' => 0.63,
'dsp assembly' => 0.50,
'dtabl' => 1.74,
'dtipt' => 1.74,
'dyana' => 1.13,
'dynamoiii' => 1.74,
'easel' => 2.76,
'easy' => 1.63,
'easytrieve+' => 2.35,
'eclipse' => 1.63,
'ECPP' => 1.90,
'eda/sql' => 6.67,
'edscheme 3.4' => 1.51,
'eiffel' => 3.81,
'Elixir' => 2.11,
'enform' => 1.74,
'englishbased default' => 1.51,
'ensemble' => 2.76,
'epos' => 4.00,
'ERB' => 2.00,
'Erlang' => 2.11,
'esf' => 2.00,
'espadvisor' => 1.63,
'espl/i' => 1.13,
'euclid' => 0.75,
'excel' => 1.74,
'excel 12' => 13.33,
'excel 34' => 13.33,
'excel 5' => 13.33,
'express' => 2.22,
'exsys' => 1.63,
'extended common lisp' => 1.43,
'eznomad' => 2.22,
'facets' => 4.00,
'factorylink iv' => 2.76,
'fame' => 2.22,
'filemaker pro' => 2.22,
'flavors' => 2.76,
'flex' => 1.74,
'flexgen' => 2.76,
'Focus' => 1.90,
'foil' => 1.51,
'forte' => 4.44,
'forth' => 1.25,
'Fortran 66' => 0.63,
'Fortran 77' => 0.75,
'Fortran 90' => 1.00,
'Fortran 95' => 1.13,
'Fortran II' => 0.63,
'foundation' => 2.76,
'foxpro' => 2.29,
'foxpro 1' => 2.00,
'foxpro 2.5' => 2.35,
'framework' => 13.33,
'F#' => 2.50,
'g2' => 1.63,
'gamma' => 5.00,
'genascript' => 2.96,
'gener/ol' => 6.15,
'genexus' => 5.33,
'genifer' => 4.21,
'geode 2.0' => 5.00,
'gfa basic' => 2.35,
'gml' => 1.74,
'golden common lisp' => 1.25,
'gpss' => 1.74,
'guest' => 2.86,
'guru' => 1.63,
'Go' => 2.50,
'Grails' => 1.48,
'Groovy' => 4.10,
'gw basic' => 0.82,
'Harbour' => 2.00,
'Haskell' => 2.11,
'high c' => 0.63,
'hlevel' => 1.38,
'hp basic' => 0.63,
'Haml' => 2.50,
'Handlebars' => 2.50,
'HTML' => 1.90,
'XML' => 1.90,
'MXML' => 1.90,
'XSLT' => 1.90,
'DTD' => 1.90,
'XSD' => 1.90,
'NAnt script' => 1.90,
'MSBuild script' => 1.90,
'HLSL' => 2.00,
'HTML 2' => 5.00,
'HTML 3' => 5.33,
'huron' => 5.00,
'ibm adf i' => 4.00,
'ibm adf ii' => 4.44,
'ibm advanced basic' => 0.82,
'ibm cics/vs' => 2.00,
'ibm compiled basic' => 0.88,
'ibm vs cobol' => 0.75,
'ibm vs cobol ii' => 0.88,
'ices' => 1.13,
'icon' => 1.00,
'ideal' => 1.54,
'idms' => 2.00,
'ief' => 5.71,
'ief/cool:gen' => 2.58,
'iew' => 5.71,
'ifps/plus' => 2.50,
'imprs' => 2.00,
'informix' => 2.58,
'ingres' => 2.00,
'inquire' => 6.15,
'insight2' => 1.63,
'install/1' => 5.00,
'InstallShield' => 1.90,
'intellect' => 1.51,
'interlisp' => 1.38,
'interpreted basic' => 0.75,
'interpreted c' => 0.63,
'iqlisp' => 1.38,
'iqrp' => 6.15,
'j2ee' => 1.60,
'janus' => 1.13,
'Java' => 1.36,
'Javascript' => 1.48,
'JavaServer Faces' => 1.5 ,
'JSON' => 2.50,
'JSP' => 1.48,
'Velocity Template Language' => 1.00,
'JCL' => 1.67,
'joss' => 0.75,
'jovial' => 0.75,
'jsp' => 1.36,
'kappa' => 2.00,
'kbms' => 1.63,
'kcl' => 1.25,
'kee' => 1.63,
'keyplus' => 2.00,
'kl' => 1.25,
'klo' => 1.25,
'knowol' => 1.63,
'krl' => 1.38,
'Kermit' => 2.00,
'Korn Shell' => 3.81,
'Kotlin' => 2.00,
'ladder logic' => 2.22,
'lambit/l' => 1.25,
'lattice c' => 0.63,
'LESS' => 1.50,
'liana' => 0.63,
'lilith' => 1.13,
'linc ii' => 5.71,
'Lisp' => 1.25,
'LiveLink OScript' => 3.5 ,
'loglisp' => 1.38,
'loops' => 3.81,
'lotus 123 dos' => 13.33,
'lotus macros' => 0.75,
'lotus notes' => 3.64,
'lucid 3d' => 13.33,
'lyric' => 1.51,
'm4' => 1.00,
'm' => 5.00,
'macforth' => 1.25,
'mach1' => 2.00,
'machine language' => 0.13,
'maestro' => 5.00,
'magec' => 5.00,
'magik' => 3.81,
'Lake' => 3.81,
'make' => 2.50,
'mantis' => 2.96,
'mapper' => 0.99,
'mark iv' => 2.00,
'mark v' => 2.22,
'mathcad' => 16.00,
'Maven' => 1.90,
'mdl' => 2.22,
'mentor' => 1.51,
'mesa' => 0.75,
'microfocus cobol' => 1.00,
'microforth' => 1.25,
'microsoft c' => 0.63,
'microstep' => 4.00,
'miranda' => 2.00,
'model 204' => 2.11,
'modula 2' => 1.00,
'mosaic' => 13.33,
# 'ms c ++ v. 7' => 1.51,
'ms compiled basic' => 0.88,
'msl' => 1.25,
'mulisp' => 1.25,
'MUMPS' => 4.21,
'Mustache' => 1.75,
'Nastran' => 1.13,
'natural' => 1.54,
'natural 1' => 1.51,
'natural 2' => 1.74,
'natural construct' => 3.20,
'natural language' => 0.03,
'netron/cap' => 4.21,
'nexpert' => 1.63,
'nial' => 1.63,
'nomad2' => 2.00,
'nonprocedural default' => 2.22,
'notes vip' => 2.22,
'nroff' => 1.51,
'object assembler' => 1.25,
'object lisp' => 2.76,
'object logo' => 2.76,
'object pascal' => 2.76,
'object star' => 5.00,
'Objective C' => 2.96,
'Objective C++' => 2.96,
'objectoriented default' => 2.76,
'objectview' => 3.20,
'OCaml' => 3.00,
'ogl' => 1.00,
'omnis 7' => 2.00,
'oodl' => 2.76,
'ops' => 1.74,
'ops5' => 1.38,
'oracle' => 2.76,
'Oracle Reports' => 2.76,
'Oracle Forms' => 2.67,
'Oracle Developer/2000' => 3.48,
'oscar' => 0.75,
'pacbase' => 1.67,
'pace' => 2.00,
'paradox/pal' => 2.22,
'Pascal' => 0.88,
'Patran Command Language' => 2.50,
'pc focus' => 2.22,
'pdl millenium' => 3.81,
'pdp11 ade' => 1.51,
'peoplesoft' => 2.50,
'Perl' => 4.00,
'persistance object builder' => 3.81,
'Pig Latin' => 1.00,
'pilot' => 1.51,
'PL/I' => 1.38,
'pl/1' => 1.38,
'pl/m' => 1.13,
'pl/s' => 0.88,
'pl/sql' => 2.58,
'planit' => 1.51,
'planner' => 1.25,
'planperfect 1' => 11.43,
'plato' => 1.51,
'polyforth' => 1.25,
'pop' => 1.38,
'poplog' => 1.38,
'power basic' => 1.63,
'powerbuilder' => 3.33,
'powerhouse' => 5.71,
'PowerShell' => 3.00,
'ppl (plus)' => 2.00,
'problemoriented default' => 1.13,
'proc' => 2.96,
'procedural default' => 0.75,
'professional pascal' => 0.88,
'program generator default' => 5.00,
'progress v4' => 2.22,
'proiv' => 1.38,
'Prolog' => 1.25,
'prose' => 0.75,
'proteus' => 0.75,
'Protocol Buffers' => 2.00,
'Puppet' => 2.00,
'PureScript' => 2.00,
'qbasic' => 1.38,
'qbe' => 6.15,
'qmf' => 5.33,
'QML' => 1.25,
'Qt Project' => 1.00,
'qnial' => 1.63,
'quattro' => 13.33,
'quattro pro' => 13.33,
'query default' => 6.15,
'quick basic 1' => 1.25,
'quick basic 2' => 1.31,
'quick basic 3' => 1.38,
'quick c' => 0.63,
'quickbuild' => 2.86,
'quiz' => 5.33,
'R' => 3.00,
'Racket' => 1.50,
'rally' => 2.00,
'ramis ii' => 2.00,
'rapidgen' => 2.86,
'ratfor' => 0.88,
'rdb' => 2.00,
'realia' => 1.74,
'realizer 1.0' => 2.00,
'realizer 2.0' => 2.22,
'relate/3000' => 2.00,
'reuse default' => 16.00,
'Razor' => 2.00,
'Rexx' => 1.19,
'rm basic' => 0.88,
'rm cobol' => 0.75,
'rm fortran' => 0.75,
'RobotFramework' => 2.50,
'rpg i' => 1.00,
'rpg ii' => 1.63,
'rpg iii' => 1.63,
'rtexpert 1.4' => 1.38,
'Rust' => 1.00,
'sabretalk' => 0.90,
'sail' => 0.75,
'sapiens' => 5.00,
'sas' => 1.95,
'savvy' => 6.15,
'sbasic' => 0.88,
'Scala' => 4.10,
'sceptre' => 1.13,
'scheme' => 1.51,
'screen painter default' => 13.33,
'sequal' => 6.67,
'Bourne Shell' => 3.81,
'Bourne Again Shell' => 3.81,
'ksh' => 3.81,
'C Shell' => 3.81,
'siebel tools ' => 6.15,
'SAS' => 1.5 ,
'SASS' => 1.5 ,
'simplan' => 2.22,
'simscript' => 1.74,
'simula' => 1.74,
'simula 67' => 1.74,
'simulation default' => 1.74,
'SKILL' => 2.00,
'SKILL++' => 2.00,
'slogan' => 0.98,
'smalltalk' => 2.50,
'smalltalk 286' => 3.81,
'smalltalk 80' => 3.81,
'smalltalk/v' => 3.81,
'Smarty' => 3.50,
'snap' => 1.00,
'snobol24' => 0.63,
'softscreen' => 5.71,
'Softbridge Basic' => 2.76,
'solo' => 1.38,
'speakeasy' => 2.22,
'spinnaker ppl' => 2.22,
'splus' => 2.50,
'spreadsheet default' => 13.33,
'sps' => 0.25,
'spss' => 2.50,
'SQL' => 2.29,
'sqlwindows' => 6.67,
'statistical default' => 2.50,
'Standard ML' => 3.00,
'strategem' => 2.22,
'stress' => 1.13,
'strongly typed default' => 0.88,
'style' => 1.74,
'superbase 1.3' => 2.22,
'surpass' => 13.33,
'Swift' => 2.50,
'sybase' => 2.00,
'symantec c++' => 2.76,
'symbolang' => 1.25,
'synchroworks' => 4.44,
'synon/2e' => 4.21,
'systemw' => 2.22,
'tandem access language' => 0.88,
'Tcl/Tk' => 4.00,
'Teamcenter def' => 1.00,
'Teamcenter met' => 1.00,
'Teamcenter mth' => 1.00,
'telon' => 5.00,
'tessaract' => 2.00,
'the twin' => 13.33,
'themis' => 6.15,
'tiief' => 5.71,
'Titanium Style Sheet' => 2.00,
'topspeed c++' => 2.76,
'transform' => 5.33,
'translisp plus' => 1.43,
'treet' => 1.25,
'treetran' => 1.25,
'trs80 basic' => 0.63,
'true basic' => 1.25,
'turbo c' => 0.63,
'turbo expert' => 1.63,
'turbo pascal >5' => 1.63,
'turbo pascal 14' => 1.00,
'turbo pascal 45' => 1.13,
'turing' => 1.00,
'tutor' => 1.51,
'twaice' => 1.63,
'TypeScript' => 2.00,
'ucsd pascal' => 0.88,
'ufo/ims' => 2.22,
'uhelp' => 2.50,
'uniface' => 5.00,
'Unity-Prefab' => 2.50,
'Vala' => 1.50,
'Vala Header' => 1.40,
'vax acms' => 1.38,
'vax ade' => 2.00,
'vbscript' => 2.35,
'vectran' => 0.75,
'Verilog-SystemVerilog' => 1.51,
'VHDL' => 4.21,
'vim script' => 3.00,
'visible c' => 1.63,
'visible cobol' => 2.00,
'visicalc 1' => 8.89,
'visual 4.0' => 2.76,
'visual basic' => 1.90,
'visual basic 1' => 1.74,
'visual basic 2' => 1.86,
'visual basic 3' => 2.00,
'visual basic 4' => 2.22,
'visual basic 5' => 2.76,
'Visual Basic' => 2.76,
'visual basic dos' => 2.00,
'visual c++' => 2.35,
'visual cobol' => 4.00,
'Visual Fox Pro' => 4.00, # Visual Fox Pro is not available in the language gearing ratios listed at Mayes Consulting web site
'visual objects' => 5.00,
'visualage' => 3.81,
'Visualforce Component' => 1.9 ,
'Visualforce Page' => 1.9 ,
'visualgen' => 4.44,
'VM' => 2.00,
'vpf' => 0.84,
'vulcan' => 1.25,
'vz programmer' => 2.22,
'warp x' => 2.00,
'watcom c' => 0.63,
'watcom c/386' => 0.63,
'waterloo c' => 0.63,
'waterloo pascal' => 0.88,
'watfiv' => 0.94,
'watfor' => 0.88,
'web scripts' => 5.33,
'whip' => 0.88,
'Windows Message File' => 1.00,
'Windows Resource File' => 1.00,
'Windows Module Definition' => 1.00,
'WiX source' => 1.90,
'WiX include' => 1.90,
'WiX string localization' => 1.90,
'wizard' => 2.86,
'xBase' => 2.00,
'xBase Header' => 2.00,
'xlisp' => 1.25,
'XAML' => 1.90,
'XQuery' => 2.50,
'yacc' => 1.51,
'yacc++' => 1.51,
'YAML' => 0.90,
'zbasic' => 0.88,
'zim' => 4.21,
'zlisp' => 1.25,
'Expect' => 2.00,
'C/C++ Header' => 1.00,
'inc' => 1.00,
'lex' => 1.00,
'Julia' => 4.00,
'MATLAB' => 4.00,
'Mercury' => 3.00,
'Maven/XML' => 2.5,
'IDL' => 3.80,
'Octave' => 4.00,
'ML' => 3.00,
'Modula3' => 2.00,
'PHP' => 3.50,
'Python' => 4.20,
'Cython' => 3.80,
'Ruby' => 4.20,
'Ruby HTML' => 4.00,
'sed' => 4.00,
'Lua' => 4.00,
'OpenCL' => 1.50,
# 'Lisp/Julia' => 4.00,
# 'Lisp/OpenCL' => 1.50,
# 'MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' => 3.00,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Known_Binary_Archives} = ( # {{{1
'.tar' => 1 ,
'.tar.Z' => 1 ,
'.tar.gz' => 1 ,
'.tar.bz2' => 1 ,
'.zip' => 1 ,
'.Zip' => 1 ,
'.ZIP' => 1 ,
'.ear' => 1 , # Java
'.war' => 1 , # contained within .ear
'.xz' => 1 ,
# 1}}}
} # end sub set_constants()
sub check_scale_existence { # {{{1
# do a few sanity checks
my ($rhaa_Filters_by_Language,
$rh_Scale_Factor) = @_;
my %extension_collisions = (
# TODO: find a better way of dealing with these
"PHP/Pascal" => 1,
"Lisp/OpenCL" => 1,
"Lisp/Julia" => 1,
"MATLAB/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury" => 1,
"Pascal/Puppet" => 1,
"Perl/Prolog" => 1,
"IDL/Qt Project/Prolog" => 1,
"D/dtrace" => 1,
my $OK = 1;
foreach my $language (sort keys %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language}) {
next if defined $extension_collisions{$language};
if (!defined $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language}) {
$OK = 0;
warn "Missing scale factor for $language\n";
my %seen_it = ();
foreach my $ext (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Extension}) {
my $language = $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$ext};
next if defined $extension_collisions{$language};
next if $seen_it{$language};
if (!defined @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}) {
$OK = 0;
warn "Missing language filter for $language\n";
$seen_it{$language} = 1;
die unless $OK;
} # 1}}}
sub Install_Regexp_Common { # {{{1
# Installs portions of Damian Conway's & Abigail's Regexp::Common
# module, v2.120, into a temporary directory for the duration of
# this run.
my %Regexp_Common_Contents = ();
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common'} = <<'EOCommon'; # {{{2
package Regexp::Common;
use 5.00473;
use strict;
local $^W = 1;
use vars qw /$VERSION %RE %sub_interface $AUTOLOAD/;
($VERSION) = q $Revision: 2.120 $ =~ /([\d.]+)/;
sub _croak {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::croak;
sub _carp {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::carp;
sub new {
my ($class, @data) = @_;
my %self;
tie %self, $class, @data;
return \%self;
my ($class, @data) = @_;
bless \@data, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $extra) = @_;
return bless ref($self)->new(@$self, $extra), ref($self);
# Modification for cloc: only need a few modules from Regexp::Common.
my %imports = map {$_ => "Regexp::Common::$_"}
qw /balanced comment delimited /;
#my %imports = map {$_ => "Regexp::Common::$_"}
# qw /balanced CC comment delimited lingua list
# net number profanity SEN URI whitespace
# zip/;
sub import {
shift; # Shift off the class.
tie %RE, __PACKAGE__;
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::RE"} = \%RE;
my $saw_import;
my $no_defaults;
my %exclude;
foreach my $entry (grep {!/^RE_/} @_) {
if ($entry eq 'pattern') {
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::pattern"} = \&pattern;
# This used to prevent $; from being set. We still recognize it,
# but we won't do anything.
if ($entry eq 'clean') {
if ($entry eq 'no_defaults') {
$no_defaults ++;
if (my $module = $imports {$entry}) {
$saw_import ++;
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
if ($entry =~ /^!(.*)/ && $imports {$1}) {
$exclude {$1} ++;
# As a last resort, try to load the argument.
my $module = $entry =~ /^Regexp::Common/
? $entry
: "Regexp::Common::" . $entry;
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
unless ($saw_import || $no_defaults) {
foreach my $module (values %imports) {
next if $exclude {$module};
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
my %exported;
foreach my $entry (grep {/^RE_/} @_) {
if ($entry =~ /^RE_(\w+_)?ALL$/) {
my $m = defined $1 ? $1 : "";
my $re = qr /^RE_${m}.*$/;
while (my ($sub, $interface) = each %sub_interface) {
next if $exported {$sub};
next unless $sub =~ /$re/;
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::$sub"} = $interface;
$exported {$sub} ++;
else {
next if $exported {$entry};
_croak "Can't export unknown subroutine &$entry"
unless $sub_interface {$entry};
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::$entry"} = $sub_interface {$entry};
$exported {$entry} ++;
sub AUTOLOAD { _croak "Can't $AUTOLOAD" }
sub DESTROY {}
my %cache;
my $fpat = qr/^(-\w+)/;
sub _decache {
my @args = @{tied %{$_[0]}};
my @nonflags = grep {!/$fpat/} @args;
my $cache = get_cache(@nonflags);
_croak "Can't create unknown regex: \$RE{"
. join("}{",@args) . "}"
unless exists $cache->{__VAL__};
_croak "Perl $] does not support the pattern "
. "\$RE{" . join("}{",@args)
. "}.\nYou need Perl $cache->{__VAL__}{version} or later"
unless ($cache->{__VAL__}{version}||0) <= $];
my %flags = ( %{$cache->{__VAL__}{default}},
map { /$fpat\Q$;\E(.*)/ ? ($1 => $2)
: /$fpat/ ? ($1 => undef)
: ()
} @args);
$cache->{__VAL__}->_clone_with(\@args, \%flags);
use overload q{""} => \&_decache;
sub get_cache {
my $cache = \%cache;
foreach (@_) {
$cache = $cache->{$_}
|| ($cache->{$_} = {});
return $cache;
sub croak_version {
my ($entry, @args) = @_;
sub pattern {
my %spec = @_;
_croak 'pattern() requires argument: name => [ @list ]'
unless $spec{name} && ref $spec{name} eq 'ARRAY';
_croak 'pattern() requires argument: create => $sub_ref_or_string'
unless $spec{create};
if (ref $spec{create} ne "CODE") {
my $fixed_str = "$spec{create}";
$spec{create} = sub { $fixed_str }
my @nonflags;
my %default;
foreach ( @{$spec{name}} ) {
if (/$fpat=(.*)/) {
$default{$1} = $2;
elsif (/$fpat\s*$/) {
$default{$1} = undef;
else {
push @nonflags, $_;
my $entry = get_cache(@nonflags);
if ($entry->{__VAL__}) {
_carp "Overriding \$RE{"
. join("}{",@nonflags)
. "}";
$entry->{__VAL__} = bless {
create => $spec{create},
match => $spec{match} || \&generic_match,
subs => $spec{subs} || \&generic_subs,
version => $spec{version},
default => \%default,
}, 'Regexp::Common::Entry';
foreach (@nonflags) {s/\W/X/g}
my $subname = "RE_" . join ("_", @nonflags);
$sub_interface{$subname} = sub {
push @_ => undef if @_ % 2;
my %flags = @_;
my $pat = $spec{create}->($entry->{__VAL__},
{%default, %flags}, \@nonflags);
if (exists $flags{-keep}) { $pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(/g; }
else { $pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(?:/g; }
return exists $flags {-i} ? qr /(?i:$pat)/ : qr/$pat/;
return 1;
sub generic_match {$_ [1] =~ /$_[0]/}
sub generic_subs {$_ [1] =~ s/$_[0]/$_[2]/}
sub matches {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
my $entry = $self -> _decache;
$entry -> {match} -> ($entry, $str);
sub subs {
my ($self, $str, $newstr) = @_;
my $entry = $self -> _decache;
$entry -> {subs} -> ($entry, $str, $newstr);
return $str;
package Regexp::Common::Entry;
# use Carp;
local $^W = 1;
use overload
q{""} => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $pat = $self->{create}->($self, $self->{flags}, $self->{args});
if (exists $self->{flags}{-keep}) {
$pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(/g;
else {
$pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(?:/g;
if (exists $self->{flags}{-i}) { $pat = "(?i)$pat" }
return $pat;
sub _clone_with {
my ($self, $args, $flags) = @_;
bless { %$self, args=>$args, flags=>$flags }, ref $self;
# Copyright (c) 2001 - 2005, Damian Conway and Abigail. All Rights
# Reserved. This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
# and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
# (see
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/comment'} = <<'EOC'; # {{{2
# $Id:,v 2.116 2005/03/16 00:00:02 abigail Exp $
package Regexp::Common::comment;
use strict;
local $^W = 1;
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
($VERSION) = q $Revision: 2.116 $ =~ /[\d.]+/g;
my @generic = (
{languages => [qw /ABC Forth/],
to_eol => ['\\\\']}, # This is for just a *single* backslash.
{languages => [qw /Ada Alan Eiffel lua/],
to_eol => ['--']},
{languages => [qw /Advisor/],
to_eol => ['#|//']},
{languages => [qw /Advsys CQL Lisp LOGO M MUMPS REBOL Scheme
SMITH zonefile/],
to_eol => [';']},
{languages => ['Algol 60'],
from_to => [[qw /comment ;/]]},
{languages => [qw {ALPACA B C C-- LPC PL/I}],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /awk fvwm2 Icon mutt Perl Python QML R Ruby shell Tcl/],
to_eol => ['#']},
{languages => [[BASIC => 'mvEnterprise']],
to_eol => ['[*!]|REM']},
{languages => [qw /Befunge-98 Funge-98 Shelta/],
id => [';']},
{languages => ['beta-Juliet', 'Crystal Report', 'Portia'],
to_eol => ['//']},
{languages => ['BML'],
from_to => [['<?_c', '_c?>']],
{languages => [qw /C++/, 'C#', qw /Cg ECMAScript FPL Java JavaScript/],
to_eol => ['//'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /CLU LaTeX slrn TeX/],
to_eol => ['%']},
{languages => [qw /False/],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!]]},
{languages => [qw /Fortran/],
to_eol => ['!']},
{languages => [qw /Haifu/],
id => [',']},
{languages => [qw /ILLGOL/],
to_eol => ['NB']},
{languages => [qw /INTERCAL/],
to_eol => [q{(?:(?:PLEASE(?:\s+DO)?|DO)\s+)?(?:NOT|N'T)}]},
{languages => [qw /J/],
to_eol => ['NB[.]']},
{languages => [qw /Nickle/],
to_eol => ['#'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /Oberon/],
from_to => [[qw /(* *)/]]},
{languages => [[qw /Pascal Delphi/], [qw /Pascal Free/], [qw /Pascal GPC/]],
to_eol => ['//'],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!], [qw !(* *)!]]},
{languages => [[qw /Pascal Workshop/]],
id => [qw /"/],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!], [qw !(* *)!], [qw !/* */!]]},
{languages => [qw /PEARL/],
to_eol => ['!'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /PHP/],
to_eol => ['#', '//'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw !PL/B!],
to_eol => ['[.;]']},
{languages => [qw !PL/SQL!],
to_eol => ['--'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /Q-BAL/],
to_eol => ['`']},
{languages => [qw /Smalltalk/],
id => ['"']},
{languages => [qw /SQL/],
to_eol => ['-{2,}']},
{languages => [qw /troff/],
to_eol => ['\\\"']},
{languages => [qw /vi/],
to_eol => ['"']},
{languages => [qw /*W/],
from_to => [[qw {|| !!}]]},
my @plain_or_nested = (
[Caml => undef, "(*" => "*)"],
[Dylan => "//", "/*" => "*/"],
[Haskell => "-{2,}", "{-" => "-}"],
[Hugo => "!(?!\\\\)", "!\\" => "\\!"],
[SLIDE => "#", "(*" => "*)"],
# Helper subs.
sub combine {
local $_ = join "|", @_;
if (@_ > 1) {
$_ = "(?k:$_)";
sub to_eol ($) {"(?k:(?k:$_[0])(?k:[^\\n]*)(?k:\\n))"}
sub id ($) {"(?k:(?k:$_[0])(?k:[^$_[0]]*)(?k:$_[0]))"} # One char only!
