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111 lines
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#' Count lines of code, comments and whitespace in a git tree
#' @md
#' @param repo path to git repo; if `repo` is a URL like `git://`, it will be fetched into
#' a temporary directory
#' @param commit "`.`" for the current source tree or the commit identifier for a specific commit
#' @param branch,credentials,progress passed on to [git2r::clone()].
#' @return data frame (tibble)
#' @export
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' cloc_git("~/packages/cloc", "3643cd09d4b951b1b35d32dffe35985dfe7756c4")
#' # from remote git
#' cloc_git("git://")
#' }
cloc_git <- function(repo, commit=".", branch = NULL, credentials = NULL, progress = FALSE) {
perl <- find_perl()
tis_url <- is_url(repo)
if (tis_url) { # clone the repo if a URL was specified
tdir <- tempdir()
url = repo,
local_path = file.path(tdir, basename(repo)),
branch = branch,
credentials = credentials,
progress = progress
) -> repo_obj
repo <- file.path(tdir, basename(repo))
on.exit(unlink(repo), add = TRUE)
repo <- path.expand(repo)
# make the command line
curr_dir <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(curr_dir), add=TRUE)
x <- processx::run(
command = perl,
args = c(
system.file("bin/", package = "cloc"),
# run the perl script
dat <- strsplit(x$stdout, "[\r\n]+")[[1]]
# nothing to count
if (length(dat) == 0) {
source = basename(repo),
language = NA_character_,
file_count = 0,
file_count_pct = 0,
loc = 0,
loc_pct = 0,
blank_lines = 0,
blank_line_pct = 0,
comment_lines = 0,
comment_line_pct = 0,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# read in the output from the perl script
fil <- read.table(
text = paste(utils::tail(dat, -2), sep = "", collapse = "\n"),
col.names = c("file_count", "language", "blank_lines", "comment_lines", "loc"),
sep = ",", comment.char = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# calculate percentages
fil$source <- basename(repo)
fil$file_count_pct <- fil$file_count / sum(fil$file_count)
fil$blank_line_pct <- fil$blank_lines / sum(fil$blank_lines)
fil$comment_line_pct <- fil$comment_lines / sum(fil$comment_lines)
fil$loc_pct <- fil$loc / sum(fil$loc)
# reorganize columns
fil <- fil[, c(
"source", "language",
"file_count", "file_count_pct",
"loc", "loc_pct",
"blank_lines", "blank_line_pct",
"comment_lines", "comment_line_pct"
class(fil) <- c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame")