You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

14749 lines
601 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env perl
# cloc -- Count Lines of Code {{{1
# Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Al Danial <>
# First release August 2006
# Includes code from:
# - SLOCCount v2.26
# by David Wheeler.
# - Regexp::Common v2013031301
# by Damian Conway and Abigail.
# - Win32::Autoglob
# by Sean M. Burke.
# - Algorithm::Diff
# by Tye McQueen.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details:
# <>.
# 1}}}
my $VERSION = "1.86"; # odd number == beta; even number == stable
my $URL = ""; # 'https://' pushes header too wide
require 5.006;
# use modules {{{1
use warnings;
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Basename;
use File::Temp qw { tempfile tempdir };
use File::Find;
use File::Path;
use File::Spec;
use IO::File;
use List::Util qw( min max );
use Cwd;
use POSIX qw { strftime ceil};
# Parallel::ForkManager isn't in the standard distribution.
# Use it only if installed, and only if --processes=N is given.
# The module load happens in get_max_processes().
my $HAVE_Parallel_ForkManager = 0;
# Digest::MD5 isn't in the standard distribution. Use it only if installed.
my $HAVE_Digest_MD5 = 0;
eval "use Digest::MD5;";
if (defined $Digest::MD5::VERSION) {
$HAVE_Digest_MD5 = 1;
} else {
warn "Digest::MD5 not installed; will skip file uniqueness checks.\n";
# Time::HiRes became standard with Perl 5.8
my $HAVE_Time_HiRes = 0;
eval "use Time::HiRes;";
$HAVE_Time_HiRes = 1 if defined $Time::HiRes::VERSION;
my $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
# Regexp::Common isn't in the standard distribution. It will
# be installed in a temp directory if necessary.
if (eval "use Regexp::Common;") {
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1;
} else {
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 0;
my $HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 0;
# Algorithm::Diff isn't in the standard distribution. It will
# be installed in a temp directory if necessary.
eval "use Algorithm::Diff qw ( sdiff ) ";
if (defined $Algorithm::Diff::VERSION) {
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 1;
} else {
# print "2 HAVE_Algorith_Diff = $HAVE_Algorith_Diff\n";
# test_alg_diff($ARGV[$#ARGV - 1], $ARGV[$#ARGV]); die;
# die "Hre=$HAVE_Rexexp_Common Had=$HAVE_Algorith_Diff";
# Uncomment next two lines when building Windows executable with perl2exe
# or if running on a system that already has Regexp::Common.
#use Regexp::Common;
#$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1;
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/URI/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "Regexp/Common/"
#perl2exe_include "File/"
use Text::Tabs qw { expand };
use Cwd qw { cwd };
use File::Glob;
# 1}}}
# Usage information, options processing. {{{1
my $ON_WINDOWS = 0;
$ON_WINDOWS = 1 if ($^O =~ /^MSWin/) or ($^O eq "Windows_NT");
if ($ON_WINDOWS and $ENV{'SHELL'}) {
if ($ENV{'SHELL'} =~ m{^/}) {
$ON_WINDOWS = 0; # make Cygwin look like Unix
} else {
$ON_WINDOWS = 1; # MKS defines $SHELL but still acts like Windows
my $config_file = '';
if ( $ENV{'HOME'} ) {
$config_file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{'HOME'}, '.config', 'cloc', 'options.txt');
} elsif ( $ENV{'APPDATA'} and $ON_WINDOWS ) {
$config_file = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{'APPDATA'}, 'cloc');
my $NN = chr(27) . "[0m"; # normal
$NN = "" if $ON_WINDOWS or !(-t STDOUT); # -t STDOUT: is it a terminal?
my $BB = chr(27) . "[1m"; # bold
$BB = "" if $ON_WINDOWS or !(-t STDOUT);
my $script = basename $0;
# Intended for v1.88:
# --git-diff-simindex Git diff strategy #3: use git's similarity index
# (git diff -M --name-status) to identify file pairs
# to compare. This is especially useful to compare
# files that were renamed between the commits.
my $brief_usage = "
cloc -- Count Lines of Code
$script [options] <file(s)/dir(s)/git hash(es)>
Count physical lines of source code and comments in the given files
(may be archives such as compressed tarballs or zip files) and/or
recursively below the given directories or git commit hashes.
Example: cloc src/ include/ main.c
$script [options] --diff <set1> <set2>
Compute differences of physical lines of source code and comments
between any pairwise combination of directory names, archive
files or git commit hashes.
Example: cloc --diff Python-3.5.tar.xz python-3.6/
$script --help shows full documentation on the options.
https://$URL has numerous examples and more information.
my $usage = "
Usage: $script [options] <file(s)/dir(s)/git hash(es)> | <set 1> <set 2> | <report files>
Count, or compute differences of, physical lines of source code in the
given files (may be archives such as compressed tarballs or zip files,
or git commit hashes or branch names) and/or recursively below the
given directories.
${BB}Input Options${NN}
--extract-with=<cmd> This option is only needed if cloc is unable
to figure out how to extract the contents of
the input file(s) by itself.
Use <cmd> to extract binary archive files (e.g.:
.tar.gz, .zip, .Z). Use the literal '>FILE<' as
a stand-in for the actual file(s) to be
extracted. For example, to count lines of code
in the input files
gcc-4.2.tar.gz perl-5.8.8.tar.gz
on Unix use
--extract-with='gzip -dc >FILE< | tar xf -'
or, if you have GNU tar,
--extract-with='tar zxf >FILE<'
and on Windows use, for example:
--extract-with=\"\\\"c:\\Program Files\\WinZip\\WinZip32.exe\\\" -e -o >FILE< .\"
(if WinZip is installed there).
--list-file=<file> Take the list of file and/or directory names to
process from <file>, which has one file/directory
name per line. Only exact matches are counted;
relative path names will be resolved starting from
the directory where cloc is invoked. Set <file>
to - to read file names from a STDIN pipe.
See also --exclude-list-file.
--diff-list-file=<file> Take the pairs of file names to be diff'ed from
<file>, whose format matches the output of
--diff-alignment. (Run with that option to
see a sample.) The language identifier at the
end of each line is ignored. This enables --diff
mode and by-passes file pair alignment logic.
--vcs=<VCS> Invoke a system call to <VCS> to obtain a list of
files to work on. If <VCS> is 'git', then will
invoke 'git ls-files' to get a file list and
'git submodule status' to get a list of submodules
whose contents will be ignored. See also --git
which accepts git commit hashes and branch names.
If <VCS> is 'svn' then will invoke 'svn list -R'.
The primary benefit is that cloc will then skip
files explicitly excluded by the versioning tool
in question, ie, those in .gitignore or have the
svn:ignore property.
Alternatively <VCS> may be any system command
that generates a list of files.
Note: cloc must be in a directory which can read
the files as they are returned by <VCS>. cloc will
not download files from remote repositories.
'svn list -R' may refer to a remote repository
to obtain file names (and therefore may require
authentication to the remote repository), but
the files themselves must be local.
Setting <VCS> to 'auto' selects between 'git'
and 'svn' (or neither) depending on the presence
of a .git or .svn subdirectory below the directory
where cloc is invoked.
--unicode Check binary files to see if they contain Unicode
expanded ASCII text. This causes performance to
drop noticeably.
${BB}Processing Options${NN}
--autoconf Count .in files (as processed by GNU autoconf) of
recognized languages. See also --no-autogen.
--by-file Report results for every source file encountered.
--by-file-by-lang Report results for every source file encountered
in addition to reporting by language.
--config <file> Read command line switches from <file> instead of
the default location of $config_file.
The file should contain one switch, along with
arguments (if any), per line. Blank lines and lines
beginning with '#' are skipped. Options given on
the command line take priority over entries read from
the file.
--count-and-diff <set1> <set2>
First perform direct code counts of source file(s)
of <set1> and <set2> separately, then perform a diff
of these. Inputs may be pairs of files, directories,
or archives. If --out or --report-file is given,
three output files will be created, one for each
of the two counts and one for the diff. See also
--diff, --diff-alignment, --diff-timeout,
--ignore-case, --ignore-whitespace.
--diff <set1> <set2> Compute differences in code and comments between
source file(s) of <set1> and <set2>. The inputs
may be any mix of files, directories, archives,
or git commit hashes. Use --diff-alignment to
generate a list showing which file pairs where
compared. When comparing git branches, only files
which have changed in either commit are compared.
See also --git, --count-and-diff, --diff-alignment,
--diff-list-file, --diff-timeout, --ignore-case,
--diff-timeout <N> Ignore files which take more than <N> seconds
to process. Default is 10 seconds. Setting <N>
to 0 allows unlimited time. (Large files with many
repeated lines can cause Algorithm::Diff::sdiff()
to take hours.) See also --timeout.
--docstring-as-code cloc considers docstrings to be comments, but this is
not always correct as docstrings represent regular
strings when they appear on the right hand side of an
assignment or as function arguments. This switch
forces docstrings to be counted as code.
--follow-links [Unix only] Follow symbolic links to directories
(sym links to files are always followed).
See also --stat.
Process all files that have a <ext> extension
with the counter for language <lang>. For
example, to count all .f files with the
Fortran 90 counter (which expects files to
end with .f90) instead of the default Fortran 77
counter, use
--force-lang=\"Fortran 90\",f
If <ext> is omitted, every file will be counted
with the <lang> counter. This option can be
specified multiple times (but that is only
useful when <ext> is given each time).
See also --script-lang, --lang-no-ext.
--force-lang-def=<file> Load language processing filters from <file>,
then use these filters instead of the built-in
filters. Note: languages which map to the same
file extension (for example:
MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury;
Pascal/PHP; Lisp/OpenCL; Lisp/Julia; Perl/Prolog)
will be ignored as these require additional
processing that is not expressed in language
definition files. Use --read-lang-def to define
new language filters without replacing built-in
filters (see also --write-lang-def,
--git Forces the inputs to be interpreted as git targets
(commit hashes, branch names, et cetera) if these
are not first identified as file or directory
names. This option overrides the --vcs=git logic
if this is given; in other words, --git gets its
list of files to work on directly from git using
the hash or branch name rather than from
'git ls-files'. This option can be used with
--diff to perform line count diffs between git
commits, or between a git commit and a file,
directory, or archive. Use -v/--verbose to see
the git system commands cloc issues.
--git-diff-rel Same as --git --diff, or just --diff if the inputs
are recognized as git targets. Only files which
have changed in either commit are compared.
--git-diff-all Git diff strategy #2: compare all files in the
repository between the two commits.
--ignore-whitespace Ignore horizontal white space when comparing files
with --diff. See also --ignore-case.
--ignore-case Ignore changes in case within file contents;
consider upper- and lowercase letters equivalent
when comparing files with --diff. See also
--ignore-case-ext Ignore case of file name extensions. This will
cause problems counting some languages
(specifically, .c and .C are associated with C and
C++; this switch would count .C files as C rather
than C++ on *nix operating systems). File name
case insensitivity is always true on Windows.
--lang-no-ext=<lang> Count files without extensions using the <lang>
counter. This option overrides internal logic
for files without extensions (where such files
are checked against known scripting languages
by examining the first line for #!). See also
--force-lang, --script-lang.
--max-file-size=<MB> Skip files larger than <MB> megabytes when
traversing directories. By default, <MB>=100.
cloc's memory requirement is roughly twenty times
larger than the largest file so running with
files larger than 100 MB on a computer with less
than 2 GB of memory will cause problems.
Note: this check does not apply to files
explicitly passed as command line arguments.
--no-autogen[=list] Ignore files generated by code-production systems
such as GNU autoconf. To see a list of these files
(then exit), run with --no-autogen list
See also --autoconf.
--original-dir [Only effective in combination with
--strip-comments] Write the stripped files
to the same directory as the original files.
--read-binary-files Process binary files in addition to text files.
This is usually a bad idea and should only be
attempted with text files that have embedded
binary data.
--read-lang-def=<file> Load new language processing filters from <file>
and merge them with those already known to cloc.
If <file> defines a language cloc already knows
about, cloc's definition will take precedence.
Use --force-lang-def to over-ride cloc's
definitions (see also --write-lang-def,
--script-lang=<lang>,<s> Process all files that invoke <s> as a #!
scripting language with the counter for language
<lang>. For example, files that begin with
will be counted with the Perl counter by using
The language name is case insensitive but the
name of the script language executable, <s>,
must have the right case. This option can be
specified multiple times. See also --force-lang,
--sdir=<dir> Use <dir> as the scratch directory instead of
letting File::Temp chose the location. Files
written to this location are not removed at
the end of the run (as they are with File::Temp).
--skip-uniqueness Skip the file uniqueness check. This will give
a performance boost at the expense of counting
files with identical contents multiple times
(if such duplicates exist).
--stat Some file systems (AFS, CD-ROM, FAT, HPFS, SMB)
do not have directory 'nlink' counts that match
the number of its subdirectories. Consequently
cloc may undercount or completely skip the
contents of such file systems. This switch forces
File::Find to stat directories to obtain the
correct count. File search spead will decrease.
See also --follow-links.
--stdin-name=<file> Give a file name to use to determine the language
for standard input. (Use - as the input name to
receive source code via STDIN.)
--strip-comments=<ext> For each file processed, write to the current
directory a version of the file which has blank
and commented lines removed (in-line comments
persist). The name of each stripped file is the
original file name with .<ext> appended to it.
It is written to the current directory unless
--original-dir is on.