sub from_to {
local $^W = 1;
my ($begin, $end) = @_;
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
my $count = 0;
sub nested {
local $^W = 1;
my ($begin, $end) = @_;
$count ++;
my $r = '(??{$Regexp::Common::comment ['. $count . ']})';
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fb = quotemeta substr $begin => 0, 1;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $tb = quotemeta substr $begin => 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
use re 'eval';
my $re;
if ($fb eq $fe) {
$re = qr /(?:$qb(?:(?>[^$fb]+)|$fb(?!$tb)(?!$te)|$r)*$qe)/;
else {
local $" = "|";
my @clauses = "(?>[^$fb$fe]+)";
push @clauses => "$fb(?!$tb)" if length $tb;
push @clauses => "$fe(?!$te)" if length $te;
push @clauses => $r;
$re = qr /(?:$qb(?:@clauses)*$qe)/;
$Regexp::Common::comment [$count] = qr/$re/;
# Process data.
foreach my $info (@plain_or_nested) {
my ($language, $mark, $begin, $end) = @$info;
pattern name => [comment => $language],
create =>
sub {my $re = nested $begin => $end;
my $prefix = defined $mark ? $mark . "[^\n]*\n|" : "";
exists $_ [1] -> {-keep} ? qr /($prefix$re)/
: qr /$prefix$re/
version => 5.006,
foreach my $group (@generic) {
my $pattern = combine +(map {to_eol $_} @{$group -> {to_eol}}),
(map {from_to @$_} @{$group -> {from_to}}),
(map {id $_} @{$group -> {id}}),
foreach my $language (@{$group -> {languages}}) {
pattern name => [comment => ref $language ? @$language : $language],
create => $pattern,
# Other languages.
pattern name => [qw /comment Pascal/],
create => '(?k:' . '(?k:[{]|[(][*])'
. '(?k:[^}*]*(?:[*][^)][^}*]*)*)'
. '(?k:[}]|[*][)])'
. ')'
pattern name => [qw /comment Pascal Alice/],
create => '(?k:(?k:[{])(?k:[^}\n]*)(?k:[}]))'
pattern name => [qw (comment), 'Algol 68'],
create => q {(?k:(?:#[^#]*#)|} .
q {(?:\bco\b(?:[^c]+|\Bc|\bc(?!o\b))*\bco\b)|} .
q {(?:\bcomment\b(?:[^c]+|\Bc|\bc(?!omment\b))*\bcomment\b))}
# See rules 91 and 92 of ISO 8879 (SGML).
# Charles F. Goldfarb: "The SGML Handbook".
# Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. ISBN 0-19-853737-9.
# Ch. 10.3, pp 390.
pattern name => [qw (comment HTML)],
create => q {(?k:(?k:<!)(?k:(?:--(?k:[^-]*(?:-[^-]+)*)--\s*)*)(?k:>))},
pattern name => [qw /comment SQL MySQL/],
create => q {(?k:(?:#|-- )[^\n]*\n|} .
q {/\*(?:(?>[^*;"']+)|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\*(?!/))*(?:;|\*/))},
# Anything that isn't <>[]+-.,
pattern name => [qw /comment Brainfuck/],
create => '(?k:[^<>\[\]+\-.,]+)'
# Squeak is a variant of Smalltalk-80.
# http://www.squeak.
pattern name => [qw /comment Squeak/],
create => '(?k:(?k:")(?k:[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)(?k:"))'
# Scores of less than 5 or above 17....
@Regexp::Common::comment::scores = (1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 8,
5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1,
1, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10);
pattern name => [qw /comment Beatnik/],
create => sub {
use re 'eval';
my ($s, $x);
my $re = qr {\b([A-Za-z]+)\b
(?(?{($s, $x) = (0, lc $^N);
$s += $Regexp::Common::comment::scores
[ord (chop $x) - ord ('a')] while length $x;
$s >= 5 && $s < 18})XXX|)}x;
version => 5.008,
# (Goto table of contents/3.3 Source Form)
# Fortran, in fixed format. Comments start with a C, c or * in the first
# column, or a ! anywhere, but the sixth column. Then end with a newline.
pattern name => [qw /comment Fortran fixed/],
create => '(?k:(?k:(?:^[Cc*]|(?<!^.....)!))(?k:[^\n]*)(?k:\n))'
# Traditionally, comments in COBOL were indicated with an asteriks in
# the seventh column. Modern compilers may be more lenient.
pattern name => [qw /comment COBOL/],
create => '(?<=^......)(?k:(?k:[*])(?k:[^\n]*)(?k:\n))',
version => '5.008',
# Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
# This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
# and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
# (see
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/balanced'} = <<'EOB'; # {{{2
package Regexp::Common::balanced; {
use strict;
local $^W = 1;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
($VERSION) = q $Revision: 2.101 $ =~ /[\d.]+/g;
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
my %closer = ( '{'=>'}', '('=>')', '['=>']', '<'=>'>' );
my $count = -1;
my %cache;
sub nested {
local $^W = 1;
my ($start, $finish) = @_;
return $Regexp::Common::balanced [$cache {$start} {$finish}]
if exists $cache {$start} {$finish};
$count ++;
my $r = '(??{$Regexp::Common::balanced ['. $count . ']})';
my @starts = map {s/\\(.)/$1/g; $_} grep {length}
$start =~ /([^|\\]+|\\.)+/gs;
my @finishes = map {s/\\(.)/$1/g; $_} grep {length}
$finish =~ /([^|\\]+|\\.)+/gs;
push @finishes => ($finishes [-1]) x (@starts - @finishes);
my @re;
local $" = "|";
foreach my $begin (@starts) {
my $end = shift @finishes;
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fb = quotemeta substr $begin => 0, 1;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $tb = quotemeta substr $begin => 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
use re 'eval';
my $add;
if ($fb eq $fe) {
push @re =>
qr /(?:$qb(?:(?>[^$fb]+)|$fb(?!$tb)(?!$te)|$r)*$qe)/;
else {
my @clauses = "(?>[^$fb$fe]+)";
push @clauses => "$fb(?!$tb)" if length $tb;
push @clauses => "$fe(?!$te)" if length $te;
push @clauses => $r;
push @re => qr /(?:$qb(?:@clauses)*$qe)/;
$cache {$start} {$finish} = $count;
$Regexp::Common::balanced [$count] = qr/@re/;
pattern name => [qw /balanced -parens=() -begin= -end=/],
create => sub {
my $flag = $_[1];
unless (defined $flag -> {-begin} && length $flag -> {-begin} &&
defined $flag -> {-end} && length $flag -> {-end}) {
my @open = grep {index ($flag->{-parens}, $_) >= 0}
my @close = map {$closer {$_}} @open;
$flag -> {-begin} = join "|" => @open;
$flag -> {-end} = join "|" => @close;
my $pat = nested @$flag {qw /-begin -end/};
return exists $flag -> {-keep} ? qr /($pat)/ : $pat;
version => 5.006,
# Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
# This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
# and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
# (see
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/delimited'} = <<'EOD'; # {{{2
# $Id:,v 2.104 2005/03/16 00:22:45 abigail Exp $
package Regexp::Common::delimited;
use strict;
local $^W = 1;
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
($VERSION) = q $Revision: 2.104 $ =~ /[\d.]+/g;
sub gen_delimited {
my ($dels, $escs) = @_;
# return '(?:\S*)' unless $dels =~ /\S/;
if (length $escs) {
$escs .= substr ($escs, -1) x (length ($dels) - length ($escs));
my @pat = ();
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < length $dels; $i++) {
my $del = quotemeta substr ($dels, $i, 1);
my $esc = length($escs) ? quotemeta substr ($escs, $i, 1) : "";
if ($del eq $esc) {
push @pat,
elsif (length $esc) {
push @pat,
else {
push @pat, "(?k:$del)(?k:[^$del]*)(?k:$del)";
my $pat = join '|', @pat;
return "(?k:$pat)";
sub _croak {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::croak;
pattern name => [qw( delimited -delim= -esc=\\ )],
create => sub {my $flags = $_[1];
_croak 'Must specify delimiter in $RE{delimited}'
unless length $flags->{-delim};
return gen_delimited (@{$flags}{-delim, -esc});
pattern name => [qw( quoted -esc=\\ )],
create => sub {my $flags = $_[1];
return gen_delimited (q{"'`}, $flags -> {-esc});
# Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.
# This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed
# and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License
# (see
# 2}}}
my $problems = 0;
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 0;
my $dir = "";
if ($opt_sdir) {
$dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($dir) if is_dir($dir);
File::Path::mkpath($dir) unless is_dir($dir);
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary directory
$dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_INST{ $dir } = "Regexp::Common";
print "Using temp dir [$dir] to install Regexp::Common\n" if $opt_v;
my $Regexp_dir = "$dir/Regexp";
my $Regexp_Common_dir = "$dir/Regexp/Common";
mkdir $Regexp_dir ;
mkdir $Regexp_Common_dir;
foreach my $module_file (keys %Regexp_Common_Contents) {
my $OUT = new IO::File "$dir/Regexp/${module_file}.pm", "w";
if (defined $OUT) {
print $OUT $Regexp_Common_Contents{$module_file};
} else {
warn "Failed to install Regexp::${module_file}.pm\n";
$problems = 1;
push @INC, $dir;
eval "use Regexp::Common qw /comment RE_comment_HTML balanced/";
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1 unless $problems;
} # 1}}}
sub Install_Algorithm_Diff { # {{{1
# Installs Tye McQueen's Algorithm::Diff module, v1.1902, into a
# temporary directory for the duration of this run.
my $Algorithm_Diff_Contents = <<'EOAlgDiff'; # {{{2
package Algorithm::Diff;
# Skip to first "=head" line for documentation.
use strict;
use integer; # see below in _replaceNextLargerWith() for mod to make
# if you don't use this
use vars qw( $VERSION @EXPORT_OK );
$VERSION = 1.19_02;
# ^ ^^ ^^-- Incremented at will
# | \+----- Incremented for non-trivial changes to features
# \-------- Incremented for fundamental changes
require Exporter;
*import = \&Exporter::import;
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
prepare LCS LCSidx LCS_length
diff sdiff compact_diff
traverse_sequences traverse_balanced
# McIlroy-Hunt diff algorithm
# Adapted from the Smalltalk code of Mario I. Wolczko, <>
# by Ned Konz,
# Updates by Tye McQueen,
# Create a hash that maps each element of $aCollection to the set of
# positions it occupies in $aCollection, restricted to the elements
# within the range of indexes specified by $start and $end.
# The fourth parameter is a subroutine reference that will be called to
# generate a string to use as a key.
# Additional parameters, if any, will be passed to this subroutine.
# my $hashRef = _withPositionsOfInInterval( \@array, $start, $end, $keyGen );
sub _withPositionsOfInInterval
my $aCollection = shift; # array ref
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $keyGen = shift;
my %d;
my $index;
for ( $index = $start ; $index <= $end ; $index++ )
my $element = $aCollection->[$index];
my $key = &$keyGen( $element, @_ );
if ( exists( $d{$key} ) )
unshift ( @{ $d{$key} }, $index );
$d{$key} = [$index];
return wantarray ? %d : \%d;
# Find the place at which aValue would normally be inserted into the
# array. If that place is already occupied by aValue, do nothing, and
# return undef. If the place does not exist (i.e., it is off the end of
# the array), add it to the end, otherwise replace the element at that
# point with aValue. It is assumed that the array's values are numeric.
# This is where the bulk (75%) of the time is spent in this module, so
# try to make it fast!
sub _replaceNextLargerWith
my ( $array, $aValue, $high ) = @_;
$high ||= $#$array;
# off the end?
if ( $high == -1 || $aValue > $array->[-1] )
push ( @$array, $aValue );
return $high + 1;
# binary search for insertion point...
my $low = 0;
my $index;
my $found;
while ( $low <= $high )
$index = ( $high + $low ) / 2;
# $index = int(( $high + $low ) / 2); # without 'use integer'
$found = $array->[$index];
if ( $aValue == $found )
return undef;
elsif ( $aValue > $found )
$low = $index + 1;
$high = $index - 1;
# now insertion point is in $low.
$array->[$low] = $aValue; # overwrite next larger
return $low;
# This method computes the longest common subsequence in $a and $b.
# Result is array or ref, whose contents is such that
# $a->[ $i ] == $b->[ $result[ $i ] ]
# foreach $i in ( 0 .. $#result ) if $result[ $i ] is defined.
# An additional argument may be passed; this is a hash or key generating
# function that should return a string that uniquely identifies the given
# element. It should be the case that if the key is the same, the elements
# will compare the same. If this parameter is undef or missing, the key
# will be the element as a string.
# By default, comparisons will use "eq" and elements will be turned into keys
# using the default stringizing operator '""'.
# Additional parameters, if any, will be passed to the key generation
# routine.
sub _longestCommonSubsequence
my $a = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $counting = shift; # scalar
my $keyGen = shift; # code ref
my $compare; # code ref
if ( ref($a) eq 'HASH' )
{ # prepared hash must be in $b
my $tmp = $b;
$b = $a;
$a = $tmp;
# Check for bogus (non-ref) argument values
if ( !ref($a) || !ref($b) )
my @callerInfo = caller(1);
die 'error: must pass array or hash references to ' . $callerInfo[3];
# set up code refs
# Note that these are optimized.
if ( !defined($keyGen) ) # optimize for strings
$keyGen = sub { $_[0] };
$compare = sub { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; $a eq $b };
$compare = sub {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
&$keyGen( $a, @_ ) eq &$keyGen( $b, @_ );
my ( $aStart, $aFinish, $matchVector ) = ( 0, $#$a, [] );
my ( $prunedCount, $bMatches ) = ( 0, {} );
if ( ref($b) eq 'HASH' ) # was $bMatches prepared for us?
