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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/cloc-call.r
\title{Call \code{} directly with granular control over options}
cloc_call(args = character(), echo = TRUE, ...)
cloc_help(echo = FALSE)
cloc_version(echo = FALSE)
cloc_os(echo = FALSE)
\item{args, }{character vector, arguments to the command. They will be escaped
via \code{\link[base:shQuote]{base::shQuote()}}.}
\item{echo}{echo Whether to print the standard output and error to the screen.
Note that the order of the standard output and error lines are not necessarily
correct, as standard output is typically buffered.}
\item{...}{other options/parameters passed on to \code{\link[processx:run]{processx::run()}}}
the structure returned by \code{\link[processx:run]{processx::run()}} (a list with four elements).
It is nigh impossible to predict all use-cases for the \code{} acript and
create associated R functions for them. To that end, this function provides direct
access to the script and enables direct passing of command-line parameters
via \code{\link[processx:run]{processx::run()}}.
\section{Caveat utilitor}{
As indicated, this is an lower-level function providing granular control over
the options for \code{}. You are invoking an operating system command-line
and need to read the \code{} help very carefully as --- unlike the higher-level
functions -- there are no "guide railss" provided to do helpful things such as e
nsure you do not clobber files in a given directory.
\code{\link[processx:run]{processx::run()}} supports "callback functions" to make it easier to deal with
stdout and stderr and you may need to make use of those depending on the how
you are calling the underlying script.
# Get help on the parameters `` supports
cloc_call("--help", echo_cmd=TRUE, echo=TRUE)
# or use the helper version of the above
# show the OS type
# shortcut equivalent
# retrieve the OS type
# shortcut of the above with no echo and only returning trimmed stdout
# get version of script provided with the package