--strip-str-comments Replace comment markers embedded in strings with
'xx'. This attempts to work around a limitation
in Regexp::Common::Comment where comment markers
embedded in strings are seen as actual comment
markers and not strings, often resulting in a
'Complex regular subexpression recursion limit'
warning and incorrect counts. There are two
disadvantages to using this switch: 1/code count
performance drops, and 2/code generated with
--strip-comments will contain different strings
where ever embedded comments are found.
--sum-reports Input arguments are report files previously
created with the --report-file option in plain
format (eg. not JSON, YAML, XML, or SQL).
Makes a cumulative set of results containing the
sum of data from the individual report files.
--timeout <N> Ignore files which take more than <N> seconds
to process at any of the language's filter stages.
The default maximum number of seconds spent on a
filter stage is the number of lines in the file
divided by one thousand. Setting <N> to 0 allows
unlimited time. See also --diff-timeout.
--processes=NUM [Available only on systems with a recent version
of the Parallel::ForkManager module. Not
available on Windows.] Sets the maximum number of
cores that cloc uses. The default value of 0
disables multiprocessing.
--unix Override the operating system autodetection
logic and run in UNIX mode. See also
--windows, --show-os.
--use-sloccount If SLOCCount is installed, use its compiled
executables c_count, java_count, pascal_count,
php_count, and xml_count instead of cloc's
counters. SLOCCount's compiled counters are
substantially faster than cloc's and may give
a performance improvement when counting projects
with large files. However, these cloc-specific
features will not be available: --diff,
--count-and-diff, --strip-comments, --unicode.
--windows Override the operating system autodetection
logic and run in Microsoft Windows mode.
See also --unix, --show-os.
${BB}Filter Options${NN}
--exclude-content=<regex> Exclude files containing text that matches the given
regular expression.
--exclude-dir=<D1>[,D2,] Exclude the given comma separated directories
D1, D2, D3, et cetera, from being scanned. For
example --exclude-dir=.cache,test will skip
all files and subdirectories that have /.cache/
or /test/ as their parent directory.
Directories named .bzr, .cvs, .hg, .git, .svn,
and .snapshot are always excluded.
This option only works with individual directory
names so including file path separators is not
allowed. Use --fullpath and --not-match-d=<regex>
to supply a regex matching multiple subdirectories.
Do not count files having the given file name
Exclude the given comma separated languages
L1, L2, L3, et cetera, from being counted.
--exclude-list-file=<file> Ignore files and/or directories whose names
appear in <file>. <file> should have one file
name per line. Only exact matches are ignored;
relative path names will be resolved starting from
the directory where cloc is invoked.
See also --list-file.
--fullpath Modifies the behavior of --match-f, --not-match-f,
and --not-match-d to include the file's path
in the regex, not just the file's basename.
(This does not expand each file to include its
absolute path, instead it uses as much of
the path as is passed in to cloc.)
Note: --match-d always looks at the full
path and therefore is unaffected by --fullpath.
Count only languages having the given comma
separated file extensions. Use --show-ext to
see the recognized extensions.
Count only the given comma separated languages
L1, L2, L3, et cetera. Use --show-lang to see
the list of recognized languages.
--match-d=<regex> Only count files in directories matching the Perl
regex. For example
only counts files in directories containing
/src/ or /include/. Unlike --not-match-d,
--match-f, and --not-match-f, --match-d always
compares the fully qualified path against the
--not-match-d=<regex> Count all files except those in directories
matching the Perl regex. Only the trailing
directory name is compared, for example, when
counting in /usr/local/lib, only 'lib' is
compared to the regex.
Add --fullpath to compare parent directories to
the regex.
Do not include file path separators at the
beginning or end of the regex.
--match-f=<regex> Only count files whose basenames match the Perl
regex. For example
only counts files that start with Widget or widget.
Add --fullpath to include parent directories
in the regex instead of just the basename.
--not-match-f=<regex> Count all files except those whose basenames
match the Perl regex. Add --fullpath to include
parent directories in the regex instead of just
the basename.
--skip-archive=<regex> Ignore files that end with the given Perl regular
expression. For example, if given
the code will skip files that end with .zip,
.tar, .tar.gz, .tar.Z, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, and
--skip-win-hidden On Windows, ignore hidden files.
${BB}Debug Options${NN}
--categorized=<file> Save names of categorized files to <file>.
--counted=<file> Save names of processed source files to <file>.
--diff-alignment=<file> Write to <file> a list of files and file pairs
showing which files were added, removed, and/or
compared during a run with --diff. This switch
forces the --diff mode on.
--explain=<lang> Print the filters used to remove comments for
language <lang> and exit. In some cases the
filters refer to Perl subroutines rather than
regular expressions. An examination of the
source code may be needed for further explanation.
--help Print this usage information and exit.
--found=<file> Save names of every file found to <file>.
--ignored=<file> Save names of ignored files and the reason they
were ignored to <file>.
--print-filter-stages Print processed source code before and after
each filter is applied.
--show-ext[=<ext>] Print information about all known (or just the
given) file extensions and exit.
--show-lang[=<lang>] Print information about all known (or just the
given) languages and exit.
--show-os Print the value of the operating system mode
and exit. See also --unix, --windows.
-v[=<n>] Verbose switch (optional numeric value).
-verbose[=<n>] Long form of -v.
--version Print the version of this program and exit.
--write-lang-def=<file> Writes to <file> the language processing filters
then exits. Useful as a first step to creating
custom language definitions. Note: languages which
map to the same file extension will be excluded.
(See also --force-lang-def, --read-lang-def).
Same as --write-lang-def, but includes duplicated
extensions. This generates a problematic language
definition file because cloc will refuse to use
it until duplicates are removed.
${BB}Output Options${NN}
--3 Print third-generation language output.
(This option can cause report summation to fail
if some reports were produced with this option
while others were produced without it.)
--by-percent X Instead of comment and blank line counts, show
these values as percentages based on the value
of X in the denominator:
X = 'c' -> # lines of code
X = 'cm' -> # lines of code + comments
X = 'cb' -> # lines of code + blanks
X = 'cmb' -> # lines of code + comments + blanks
For example, if using method 'c' and your code
has twice as many lines of comments as lines
of code, the value in the comment column will
be 200%. The code column remains a line count.
--csv Write the results as comma separated values.
--csv-delimiter=<C> Use the character <C> as the delimiter for comma
separated files instead of ,. This switch forces
--file-encoding=<E> Write output files using the <E> encoding instead of
the default ASCII (<E> = 'UTF-7'). Examples: 'UTF-16',
'euc-kr', 'iso-8859-16'. Known encodings can be
printed with
perl -MEncode -e 'print join(\"\\n\", Encode->encodings(\":all\")), \"\\n\"'
--hide-rate Do not show line and file processing rates in the
output header. This makes output deterministic.
--json Write the results as JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON) formatted output.
--md Write the results as Markdown-formatted text.
--out=<file> Synonym for --report-file=<file>.
--progress-rate=<n> Show progress update after every <n> files are
processed (default <n>=100). Set <n> to 0 to
suppress progress output (useful when redirecting
output to STDOUT).
--quiet Suppress all information messages except for
the final report.
--report-file=<file> Write the results to <file> instead of STDOUT.
--sql=<file> Write results as SQL create and insert statements
which can be read by a database program such as
SQLite. If <file> is -, output is sent to STDOUT.
--sql-append Append SQL insert statements to the file specified
by --sql and do not generate table creation
statements. Only valid with the --sql option.
--sql-project=<name> Use <name> as the project identifier for the
current run. Only valid with the --sql option.
--sql-style=<style> Write SQL statements in the given style instead
of the default SQLite format. Styles include
'Oracle' and 'Named_Columns'.
--sum-one For plain text reports, show the SUM: output line
even if only one input file is processed.
--xml Write the results in XML.
--xsl=<file> Reference <file> as an XSL stylesheet within
the XML output. If <file> is 1 (numeric one),
writes a default stylesheet, cloc.xsl (or
cloc-diff.xsl if --diff is also given).
This switch forces --xml on.
--yaml Write the results in YAML.
# Help information for options not yet implemented:
# --inline Process comments that appear at the end
# of lines containing code.
# --html Create HTML files of each input file showing
# comment and code lines in different colors.
$| = 1; # flush STDOUT
my $start_time = get_time();
my (
$opt_categorized ,
$opt_found ,
@opt_force_lang ,
$opt_lang_no_ext ,
@opt_script_lang ,
$opt_count_diff ,
$opt_diff ,
$opt_diff_alignment ,
$opt_diff_list_file ,
$opt_diff_timeout ,
$opt_timeout ,
$opt_html ,
$opt_ignored ,
$opt_counted ,
$opt_show_ext ,
$opt_show_lang ,
$opt_progress_rate ,
$opt_print_filter_stages ,
$opt_v ,
$opt_vcs ,
$opt_version ,
$opt_exclude_content ,
$opt_exclude_lang ,
$opt_exclude_list_file ,
$opt_exclude_dir ,
$opt_explain ,
$opt_include_ext ,
$opt_include_lang ,
$opt_force_lang_def ,
$opt_read_lang_def ,
$opt_write_lang_def ,
$opt_strip_comments ,
$opt_original_dir ,
$opt_quiet ,
$opt_report_file ,
$opt_sdir ,
$opt_sum_reports ,
$opt_hide_rate ,
$opt_processes ,
$opt_unicode ,
$opt_no3 , # accept it but don't use it
$opt_3 ,
$opt_extract_with ,
$opt_by_file ,
$opt_by_file_by_lang ,
$opt_by_percent ,
$opt_xml ,
$opt_xsl ,
$opt_yaml ,
$opt_csv ,
$opt_csv_delimiter ,
$opt_fullpath ,
$opt_json ,
$opt_md ,
$opt_match_f ,
$opt_not_match_f ,
$opt_match_d ,
$opt_not_match_d ,
$opt_skip_uniqueness ,
$opt_list_file ,
$opt_help ,
$opt_skip_win_hidden ,
$opt_read_binary_files ,
$opt_sql ,
$opt_sql_append ,
$opt_sql_project ,
$opt_sql_style ,
$opt_inline ,
$opt_exclude_ext ,
$opt_ignore_whitespace ,
$opt_ignore_case ,
$opt_ignore_case_ext ,
$opt_follow_links ,
$opt_autoconf ,
$opt_sum_one ,
$opt_stdin_name ,
$opt_force_on_windows ,
$opt_force_on_unix , # actually forces !$ON_WINDOWS
$opt_show_os ,
$opt_skip_archive ,
$opt_max_file_size , # in MB
$opt_use_sloccount ,
$opt_no_autogen ,
$opt_force_git ,
$opt_git_diff_rel ,
$opt_git_diff_all ,
$opt_git_diff_simindex ,
$opt_config_file ,
$opt_strip_str_comments ,
$opt_file_encoding ,
$opt_docstring_as_code ,
$opt_stat ,
my $getopt_success = GetOptions( # {{{1
"by_file|by-file" => \$opt_by_file ,
"by_file_by_lang|by-file-by-lang" => \$opt_by_file_by_lang ,
"categorized=s" => \$opt_categorized ,
"counted=s" => \$opt_counted ,
"include_ext|include-ext=s" => \$opt_include_ext ,
"include_lang|include-lang=s" => \$opt_include_lang ,
"exclude_content|exclude-content=s" => \$opt_exclude_content ,
"exclude_lang|exclude-lang=s" => \$opt_exclude_lang ,
"exclude_dir|exclude-dir=s" => \$opt_exclude_dir ,
"exclude_list_file|exclude-list-file=s" => \$opt_exclude_list_file ,
"explain=s" => \$opt_explain ,
"extract_with|extract-with=s" => \$opt_extract_with ,
"found=s" => \$opt_found ,
"count_and_diff|count-and-diff" => \$opt_count_diff ,
"diff" => \$opt_diff ,
"diff-alignment|diff_alignment=s" => \$opt_diff_alignment ,
"diff-timeout|diff_timeout=i" => \$opt_diff_timeout ,
"diff-list-file|diff_list_file=s" => \$opt_diff_list_file ,
"timeout=i" => \$opt_timeout ,
"html" => \$opt_html ,
"ignored=s" => \$opt_ignored ,
"quiet" => \$opt_quiet ,
"force_lang_def|force-lang-def=s" => \$opt_force_lang_def ,
"read_lang_def|read-lang-def=s" => \$opt_read_lang_def ,
"show_ext|show-ext:s" => \$opt_show_ext ,
"show_lang|show-lang:s" => \$opt_show_lang ,
"progress_rate|progress-rate=i" => \$opt_progress_rate ,
"print_filter_stages|print-filter-stages" => \$opt_print_filter_stages ,
"report_file|report-file=s" => \$opt_report_file ,
"out=s" => \$opt_report_file ,
"script_lang|script-lang=s" => \@opt_script_lang ,
"sdir=s" => \$opt_sdir ,
"skip_uniqueness|skip-uniqueness" => \$opt_skip_uniqueness ,
"strip_comments|strip-comments=s" => \$opt_strip_comments ,
"original_dir|original-dir" => \$opt_original_dir ,
"sum_reports|sum-reports" => \$opt_sum_reports ,
"hide_rate|hide-rate" => \$opt_hide_rate ,
"processes=n" => \$opt_processes ,
"unicode" => \$opt_unicode ,
"no3" => \$opt_no3 , # ignored
"3" => \$opt_3 ,
"v|verbose:i" => \$opt_v ,
"vcs=s" => \$opt_vcs ,
"version" => \$opt_version ,