$bMatches = $b;
my ( $bStart, $bFinish ) = ( 0, $#$b );
# First we prune off any common elements at the beginning
while ( $aStart <= $aFinish
and $bStart <= $bFinish
and &$compare( $a->[$aStart], $b->[$bStart], @_ ) )
$matchVector->[ $aStart++ ] = $bStart++;
# now the end
while ( $aStart <= $aFinish
and $bStart <= $bFinish
and &$compare( $a->[$aFinish], $b->[$bFinish], @_ ) )
$matchVector->[ $aFinish-- ] = $bFinish--;
# Now compute the equivalence classes of positions of elements
$bMatches =
_withPositionsOfInInterval( $b, $bStart, $bFinish, $keyGen, @_ );
my $thresh = [];
my $links = [];
my ( $i, $ai, $j, $k );
for ( $i = $aStart ; $i <= $aFinish ; $i++ )
$ai = &$keyGen( $a->[$i], @_ );
if ( exists( $bMatches->{$ai} ) )
$k = 0;
for $j ( @{ $bMatches->{$ai} } )
# optimization: most of the time this will be true
if ( $k and $thresh->[$k] > $j and $thresh->[ $k - 1 ] < $j )
$thresh->[$k] = $j;
$k = _replaceNextLargerWith( $thresh, $j, $k );
# oddly, it's faster to always test this (CPU cache?).
if ( defined($k) )
$links->[$k] =
[ ( $k ? $links->[ $k - 1 ] : undef ), $i, $j ];
if (@$thresh)
return $prunedCount + @$thresh if $counting;
for ( my $link = $links->[$#$thresh] ; $link ; $link = $link->[0] )
$matchVector->[ $link->[1] ] = $link->[2];
elsif ($counting)
return $prunedCount;
return wantarray ? @$matchVector : $matchVector;
sub traverse_sequences
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $callbacks = shift || {};
my $keyGen = shift;
my $matchCallback = $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { };
my $discardACallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { };
my $finishedACallback = $callbacks->{'A_FINISHED'};
my $discardBCallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { };
my $finishedBCallback = $callbacks->{'B_FINISHED'};
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, $keyGen, @_ );
# Process all the lines in @$matchVector
my $lastA = $#$a;
my $lastB = $#$b;
my $bi = 0;
my $ai;
for ( $ai = 0 ; $ai <= $#$matchVector ; $ai++ )
my $bLine = $matchVector->[$ai];
if ( defined($bLine) ) # matched
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) while $bi < $bLine;
&$matchCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai, $bi, @_ );
# The last entry (if any) processed was a match.
# $ai and $bi point just past the last matching lines in their sequences.
while ( $ai <= $lastA or $bi <= $lastB )
# last A?
if ( $ai == $lastA + 1 and $bi <= $lastB )
if ( defined($finishedACallback) )
&$finishedACallback( $lastA, @_ );
$finishedACallback = undef;
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) while $bi <= $lastB;
# last B?
if ( $bi == $lastB + 1 and $ai <= $lastA )
if ( defined($finishedBCallback) )
&$finishedBCallback( $lastB, @_ );
$finishedBCallback = undef;
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ ) while $ai <= $lastA;
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ ) if $ai <= $lastA;
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) if $bi <= $lastB;
return 1;
sub traverse_balanced
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $callbacks = shift || {};
my $keyGen = shift;
my $matchCallback = $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { };
my $discardACallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { };
my $discardBCallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { };
my $changeCallback = $callbacks->{'CHANGE'};
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, $keyGen, @_ );
# Process all the lines in match vector
my $lastA = $#$a;
my $lastB = $#$b;
my $bi = 0;
my $ai = 0;
my $ma = -1;
my $mb;
while (1)
# Find next match indices $ma and $mb
do {
} while(
$ma <= $#$matchVector
&& !defined $matchVector->[$ma]
last if $ma > $#$matchVector; # end of matchVector?
$mb = $matchVector->[$ma];
# Proceed with discard a/b or change events until
# next match
while ( $ai < $ma || $bi < $mb )
if ( $ai < $ma && $bi < $mb )
# Change
if ( defined $changeCallback )
&$changeCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
elsif ( $ai < $ma )
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
# $bi < $mb
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
# Match
&$matchCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
while ( $ai <= $lastA || $bi <= $lastB )
if ( $ai <= $lastA && $bi <= $lastB )
# Change
if ( defined $changeCallback )
&$changeCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
elsif ( $ai <= $lastA )
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
# $bi <= $lastB
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
return 1;
sub prepare
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $keyGen = shift; # code ref
# set up code ref
$keyGen = sub { $_[0] } unless defined($keyGen);
return scalar _withPositionsOfInInterval( $a, 0, $#$a, $keyGen, @_ );
sub LCS
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, @_ );
my @retval;
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#$matchVector ; $i++ )
if ( defined( $matchVector->[$i] ) )
push ( @retval, $a->[$i] );
return wantarray ? @retval : \@retval;
sub LCS_length
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
return _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 1, @_ );
sub LCSidx
my $a= shift @_;
my $b= shift @_;
my $match= _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, @_ );
my @am= grep defined $match->[$_], 0..$#$match;
my @bm= @{$match}[@am];
return \@am, \@bm;
sub compact_diff
my $a= shift @_;
my $b= shift @_;
my( $am, $bm )= LCSidx( $a, $b, @_ );
my @cdiff;
my( $ai, $bi )= ( 0, 0 );
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
while( 1 ) {
while( @$am && $ai == $am->[0] && $bi == $bm->[0] ) {
shift @$am;
shift @$bm;
++$ai, ++$bi;
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
last if ! @$am;
$ai = $am->[0];
$bi = $bm->[0];
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
push @cdiff, 0+@$a, 0+@$b
if $ai < @$a || $bi < @$b;
return wantarray ? @cdiff : \@cdiff;
sub diff
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $retval = [];
my $hunk = [];
my $discard = sub {
push @$hunk, [ '-', $_[0], $a->[ $_[0] ] ];
my $add = sub {
push @$hunk, [ '+', $_[1], $b->[ $_[1] ] ];
my $match = sub {
push @$retval, $hunk
if 0 < @$hunk;
$hunk = []
traverse_sequences( $a, $b,
{ MATCH => $match, DISCARD_A => $discard, DISCARD_B => $add }, @_ );
return wantarray ? @$retval : $retval;
sub sdiff
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $retval = [];
my $discard = sub { push ( @$retval, [ '-', $a->[ $_[0] ], "" ] ) };
my $add = sub { push ( @$retval, [ '+', "", $b->[ $_[1] ] ] ) };
my $change = sub {
push ( @$retval, [ 'c', $a->[ $_[0] ], $b->[ $_[1] ] ] );
my $match = sub {
push ( @$retval, [ 'u', $a->[ $_[0] ], $b->[ $_[1] ] ] );
MATCH => $match,
DISCARD_A => $discard,
DISCARD_B => $add,
CHANGE => $change,
return wantarray ? @$retval : $retval;
my $Root= __PACKAGE__;
package Algorithm::Diff::_impl;
use strict;
sub _Idx() { 0 } # $me->[_Idx]: Ref to array of hunk indices
# 1 # $me->[1]: Ref to first sequence
# 2 # $me->[2]: Ref to second sequence
sub _End() { 3 } # $me->[_End]: Diff between forward and reverse pos
sub _Same() { 4 } # $me->[_Same]: 1 if pos 1 contains unchanged items
sub _Base() { 5 } # $me->[_Base]: Added to range's min and max
sub _Pos() { 6 } # $me->[_Pos]: Which hunk is currently selected
sub _Off() { 7 } # $me->[_Off]: Offset into _Idx for current position
sub _Min() { -2 } # Added to _Off to get min instead of max+1
sub Die
require Carp;
Carp::confess( @_ );
sub _ChkPos
my( $me )= @_;
return if $me->[_Pos];
my $meth= ( caller(1) )[3];
Die( "Called $meth on 'reset' object" );
sub _ChkSeq
my( $me, $seq )= @_;
return $seq + $me->[_Off]
if 1 == $seq || 2 == $seq;
my $meth= ( caller(1) )[3];
Die( "$meth: Invalid sequence number ($seq); must be 1 or 2" );
sub getObjPkg
my( $us )= @_;
return ref $us if ref $us;
return $us . "::_obj";
sub new
my( $us, $seq1, $seq2, $opts ) = @_;
my @args;
for( $opts->{keyGen} ) {
push @args, $_ if $_;
for( $opts->{keyGenArgs} ) {
push @args, @$_ if $_;
my $cdif= Algorithm::Diff::compact_diff( $seq1, $seq2, @args );
my $same= 1;
if( 0 == $cdif->[2] && 0 == $cdif->[3] ) {
$same= 0;
splice @$cdif, 0, 2;
my @obj= ( $cdif, $seq1, $seq2 );
$obj[_End] = (1+@$cdif)/2;
$obj[_Same] = $same;
$obj[_Base] = 0;
my $me = bless \@obj, $us->getObjPkg();
$me->Reset( 0 );
return $me;
sub Reset
my( $me, $pos )= @_;
$pos= int( $pos || 0 );
$pos += $me->[_End]
if $pos < 0;
$pos= 0
if $pos < 0 || $me->[_End] <= $pos;
$me->[_Pos]= $pos || !1;
$me->[_Off]= 2*$pos - 1;
return $me;
sub Base
my( $me, $base )= @_;
my $oldBase= $me->[_Base];
$me->[_Base]= 0+$base if defined $base;
return $oldBase;
sub Copy
my( $me, $pos, $base )= @_;
my @obj= @$me;
my $you= bless \@obj, ref($me);
$you->Reset( $pos ) if defined $pos;
$you->Base( $base );
return $you;
sub Next {
my( $me, $steps )= @_;
$steps= 1 if ! defined $steps;
if( $steps ) {
my $pos= $me->[_Pos];
my $new= $pos + $steps;
$new= 0 if $pos && $new < 0;
$me->Reset( $new )
return $me->[_Pos];
sub Prev {
my( $me, $steps )= @_;
$steps= 1 if ! defined $steps;
my $pos= $me->Next(-$steps);
$pos -= $me->[_End] if $pos;
return $pos;
sub Diff {
my( $me )= @_;
return 0 if $me->[_Same] == ( 1 & $me->[_Pos] );
my $ret= 0;
my $off= $me->[_Off];
for my $seq ( 1, 2 ) {
$ret |= $seq
if $me->[_Idx][ $off + $seq + _Min ]
< $me->[_Idx][ $off + $seq ];
return $ret;
sub Min {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off= $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
sub Max {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off= $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off ] -1;
sub Range {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off = $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
if( !wantarray ) {
return $me->[_Idx][ $off ]
- $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return ( $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ] )
.. ( $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off ] - 1 );
sub Items {
my( $me, $seq )= @_;
my $off = $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
if( !wantarray ) {
return $me->[_Idx][ $off ]
- $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
$me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ]
.. ( $me->[_Idx][ $off ] - 1 )
sub Same {
my( $me )= @_;
return wantarray ? () : 0
if $me->[_Same] != ( 1 & $me->[_Pos] );
return $me->Items(1);
my %getName;
%getName= (
same => \&Same,
diff => \&Diff,
base => \&Base,
min => \&Min,
max => \&Max,
range=> \&Range,
items=> \&Items, # same thing
sub Get
my $me= shift @_;
my @value;
for my $arg ( @_ ) {
for my $word ( split ' ', $arg ) {
my $meth;
if( $word !~ /^(-?\d+)?([a-zA-Z]+)([12])?$/
|| not $meth= $getName{ lc $2 }
) {
Die( $Root, ", Get: Invalid request ($word)" );
my( $base, $name, $seq )= ( $1, $2, $3 );
push @value, scalar(
4 == length($name)
? $meth->( $me )
: $meth->( $me, $seq, $base )
if( wantarray ) {
return @value;
} elsif( 1 == @value ) {
return $value[0];
Die( 0+@value, " values requested from ",
$Root, "'s Get in scalar context" );
my $Obj= getObjPkg($Root);
no strict 'refs';
for my $meth ( qw( new getObjPkg ) ) {
*{$Root."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
*{$Obj ."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
for my $meth ( qw(
Next Prev Reset Copy Base Diff
Same Items Range Min Max Get
_ChkPos _ChkSeq
) ) {
*{$Obj."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
# This version released by Tye McQueen (
# =head1 LICENSE
# Parts Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Ned Konz. All rights reserved.
# Parts by Tye McQueen.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl.
# Mark-Jason still maintains a mailing list. To join a low-volume mailing
# list for announcements related to diff and Algorithm::Diff, send an
# empty mail message to
# =head1 CREDITS
# Versions through 0.59 (and much of this documentation) were written by:
# Mark-Jason Dominus,
# This version borrows some documentation and routine names from
# Mark-Jason's, but's code was completely replaced.
# This code was adapted from the Smalltalk code of Mario Wolczko
# <>, which is available at
# C<sdiff> and C<traverse_balanced> were written by Mike Schilli
# <>.
# The algorithm is that described in
# I<A Fast Algorithm for Computing Longest Common Subsequences>,
# CACM, vol.20, no.5, pp.350-353, May 1977, with a few
# minor improvements to improve the speed.
# Much work was done by Ned Konz (
# The OO interface and some other changes are by Tye McQueen.
# 2}}}
my $problems = 0;
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 0;
my $dir = "";
if ($opt_sdir) {
$dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($dir) if is_dir($dir);
File::Path::mkpath($dir) unless is_dir($dir);
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary directory
$dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_INST{ $dir } = "Algorithm::Diff";
print "Using temp dir [$dir] to install Algorithm::Diff\n" if $opt_v;
my $Algorithm_dir = "$dir/Algorithm";
my $Algorithm_Diff_dir = "$dir/Algorithm/Diff";
mkdir $Algorithm_dir ;
mkdir $Algorithm_Diff_dir;
my $OUT = new IO::File "$dir/Algorithm/", "w";
if (defined $OUT) {
print $OUT $Algorithm_Diff_Contents;
} else {
warn "Failed to install Algorithm/\n";
$problems = 1;
push @INC, $dir; # between this & Regexp::Common only need to do once
eval "use Algorithm::Diff qw / sdiff /";
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 1 unless $problems;
} # 1}}}
sub call_regexp_common { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $language ) = @_;
print "-> call_regexp_common\n" if $opt_v > 2;
Install_Regexp_Common() unless $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
no strict 'vars';
# otherwise get:
# Global symbol "%RE" requires explicit package name at cloc line xx.
if ($all_lines =~ $RE{comment}{$language}) {
# Suppress "Use of uninitialized value in regexp compilation" that
# pops up when $1 is undefined--happens if there's a bug in the $RE
# This Pascal comment will trigger it:
# (* This is { another } test. **)
# Curiously, testing for "defined $1" breaks the substitution.
no warnings;
# remove comments
$all_lines =~ s/$1//g;
# a bogus use of %RE to avoid:
# Name "main::RE" used only once: possible typo at cloc line xx.
print scalar keys %RE if $opt_v < -20;
#?#print "$all_lines\n";
print "<- call_regexp_common\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return split("\n", $all_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub plural_form { # {{{1
# For getting the right plural form on some English nouns.
my $n = shift @_;
if ($n == 1) { return ( 1, "" ); }
else { return ($n, "s"); }
} # 1}}}
sub matlab_or_objective_C { # {{{1
# Decide if code is MATLAB, Objective C, MUMPS, or Mercury
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rs_language , # out
) = @_;
print "-> matlab_or_objective_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# matlab markers:
# first line starts with "function"
# some lines start with "%"
# high marks for lines that start with [
# Objective C markers:
# must have at least two brace characters, { }
# has /* ... */ style comments
# some lines start with @
# some lines start with #include
# has ; comment markers
# do not match: \w+\s*=\s*\w
# lines begin with \s*\.?\w+\s+\w
# high marks for lines that start with \s*K\s+ or \s*Kill\s+
# Mercury:
# any line that begins with :- immediately triggers this
${$rs_language} = "";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $matlab_points = 0;
my $objective_C_points = 0;
my $mumps_points = 0;
my $mercury_points = 0;
my $has_braces = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$has_braces if $_ =~ m/[{}]/;
#print "LINE $. has_braces=$has_braces\n";
++$mumps_points if $. == 1 and m{^[A-Z]};
if (m{^\s*/\*} or m {^\s*//}) { # /* or //
$objective_C_points += 5;
$matlab_points -= 5;
printf ".m: /*|// obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^:-\s+}) { # gotta be mercury
$mercury_points = 1000;
} elsif (m{\w+\s*=\s*\[}) { # matrix assignment, very matlab
$matlab_points += 5;
printf ".m: \\w=[ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*\w+\s*=\s*}) { # definitely not MUMPS
printf ".m: \\w= obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*\.?(\w)\s+(\w)} and $1 !~ /\d/ and $2 !~ /\d/) {
printf ".m: \\w \\w obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*;}) {
printf ".m: ; obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*#(include|import)}) {
# Objective C without a doubt
$objective_C_points = 1000;
$matlab_points = 0;
printf ".m: #includ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
$has_braces = 2;
} elsif (m{^\s*@(interface|implementation|protocol|public|protected|private|end)\s}o) {
# Objective C without a doubt
$objective_C_points = 1000;
$matlab_points = 0;
printf ".m: keyword obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*\[}) { # line starts with [ -- very matlab
$matlab_points += 5;
printf ".m: [ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\sK(ill)?\s+}) {
$mumps_points += 5;
printf ".m: Kill obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*function}) {
printf ".m: funct obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*%}) { # %
# matlab commented line
printf ".m: pcent obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
printf "END LOOP obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
# next heuristic is unreliable for small files
# $objective_C_points = -9.9e20 unless $has_braces >= 2;
my %points = ( 'MATLAB' => $matlab_points ,
'MUMPS' => $mumps_points ,
'Objective C' => $objective_C_points,
'Mercury' => $mercury_points , );
${$rs_language} = (sort { $points{$b} <=> $points{$a}} keys %points)[0];
print "<- matlab_or_objective_C($file: matlab=$matlab_points, C=$objective_C_points, mumps=$mumps_points, mercury=$mercury_points) => ${$rs_language}\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub Lisp_or_OpenCL { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Lisp_or_OpenCL\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $lisp_points = 0;
my $opcl_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$lisp_points if /^\s*;/;
++$lisp_points if /\((def|eval|require|export|let|loop|dec|format)/;
++$opcl_points if /^\s*(int|float|const|{)/;
# print "lisp_points=$lisp_points opcl_points=$opcl_points\n";
if ($lisp_points > $opcl_points) {
$lang = "Lisp";
} else {
$lang = "OpenCL";
print "<- Lisp_or_OpenCL\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Lisp_or_Julia { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Lisp_or_Julia\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $lisp_points = 0;
my $julia_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$lisp_points if /^\s*;/;
++$lisp_points if /\((def|eval|require|export|let|loop|dec|format)/;
++$julia_points if /^\s*(function|end|println|for|while)/;
# print "lisp_points=$lisp_points julia_points=$julia_points\n";
if ($lisp_points > $julia_points) {
$lang = "Lisp";
} else {
$lang = "Julia";
print "<- Lisp_or_Julia\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Perl_or_Prolog { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Perl_or_Prolog\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $perl_points = 0;
my $prolog_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$perl_points if /;\s*$/;
++$perl_points if /({|})/;
++$perl_points if /^\s*sub\s+/;
++$prolog_points if /\.\s*$/;
++$prolog_points if /:-/;
# print "perl_points=$perl_points prolog_points=$prolog_points\n";
if ($perl_points > $prolog_points) {
$lang = "Perl";
} else {
$lang = "Prolog";
print "<- Perl_or_Prolog\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub IDL_or_QtProject { # {{{1
# also Prolog
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> IDL_or_QtProject($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $idl_points = 0;
my $qtproj_points = 0;
my $prolog_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$idl_points if /^\s*;/;
++$idl_points if /plot\(/i;
++$qtproj_points if /^\s*(qt|configs|sources)\s*\+?=/i;
++$prolog_points if /\.\s*$/;
++$prolog_points if /:-/;
# print "idl_points=$idl_points qtproj_points=$qtproj_points\n";
if ($idl_points > $qtproj_points) {
$lang = "IDL";
} else {
$lang = "Qt Project";
my %points = ( 'IDL' => $idl_points ,
'Qt Project' => $qtproj_points ,
'Prolog' => $prolog_points , );
$lang = (sort { $points{$b} <=> $points{$a}} keys %points)[0];
print "<- IDL_or_QtProject(idl_points=$idl_points, ",
"qtproj_points=$qtproj_points, prolog_points=$prolog_points)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Ant_or_XML { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Ant_or_XML($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = "XML";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $Ant_points = 0;
my $XML_points = 1;
while (<$IN>) {
if (/^\s*<project\s+/) {
++$Ant_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if (/xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant"/) {
++$Ant_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if ($XML_points >= $Ant_points) {
# tie or better goes to XML
$lang = "XML";
} else {
$lang = "Ant";
print "<- Ant_or_XML($lang)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Maven_or_XML { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Maven_or_XML($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = "XML";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $Mvn_points = 0;
my $XML_points = 1;
while (<$IN>) {
if (/^\s*<project\s+/) {
++$Mvn_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if (m{xmlns="}) {
++$Mvn_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if ($XML_points >= $Mvn_points) {
# tie or better goes to XML
$lang = "XML";
} else {
$lang = "Maven";
print "<- Maven_or_XML($lang)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub pascal_or_puppet { # {{{1
# Decide if code is Pascal or Puppet manifest
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rs_language , # out
) = @_;
print "-> pascal_or_puppet\n" if $opt_v > 2;
${$rs_language} = "";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $pascal_points = 0;
my $puppet_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$pascal_points if /\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bprocedure\b/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bfunction\b/i;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*interface\s+/i;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*implementation\s+/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bbegin\b/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bend\b/i;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*class\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*case\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*package\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*file\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*service\s+/;
print "<- pascal_or_puppet(pascal=$pascal_points, puppet=$puppet_points)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
if ($pascal_points > $puppet_points) {
${$rs_language} = "Pascal";
} else {
${$rs_language} = "Puppet";
} # 1}}}
sub html_colored_text { # {{{1
my ($color, $text) = @_;
#?#die "html_colored_text($text)";
if ($color =~ /^red$/i) {
$color = "#ff0000";
} elsif ($color =~ /^green$/i) {
$color = "#00ff00";
} elsif ($color =~ /^blue$/i) {
$color = "#0000ff";
} elsif ($color =~ /^grey$/i) {
$color = "#cccccc";
# return "" unless $text;
return '<font color="' . $color . '">' . html_metachars($text) . "</font>";
} # 1}}}
sub xml_metachars { # {{{1
my ($string, ) = shift @_;
my @in_chars = split(//, $string);
my @out_chars = ();
foreach my $c (@in_chars) {
if ($c eq '&') { push @out_chars, '&amp;'
} elsif ($c eq '<') { push @out_chars, '&lt;'
} elsif ($c eq '>') { push @out_chars, '&gt;'
} elsif ($c eq '"') { push @out_chars, '&quot;'
} elsif ($c eq "'") { push @out_chars, '&apos;'
} else {
push @out_chars, $c;
return join "", @out_chars;