"write_lang_def|write-lang-def=s" => \$opt_write_lang_def ,
"write_lang_def_incl_dup|write-lang-def-incl-dup=s" => \$opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup,
"xml" => \$opt_xml ,
"xsl=s" => \$opt_xsl ,
"force_lang|force-lang=s" => \@opt_force_lang ,
"lang_no_ext|lang-no-ext=s" => \$opt_lang_no_ext ,
"yaml" => \$opt_yaml ,
"csv" => \$opt_csv ,
"csv_delimeter|csv-delimiter=s" => \$opt_csv_delimiter ,
"json" => \$opt_json ,
"md" => \$opt_md ,
"fullpath" => \$opt_fullpath ,
"match_f|match-f=s" => \$opt_match_f ,
"not_match_f|not-match-f=s" => \$opt_not_match_f ,
"match_d|match-d=s" => \$opt_match_d ,
"not_match_d|not-match-d=s" => \$opt_not_match_d ,
"list_file|list-file=s" => \$opt_list_file ,
"help" => \$opt_help ,
"skip_win_hidden|skip-win-hidden" => \$opt_skip_win_hidden ,
"read_binary_files|read-binary-files" => \$opt_read_binary_files ,
"sql=s" => \$opt_sql ,
"sql_project|sql-project=s" => \$opt_sql_project ,
"sql_append|sql-append" => \$opt_sql_append ,
"sql_style|sql-style=s" => \$opt_sql_style ,
"inline" => \$opt_inline ,
"exclude_ext|exclude-ext=s" => \$opt_exclude_ext ,
"ignore_whitespace|ignore-whitespace" => \$opt_ignore_whitespace ,
"ignore_case|ignore-case" => \$opt_ignore_case ,
"ignore_case_ext|ignore-case-ext" => \$opt_ignore_case_ext ,
"follow_links|follow-links" => \$opt_follow_links ,
"autoconf" => \$opt_autoconf ,
"sum_one|sum-one" => \$opt_sum_one ,
"by_percent|by-percent=s" => \$opt_by_percent ,
"stdin_name|stdin-name=s" => \$opt_stdin_name ,
"windows" => \$opt_force_on_windows ,
"unix" => \$opt_force_on_unix ,
"show_os|show-os" => \$opt_show_os ,
"skip_archive|skip-archive=s" => \$opt_skip_archive ,
"max_file_size|max-file-size=i" => \$opt_max_file_size ,
"use_sloccount|use-sloccount" => \$opt_use_sloccount ,
"no_autogen|no-autogen" => \$opt_no_autogen ,
"git" => \$opt_force_git ,
"git_diff_rel|git-diff-rel" => \$opt_git_diff_rel ,
"git_diff_all|git-diff-all" => \$opt_git_diff_all ,
# "git_diff_simindex|git-diff-simindex" => \$opt_git_diff_simindex ,
"config=s" => \$opt_config_file ,
"strip_str_comments|strip-str-comments" => \$opt_strip_str_comments ,
"file_encoding|file-encoding=s" => \$opt_file_encoding ,
"docstring_as_code|docstring-as-code" => \$opt_docstring_as_code ,
"stat" => \$opt_stat ,
# 1}}}
$config_file = $opt_config_file if defined $opt_config_file;
load_from_config_file($config_file, # {{{2
\$opt_by_file ,
\$opt_by_file_by_lang ,
\$opt_categorized ,
\$opt_counted ,
\$opt_include_ext ,
\$opt_include_lang ,
\$opt_exclude_content ,
\$opt_exclude_lang ,
\$opt_exclude_dir ,
\$opt_exclude_list_file ,
\$opt_explain ,
\$opt_extract_with ,
\$opt_found ,
\$opt_count_diff ,
\$opt_diff ,
\$opt_diff_alignment ,
\$opt_diff_timeout ,
\$opt_timeout ,
\$opt_html ,
\$opt_ignored ,
\$opt_quiet ,
\$opt_force_lang_def ,
\$opt_read_lang_def ,
\$opt_show_ext ,
\$opt_show_lang ,
\$opt_progress_rate ,
\$opt_print_filter_stages ,
\$opt_report_file ,
\@opt_script_lang ,
\$opt_sdir ,
\$opt_skip_uniqueness ,
\$opt_strip_comments ,
\$opt_original_dir ,
\$opt_sum_reports ,
\$opt_hide_rate ,
\$opt_processes ,
\$opt_unicode ,
\$opt_3 ,
\$opt_v ,
\$opt_vcs ,
\$opt_version ,
\$opt_write_lang_def ,
\$opt_xml ,
\$opt_xsl ,
\@opt_force_lang ,
\$opt_lang_no_ext ,
\$opt_yaml ,
\$opt_csv ,
\$opt_csv_delimiter ,
\$opt_json ,
\$opt_md ,
\$opt_fullpath ,
\$opt_match_f ,
\$opt_not_match_f ,
\$opt_match_d ,
\$opt_not_match_d ,
\$opt_list_file ,
\$opt_help ,
\$opt_skip_win_hidden ,
\$opt_read_binary_files ,
\$opt_sql ,
\$opt_sql_project ,
\$opt_sql_append ,
\$opt_sql_style ,
\$opt_inline ,
\$opt_exclude_ext ,
\$opt_ignore_whitespace ,
\$opt_ignore_case ,
\$opt_ignore_case_ext ,
\$opt_follow_links ,
\$opt_autoconf ,
\$opt_sum_one ,
\$opt_by_percent ,
\$opt_stdin_name ,
\$opt_force_on_windows ,
\$opt_force_on_unix ,
\$opt_show_os ,
\$opt_skip_archive ,
\$opt_max_file_size ,
\$opt_use_sloccount ,
\$opt_no_autogen ,
\$opt_force_git ,
\$opt_strip_str_comments ,
\$opt_file_encoding ,
\$opt_docstring_as_code ,
\$opt_stat ,
); # 2}}} Not pretty. Not at all.
if ($opt_version) {
printf "$VERSION\n";
$opt_by_file = 1 if defined $opt_by_file_by_lang;
my $CLOC_XSL = "cloc.xsl"; # created with --xsl
$CLOC_XSL = "cloc-diff.xsl" if $opt_diff;
die "\n" unless $getopt_success;
print $usage and exit if $opt_help;
my %Exclude_Language = ();
%Exclude_Language = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_lang)
if $opt_exclude_lang;
my %Exclude_Dir = ();
%Exclude_Dir = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_dir )
if $opt_exclude_dir ;
die unless exclude_dir_validates(\%Exclude_Dir);
my %Include_Ext = ();
%Include_Ext = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_include_ext)
if $opt_include_ext;
my %Include_Language = ();
%Include_Language = map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_include_lang)
if $opt_include_lang;
# Forcibly exclude .svn, .cvs, .hg, .git, .bzr directories. The contents of these
# directories often conflict with files of interest.
$opt_exclude_dir = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".svn"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".cvs"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".hg"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".git"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".bzr"} = 1;
$Exclude_Dir{".snapshot"} = 1; # NetApp backups
$Exclude_Dir{".config"} = 1;
$opt_count_diff = defined $opt_count_diff ? 1 : 0;
$opt_diff = 1 if $opt_diff_alignment or
$opt_diff_list_file or
$opt_git_diff_rel or
$opt_git_diff_all or
$opt_force_git = 1 if $opt_git_diff_rel or
$opt_git_diff_all or
$opt_diff_alignment = 0 if $opt_diff_list_file;
$opt_exclude_ext = "" unless $opt_exclude_ext;
$opt_ignore_whitespace = 0 unless $opt_ignore_whitespace;
$opt_ignore_case = 0 unless $opt_ignore_case;
$opt_ignore_case_ext = 0 unless $opt_ignore_case_ext;
$opt_lang_no_ext = 0 unless $opt_lang_no_ext;
$opt_follow_links = 0 unless $opt_follow_links;
if (defined $opt_diff_timeout) {
# if defined but with a value of <= 0, set to 2^31 seconds = 68 years
$opt_diff_timeout = 2**31 unless $opt_diff_timeout > 0;
} else {
$opt_diff_timeout =10; # seconds
if (defined $opt_timeout) {
# if defined but with a value of <= 0, set to 2^31 seconds = 68 years
$opt_timeout = 2**31 unless $opt_timeout > 0;
# else is computed dynamically, ref $max_duration_sec
$opt_csv = 1 if $opt_csv_delimiter;
$ON_WINDOWS = 1 if $opt_force_on_windows;
$ON_WINDOWS = 0 if $opt_force_on_unix;
$opt_max_file_size = 100 unless $opt_max_file_size;
my $HAVE_SLOCCOUNT_c_count = 0;
if (!$ON_WINDOWS and $opt_use_sloccount) {
# Only bother doing this kludgey test is user explicitly wants
# to use SLOCCount. Debian based systems will hang if just doing
# external_utility_exists("c_count")
# if c_count is in $PATH; c_count expects to have input.
$HAVE_SLOCCOUNT_c_count = external_utility_exists("c_count /bin/sh");
if ($opt_use_sloccount) {
if (!$HAVE_SLOCCOUNT_c_count) {
warn "c_count could not be found; ignoring --use-sloccount\n";
$opt_use_sloccount = 0;
} else {
warn "Using c_count, php_count, xml_count, pascal_count from SLOCCount\n";
warn "--diff is disabled with --use-sloccount\n" if $opt_diff;
warn "--count-and-diff is disabled with --use-sloccount\n" if $opt_count_diff;
warn "--unicode is disabled with --use-sloccount\n" if $opt_unicode;
warn "--strip-comments is disabled with --use-sloccount\n" if $opt_strip_comments;
$opt_diff = 0;
$opt_count_diff = undef;
$opt_unicode = 0;
$opt_strip_comments = 0;
$opt_vcs = 0 if $opt_force_git;
my @COUNT_DIFF_ARGV = undef;
my $COUNT_DIFF_report_file = undef;
if ($opt_count_diff and !$opt_diff_list_file) {
die "--count-and-diff requires two arguments; got ", scalar @ARGV, "\n"
if scalar @ARGV != 2;
# prefix with a dummy term so that $opt_count_diff is the
# index into @COUNT_DIFF_ARGV to work on at each pass
@COUNT_DIFF_ARGV = (undef, $ARGV[0],
[$ARGV[0], $ARGV[1]]); # 3rd pass: diff them
$COUNT_DIFF_report_file = $opt_report_file if $opt_report_file;
# Options defaults:
$opt_quiet = 1 if ($opt_md or $opt_json) and !defined $opt_report_file;
$opt_progress_rate = 100 unless defined $opt_progress_rate;
$opt_progress_rate = 0 if defined $opt_quiet;
if (!defined $opt_v) {
$opt_v = 0;
} elsif (!$opt_v) {
$opt_v = 1;
if (defined $opt_xsl) {
$opt_xsl = $CLOC_XSL if $opt_xsl eq "1";
$opt_xml = 1;
my $skip_generate_report = 0;
$opt_sql_style = 0 unless defined $opt_sql_style;
$opt_sql = 0 unless $opt_sql_style or defined $opt_sql;
if ($opt_sql eq "-" || $opt_sql eq "1") { # stream SQL output to STDOUT
$opt_quiet = 1;
$skip_generate_report = 1;
$opt_by_file = 1;
$opt_sum_reports = 0;
$opt_progress_rate = 0;
} elsif ($opt_sql) { # write SQL output to a file
$opt_by_file = 1;
$skip_generate_report = 1;
$opt_sum_reports = 0;
if ($opt_sql_style) {
$opt_sql_style = lc $opt_sql_style;
if (!grep { lc $_ eq $opt_sql_style } qw ( Oracle Named_Columns )) {
die "'$opt_sql_style' is not a recognized SQL style.\n";
$opt_by_percent = '' unless defined $opt_by_percent;
if ($opt_by_percent and $opt_by_percent !~ m/^(c|cm|cb|cmb)$/i) {
die "--by-percent must be either 'c', 'cm', 'cb', or 'cmb'\n";
$opt_by_percent = lc $opt_by_percent;
if (defined $opt_vcs) {
if ($opt_vcs eq "auto") {
if (-d ".git") {
$opt_vcs = "git";
} elsif (-d ".svn") {
$opt_vcs = "svn";
} else {
warn "--vcs auto: unable to determine versioning system\n";
if ($opt_vcs eq "git") {
$opt_vcs = "git ls-files";
my @submodules = invoke_generator('git submodule status');
foreach my $SM (@submodules) {
$SM =~ s/^\s+//; # may have leading space
$SM =~ s/\(\S+\)\s*$//; # may end with something like (heads/master)
my ($checksum, $dir) = split(' ', $SM, 2);
$dir =~ s/\s+$//;
$Exclude_Dir{$dir} = 1;
} elsif ($opt_vcs eq "svn") {
$opt_vcs = "svn list -R";
my $list_no_autogen = 0;
if (defined $opt_no_autogen and scalar @ARGV == 1 and $ARGV[0] eq "list") {
$list_no_autogen = 1;
die $brief_usage unless defined $opt_version or
defined $opt_show_lang or
defined $opt_show_ext or
defined $opt_show_os or
defined $opt_write_lang_def or
defined $opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup or
defined $opt_list_file or
defined $opt_diff_list_file or
defined $opt_vcs or
defined $opt_xsl or
defined $opt_explain or
$list_no_autogen or
scalar @ARGV >= 1;
if (!$opt_diff_list_file) {
die "--diff requires two arguments; got ", scalar @ARGV, "\n"
if $opt_diff and !$opt_sum_reports and scalar @ARGV != 2;
die "--diff arguments are identical; nothing done", "\n"
if $opt_diff and !$opt_sum_reports and scalar @ARGV == 2
and $ARGV[0] eq $ARGV[1];
trick_pp_packer_encode() if $ON_WINDOWS and $opt_file_encoding;
$File::Find::dont_use_nlink = 1 if $opt_stat or top_level_SMB_dir(\@ARGV);
my @git_similarity = (); # only populated with --git-diff-simindex
replace_git_hash_with_tarfile(\@ARGV, \@git_similarity);
# 1}}}
# Step 1: Initialize global constants. {{{1
my $nFiles_Found = 0; # updated in make_file_list
my (%Language_by_Extension, %Language_by_Script,
%Filters_by_Language, %Not_Code_Extension, %Not_Code_Filename,
%Language_by_File, %Scale_Factor, %Known_Binary_Archives,
my %Error_Codes = ( 'Unable to read' => -1,
'Neither file nor directory' => -2,
'Diff error (quoted comments?)' => -3,
'Diff error, exceeded timeout' => -4,
'Line count, exceeded timeout' => -5,
my %Extension_Collision = (
'ADSO/IDSM' => [ 'adso' ] ,
'C#/Smalltalk' => [ 'cs' ] ,
'D/dtrace' => [ 'd' ] ,
'F#/Forth' => [ 'fs' ] ,
'Fortran 77/Forth' => [ 'f', 'for' ] ,
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard' => [ 'pro' ] ,
'Lisp/Julia' => [ 'jl' ] ,
'Lisp/OpenCL' => [ 'cl' ] ,
'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' => [ 'm' ] ,
'Pascal/Puppet' => [ 'pp' ] ,
'Perl/Prolog' => [ 'pl', 'PL' ] ,
'PHP/Pascal' => [ 'inc' ] ,
'Raku/Prolog' => [ 'p6', 'P6' ] ,
'Qt/Glade' => [ 'ui' ] ,
'TypeScript/Qt Linguist' => [ 'ts' ] ,
'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq' => [ 'v' ] ,
'Visual Basic/TeX/Apex Class' => [ 'cls' ] ,
'Scheme/SaltStack' => [ 'sls' ] ,
my @Autogen_to_ignore = no_autogen_files($list_no_autogen);
if ($opt_force_lang_def) {
# replace cloc's definitions
$opt_force_lang_def , # Sample values:
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
} else {
set_constants( #
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%Known_Binary_Archives, # Known_Binary_Archives{.tar} = 1
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
if ($opt_no_autogen) {
foreach my $F (@Autogen_to_ignore) { $Not_Code_Filename{ $F } = 1; }
if ($opt_read_lang_def) {
# augment cloc's definitions (keep cloc's where there are overlaps)
$opt_read_lang_def , # Sample values:
\%Language_by_Extension, # Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
\%Language_by_Script , # Language_by_Script{sh} = 'Bourne Shell'
\%Language_by_File , # Language_by_File{makefile} = 'make'
\%Filters_by_Language , # Filters_by_Language{Bourne Shell}[0] =
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ]
\%Not_Code_Extension , # Not_Code_Extension{jpg} = 1
\%Not_Code_Filename , # Not_Code_Filename{README} = 1
\%Scale_Factor , # Scale_Factor{Perl} = 4.0
\%EOL_Continuation_re , # EOL_Continuation_re{C++} = '\\$'
if ($opt_lang_no_ext and !defined $Filters_by_Language{$opt_lang_no_ext}) {
die_unknown_lang($opt_lang_no_ext, "--lang-no-ext")
check_scale_existence(\%Filters_by_Language, \%Language_by_Extension,
my $nCounted = 0;
# Process command line provided extension-to-language mapping overrides.
# Make a hash of known languages in lower case for easier matching.
my %Recognized_Language_lc = (); # key = language name in lc, value = true name
foreach my $language (keys %Filters_by_Language) {
my $lang_lc = lc $language;
$Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc} = $language;
my %Forced_Extension = (); # file name extensions which user wants to count
my $All_One_Language = 0; # set to !0 if --force-lang's <ext> is missing
foreach my $pair (@opt_force_lang) {
my ($lang, $extension) = split(',', $pair);
my $lang_lc = lc $lang;
if (defined $extension) {
$Forced_Extension{$extension} = $lang;
die_unknown_lang($lang, "--force-lang")
unless $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
$Language_by_Extension{$extension} = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
} else {
# the scary case--count everything as this language
$All_One_Language = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
foreach my $pair (@opt_script_lang) {
my ($lang, $script_name) = split(',', $pair);
my $lang_lc = lc $lang;
if (!defined $script_name) {
die "The --script-lang option requires a comma separated pair of ".
die_unknown_lang($lang, "--script-lang")
unless $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
$Language_by_Script{$script_name} = $Recognized_Language_lc{$lang_lc};
# If user provided file extensions to ignore, add these to
# the exclusion list.
foreach my $ext (map { $_ => 1 } split(/,/, $opt_exclude_ext ) ) {
$ext = lc $ext if $ON_WINDOWS or $opt_ignore_case_ext;
$Not_Code_Extension{$ext} = 1;
# If SQL or --by-file output is requested, keep track of directory names
# generated by File::Temp::tempdir and used to temporarily hold the results
# of compressed archives. Contents of the SQL table 't' will be much
# cleaner if these meaningless directory names are stripped from the front
# of files pulled from the archives.
my %TEMP_DIR = ();
my $TEMP_OFF = 0; # Needed for --sdir; keep track of the number of
# scratch directories made in this run to avoid
# file overwrites by multiple extractions to same
# sdir.
# Also track locations where temporary installations, if necessary, of
# Algorithm::Diff and/or Regexp::Common are done. Make sure these
# directories are not counted as inputs (ref bug #80 2012-11-23).
my %TEMP_INST = ();
# invert %Language_by_Script hash to get an easy-to-look-up list of known
# scripting languages
my %Script_Language = map { $_ => 1 } values %Language_by_Script ;
# 1}}}
# Step 2: Early exits for display, summation. {{{1
print_extension_info( $opt_show_ext ) if defined $opt_show_ext ;
print_language_info( $opt_show_lang, '') if defined $opt_show_lang;
print_language_filters( $opt_explain ) if defined $opt_explain ;
exit if (defined $opt_show_ext) or
(defined $opt_show_lang) or
(defined $opt_explain) or
# Sorry, coding purists. Using a goto to implement --count-and-diff
# which has to do three passes over the main code, starting with
# a clean slate each time.
if ($opt_count_diff) {
@ARGV = ( $COUNT_DIFF_ARGV[ $opt_count_diff ] );
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
$opt_diff = 1;
@ARGV = @{$COUNT_DIFF_ARGV[ $opt_count_diff ]}; # last arg is list of list
if ($opt_report_file) {
# Instead of just one output file, will have three.
# Keep their names unique otherwise results are clobbered.
# Replace file path separators with underscores otherwise
# may end up with illegal file names.
my ($fn_0, $fn_1) = (undef, undef);
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
($fn_0 = $ARGV[0]) =~ s{\\}{_}g;
$fn_0 =~ s{::}{_}g;
($fn_1 = $ARGV[1]) =~ s{\\}{_}g if defined $ARGV[1];
$fn_1 =~ s{::}{_}g if defined $ARGV[1];
} else {
($fn_0 = $ARGV[0]) =~ s{/}{_}g;
($fn_1 = $ARGV[1]) =~ s{/}{_}g if defined $ARGV[1];
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
$opt_report_file = $COUNT_DIFF_report_file . ".diff.$fn_0.$fn_1";
} else {
$opt_report_file = $COUNT_DIFF_report_file . "." . $fn_0;
} else {
# STDOUT; print a header showing what it's working on
if ($opt_count_diff == 3) {
print "\ndiff $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1]::\n";
} else {
print "\n" if $opt_count_diff > 1;
print "$ARGV[0]::\n";
#print "Before glob have [", join(",", @ARGV), "]\n";
@ARGV = windows_glob(@ARGV) if $ON_WINDOWS;
#print "after glob have [", join(",", @ARGV), "]\n";
# filter out archive files if requested to do so
if (defined $opt_skip_archive) {
my @non_archive = ();
foreach my $candidate (@ARGV) {
if ($candidate !~ m/${opt_skip_archive}$/) {
push @non_archive, $candidate;
@ARGV = @non_archive;
if ($opt_sum_reports and $opt_diff) {
my @results = ();
if ($opt_list_file) { # read inputs from the list file
my @list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
@results = combine_diffs(\@list);
} elsif ($opt_vcs) { # read inputs from the VCS generator
my @list = invoke_generator($opt_vcs, \@ARGV);
@results = combine_diffs(\@list);
} else { # get inputs from the command line
@results = combine_diffs(\@ARGV);
if ($opt_report_file) {
write_file($opt_report_file, {}, @results);
} else {
print "\n", join("\n", @results), "\n";
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
my %Results = ();
foreach my $type( "by language", "by report file" ) {
my $found_lang = undef;
if ($opt_list_file or $opt_vcs) {
# read inputs from the list file
my @list;
if ($opt_vcs) {
@list = invoke_generator($opt_vcs, \@ARGV);
} else {
@list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
$found_lang = combine_results(\@list,
\%{$Results{ $type }},
\%Filters_by_Language );
} else { # get inputs from the command line
$found_lang = combine_results(\@ARGV,
\%{$Results{ $type }},
\%Filters_by_Language );
next unless %Results;
my $end_time = get_time();
my @results = generate_report($VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
\%{$Results{ $type }}, \%Scale_Factor);
if ($opt_report_file) {
my $ext = ".lang";
$ext = ".file" unless $type eq "by language";
next if !$found_lang and $ext eq ".lang";
write_file($opt_report_file . $ext, {}, @results);
} else {
print "\n", join("\n", @results), "\n";
if ($opt_write_lang_def or $opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup) {
my $file = $opt_write_lang_def if $opt_write_lang_def;
$file = $opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup if $opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup;
write_lang_def($file ,
\%Language_by_Script ,
\%Language_by_File ,
\%Filters_by_Language ,
\%Not_Code_Extension ,
\%Not_Code_Filename ,
\%Scale_Factor ,
\%EOL_Continuation_re ,
if ($opt_show_os) {
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
print "Windows\n";
} else {
print "UNIX\n";
my $max_processes = get_max_processes();
# 1}}}
# Step 3: Create a list of files to consider. {{{1
# a) If inputs are binary archives, first cd to a temp
# directory, expand the archive with the user-given
# extraction tool, then add the temp directory to
# the list of dirs to process.
# b) Create a list of every file that might contain source
# code. Ignore binary files, zero-sized files, and
# any file in a directory the user says to exclude.
# c) Determine the language for each file in the list.
my @binary_archive = ();
my $cwd = cwd();
if ($opt_extract_with) {
#print "cwd main = [$cwd]\n";
my @extract_location = ();
foreach my $bin_file (@ARGV) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
my $bin_file_full_path = "";
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $bin_file )) {
$bin_file_full_path = $bin_file;
#print "bin_file_full_path (was ful) = [$bin_file_full_path]\n";
} else {
$bin_file_full_path = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $bin_file );
#print "bin_file_full_path (was rel) = [$bin_file_full_path]\n";
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($bin_file_full_path);
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @extract_location, $extract_dir;
chdir $cwd;