} # 1}}}
sub html_metachars { # {{{1
# Replace HTML metacharacters with their printable forms.
# Future: use HTML-Encoder-0.00_04/lib/HTML/
# from Fabiano Reese Righetti's HTML::Encoder module if
# this subroutine proves to be too simplistic.
my ($string, ) = shift @_;
my @in_chars = split(//, $string);
my @out_chars = ();
foreach my $c (@in_chars) {
if ($c eq '<') {
push @out_chars, '&lt;'
} elsif ($c eq '>') {
push @out_chars, '&gt;'
} elsif ($c eq '&') {
push @out_chars, '&amp;'
} else {
push @out_chars, $c;
return join "", @out_chars;
} # 1}}}
sub test_alg_diff { # {{{1
my ($file_1 ,
$file_2 )
= @_;
my $fh_1 = new IO::File $file_1, "r";
die "Unable to read $file_1: $!\n" unless defined $fh_1;
chomp(my @lines_1 = <$fh_1>);
my $fh_2 = new IO::File $file_2, "r";
die "Unable to read $file_2: $!\n" unless defined $fh_2;
chomp(my @lines_2 = <$fh_2>);
my $n_no_change = 0;
my $n_modified = 0;
my $n_added = 0;
my $n_deleted = 0;
my @min_sdiff = ();
my $NN = chr(27) . "[0m"; # normal
my $BB = chr(27) . "[1m"; # bold
my @sdiffs = sdiff( \@lines_1, \@lines_2 );
foreach my $entry (@sdiffs) {
my ($out_1, $out_2) = ('', '');
if ($entry->[0] eq 'u') {
# $out_1 = $entry->[1];
# $out_2 = $entry->[2];
# push @min_sdiff, $entry;
if ($entry->[0] eq 'c') {
($out_1, $out_2) = diff_two_strings($entry->[1], $entry->[2]);
$out_1 =~ s/\cA(\w)/${BB}$1${NN}/g;
$out_2 =~ s/\cA(\w)/${BB}$1${NN}/g;
# $out_1 =~ s/\cA//g;
# $out_2 =~ s/\cA//g;
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq '+') {
$out_1 = $entry->[1];
$out_2 = $entry->[2];
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq '-') {
$out_1 = $entry->[1];
$out_2 = $entry->[2];
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq 'u') {
} else { die "unknown entry->[0]=[$entry->[0]]\n"; }
printf "%-80s | %s\n", $out_1, $out_2;
# foreach my $entry (@min_sdiff) {
# printf "DIFF: %s %s %s\n", @{$entry};
# }
} # 1}}}
sub write_comments_to_html { # {{{1
my ($filename , # in
$rah_diff_L , # in see routine array_diff() for explanation
$rah_diff_R , # in see routine array_diff() for explanation
$rh_blank , # in location and counts of blank lines
) = @_;
print "-> write_comments_to_html($filename)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $file = $filename . ".html";
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("rah_diff_L", $rah_diff_L, "rah_diff_R", $rah_diff_R);
my $OUT = new IO::File $file, "w";
if (!defined $OUT) {
warn "Unable to write to $file\n";
print "<- write_comments_to_html\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $approx_line_count = scalar @{$rah_diff_L};
my $n_digits = 1 + int(log($approx_line_count)/2.30258509299405); # log_10
my $html_out = html_header($filename);
my $comment_line_number = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$rah_diff_R}; $i++) {
if (defined $rh_blank->{$i}) {
foreach (1..$rh_blank->{$i}) {
$html_out .= "<!-- blank -->\n";
my $line_num = "";
my $pre = "";
my $post = '</span> &nbsp;';
warn "undef rah_diff_R[$i]{type} " unless defined $rah_diff_R->[$i]{type};
if ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'nonexist') {
$line_num = sprintf "\&nbsp; <span class=\"clinenum\"> %0${n_digits}d %s",
$comment_line_number, $post;
$pre = '<span class="comment">';
$html_out .= $line_num;
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_L->[$i]{char}) .
$post . "\n";
if ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'code' and
$rah_diff_R->[$i]{desc} eq 'same') {
# entire line remains as-is
$line_num = sprintf "\&nbsp; <span class=\"linenum\"> %0${n_digits}d %s",
$rah_diff_R->[$i]{lnum}, $post;
$pre = '<span class="normal">';
$html_out .= $line_num;
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}) . $post;
#XX } elsif ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'code') { # code+comments
#XX $line_num = '<span class="linenum">' .
#XX $rah_diff_R->[$i]{lnum} . $post;
#XX $html_out .= $line_num;
#XX my @strings = @{$rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}{strings}};
#XX my @type = @{$rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}{type}};
#XX for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @strings; $i++) {
#XX if ($type[$i] eq 'u') {
#XX $pre = '<span class="normal">';
#XX } else {
#XX $pre = '<span class="comment">';
#XX }
#XX $html_out .= $pre . html_metachars($strings[$i]) . $post;
#XX }
# print Dumper(@strings, @type); die;
} elsif ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'comment') {
$line_num = '<span class="clinenum">' . $comment_line_number . $post;
# entire line is a comment
$pre = '<span class="comment">';
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}) . $post;
#printf "%-30s %s %-30s\n", $line_1, $separator, $line_2;
$html_out .= "\n";
$html_out .= html_end();
my $out_file = "$filename.html";
open OUT, ">$out_file" or die "Cannot write to $out_file $!\n";
print OUT $html_out;
close OUT;
print "Wrote $out_file\n" unless $opt_quiet;
print "<- write_comments_to_html\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub array_diff { # {{{1
my ($file , # in only used for error reporting
$ra_lines_L , # in array of lines in Left file (no blank lines)
$ra_lines_R , # in array of lines in Right file (no blank lines)
$mode , # in "comment" | "revision"
$rah_diff_L , # out
$rah_diff_R , # out
$raa_Errors , # in/out
) = @_;
# This routine operates in two ways:
# A. Computes diffs of the same file with and without comments.
# This is used to classify lines as code, comments, or blank.
# B. Computes diffs of two revisions of a file. This method
# requires a prior run of method A using the older version
# of the file because it needs lines to be classified.
# $rah_diff structure:
# An array with n entries where n equals the number of lines in
# an sdiff of the two files. Each entry in the array describes
# the contents of the corresponding line in file Left and file Right:
# diff[]{type} = blank | code | code+comment | comment | nonexist
# {lnum} = line number within the original file (1-based)
# {desc} = same | added | removed | modified
# {char} = the input line unless {desc} = 'modified' in
# which case
# {char}{strings} = [ substrings ]
# {char}{type} = [ disposition (added, removed, etc)]
@{$rah_diff_L} = ();
@{$rah_diff_R} = ();
print "-> array_diff()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
$COMMENT_MODE = 1 if $mode eq "comment";
#print "array_diff(mode=$mode)\n";
#print Dumper("block left:" , $ra_lines_L);
#print Dumper("block right:", $ra_lines_R);
my @sdiffs = ();
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $opt_diff_timeout;
@sdiffs = sdiff($ra_lines_L, $ra_lines_R);
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
# timed out
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
push @{$raa_Errors},
[ $Error_Codes{'Diff error, exceeded timeout'}, $file ];
if ($opt_v) {
warn "array_diff: diff timeout failure for $file--ignoring\n";
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper($ra_lines_L, $ra_lines_R, @sdiffs);
my $n_L = 0;
my $n_R = 0;
my $n_sdiff = 0; # index to $rah_diff_L, $rah_diff_R
foreach my $triple (@sdiffs) {
my $flag = $triple->[0];
my $line_L = $triple->[1];
my $line_R = $triple->[2];
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{char} = $line_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{char} = $line_R;
if ($flag eq 'u') { # u = unchanged
# line exists in both with & without comments, must be code
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "same";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "same";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq 'c') { # c = changed
# warn "per line sdiff() commented out\n"; if (0) {
# line has text both with & without comments;
# count as code
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
my @chars_L = split '', $line_L;
my @chars_R = split '', $line_R;
#XX my @inline_sdiffs = sdiff( \@chars_L, \@chars_R );
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#if ($n_R == 6 or $n_R == 1 or $n_R == 2) {
#print "L=[$line_L]\n";
#print "R=[$line_R]\n";
#print Dumper(@chars_L, @chars_R, @inline_sdiffs);
#XX my @index = ();
#XX foreach my $il_triple (@inline_sdiffs) {
#XX # make an array of u|c|+|- corresponding
#XX # to each character
#XX push @index, $il_triple->[0];
#XX }
#XX#print Dumper(@index); die;
#XX # expect problems if arrays @index and $inline_sdiffs[1];
#XX # (@{$inline_sdiffs->[1]} are the characters of line_L)
#XX # aren't the same length
#XX my $prev_type = $index[0];
#XX my @strings = (); # blocks of consecutive code or comment
#XX my @type = (); # u (=code) or c (=comment)
#XX my $j_str = 0;
#XX $strings[$j_str] .= $chars_L[0];
#XX $type[$j_str] = $prev_type;
#XX for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar @chars_L; $i++) {
#XX if ($index[$i] ne $prev_type) {
#XX ++$j_str;
#XX#print "change at j_str=$j_str type=$index[$i]\n";
#XX $type[$j_str] = $index[$i];
#XX $prev_type = $index[$i];
#XX }
#XX $strings[$j_str] .= $chars_L[$i];
#XX }
# print Dumper(@strings, @type); die;
#XX delete $rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{char};
#XX @{$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{char}{strings}} = @strings;
#XX @{$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{char}{type}} = @type;
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "modified";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "modified";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq '+') { # + = added
# should never get here
@{$rah_diff_L} = ();
@{$rah_diff_R} = ();
push @{$raa_Errors},
[ $Error_Codes{'Diff error (quoted comments?)'}, $file ];
if ($opt_v) {
warn "array_diff: diff failure (diff says the\n";
warn "comment-free file has added lines).\n";
warn "$n_sdiff $line_L\n";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "nonexist";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "removed";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "added";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq '-') { # - = removed
# line must be comment because blanks already gone
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "comment";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "nonexist";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "removed";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "added";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
#printf "%-30s %s %-30s\n", $line_L, $separator, $line_R;
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper($rah_diff_L, $rah_diff_R);
print "<- array_diff\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_leading_dir { # {{{1
my @filenames = @_;
# Input should be a list of file names
# with the same leading directory such as
# dir1/dir2/a.txt
# dir1/dir2/b.txt
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
# Output is the same list minus the common
# directory path:
# a.txt
# b.txt
# dir3/c.txt
print "-> remove_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @D = (); # a matrix: [ [ dir1, dir2 ], # dir1/dir2/a.txt
# [ dir1, dir2 ], # dir1/dir2/b.txt
# [ dir1, dir2 , dir3] ] # dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{\\}{/}g;
$F = ucfirst($F) if $F =~ /^\w:/; # uppercase drive letter
if (scalar @filenames == 1) {
# special case: with only one filename
# cannot determine a baseline, just remove first directory level
$filenames[0] =~ s{^.*?/}{};
print "-> $filenames[0]\n";
return $filenames[0];
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
my ($Vol, $Dir, $File) = File::Spec->splitpath($F);
my @x = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir );
pop @x unless $x[$#x]; # last entry usually null, remove it
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
if (defined($Vol) and $Vol) {
# put the drive letter, eg, C:, at the front
unshift @x, uc $Vol;
#print "F=$F, Dir=$Dir x=[", join("][", @x), "]\n";
push @D, [ @x ];
# now loop over columns until either they are all
# eliminated or a unique column is found
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper("remove_leading_dir after ", @D);
my @common = (); # to contain the common leading directories
my $mismatch = 0;
while (!$mismatch) {
for (my $row = 1; $row < scalar @D; $row++) {
#print "comparing $D[$row][0] to $D[0][0]\n";
if (!defined $D[$row][0] or !defined $D[0][0] or
($D[$row][0] ne $D[0][0])) {
$mismatch = 1;
#print "mismatch=$mismatch\n";
if (!$mismatch) {
push @common, $D[0][0];
# all terms in the leading match; unshift the batch
foreach my $ra (@D) {
shift @{$ra};
push @common, " "; # so that $leading will end with "/ "
my $leading = File::Spec->catdir( @common );
$leading =~ s{ $}{}; # now take back the bogus appended space
#print "remove_leading_dir leading=[$leading]\n"; die;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$leading =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{^$leading}{};
print "<- remove_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @filenames;
} # 1}}}
sub strip_leading_dir { # {{{1
my ($leading, @filenames) = @_;
# removes the string $leading from each entry in @filenames
print "-> strip_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_leading_dir leading=[$leading]\n"; die;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$leading =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{^$leading}{};