# It is possible that the binary archive itself contains additional
# files compressed the same way (true for Java .ear files). Go
# through all the files that were extracted, see if they are binary
# archives and try to extract them. Lather, rinse, repeat.
my $binary_archives_exist = 1;
my $count_binary_archives = 0;
my $previous_count = 0;
my $n_pass = 0;
while ($binary_archives_exist) {
@binary_archive = ();
foreach my $dir (@extract_location) {
find(\&archive_files, $dir); # populates global @binary_archive
foreach my $archive (@binary_archive) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($archive);
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @extract_location, $extract_dir;
unlink $archive; # otherwise will be extracting it forever
$count_binary_archives = scalar @binary_archive;
if ($count_binary_archives == $previous_count) {
$binary_archives_exist = 0;
$previous_count = $count_binary_archives;
chdir $cwd;
@ARGV = @extract_location;
} else {
# see if any of the inputs need to be auto-uncompressed &/or expanded
my @updated_ARGS = ();
replace_git_hash_with_tarfile(\@ARGV, \@git_similarity) if $opt_force_git;
foreach my $Arg (@ARGV) {
if (is_dir($Arg)) {
push @updated_ARGS, $Arg;
my $full_path = "";
if (File::Spec->file_name_is_absolute( $Arg )) {
$full_path = $Arg;
} else {
$full_path = File::Spec->catfile( $cwd, $Arg );
#print "full_path = [$full_path]\n";
my $extract_cmd = uncompress_archive_cmd($full_path);
if ($extract_cmd) {
my $extract_dir = undef;
if ($opt_sdir) {
$extract_dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($extract_dir) if is_dir($extract_dir);
File::Path::mkpath($extract_dir) unless is_dir($extract_dir);
} else {
$extract_dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_DIR{ $extract_dir } = 1 if $opt_sql or $opt_by_file;
print "mkdir $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
print "cd $extract_dir\n" if $opt_v;
chdir $extract_dir;
print $extract_cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $extract_cmd;
push @updated_ARGS, $extract_dir;
chdir $cwd;
} else {
# this is a conventional, uncompressed, unarchived file
# or a directory; keep as-is
push @updated_ARGS, $Arg;
@ARGV = @updated_ARGS;
# make sure we're not counting any directory containing
# temporary installations of Regexp::Common, Algorithm::Diff
foreach my $d (sort keys %TEMP_INST) {
foreach my $a (@ARGV) {
next unless is_dir($a);
if ($opt_v > 2) {
printf "Comparing %s (location of %s) to input [%s]\n",
$d, $TEMP_INST{$d}, $a;
if ($a eq $d) {
die "File::Temp::tempdir chose directory ",
$d, " to install ", $TEMP_INST{$d}, " but this ",
"matches one of your input directories. Rerun ",
"with --sdir and supply a different temporary ",
"directory for ", $TEMP_INST{$d}, "\n";
# 1}}}
my @Errors = ();
my @file_list = (); # global variable updated in files()
my %Ignored = (); # files that are not counted (language not recognized or
# problems reading the file)
my @Lines_Out = ();
if ($opt_diff) {
# Step 4: Separate code from non-code files. {{{1
my @fh = ();
my @files_for_set = ();
my @files_added_tot = ();
my @files_removed_tot = ();
my @file_pairs_tot = ();
# make file lists for each separate argument
if ($opt_diff_list_file) {
@files_for_set = ( (), () );
file_pairs_from_file($opt_diff_list_file, # in
\@files_added_tot , # out
\@files_removed_tot , # out
\@file_pairs_tot , # out
foreach my $F (@files_added_tot) {
push @{$files_for_set[1]}, $F;
foreach my $F (@files_removed_tot) {
push @{$files_for_set[0]}, $F;
foreach my $pair (@file_pairs_tot) {
push @{$files_for_set[0]}, $pair->[0];
push @{$files_for_set[1]}, $pair->[1];
@ARGV = (1, 2); # place holders
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @ARGV; $i++) {
if ($opt_diff_list_file) {
push @fh, make_file_list($files_for_set[$i],
\%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
@{$files_for_set[$i]} = @file_list;
} else {
push @fh, make_file_list([ $ARGV[$i] ],
\%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
@{$files_for_set[$i]} = @file_list;
if ($opt_exclude_list_file) {
# note: process_exclude_list_file() references global @file_list
if ($opt_no_autogen) {
exclude_autogenerated_files(\@{$files_for_set[$i]}, # in/out
\%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
@file_list = ();
# 1}}}
# Step 5: Remove duplicate files. {{{1
my %Language = ();
my %unique_source_file = ();
my $n_set = 0;
foreach my $FH (@fh) { # loop over each pair of file sets
\%{$Language{$FH}} ,
\%{$unique_source_file{$FH}} ,
\%Error_Codes ,
\@Errors ,
\%Ignored );
if ($opt_exclude_content) {
exclude_by_regex($opt_exclude_content, # in
\%{$unique_source_file{$FH}}, # in/out
\%Ignored); # out
if ($opt_include_lang) {
# remove files associated with languages not
# specified by --include-lang
my @delete_file = ();
foreach my $file (keys %{$unique_source_file{$FH}}) {
my $keep_file = 0;
foreach my $keep_lang (keys %Include_Language) {
if ($Language{$FH}{$file} eq $keep_lang) {
$keep_file = 1;
next if $keep_file;
push @delete_file, $file;
foreach my $file (@delete_file) {
delete $Language{$FH}{$file};
printf "%2d: %8d unique file%s. \r",
plural_form(scalar keys %unique_source_file)
unless $opt_quiet;
# 1}}}
# Step 6: Count code, comments, blank lines. {{{1
my %Results_by_Language = ();
my %Results_by_File = ();
my %Delta_by_Language = ();
my %Delta_by_File = ();
my %alignment = ();
my $fset_a = $fh[0];
my $fset_b = $fh[1];
my $n_filepairs_compared = 0;
my $tot_counted = 0;
if ( scalar @fh != 2 ) {
print "Error: incorrect length fh array when preparing diff at step 6.\n";
exit 1;
if (!$opt_diff_list_file) {
align_by_pairs(\%{$unique_source_file{$fset_a}} , # in
\%{$unique_source_file{$fset_b}} , # in
\@files_added_tot , # out
\@files_removed_tot , # out
\@file_pairs_tot , # out
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "added : ", Dumper(\@files_added_tot);
#print "removed : ", Dumper(\@files_removed_tot);
#print "pairs : ", Dumper(\@file_pairs_tot);
if ( $max_processes == 0) {
# Multiprocessing is disabled
my $part = count_filesets ( $fset_a, $fset_b, \@files_added_tot,
\@files_removed_tot, \@file_pairs_tot,
0, \%Language, \%Ignored);
%Results_by_File = %{$part->{'results_by_file'}};
%Results_by_Language= %{$part->{'results_by_language'}};
%Delta_by_File = %{$part->{'delta_by_file'}};
%Delta_by_Language= %{$part->{'delta_by_language'}};
%Ignored = ( %Ignored, %{$part->{'ignored'}});
%alignment = %{$part->{'alignment'}};
$n_filepairs_compared = $part->{'n_filepairs_compared'};
push ( @Errors, @{$part->{'errors'}});
} else {
# Multiprocessing is enabled
# Do not create more processes than the amount of data to be processed
my $num_processes = min(max(scalar @files_added_tot,
scalar @files_removed_tot,
scalar @file_pairs_tot),
# ... but use at least one process.
$num_processes = 1
if $num_processes == 0;
# Start processes for counting
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($num_processes);
# When processes finish, they will use the embedded subroutine for
# merging the data into global variables.
$pm->run_on_finish ( sub {
my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $part) = @_;
my $part_ignored = $part->{'ignored'};
my $part_result_by_file = $part->{'results_by_file'};
my $part_result_by_language = $part->{'results_by_language'};
my $part_delta_by_file = $part->{'delta_by_file'};
my $part_delta_by_language = $part->{'delta_by_language'};
my $part_alignment = $part->{'alignment'};
my $part_errors = $part->{'errors'};
$tot_counted += scalar keys %$part_result_by_file;
$n_filepairs_compared += $part->{'n_filepairs_compared'};
# Since files are processed by multiple processes, we can't measure
# the number of processed files exactly. We approximate this by showing
# the number of files counted by finished processes.
printf "Counting: %d\r", $tot_counted
if $opt_progress_rate;
foreach my $this_language ( keys %$part_result_by_language ) {
my $counts = $part_result_by_language->{$this_language};
foreach my $inner_key ( keys %$counts ) {
$Results_by_Language{$this_language}{$inner_key} +=
foreach my $this_language ( keys %$part_delta_by_language ) {
my $counts = $part_delta_by_language->{$this_language};
foreach my $inner_key ( keys %$counts ) {
my $statuses = $counts->{$inner_key};
foreach my $inner_status ( keys %$statuses ) {
$Delta_by_Language{$this_language}{$inner_key}{$inner_status} +=
foreach my $label ( keys %$part_alignment ) {
my $inner = $part_alignment->{$label};
foreach my $key ( keys %$inner ) {
$alignment{$label}{$key} = 1;
%Results_by_File = ( %Results_by_File, %$part_result_by_file );
%Delta_by_File = ( %Delta_by_File, %$part_delta_by_file );
%Ignored = (%Ignored, %$part_ignored );
push ( @Errors, @$part_errors );
} );
my $num_filepairs_per_part = ceil ( ( scalar @file_pairs_tot ) / $num_processes );
my $num_filesremoved_per_part = ceil ( ( scalar @files_removed_tot ) / $num_processes );
my $num_filesadded_per_part = ceil ( ( scalar @files_added_tot ) / $num_processes );
while ( 1 ) {
my @files_added_part = splice @files_added_tot, 0, $num_filesadded_per_part;
my @files_removed_part = splice @files_removed_tot, 0, $num_filesremoved_per_part;
my @filepairs_part = splice @file_pairs_tot, 0, $num_filepairs_per_part;
if ( scalar @files_added_part == 0 and scalar @files_removed_part == 0 and
scalar @filepairs_part == 0 ) {
$pm->start() and next;
my $count_result = count_filesets ( $fset_a, $fset_b,
\@files_added_part, \@files_removed_part,
\@filepairs_part, 1, \%Language, \%Ignored );
$pm->finish(0 , $count_result);
# Wait for processes to finish
# Write alignment data, if needed
if ($opt_diff_alignment) {
write_alignment_data ( $opt_diff_alignment, $n_filepairs_compared, \%alignment ) ;
my @ignored_reasons = map { "$_: $Ignored{$_}" } sort keys %Ignored;
write_file($opt_ignored, {"file_type" => "ignored",
"separator" => ": ",
"columns" => ["file", "reason"],
}, @ignored_reasons ) if $opt_ignored;
write_file($opt_counted, {}, sort keys %Results_by_File) if $opt_counted;
# 1}}}
# Step 7: Assemble results. {{{1
my $end_time = get_time();
printf "%8d file%s ignored. \n",
plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored) unless $opt_quiet;
print_errors(\%Error_Codes, \@Errors) if @Errors;
if (!%Delta_by_Language) {
print "Nothing to count.\n";
if ($opt_by_file) {
@Lines_Out = diff_report($VERSION, get_time() - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Delta_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
} else {
@Lines_Out = diff_report($VERSION, get_time() - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Delta_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
# 1}}}
} else {
# Step 4: Separate code from non-code files. {{{1
my $fh = 0;
if ($opt_list_file or $opt_vcs) {
my @list;
if ($opt_vcs) {
@list = invoke_generator($opt_vcs, \@ARGV);
} else {
@list = read_list_file($opt_list_file);
$fh = make_file_list(\@list, \%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
} else {
$fh = make_file_list(\@ARGV, \%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
# make_file_list populates global variable @file_list via call to
# File::Find's find() which in turn calls files()
if ($opt_exclude_list_file) {
# note: process_exclude_list_file() references global @file_list
if ($opt_skip_win_hidden and $ON_WINDOWS) {
my @file_list_minus_hidded = ();
# eval code to run on Unix without 'missing Win32::File module' error.
my $win32_file_invocation = '
use Win32::File;
foreach my $F (@file_list) {
my $attr = undef;
Win32::File::GetAttributes($F, $attr);
if ($attr & HIDDEN) {
$Ignored{$F} = "Windows hidden file";
print "Ignoring $F since it is a Windows hidden file\n"
if $opt_v > 1;
} else {
push @file_list_minus_hidded, $F;
eval $win32_file_invocation;
@file_list = @file_list_minus_hidded;
if ($opt_no_autogen) {
exclude_autogenerated_files(\@file_list, # in/out
\%Error_Codes, \@Errors, \%Ignored);
#printf "%8d file%s excluded. \n",
# plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored)
# unless $opt_quiet;
# die print ": ", join("\n: ", @file_list), "\n";
# 1}}}
# Step 5: Remove duplicate files. {{{1
my %Language = ();
my %unique_source_file = ();
remove_duplicate_files($fh , # in
\%Language , # out
\%unique_source_file , # out
\%Error_Codes , # in
\@Errors , # out
\%Ignored ); # out
if ($opt_exclude_content) {
exclude_by_regex($opt_exclude_content, # in
\%unique_source_file , # in/out
\%Ignored); # out
printf "%8d unique file%s. \n",
plural_form(scalar keys %unique_source_file)
unless $opt_quiet;
# 1}}}
# Step 6: Count code, comments, blank lines. {{{1
my %Results_by_Language = ();
my %Results_by_File = ();
my @results_parts = ();
my @sorted_files = sort keys %unique_source_file;
if ( $max_processes == 0) {
# Multiprocessing is disabled
my $part = count_files ( \@sorted_files , 0, \%Language);
%Results_by_File = %{$part->{'results_by_file'}};
%Results_by_Language= %{$part->{'results_by_language'}};
%Ignored = ( %Ignored, %{$part->{'ignored'}});
push ( @Errors, @{$part->{'errors'}});
} else {
# Do not create more processes than the number of files to be processed
my $num_files = scalar @sorted_files;
my $num_processes = $num_files >= $max_processes ? $max_processes : $num_files;
# Use at least one process.
$num_processes = 1
if $num_processes == 0;
# Start processes for counting
my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($num_processes);
# When processes finish, they will use the embedded subroutine for
# merging the data into global variables.
$pm->run_on_finish ( sub {
my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $part) = @_;
my $part_ignored = $part->{'ignored'};
my $part_result_by_file = $part->{'results_by_file'};
my $part_result_by_language = $part->{'results_by_language'};
my $part_errors = $part->{'errors'};
my $nCounted+= scalar keys %$part_result_by_file;
# Since files are processed by multiple processes, we can't measure
# the number of processed files exactly. We approximate this by showing
# the number of files counted by finished processes.
printf "Counting: %d\r", $nCounted
if $opt_progress_rate;
foreach my $this_language ( keys %$part_result_by_language ) {
my $counts = $part_result_by_language->{$this_language};
foreach my $inner_key ( keys %$counts ) {
$Results_by_Language{$this_language}{$inner_key} +=
%Results_by_File = ( %Results_by_File, %$part_result_by_file );
%Ignored = (%Ignored, %$part_ignored);
push ( @Errors, @$part_errors);
} );
my $num_files_per_part = ceil ( ( scalar @sorted_files ) / $num_processes );
while ( my @part = splice @sorted_files, 0 , $num_files_per_part ) {
$pm->start() and next;
my $count_result = count_files ( \@part, 1, \%Language );
$pm->finish(0 , $count_result);
# Wait for processes to finish
my @ignored_reasons = map { "$_: $Ignored{$_}" } sort keys %Ignored;
write_file($opt_ignored, {"file_type" => "ignored",
"separator" => ": ",
"columns" => ["file", "reason"],
}, @ignored_reasons ) if $opt_ignored;
write_file($opt_counted, {}, sort keys %Results_by_File) if $opt_counted;
# 1}}}
# Step 7: Assemble results. {{{1
my $end_time = get_time();
printf "%8d file%s ignored.\n", plural_form(scalar keys %Ignored)
unless $opt_quiet;
print_errors(\%Error_Codes, \@Errors) if @Errors;
exit unless %Results_by_Language;
generate_sql($end_time - $start_time,
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor) if $opt_sql;
exit if $skip_generate_report;
if ($opt_by_file_by_lang) {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Results_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
} elsif ($opt_by_file) {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by file",
\%Results_by_File, \%Scale_Factor);
} else {
push @Lines_Out, generate_report( $VERSION, $end_time - $start_time,
"by language",
\%Results_by_Language, \%Scale_Factor);
# 1}}}
if ($opt_report_file) { write_file($opt_report_file, {}, @Lines_Out); }
else { print "\n", join("\n", @Lines_Out), "\n"; }
if ($opt_count_diff) {
exit if $opt_count_diff > 3;
goto Top_of_Processing_Loop;
sub exclude_by_regex { # {{{1
my ($regex,
$rh_unique_source_file, # in/out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
my @exclude = ();
foreach my $file (keys %{$rh_unique_source_file}) {
my $line_num = 0;
foreach my $line (read_file($file)) {
if ($line =~ /$regex/) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "line $line_num match for --exclude-content=$regex";
push @exclude, $file;
foreach my $file (@exclude) {
delete $rh_unique_source_file->{$file};
} # 1}}}
sub get_max_processes { # {{{1
# If user has specified valid number of processes, use that.
if (defined $opt_processes) {
eval "use Parallel::ForkManager 0.7.6;";
if ( defined $Parallel::ForkManager::VERSION ) {
$HAVE_Parallel_ForkManager = 1;
if ( $opt_processes !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
print "Error: processes option argument must be numeric.\n";
exit 1;
elsif ( $opt_processes >0 and ! $HAVE_Parallel_ForkManager ) {
print "Error: cannot use multiple processes, because " .