print "<- strip_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @filenames;
} # 1}}}
sub find_deepest_file { # {{{1
my @filenames = @_;
# Input should be a list of file names
# with the same leading directory such as
# dir1/dir2/a.txt
# dir1/dir2/b.txt
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
# Output is the file with the most parent directories:
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
print "-> find_deepest_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $deepest = undef;
my $max_subdir = -1;
foreach my $F (sort @filenames) {
my ($Vol, $Dir, $File) = File::Spec->splitpath($F);
my @x = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir );
pop @x unless $x[$#x]; # last entry usually null, remove it
if (scalar @x > $max_subdir) {
$deepest = $F;
$max_subdir = scalar @x;
print "<- find_deepest_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $deepest;
} # 1}}}
sub find_uncommon_parent_dir { # {{{1
my ($file_L, $file_R) = @_;
# example:
# file_L = "perl-5.16.1/cpan/CPANPLUS/lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Source/SQLite/"
# file_R = "/tmp/8VxQG0OLbp/perl-5.16.3/cpan/CPANPLUS/lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Source/SQLite/"
# then return
# "perl-5.16.1",
# "/tmp/8VxQG0OLbp/perl-5.16.3",
my ($Vol_L, $Dir_L, $File_L) = File::Spec->splitpath($file_L);
my @x_L = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir_L );
my ($Vol_R, $Dir_R, $File_R) = File::Spec->splitpath($file_R);
my @x_R = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir_R );
my @common = ();
# work backwards
while ($x_L[$#x_L] eq $x_R[$#x_R]) {
push @common, $x_L[$#x_L];
pop @x_L;
pop @x_R;
my $success = scalar @common;
my $dirs_L = File::Spec->catdir( @x_L );
my $dirs_R = File::Spec->catdir( @x_R );
my $lead_L = File::Spec->catpath( $Vol_L, $dirs_L, "" );
my $lead_R = File::Spec->catpath( $Vol_R, $dirs_R, "" );
return $lead_L, $lead_R, $success;
} # 1}}}
sub get_leading_dirs { # {{{1
my ($rh_file_list_L, $rh_file_list_R) = @_;
# find uniquely named files in both sets to help determine the
# leading directory positions
my %unique_filename = ();
my %basename_L = ();
my %basename_R = ();
foreach my $f (keys %{$rh_file_list_L}) {
my $bn = basename($f);
$basename_L{ $bn }{'count'} += 1;
$basename_L{ $bn }{'fullpath'} = $f;
foreach my $f (keys %{$rh_file_list_R}) {
my $bn = basename($f);
$basename_R{ $bn }{'count'} += 1;
$basename_R{ $bn }{'fullpath'} = $f;
foreach my $f (keys %basename_L) {
next unless $basename_L{$f}{'count'} == 1;
next unless defined $basename_R{$f} and $basename_R{$f}{'count'} == 1;
$unique_filename{$f}{'L'} = $basename_L{ $f }{'fullpath'};
$unique_filename{$f}{'R'} = $basename_R{ $f }{'fullpath'};
return undef, undef, 0 unless %unique_filename;
my %candidate_leading_dir_L = ();
my %candidate_leading_dir_R = ();
foreach my $f (keys %unique_filename) {
my $fL = $unique_filename{ $f }{'L'};
my $fR = $unique_filename{ $f }{'R'};
#printf "%-36s -> %-36s\n", $fL, $fR;
my $ptr_L = length($fL) - 1;
my $ptr_R = length($fR) - 1;
my @aL = split '', $fL;
my @aR = split '', $fR;
while ($ptr_L >= 0 and $ptr_R >= 0) {
last if $aL[$ptr_L] ne $aR[$ptr_R];
#print "ptr_L=$ptr_L ptr_R=$ptr_R\n";
my $leading_dir_L = "";
$leading_dir_L = substr($fL, 0, $ptr_L+1) if $ptr_L >= 0;
my $leading_dir_R = "";
$leading_dir_R = substr($fR, 0, $ptr_R+1) if $ptr_R >= 0;
#print "leading_dir_L=$leading_dir_L leading_dir_R=$leading_dir_R\n";
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper(%candidate_leading_dir_L);
#print Dumper(%candidate_leading_dir_R);
my $best_L = (sort {
$candidate_leading_dir_L{$b} <=>
$candidate_leading_dir_L{$a}} keys %candidate_leading_dir_L)[0];
my $best_R = (sort {
$candidate_leading_dir_R{$b} <=>
$candidate_leading_dir_R{$a}} keys %candidate_leading_dir_R)[0];
return $best_L, $best_R, 1;
} # 1}}}
sub align_by_pairs { # {{{1
my ($rh_file_list_L , # in
$rh_file_list_R , # in
$ra_added , # out
$ra_removed , # out
$ra_compare_list , # out
) = @_;
print "-> align_by_pairs()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
my @files_L = sort keys %{$rh_file_list_L};
my @files_R = sort keys %{$rh_file_list_R};
return () unless @files_L or @files_R; # at least one must have stuff
if ( @files_L and !@files_R) {
# left side has stuff, right side is empty; everything deleted
@{$ra_added } = ();
@{$ra_removed } = @files_L;
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
} elsif (!@files_L and @files_R) {
# left side is empty, right side has stuff; everything added
@{$ra_added } = @files_R;
@{$ra_removed } = ();
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %{$rh_file_list_L}, %{$rh_file_list_R},);
if (scalar @files_L == 1 and scalar @files_R == 1) {
# The easy case: compare two files.
push @{$ra_compare_list}, [ $files_L[0], $files_R[0] ];
@{$ra_added } = ();
@{$ra_removed} = ();
# The harder case: compare groups of files. This only works
# if the groups are in different directories so the first step
# is to strip the leading directory names from file lists to
# make it possible to align by file names.
my @files_L_minus_dir = undef;
my @files_R_minus_dir = undef;
my $deepest_file_L = find_deepest_file(@files_L);
my $deepest_file_R = find_deepest_file(@files_R);
#print "deepest L = [$deepest_file_L]\n";
#print "deepest R = [$deepest_file_R]\n";
####my ($leading_dir_L, $leading_dir_R, $success) =
#### find_uncommon_parent_dir($deepest_file_L, $deepest_file_R);
my ($leading_dir_L, $leading_dir_R, $success) =
get_leading_dirs($rh_file_list_L, $rh_file_list_R);
#print "leading_dir_L=[$leading_dir_L]\n";
#print "leading_dir_R=[$leading_dir_R]\n";
#print "success =[$success]\n";
if ($success) {
@files_L_minus_dir = strip_leading_dir($leading_dir_L, @files_L);
@files_R_minus_dir = strip_leading_dir($leading_dir_R, @files_R);
} else {
# otherwise fall back to old strategy
@files_L_minus_dir = remove_leading_dir(@files_L);
@files_R_minus_dir = remove_leading_dir(@files_R);
# Keys of the stripped_X arrays are canonical file names;
# should overlap mostly. Keys in stripped_L but not in
# stripped_R are files that have been deleted. Keys in
# stripped_R but not in stripped_L have been added.
my %stripped_L = ();
@stripped_L{ @files_L_minus_dir } = @files_L;
my %stripped_R = ();
@stripped_R{ @files_R_minus_dir } = @files_R;
my %common = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_L) {
$common{$f} = 1 if defined $stripped_R{$f};
my %deleted = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_L) {
$deleted{$stripped_L{$f}} = $f unless defined $stripped_R{$f};
my %added = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_R) {
$added{$stripped_R{$f}} = $f unless defined $stripped_L{$f};
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %stripped_L, %stripped_R);
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %common, %added, %deleted);
foreach my $f (keys %common) {
push @{$ra_compare_list}, [ $stripped_L{$f},
$stripped_R{$f} ];
@{$ra_added } = keys %added ;
@{$ra_removed } = keys %deleted;
print "<- align_by_pairs()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", @files_L_minus_dir, @files_R_minus_dir);
} # 1}}}
sub html_header { # {{{1
my ($title , ) = @_;
print "-> html_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="cloc">
' .
<!-- Created by $script v$VERSION -->
" .
<style TYPE="text/css">
body {
color: black;
background-color: white;
font-family: monospace
.whitespace {
background-color: gray;
.comment {
color: gray;
font-style: italic;
.clinenum {
color: red;
.linenum {
color: green;
print "<- html_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub html_end { # {{{1
} # 1}}}
sub die_unknown_lang { # {{{1
my ($lang, $option_name) = @_;
die "Unknown language '$lang' used with $option_name option. " .
"The command\n $script --show-lang\n" .
"will print all recognized languages. Language names are " .
"case sensitive.\n" ;
} # 1}}}
sub unicode_file { # {{{1
my $file = shift @_;
print "-> unicode_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 0 if (-s $file > 2_000_000);
# don't bother trying to test binary files bigger than 2 MB
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
return 0;
my @lines = <$IN>;
if (unicode_to_ascii( join('', @lines) )) {
print "<- unicode_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 1;
} else {
print "<- unicode_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 0;
} # 1}}}
sub unicode_to_ascii { # {{{1
my $string = shift @_;
# A trivial attempt to convert UTF-16 little or big endian
# files into ASCII. These files exhibit the following byte
# sequence:
# byte 1: 255
# byte 2: 254
# byte 3: ord of ASCII character
# byte 4: 0
# byte 3+i: ord of ASCII character
# byte 4+i: 0
# or
# byte 1: 255
# byte 2: 254
# byte 3: 0
# byte 4: ord of ASCII character
# byte 3+i: 0
# byte 4+i: ord of ASCII character
my $length = length $string;
#print "length=$length\n";
return '' if $length <= 3;
my @unicode = split(//, $string);
# check the first 100 characters for big or little endian UTF-16 encoding
my $max_peek = $length < 200 ? $length : 200;
my @view_1 = ();
for (my $i = 2; $i < $max_peek; $i += 2) { push @view_1, $unicode[$i] }
my @view_2 = ();
for (my $i = 3; $i < $max_peek; $i += 2) { push @view_2, $unicode[$i] }
my $points_1 = 0;
foreach my $C (@view_1) {
++$points_1 if (32 <= ord($C) and ord($C) <= 127) or ord($C) == 13
or ord($C) == 10
or ord($C) == 9;
my $points_2 = 0;
foreach my $C (@view_2) {
++$points_2 if (32 <= ord($C) and ord($C) <= 127) or ord($C) == 13
or ord($C) == 10
or ord($C) == 9;
#print "points 1: $points_1\n";
#print "points 2: $points_2\n";
my $offset = undef;
if ($points_1 > 90) { $offset = 2; }
elsif ($points_2 > 90) { $offset = 3; }
else { return '' } # neither big or little endian UTF-16
my @ascii = ();
for (my $i = $offset; $i < $length; $i += 2) { push @ascii, $unicode[$i]; }
return join("", @ascii);
} # 1}}}
sub uncompress_archive_cmd { # {{{1
my ($archive_file, ) = @_;
# Wrap $archive_file in single or double quotes in the system
# commands below to avoid filename chicanery (including
# spaces in the names).
print "-> uncompress_archive_cmd($archive_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $extract_cmd = "";
my $missing = "";
if ($opt_extract_with) {
( $extract_cmd = $opt_extract_with ) =~ s/>FILE</$archive_file/g;
} elsif (basename($archive_file) eq "-" and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
$extract_cmd = "cat > -";
} elsif (($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.(gz|Z)$/ or
$archive_file =~ /\.tgz$/ ) and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("gzip --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "gzip -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "gzip";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("bzip2 --help")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "bzip2 -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.xz$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("unxz --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "unxz -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
$extract_cmd = "tar xf '$archive_file'";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.src\.rpm$/i and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("cpio --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("rpm2cpio")) {
$extract_cmd = "rpm2cpio '$archive_file' | cpio -i";
} else {
$missing = "rpm2cpio";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.zip$/i and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("unzip")) {
$extract_cmd = "unzip -qq -d . '$archive_file'";
} else {
$missing = "unzip";
} elsif ($ON_WINDOWS and $archive_file =~ /\.zip$/i) {
# zip on Windows, guess default Winzip install location
$extract_cmd = "";
my $WinZip = '"C:\\Program Files\\WinZip\\WinZip32.exe"';
if (external_utility_exists($WinZip)) {
$extract_cmd = "$WinZip -e -o \"$archive_file\" .";
#print "trace 5 extract_cmd=[$extract_cmd]\n";
} else {
#print "trace 6\n";
$missing = $WinZip;
print "<- uncompress_archive_cmd\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($missing) {
die "Unable to expand $archive_file because external\n",
"utility '$missing' is not available.\n",
"Another possibility is to use the --extract-with option.\n";
} else {
return $extract_cmd;
# 1}}}
sub read_list_file { # {{{1
my ($file, ) = @_;
print "-> read_list_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
my @entry = ();
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/; # skip empty or commented lines
s/\cM$//; # DOS to Unix
push @entry, $_;
print "<- read_list_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @entry;
# 1}}}
sub external_utility_exists { # {{{1
my $exe = shift @_;
my $success = 0;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$success = 1 unless system $exe . ' > nul';
} else {
$success = 1 unless system $exe . ' >/dev/null 2>&1';
if (!$success) {
$success = 1 unless system "which" . " $exe" . ' >/dev/null 2>&1';
return $success;
} # 1}}}
sub write_xsl_file { # {{{1
my $OUT = new IO::File $CLOC_XSL, "w";
if (!defined $OUT) {
warn "Unable to write $CLOC_XSL $!\n";
my $XSL = # <style> </style> {{{2
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!-- XLS file by Paul Schwann, January 2009.
Fixes for by-file and by-file-by-lang by d_uragan, November 2010.