"Parallel::ForkManager is not installed, or the version is too old.\n";
exit 1;
elsif ( $opt_processes >0 and $ON_WINDOWS ) {
print "Error: cannot use multiple processes on Windows systems.\n";
exit 1;
else {
return $opt_processes;
# Disable multiprocessing on Windows - does not work reliably
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
return 0;
# Disable multiprocessing if Parallel::ForkManager is not available
if ( ! $HAVE_Parallel_ForkManager ) {
return 0;
# Set to number of cores on Linux
if ( $^O =~ /linux/i and -x '/usr/bin/nproc' ) {
my $numavcores_linux = `/usr/bin/nproc`;
chomp $numavcores_linux;
if ( $numavcores_linux =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
return $numavcores_linux;
# Set to number of cores on MacOS
if ( $^O =~ /darwin/i and -x '/usr/sbin/sysctl') {
my $numavcores_macos = `/usr/sbin/sysctl -n hw.physicalcpu`;
chomp $numavcores_macos;
if ($numavcores_macos =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
return $numavcores_macos;
# Disable multiprocessing in other cases
return 0;
} # 1}}}
sub exclude_autogenerated_files { # {{{1
my ($ra_file_list, # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rh_Ignored , # out
) = @_;
print "-> exclude_autogenerated_files()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @file_list_minus_autogen = ();
foreach my $file (@{$ra_file_list}) {
if ($file !~ /\.go$/) {
# at the moment, only know Go autogenerated files
push @file_list_minus_autogen, $file;
my $first_line = first_line($file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
if ($first_line =~ m{^//\s+Code\s+generated\s+.*?\s+DO\s+NOT\s+EDIT\.$}) {
$rh_Ignored->{$file} = 'Go autogenerated file';
} else {
# Go, but not autogenerated
push @file_list_minus_autogen, $file;
@{$ra_file_list} = @file_list_minus_autogen;
print "<- exclude_autogenerated_files()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub file_extension { # {{{1
my ($fname, ) = @_;
$fname =~ m/\.(\w+)$/;
if ($1) {
return $1;
} else {
return "";
} # 1}}}
sub count_files { # {{{1
my ($filelist, $counter_type, $language_hash) = @_;
print "-> count_files()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @p_errors = ();
my %p_ignored = ();
my %p_rbl = ();
my %p_rbf = ();
my %Language = %{$language_hash};
foreach my $file (@$filelist) {
if ( ! $counter_type ) {
# Multithreading disabled
printf "Counting: %d\r", $nCounted
unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($nCounted % $opt_progress_rate));
next if $Ignored{$file};
if ($opt_include_ext and not $Include_Ext{ file_extension($file) }) {
$p_ignored{$file} = "not in --include-ext=$opt_include_ext";
if ($opt_include_lang and not $Include_Language{$Language{$file}}) {
$p_ignored{$file} = "not in --include-lang=$opt_include_lang";
if ($Exclude_Language{$Language{$file}}) {
$p_ignored{$file} = "--exclude-lang=$Language{$file}";
my $Filters_by_Language_Language_file = ! @{$Filters_by_Language{$Language{$file}} };
if ($Filters_by_Language_Language_file) {
if ($Language{$file} eq "(unknown)") {
$p_ignored{$file} = "language unknown (#1)";
} else {
$p_ignored{$file} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Language{$file}}";
my ($all_line_count, $blank_count, $comment_count, $code_count);
if ($opt_use_sloccount and $Language{$file} =~ /^(C|C\+\+|XML|PHP|Pascal|Java)$/) {
chomp ($blank_count = `grep -cv \"[^[:space:]]\" '$file'`);
chomp ($all_line_count = `cat '$file' | wc -l`);
if ($Language{$file} =~ /^(C|C\+\+)$/) {
$code_count = `cat '$file' | c_count | head -n 1`;
} elsif ($Language{$file} eq "XML") {
$code_count = `cat '$file' | xml_count | head -n 1`;
} elsif ($Language{$file} eq "PHP") {
$code_count = `cat '$file' | php_count | head -n 1`;
} elsif ($Language{$file} eq "Pascal") {
$code_count = `cat '$file' | pascal_count | head -n 1`;
} elsif ($Language{$file} eq "Java") {
$code_count = `cat '$file' | java_count | head -n 1`;
} else {
die "SLOCCount match failure: file=[$file] lang=[$Language{$file}]";
$code_count = substr($code_count, 0, -2);
$comment_count = $all_line_count - $code_count - $blank_count;
} else {
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,) = call_counter($file, $Language{$file}, \@Errors);
$code_count = $all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$p_rbf{$file}{'code' } = $code_count ;
$p_rbf{$file}{'blank' } = $blank_count ;
$p_rbf{$file}{'comment'} = $comment_count ;
$p_rbf{$file}{'lang' } = $Language{$file};
$p_rbf{$file}{'nFiles' } = 1;
} else {
$p_rbf{$file} = 1; # just keep track of counted files
$p_rbl{$Language{$file}}{'code'} += $code_count ;
$p_rbl{$Language{$file}}{'blank'} += $blank_count ;
$p_rbl{$Language{$file}}{'comment'} += $comment_count;
print "<- count_files()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return {
"ignored" => \%p_ignored,
"errors" => \@p_errors,
"results_by_file" => \%p_rbf,
"results_by_language" => \%p_rbl,
} # 1}}}
sub count_filesets { # {{{1
my ($fset_a,
$rh_Ignored) = @_;
print "-> count_filesets()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @p_errors = ();
my %p_alignment = ();
my %p_ignored = ();
my %p_rbl = ();
my %p_rbf = ();
my %p_dbl = ();
my %p_dbf = ();
my %Language = %$language_hash;
my $nCounted = 0;
my %already_counted = (); # already_counted{ filename } = 1
if (!@$file_pairs) {
# Special case where all files were either added or deleted.
# In this case, one of these arrays will be empty:
# @files_added, @files_removed
# so loop over both to cover both cases.
my $status = @$files_added ? 'added' : 'removed';
my $fset = @$files_added ? $fset_b : $fset_a;
foreach my $file (@$files_added, @$files_removed) {
next unless defined $Language{$fset}{$file};
my $Lang = $Language{$fset}{$file};
next if $Lang eq '(unknown)';
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($file, $Lang, \@p_errors);
$already_counted{$file} = 1;
my $code_count = $all_line_count-$blank_count-$comment_count;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$p_dbf{$file}{'code' }{$status} += $code_count ;
$p_dbf{$file}{'blank' }{$status} += $blank_count ;
$p_dbf{$file}{'comment'}{$status} += $comment_count;
$p_dbf{$file}{'lang' }{$status} = $Lang ;
$p_dbf{$file}{'nFiles' }{$status} += 1 ;
$p_dbl{$Lang}{'code' }{$status} += $code_count ;
$p_dbl{$Lang}{'blank' }{$status} += $blank_count ;
$p_dbl{$Lang}{'comment'}{$status} += $comment_count;
$p_dbl{$Lang}{'nFiles' }{$status} += 1 ;
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper(\@files_added, \@files_removed, \@file_pairs);
#print "after align_by_pairs:\n";
#print "added:\n";
foreach my $f (@$files_added) {
next if $already_counted{$f};
#printf "%10s -> %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F+1]}{$f};
# Don't proceed unless the file (both L and R versions)
# is in a known language.
next if $opt_include_ext
and not $Include_Ext{ file_extension($f) };
next if $opt_include_lang
and not $Include_Language{$Language{$fset_b}{$f}};
my $this_lang = $Language{$fset_b}{$f};
if ($this_lang eq "(unknown)") {
$p_ignored{$f} = "uknown language";
if ($Exclude_Language{$this_lang}) {
$p_ignored{$f} = "--exclude-lang=$this_lang";
$p_alignment{"added"}{sprintf " + %s ; %s\n", $f, $this_lang} = 1;
++$p_dbl{ $this_lang }{'nFiles'}{'added'};
# Additionally, add contents of file $f to
# Delta_by_File{$f}{comment/blank/code}{'added'}
# Delta_by_Language{$lang}{comment/blank/code}{'added'}
# via the $p_dbl and $p_dbf variables.
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($f, $this_lang, \@p_errors);
$p_dbl{ $this_lang }{'comment'}{'added'} += $comment_count;
$p_dbl{ $this_lang }{'blank'}{'added'} += $blank_count;
$p_dbl{ $this_lang }{'code'}{'added'} +=
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'comment'}{'added'} = $comment_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'blank'}{'added'} = $blank_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'code'}{'added'} =
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
#print "removed:\n";
foreach my $f (@$files_removed) {
next if $already_counted{$f};
# Don't proceed unless the file (both L and R versions)
# is in a known language.
next if $opt_include_ext
and not $Include_Ext{ file_extension($f) };
next if $opt_include_lang
and (not defined $Language{$fset_a}{$f}
or not defined $Include_Language{$Language{$fset_a}{$f}});
my $this_lang = $Language{$fset_a}{$f};
if ($this_lang eq "(unknown)") {
$p_ignored{$f} = "uknown language";
if ($Exclude_Language{$this_lang}) {
$p_ignored{$f} = "--exclude-lang=$this_lang";
++$p_dbl{ $this_lang }{'nFiles'}{'removed'};
$p_alignment{"removed"}{sprintf " - %s ; %s\n", $f, $this_lang} = 1;
#printf "%10s -> %s\n", $f, $Language{$fh[$F ]}{$f};
# Additionally, add contents of file $f to
# Delta_by_File{$f}{comment/blank/code}{'removed'}
# Delta_by_Language{$lang}{comment/blank/code}{'removed'}
# via the $p_dbl and $p_dbf variables.
my ($all_line_count,
$blank_count ,
$comment_count ,
) = call_counter($f, $this_lang, \@p_errors);
$p_dbl{ $this_lang}{'comment'}{'removed'} += $comment_count;
$p_dbl{ $this_lang}{'blank'}{'removed'} += $blank_count;
$p_dbl{ $this_lang}{'code'}{'removed'} +=
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'comment'}{'removed'} = $comment_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'blank'}{'removed'} = $blank_count;
$p_dbf{ $f }{'code'}{'removed'} =
$all_line_count - $blank_count - $comment_count;
my $n_file_pairs_compared = 0;
# Don't know ahead of time how many file pairs will be compared
# since duplicates are weeded out below. The answer is
# scalar @file_pairs only if there are no duplicates.
foreach my $pair (@$file_pairs) {
my $file_L = $pair->[0];
my $file_R = $pair->[1];
my $Lang_L = $Language{$fset_a}{$file_L};
my $Lang_R = $Language{$fset_b}{$file_R};
if (!defined($Lang_L) or !defined($Lang_R)) {
print " -> count_filesets skipping $file_L, $file_R ",
"because language cannot be inferred\n" if $opt_v;
#print "main step 6 file_L=$file_L file_R=$file_R\n";
printf "Counting: %d\r", $nCounted
unless ($counter_type or !$opt_progress_rate or ($nCounted % $opt_progress_rate));
next if $p_ignored{$file_L} or $p_ignored{$file_R};
# filter out non-included extensions
if ($opt_include_ext and not $Include_Ext{ file_extension($file_L) }
and not $Include_Ext{ file_extension($file_R) }) {
$p_ignored{$file_L} = "not in --include-lang=$opt_include_ext";
$p_ignored{$file_R} = "not in --include-lang=$opt_include_ext";
# filter out non-included languages
if ($opt_include_lang and not $Include_Language{$Lang_L}
and not $Include_Language{$Lang_R}) {
$p_ignored{$file_L} = "not in --include-lang=$opt_include_lang";
$p_ignored{$file_R} = "not in --include-lang=$opt_include_lang";
# filter out excluded or unrecognized languages
if ($Exclude_Language{$Lang_L} or $Exclude_Language{$Lang_R}) {
$p_ignored{$file_L} = "--exclude-lang=$Lang_L";
$p_ignored{$file_R} = "--exclude-lang=$Lang_R";
my $not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR = 0;
#print "file_LR = [$file_L] [$file_R]\n";
#print "Lang_LR = [$Lang_L] [$Lang_R]\n";
if (($Lang_L eq "(unknown)") or
($Lang_R eq "(unknown)") or
!(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_L} }) or
!(@{$Filters_by_Language{$Lang_R} })) {
$not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR = 1;
if ($not_Filters_by_Language_Lang_LR) {
if (($Lang_L eq "(unknown)") or ($Lang_R eq "(unknown)")) {
$p_ignored{$fset_a}{$file_L} = "language unknown (#1)";
$p_ignored{$fset_b}{$file_R} = "language unknown (#1)";
} else {
$p_ignored{$fset_a}{$file_L} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Lang_L}";
$p_ignored{$fset_b}{$file_R} = "missing Filters_by_Language{$Lang_R}";
# filter out explicitly excluded files
if ($opt_exclude_list_file and
($rh_Ignored->{$file_L} or $rh_Ignored->{$file_R})) {
my $msg_2;
if ($rh_Ignored->{$file_L}) {
$msg_2 = "$file_L (paired to $file_R)";
} else {
$msg_2 = "$file_R (paired to $file_L)";
my $msg_1 = "in --exclude-list-file=$opt_exclude_list_file";
$p_ignored{$file_L} = "$msg_1, $msg_2";
$p_ignored{$file_R} = "$msg_1, $msg_2";
#print "DIFF($file_L, $file_R)\n";
# step 0: compare the two files' contents
chomp ( my @lines_L = read_file($file_L) );
chomp ( my @lines_R = read_file($file_R) );
my $language_file_L = "";
if (defined $Language{$fset_a}{$file_L}) {
$language_file_L = $Language{$fset_a}{$file_L};
} else {
# files $file_L and $file_R do not contain known language
my $contents_are_same = 1;
if (scalar @lines_L == scalar @lines_R) {
# same size, must compare line-by-line
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @lines_L; $i++) {
if ($lines_L[$i] ne $lines_R[$i]) {
$contents_are_same = 0;
if ($contents_are_same) {
} else {
} else {
$contents_are_same = 0;
# different sizes, contents have changed
if ($opt_diff_alignment) {
my $str = "$file_L | $file_R ; $language_file_L";
if ($contents_are_same) {
$p_alignment{"pairs"}{" == $str"} = 1;
} else {
$p_alignment{"pairs"}{" != $str"} = 1;
my ($all_line_count_L, $blank_count_L , $comment_count_L ,
$all_line_count_R, $blank_count_R , $comment_count_R , ) = (0,0,0,0,0,0,);
if (!$contents_are_same) {
# step 1: identify comments in both files
#print "Diff blank removal L language= $Lang_L";
#print " scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
my @original_minus_blanks_L
= rm_blanks( \@lines_L, $Lang_L, \%EOL_Continuation_re);
#print "1: scalar(original_minus_blanks_L)=", scalar @original_minus_blanks_L, "\n";
@lines_L = @original_minus_blanks_L;
#print "2: scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
@lines_L = add_newlines(\@lines_L); # compensate for rm_comments()
@lines_L = rm_comments( \@lines_L, $Lang_L, $file_L,
#print "3: scalar(lines_L)=", scalar @lines_L, "\n";
#print "Diff blank removal R language= $Lang_R\n";
my @original_minus_blanks_R
= rm_blanks( \@lines_R, $Lang_R, \%EOL_Continuation_re);
@lines_R = @original_minus_blanks_R;
@lines_R = add_newlines(\@lines_R); # taken away by rm_comments()
@lines_R = rm_comments( \@lines_R, $Lang_R, $file_R,
my (@diff_LL, @diff_LR, );
array_diff( $file_L , # in
\@original_minus_blanks_L , # in
\@lines_L , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@p_errors); # in/out
my (@diff_RL, @diff_RR, );
array_diff( $file_R , # in
\@original_minus_blanks_R , # in
\@lines_R , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_RL, \@diff_RR , # out
\@p_errors); # in/out
# each line of each file is now classified as
# code or comment
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("diff_LL", \@diff_LL, "diff_LR", \@diff_LR, );
#print Dumper("diff_RL", \@diff_RL, "diff_RR", \@diff_RR, );
# step 2: separate code from comments for L and R files
my @code_L = ();
my @code_R = ();
my @comm_L = ();
my @comm_R = ();
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LL) {
if ($line_info->{'type'} eq "code" ) {
push @code_L, $line_info->{char};
} elsif ($line_info->{'type'} eq "comment") {
push @comm_L, $line_info->{char};
} else {
die "Diff unexpected line type ",
$line_info->{'type'}, "for $file_L line ",
foreach my $line_info (@diff_RL) {
if ($line_info->{type} eq "code" ) {
push @code_R, $line_info->{'char'};
} elsif ($line_info->{type} eq "comment") {
push @comm_R, $line_info->{'char'};
} else {
die "Diff unexpected line type ",
$line_info->{'type'}, "for $file_R line ",
if ($opt_ignore_whitespace) {
# strip all whitespace from each line of source code
# and comments then use these stripped arrays in diffs
foreach (@code_L) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@code_R) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@comm_L) { s/\s+//g }
foreach (@comm_R) { s/\s+//g }
if ($opt_ignore_case) {
# change all text to lowercase in diffs
foreach (@code_L) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@code_R) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@comm_L) { $_ = lc }
foreach (@comm_R) { $_ = lc }
# step 3: compute code diffs
array_diff("$file_L v. $file_R" , # in
\@code_L , # in
\@code_R , # in
"revision" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@p_errors); # in/out
#print Dumper("diff_LL", \@diff_LL, "diff_LR", \@diff_LR, );
#print Dumper("diff_LR", \@diff_LR);
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LR) {
my $status = $line_info->{'desc'}; # same|added|removed|modified
if ($opt_by_file) {
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper("code diffs:", \@diff_LL, \@diff_LR);
# step 4: compute comment diffs
array_diff("$file_L v. $file_R" , # in
\@comm_L , # in
\@comm_R , # in
"revision" , # in
\@diff_LL, \@diff_LR , # out
\@Errors); # in/out
#print Dumper("comment diff_LR", \@diff_LR);
foreach my $line_info (@diff_LR) {
my $status = $line_info->{'desc'}; # same|added|removed|modified
if ($opt_by_file) {
#print Dumper("comment diffs:", \@diff_LL, \@diff_LR);
# step 5: compute difference in blank lines (kind of pointless)
next if $Lang_L eq '(unknown)' or
$Lang_R eq '(unknown)';
$blank_count_L ,
$comment_count_L ,
) = call_counter($file_L, $Lang_L, \@Errors);
$blank_count_R ,
$comment_count_R ,
) = call_counter($file_R, $Lang_R, \@Errors);
} else {
# L and R file contents are identical, no need to diff
$blank_count_L ,
$comment_count_L ,
) = call_counter($file_L, $Lang_L, \@Errors);
$all_line_count_R = $all_line_count_L;
$blank_count_R = $blank_count_L ;
$comment_count_R = $comment_count_L ;
my $code_lines_R = $all_line_count_R - ($blank_count_R + $comment_count_R);
$p_dbl{$Lang_L}{'blank'}{'same'} += $blank_count_R;
$p_dbl{$Lang_L}{'comment'}{'same'} += $comment_count_R;
$p_dbl{$Lang_L}{'code'}{'same'} += $code_lines_R;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$p_dbf{$file_L}{'blank'}{'same'} += $blank_count_R;
$p_dbf{$file_L}{'comment'}{'same'} += $comment_count_R;
$p_dbf{$file_L}{'code'}{'same'} += $code_lines_R;
if ($blank_count_L < $blank_count_R) {
my $D = $blank_count_R - $blank_count_L;
$p_dbl{$Lang_L}{'blank'}{'added'} += $D;
} else {
my $D = $blank_count_L - $blank_count_R;
$p_dbl{$Lang_L}{'blank'}{'removed'} += $D;
if ($opt_by_file) {
if ($blank_count_L < $blank_count_R) {
my $D = $blank_count_R - $blank_count_L;
$p_dbf{$file_L}{'blank'}{'added'} += $D;
} else {
my $D = $blank_count_L - $blank_count_R;
$p_dbf{$file_L}{'blank'}{'removed'} += $D;
my $code_count_L = $all_line_count_L-$blank_count_L-$comment_count_L;
if ($opt_by_file) {
$p_rbf{$file_L}{'code' } = $code_count_L ;
$p_rbf{$file_L}{'blank' } = $blank_count_L ;
$p_rbf{$file_L}{'comment'} = $comment_count_L ;
$p_rbf{$file_L}{'lang' } = $Lang_L ;
$p_rbf{$file_L}{'nFiles' } = 1 ;
} else {
$p_rbf{$file_L} = 1; # just keep track of counted files
$p_rbl{$Lang_L}{'code'} += $code_count_L ;
$p_rbl{$Lang_L}{'blank'} += $blank_count_L ;
$p_rbl{$Lang_L}{'comment'} += $comment_count_L;
print "<- count_filesets()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return {
"ignored" => \%p_ignored,
"errors" => \@p_errors,
"results_by_file" => \%p_rbf,
"results_by_language" => \%p_rbl,
"delta_by_file" => \%p_dbf,
"delta_by_language" => \%p_dbl,
"alignment" => \%p_alignment,
"n_filepairs_compared" => $n_file_pairs_compared
} # 1}}}
sub write_alignment_data { # {{{1
my ($filename, $n_filepairs_compared, $data ) = @_;
my @output = ();
if ( $data->{'added'} ) {
my %added_lines = %{$data->{'added'}};
push (@output, "Files added: " . (scalar keys %added_lines) . "\n");
foreach my $line ( sort keys %added_lines ) {
push (@output, $line);
push (@output, "\n" );
if ( $data->{'removed'} ) {
my %removed_lines = %{$data->{'removed'}};
push (@output, "Files removed: " . (scalar keys %removed_lines) . "\n");
foreach my $line ( sort keys %removed_lines ) {
push (@output, $line);
push (@output, "\n");
if ( $data->{'pairs'} ) {
my %pairs = %{$data->{'pairs'}};
push (@output, "File pairs compared: " . $n_filepairs_compared . "\n");
foreach my $pair ( sort keys %pairs ) {
push (@output, $pair);
write_file($filename, {}, @output);
} # 1}}}
sub exclude_dir_validates { # {{{1
my ($rh_Exclude_Dir) = @_;
my $is_OK = 1;
foreach my $dir (keys %{$rh_Exclude_Dir}) {
if (($ON_WINDOWS and $dir =~ m{\\}) or ($dir =~ m{/})) {
$is_OK = 0;
warn "--exclude-dir '$dir' : cannot specify directory paths\n";
if (!$is_OK) {
warn "Use '--fullpath --not-match-d=REGEX' instead\n";
return $is_OK;
} # 1}}}
sub process_exclude_list_file { # {{{1
my ($list_file , # in
$rh_exclude_dir , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
# note: references global @file_list
print "-> process_exclude_list_file($list_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# reject a specific set of files and/or directories
my @reject_list = read_list_file($list_file);
my @file_reject_list = ();
foreach my $F_or_D (@reject_list) {
if (is_dir($F_or_D)) {
$rh_exclude_dir->{$F_or_D} = 1;
} elsif (is_file($F_or_D)) {
push @file_reject_list, $F_or_D;
# Normalize file names for better comparison.
my %normalized_input = normalize_file_names(@file_list);
my %normalized_reject = normalize_file_names(@file_reject_list);
my %normalized_exclude = normalize_file_names(keys %{$rh_exclude_dir});
foreach my $F (keys %normalized_input) {
if ($normalized_reject{$F} or is_excluded($F, \%normalized_exclude)) {
my $orig_F = $normalized_input{$F};
$rh_ignored->{$orig_F} = "listed in exclusion file $opt_exclude_list_file";
print "Ignoring $orig_F because it appears in $opt_exclude_list_file\n"
if $opt_v > 1;
print "<- process_exclude_list_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub combine_results { # {{{1
# returns 1 if the inputs are categorized by language
# 0 if no identifiable language was found
my ($ra_report_files, # in
$report_type , # in "by language" or "by report file"
$rhh_count , # out count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in
) = @_;
print "-> combine_results(report_type=$report_type)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $found_language = 0;
foreach my $file (@{$ra_report_files}) {
my $n_results_found = 0;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^(http|Language|SUM|-----)/;
if (!$opt_by_file and
m{^(.*?)\s+ # language
(\d+)\s+ # files
(\d+)\s+ # blank
(\d+)\s+ # comments
(\d+)\s+ # code
( # next four entries missing with -no3
x\s+ # x
\d+\.\d+\s+ # scale
=\s+ # =
(\d+\.\d+)\s* # scaled code
$}x) {
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
if (!defined $rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$1}) {
warn "Unrecognized language '$1' in $file ignored\n";
# above test necessary to avoid trying to sum reports
# of reports (which have no language breakdown).
$found_language = 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'nFiles' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'blank' } += $3;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'comment'} += $4;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'code' } += $5;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'scaled' } += $7 if $opt_3;
} else {
$rhh_count->{$file}{'nFiles' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'blank' } += $3;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'comment'} += $4;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code' } += $5;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'scaled' } += $7 if $opt_3;
} elsif ($opt_by_file and
m{^(.*?)\s+ # language
(\d+)\s+ # blank
(\d+)\s+ # comments
(\d+)\s+ # code
( # next four entries missing with -no3
x\s+ # x
\d+\.\d+\s+ # scale
=\s+ # =
(\d+\.\d+)\s* # scaled code
$}x) {
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
next unless %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$1}};