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CLOC Results</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
table-layout: auto;
border-collapse: collapse;
empty-cells: show;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
th {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td {
text-align: center;
table, td, tr, th {
border: thin solid #999999;
<h3><xsl:value-of select="results/header"/></h3>
# 2}}}
if ($opt_by_file) {
$XSL .= # <table> </table>{{{2
' <table>
$XSL .=
' <th>3<sup>rd</sup> Generation Equivalent</th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<xsl:for-each select="results/files/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@language"/></td>
$XSL .=
' <td><xsl:value-of select="@factor"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@scaled"/></td>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@blank"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@comment"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@code"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@language"/></th>
$XSL .=
' <th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@factor"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@scaled"/></th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
# 2}}}
if (!$opt_by_file or $opt_by_file_by_lang) {
$XSL .= # <table> </table> {{{2
' <table>
$XSL .=
' <th>Scale</th>
<th>3<sup>rd</sup> Generation Equivalent</th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<xsl:for-each select="results/languages/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
$XSL .=
' <td><xsl:value-of select="@factor"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@scaled"/></td>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@sum_files"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@blank"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@comment"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@code"/></th>
$XSL .=
' <th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@factor"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@scaled"/></th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
# 2}}}
$XSL.= <<'EO_XSL'; # {{{2
# 2}}}
my $XSL_DIFF = <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
<!-- XLS file by Blazej Kroll, November 2010 -->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CLOC Results</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
table-layout: auto;
border-collapse: collapse;
empty-cells: show;
margin: 1em;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
th {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td {
text-align: center;
table, td, tr, th {
border: thin solid #999999;
<h3><xsl:value-of select="results/header"/></h3>
# 2}}}
if ($opt_by_file) {
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<tr><th colspan="4">Same</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/same/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Modified</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/modified/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Added</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/added/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Removed</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/removed/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
# 2}}}
if (!$opt_by_file or $opt_by_file_by_lang) {
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<tr><th colspan="5">Same</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/same/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Modified</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/modified/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Added</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/added/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Removed</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/removed/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
# 2}}}
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
# 2}}}
if ($opt_diff) {
print $OUT $XSL_DIFF;
} else {
print $OUT $XSL;
} # 1}}}
sub normalize_file_names { # {{{1
my (@files, ) = @_;
# Returns a hash of file names reduced to a canonical form
# (fully qualified file names, all path separators changed to /,
# Windows file names lowercased). Hash values are the original
# file name.
my %normalized = ();
foreach my $F (@files) {
my $F_norm = $F;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$F_norm = lc $F_norm; # for case insensitive file name comparisons
$F_norm =~ s{\\}{/}g; # Windows directory separators to Unix
$F_norm =~ s{^\./}{}g; # remove leading ./
if (($F_norm !~ m{^/}) and ($F_norm !~ m{^\w:/})) {
# looks like a relative path; prefix with cwd
$F_norm = lc "$cwd/$F_norm";
} else {
$F_norm =~ s{^\./}{}g; # remove leading ./
if ($F_norm !~ m{^/}) {
# looks like a relative path; prefix with cwd
$F_norm = lc "$cwd/$F_norm";
$normalized{ $F_norm } = $F;
return %normalized;
} # 1}}}
sub combine_diffs { # {{{1
# subroutine by Andy (
my ($ra_files) = @_;
my $res = "$URL v $VERSION\n";
my $dl = '-';
my $width = 79;
# columns are in this order
my @cols = ('files', 'blank', 'comment', 'code');
my %HoH = ();
foreach my $file (@{$ra_files}) {
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
my $sec;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^(http|Language|-----)/;
if (/^[A-Za-z0-9]+/) { # section title
$sec = $_;
$HoH{$sec} = () if ! exists $HoH{$sec};
if (/^\s(same|modified|added|removed)/) { # calculated totals row
my @ar = grep { $_ ne '' } split(/ /, $_);
my $ttl = shift @ar;
my $i = 0;
foreach(@ar) {
my $t = "${ttl}${dl}${cols[$i]}";
$HoH{$sec}{$t} = 0 if ! exists $HoH{$sec}{$t};
$HoH{$sec}{$t} += $_;
# rows are in this order
my @rows = ('same', 'modified', 'added', 'removed');
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
$res .= sprintf("%-19s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n", 'Language',
$cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2], $cols[3]);
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
for my $sec ( keys %HoH ) {
next if $sec =~ /SUM:/;
$res .= "$sec\n";
foreach (@rows) {
$res .= sprintf(" %-18s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n",
$_, $HoH{$sec}{"${_}${dl}${cols[0]}"},
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
my $sec = 'SUM:';
$res .= "$sec\n";
foreach (@rows) {
$res .= sprintf(" %-18s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n",
$_, $HoH{$sec}{"${_}${dl}${cols[0]}"},
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
return $res;
} # 1}}}
sub get_time { # {{{1
if ($HAVE_Time_HiRes) {
return Time::HiRes::time();
} else {
return time();
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_D { # {{{1
# Ref bug 131, files ending with .d could be init.d scripts
# instead of D language source files.
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> really_is_D($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $possible_script = peek_at_first_line($file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
print "<- really_is_D($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $possible_script; # null string if D, otherwise a language
} # 1}}}
# subroutines copied from SLOCCount
my %lex_files = (); # really_is_lex()
my %expect_files = (); # really_is_expect()
my %php_files = (); # really_is_php()
sub really_is_lex { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really is lex.
# lex file must have "%%", "%{", and "%}".
# In theory, a lex file doesn't need "%{" and "%}", but in practice
# they all have them, and requiring them avoid mislabeling a
# non-lexfile as a lex file.
my $filename = shift;
my $is_lex = 0; # Value to determine.
my $percent_percent = 0;
my $percent_opencurly = 0;
my $percent_closecurly = 0;
# Return cached result, if available:
if ($lex_files{$filename}) { return $lex_files{$filename};}
open(LEX_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's lex.\n";
while(<LEX_FILE>) {
$percent_percent++ if (m/^\s*\%\%/);
$percent_opencurly++ if (m/^\s*\%\{/);
$percent_closecurly++ if (m/^\s*\%\}/);
if ($percent_percent && $percent_opencurly && $percent_closecurly)
{$is_lex = 1;}
$lex_files{$filename} = $is_lex; # Store result in cache.
return $is_lex;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_expect { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really are Expect.
# Many "exp" files (such as in Apache and Mesa) are just "export" data,
# summarizing something else # (e.g., its interface).
# Sometimes (like in RPM) it's just misc. data.
# Thus, we need to look at the file to determine
# if it's really an "expect" file.
my $filename = shift;
# The heuristic is as follows: it's Expect _IF_ it:
# 1. has "load_lib" command and either "#" comments or {}.
# 2. {, }, and one of: proc, if, [...], expect
my $is_expect = 0; # Value to determine.
my $begin_brace = 0; # Lines that begin with curly braces.
my $end_brace = 0; # Lines that begin with curly braces.
my $load_lib = 0; # Lines with the Load_lib command.
my $found_proc = 0;
my $found_if = 0;
my $found_brackets = 0;
my $found_expect = 0;
my $found_pound = 0;
# Return cached result, if available:
if ($expect_files{$filename}) { return expect_files{$filename};}
open(EXPECT_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's expect.\n";
while(<EXPECT_FILE>) {
if (m/#/) {$found_pound++; s/#.*//;}
if (m/^\s*\{/) { $begin_brace++;}
if (m/\{\s*$/) { $begin_brace++;}
if (m/^\s*\}/) { $end_brace++;}
if (m/\};?\s*$/) { $end_brace++;}
if (m/^\s*load_lib\s+\S/) { $load_lib++;}
if (m/^\s*proc\s/) { $found_proc++;}
if (m/^\s*if\s/) { $found_if++;}
if (m/\[.*\]/) { $found_brackets++;}
if (m/^\s*expect\s/) { $found_expect++;}
if ($load_lib && ($found_pound || ($begin_brace && $end_brace)))
{$is_expect = 1;}
if ( $begin_brace && $end_brace &&
($found_proc || $found_if || $found_brackets || $found_expect))
{$is_expect = 1;}
$expect_files{$filename} = $is_expect; # Store result in cache.
return $is_expect;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_pascal { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really are Pascal.
# This isn't as obvious as it seems.
# Many ".p" files are Perl files
# (such as /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ispell-3.1/dicts/czech/glob.p),
# others are C extractions
# (such as /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/linux/include/linux/umsdos_fs.p
# and some files in linuxconf).
# However, test files in "p2c" really are Pascal, for example.
# Note that /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ucd-snmp-4.1.1/ov/bitmaps/UCD.20.p
# is actually C code. The heuristics determine that they're not Pascal,
# but because it ends in ".p" it's not counted as C code either.
# I believe this is actually correct behavior, because frankly it
# looks like it's automatically generated (it's a bitmap expressed as code).
# Rather than guess otherwise, we don't include it in a list of
# source files. Let's face it, someone who creates C files ending in ".p"
# and expects them to be counted by default as C files in SLOCCount needs
# their head examined. I suggest examining their head
# with a sucker rod (see syslogd(8) for more on sucker rods).
# This heuristic counts as Pascal such files such as:
# /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/teTeX-1.0/texk/web2c/tangleboot.p
# Which is hand-generated. We don't count woven documents now anyway,
# so this is justifiable.
my $filename = shift;
# The heuristic is as follows: it's Pascal _IF_ it has all of the following
# (ignoring {...} and (*...*) comments):
# 1. "^..program NAME" or "^..unit NAME",
# 2. "procedure", "function", "^..interface", or "^..implementation",
# 3. a "begin", and
# 4. it ends with "end.",
# Or it has all of the following:
# 1. "^..module NAME" and
# 2. it ends with "end.".
# Or it has all of the following:
# 1. "^..program NAME",
# 2. a "begin", and
# 3. it ends with "end.".
# The "end." requirements in particular filter out non-Pascal.
# Note (jgb): this does not detect Pascal main files in fpc, like
# fpc-1.0.4/api/test/testterminfo.pas, which does not have "program" in
# it
my $is_pascal = 0; # Value to determine.
my $has_program = 0;
my $has_unit = 0;
my $has_module = 0;
my $has_procedure_or_function = 0;
my $found_begin = 0;
my $found_terminating_end = 0;
my $has_begin = 0;
open(PASCAL_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's pascal.\n";
while(<PASCAL_FILE>) {
s/\{.*?\}//g; # Ignore {...} comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
s/\(\*.*?\*\)//g; # Ignore (*...*) comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
if (m/\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_program=1;}
if (m/\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_unit=1;}
if (m/\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_module=1;}
if (m/\bprocedure\b/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/\bfunction\b/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/^\s*interface\s+/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/^\s*implementation\s+/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/\bbegin\b/i) { $has_begin = 1; }
# Originally I said:
# "This heuristic fails if there are multi-line comments after
# "end."; I haven't seen that in real Pascal programs:"
# But jgb found there are a good quantity of them in Debian, specially in
# fpc (at the end of a lot of files there is a multiline comment
# with the changelog for the file).
# Therefore, assume Pascal if "end." appears anywhere in the file.
if (m/end\.\s*$/i) {$found_terminating_end = 1;}
# elsif (m/\S/) {$found_terminating_end = 0;}
# Okay, we've examined the entire file looking for clues;
# let's use those clues to determine if it's really Pascal:
if ( ( ($has_unit || $has_program) && $has_procedure_or_function &&
$has_begin && $found_terminating_end ) ||
( $has_module && $found_terminating_end ) ||
( $has_program && $has_begin && $found_terminating_end ) )
{$is_pascal = 1;}
return $is_pascal;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_incpascal { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really are Pascal.
# For .inc files (mainly seen in fpc)
my $filename = shift;
# The heuristic is as follows: it is Pacal if any of the following:
# 1. really_is_pascal returns true
# 2. Any usual reserverd word is found (program, unit, const, begin...)
# If the general routine for Pascal files works, we have it
if (really_is_pascal($filename)) {
return 1;
my $is_pascal = 0; # Value to determine.
my $found_begin = 0;
open(PASCAL_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's pascal.\n";
while(<PASCAL_FILE>) {
s/\{.*?\}//g; # Ignore {...} comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
s/\(\*.*?\*\)//g; # Ignore (*...*) comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
if (m/\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bprocedure\b/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/\bfunction\b/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/^\s*interface\s+/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/^\s*implementation\s+/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/\bconstant\s+/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bbegin\b/i) { $found_begin = 1; }
if ((m/end\.\s*$/i) && ($found_begin = 1)) {$is_pascal = 1;}
if ($is_pascal) {
return $is_pascal;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_php { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really is php.
my $filename = shift;
my $is_php = 0; # Value to determine.
# Need to find a matching pair of surrounds, with ending after beginning:
my $normal_surround = 0; # <?; bit 0 = <?, bit 1 = ?>
my $script_surround = 0; # <script..>; bit 0 = <script language="php">
my $asp_surround = 0; # <%; bit 0 = <%, bit 1 = %>
# Return cached result, if available:
if ($php_files{$filename}) { return $php_files{$filename};}
open(PHP_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's php.\n";
while(<PHP_FILE>) {
if (m/\<\?/) { $normal_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\?\>/ && ($normal_surround & 1)) { $normal_surround |= 2; }
if (m/\<script.*language="?php"?/i) { $script_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\<\/script\>/i && ($script_surround & 1)) { $script_surround |= 2; }
if (m/\<\%/) { $asp_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\%\>/ && ($asp_surround & 1)) { $asp_surround |= 2; }
if ( ($normal_surround == 3) || ($script_surround == 3) ||
($asp_surround == 3)) {
$is_php = 1;
$php_files{$filename} = $is_php; # Store result in cache.
return $is_php;
} # 1}}}
mode values (stat $item)[2]
Unix Windows
file: 33188 33206
dir : 16832 16895
link: 33261 33206
pipe: 4544 null