# above test necessary to avoid trying to sum reports
# of reports (which have no language breakdown).
$found_language = 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'nFiles' } += 1;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'blank' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'comment'} += $3;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'code' } += $4;
$rhh_count->{$1 }{'scaled' } += $6 if $opt_3;
} else {
$rhh_count->{$file}{'nFiles' } += 1;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'blank' } += $2;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'comment'} += $3;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code' } += $4;
$rhh_count->{$file}{'scaled' } += $6 if $opt_3;
warn "No counts found in $file--is the file format correct?\n"
unless $n_results_found;
print "<- combine_results\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $found_language;
} # 1}}}
sub compute_denominator { # {{{1
my ($method, $nCode, $nComment, $nBlank, ) = @_;
print "-> compute_denominator\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %den = ( "c" => $nCode );
$den{"cm"} = $den{"c"} + $nComment;
$den{"cmb"} = $den{"cm"} + $nBlank;
$den{"cb"} = $den{"c"} + $nBlank;
print "<- compute_denominator\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $den{ $method };
} # 1}}}
sub yaml_to_json_separators { # {{{1
# YAML and JSON are closely related. Their differences can be captured
# by trailing commas ($C), braces ($open_B, $close_B), and
# quotes around text ($Q).
print "-> yaml_to_json_separators()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C);
if ($opt_json) {
$C = ',';
$Q = '"';
$open_B = '{';
$close_B = '}';
$start = '{';
} else {
$C = '';
$Q = '' ;
$open_B = '' ;
$close_B = '';
$start = "---\n# $URL\n";
print "<- yaml_to_json_separators()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C);
} # 1}}}
sub diff_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
print "-> diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($opt_xml) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_xml_report(@_)
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_yaml_report(@_)
} elsif ($opt_json) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_json_report(@_)
} elsif ($opt_csv or $opt_md) {
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return diff_csv_report(@_)
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "diff_report: ", Dumper($rhhh_count), "\n";
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my %sum = (); # sum{nFiles|blank|comment|code}{same|modified|added|removed}
my $max_len = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
foreach my $V (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
$rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$sum{$V}{$S} += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$max_len = length($language) if length($language) > $max_len;
my $column_1_offset = 0;
$column_1_offset = $max_len - 17 if $max_len > 17;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $spacing_0 = 23;
my $spacing_1 = 13;
my $spacing_2 = 9;
my $spacing_3 = 17;
if (!$opt_3) {
$spacing_1 = 19;
$spacing_2 = 14;
$spacing_3 = 27;
$spacing_0 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_1 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_3 += $column_1_offset;
my %Format = (
'1' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_0}s ",
'2' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_3}s ",
'3' => { 'xml' => 'files_count="%d" ',
'txt' => '%6d ',
'4' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%d" comment="%d" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d",
'5' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%.2f" comment="%.2f" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%3.2f \%3.2f \%${spacing_2}d",
'6' => { 'xml' => 'factor="%.2f" scaled="%.2f" ',
'txt' => ' x %6.2f = %14.2f',
my $Style = "txt";
$Style = "xml" if $opt_xml ;
$Style = "xml" if $opt_yaml; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_json; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_csv ; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
my $hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (79 + $column_1_offset);
$hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (68 + $column_1_offset)
if (!$opt_3) and (68 + $column_1_offset) > 79;
my $data_line = "";
my $first_column;
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
$first_column = "Language";
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$first_column = "File";
$BY_FILE = 1;
} else {
$first_column = "Report File";
# column headers
if (!$opt_3 and $BY_FILE) {
my $spacing_n = $spacing_1 - 11;
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_n}s" , $first_column;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", $first_column;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s" , "" ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , "files";
my $PCT_symbol = "";
$PCT_symbol = " \%" if $opt_by_percent;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
"blank${PCT_symbol}" ,
"comment${PCT_symbol}" ,
if ($Style eq "txt") {
push @results, $data_line;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
# sort diff output in descending order of cumulative entries
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
($rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'}{'added'} +
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'}{'same'} +
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'}{'modified'} +
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'}{'removed'} ) <=>
($rhhh_count->{$a}{'code'}{'added'} +
$rhhh_count->{$a}{'code'}{'same'} +
$rhhh_count->{$a}{'code'}{'modified'} +
or $a cmp $b }
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
push @results, rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
} else {
push @results, $lang_or_file;
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
my $indent = $spacing_1 - 2;
my $line .= sprintf " %-${indent}s", $S;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line .= sprintf " ";
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s", $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} );
if ($rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
0.0, 0.0, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ;
push @results, $line;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
push @results, "SUM:";
my $sum_files = 0;
my $sum_lines = 0;
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
my $indent = $spacing_1 - 2;
my $line .= sprintf " %-${indent}s", $S;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line .= sprintf " ";
$sum_files += 1;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s", $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
$sum_files += $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent,
$sum{'code'}{$S}, $sum{'comment'}{$S}, $sum{'blank'}{$S});
if ($sum{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
$sum{'blank'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$sum{'comment'}{$S} / $DEN * 100,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %14.2f %14.2f %${spacing_2}s",
0.0, 0.0, $sum{'code'}{$S} ;
} else {
$line .= sprintf " %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
$sum{'blank'}{$S} ,
$sum{'comment'}{$S} ,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ;
$sum_lines += $sum{'blank'}{$S} + $sum{'comment'}{$S} + $sum{'code'}{$S};
push @results, $line;
my $header_line = sprintf "%s v %s", $URL, $version;
$header_line .= sprintf(" T=%.2f s (%.1f files/s, %.1f lines/s)",
$elapsed_sec ,
$sum_lines/$elapsed_sec) unless $opt_sum_reports or $opt_hide_rate;
if ($Style eq "txt") {
unshift @results, output_header($header_line, $hyphen_line, $BY_FILE);
push @results, $hyphen_line;
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "<- diff_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub xml_yaml_or_json_header { # {{{1
my ($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec, $sum_files, $sum_lines, $by_file) = @_;
print "-> xml_yaml_or_json_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $header = "";
my $file_rate = $sum_files/$elapsed_sec;
my $line_rate = $sum_lines/$elapsed_sec;
my $type = "";
$type = "diff_" if $opt_diff;
my $report_file = "";
if ($opt_report_file) {
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
if ($by_file) {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file.file</report_file>"
} else {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file.lang</report_file>"
} else {
$report_file = " <report_file>$opt_report_file</report_file>"
if ($opt_xml) {
$header = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
$header .= "\n<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"" . $opt_xsl . "\"?>" if $opt_xsl;
$header .= "<${type}results>
$header .= "\n$report_file"
if $opt_report_file;
$header .= "\n</header>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml or $opt_json) {
my ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C) = yaml_to_json_separators();
$header = "${start}${Q}header${Q} : $open_B
${Q}cloc_url${Q} : ${Q}$URL${Q}${C}
${Q}cloc_version${Q} : ${Q}$version${Q}${C}
${Q}elapsed_seconds${Q} : $elapsed_sec${C}
${Q}n_files${Q} : $sum_files${C}
${Q}n_lines${Q} : $sum_lines${C}
${Q}files_per_second${Q} : $file_rate${C}
${Q}lines_per_second${Q} : $line_rate";
if ($opt_report_file) {
if ($opt_sum_reports) {
if ($by_file) {
$header .= "$C\n ${Q}report_file${Q} : ${Q}$opt_report_file.file${Q}"
} else {
$header .= "$C\n ${Q}report_file${Q} : ${Q}$opt_report_file.lang${Q}"
} else {
$header .= "$C\n ${Q}report_file${Q} : ${Q}$opt_report_file${Q}";
$header .= "${close_B}${C}";
print "<- xml_yaml_or_json_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $header;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_yaml_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> diff_yaml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my @results = ();
my %sum = ();
my ($sum_lines, $sum_files, $BY_FILE, $BY_LANGUAGE) =
diff_header_sum($report_type, $rhhh_count, \%sum);
push @results,
xml_yaml_or_json_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
push @results, "$S :";
foreach my $F_or_L (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
# force quoted language or filename in case these
# have embedded funny characters, issue #312
push @results, " '" . rm_leading_tempdir($F_or_L, \%TEMP_DIR) . "' :";
foreach my $k (keys %{$rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}}) {
next if $k eq "lang"; # present only in those cases
# where code exists for action $S
$rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S};
push @results,
" $k : $rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S}";
push @results, "SUM :";
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
push @results, " $S :";
foreach my $topic (keys %sum) {
push @results, " $topic : $sum{$topic}{$S}";
print "<- diff_yaml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_json_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> diff_json_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my @results = ();
my %sum = ();
my ($sum_lines, $sum_files, $BY_FILE, $BY_LANGUAGE) =
diff_header_sum($report_type, $rhhh_count, \%sum);
push @results,
xml_yaml_or_json_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
push @results, " \"$S\" : {";
foreach my $F_or_L (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
push @results, " \"" . rm_leading_tempdir($F_or_L, \%TEMP_DIR) . "\" : {";
foreach my $k (keys %{$rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}}) {
next if $k eq "lang"; # present only in those cases
# where code exists for action $S
$rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S};
push @results,
" \"$k\" : $rhhh_count->{$F_or_L}{$k}{$S},";
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$//;
push @results, " },"
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$//;
push @results, " },"
push @results, " \"SUM\" : {";
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
push @results, " \"$S\" : {";
foreach my $topic (keys %sum) {
push @results, " \"$topic\" : $sum{$topic}{$S},";
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$//;
push @results, "},";
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$//;
push @results, "} }";
print "<- diff_json_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_header_sum { # {{{1
my ($report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rhh_sum , # out sum{nFiles|blank|comment|code}{same|modified|added|removed}
) = @_;
my $sum_files = 0;
my $sum_lines = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
foreach my $V (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
foreach my $S (qw(added same modified removed)) {
$rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
$rhh_sum->{$V}{$S} += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
if ($V eq "nFiles") {
$sum_files += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
} else {
$sum_lines += $rhhh_count->{$language}{$V}{$S};
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$BY_FILE = 1;
return $sum_lines, $sum_files, $BY_FILE, $BY_LANGUAGE;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_xml_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> diff_xml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C) = yaml_to_json_separators();
#print "diff_report: ", Dumper($rhhh_count), "\n";
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my @results = ();
my %sum = ();
my $languages = ();
my ($sum_lines, $sum_files, $BY_FILE, $BY_LANGUAGE) =
diff_header_sum($report_type, $rhhh_count, \%sum);
my $data_line = "";
push @results,
xml_yaml_or_json_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
foreach my $S (qw(same modified added removed)) {
push @results, " <$S>";
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
my $L = "";
if ($BY_FILE) {
$L .= sprintf " <file name=\"%s\" files_count=\"1\" ",
rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR));
} else {
$L .= sprintf " <language name=\"%s\" files_count=\"%d\" ",
$lang_or_file ,
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} ,
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%.2f\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"0.0\" ", $T;
foreach my $T (qw(code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $T (qw(blank comment code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ",
$T, $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$T}{$S};
push @results, $L . "/>";
my $L = sprintf " <total sum_files=\"%d\" ", $sum{'nFiles'}{$S};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent,
$sum{'code'}{$S} ,
$sum{'blank'}{$S} );
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment)) {
if ($sum{'code'}{$S} > 0) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%.2f\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S} / $DEN * 100;
} else {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"0.0\" ", $V;
foreach my $V (qw(code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
} else {
foreach my $V (qw(blank comment code)) {
$L .= sprintf "%s=\"%d\" ", $V, $sum{$V}{$S};
push @results, $L . "/>";
push @results, " </$S>";
push @results, "</diff_results>";
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "<- diff_xml_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub diff_csv_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment}{a|m|r|s}
$rh_scale , # in unused
) = @_;
print "-> diff_csv_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my $data_line = "";
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$BY_FILE = 1;
my $DELIM = ",";
$DELIM = $opt_csv_delimiter if defined $opt_csv_delimiter;
$DELIM = "|" if defined $opt_md;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $line = "Language${DELIM} ";
$line = "File${DELIM} " if $BY_FILE;
foreach my $item (qw(files blank comment code)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'files';
foreach my $symbol ( '==', '!=', '+', '-', ) {
$line .= "$symbol $item${DELIM} ";
my $T_elapsed_sec = "T=$elapsed_sec s";
$T_elapsed_sec = "" if $opt_hide_rate;
if ($opt_md) {
push @results, "cloc|$URL v $version $T_elapsed_sec";
push @results, "--- | ---";
push @results, "";
push @results, $line;
my @col_header = ();
push @col_header, ":-------";
foreach (1..16) {
push @col_header, "-------:";
push @results, join("|", @col_header) . "|";
} else {
$line .= "\"$URL v $version $T_elapsed_sec\"";
push @results, $line;
foreach my $lang_or_file (keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{'added'} = 0 unless
defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
keys %{$rhhh_count}) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$line = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR) . "$DELIM ";
} else {
$line = $lang_or_file . "${DELIM} ";
if ($opt_by_percent) {
foreach my $item (qw(nFiles)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'nFiles';
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
foreach my $item (qw(blank comment)) {
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol} and
defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} and
$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} > 0) {
$line .= sprintf("%.2f", $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol} / $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'}{$symbol} * 100).${DELIM};
} else {
$line .= "0.00${DELIM} ";
foreach my $item (qw(code)) {
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
} else {
foreach my $item (qw(nFiles blank comment code)) {
next if $BY_FILE and $item eq 'nFiles';
foreach my $symbol (qw(same modified added removed)) {
if (defined $rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}) {
$line .= "$rhhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{$item}{$symbol}${DELIM} ";
} else {
$line .= "0${DELIM} ";
push @results, $line;
print "<- diff_csv_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_leading_tempdir { # {{{1
my ($in_file, $rh_temp_dirs, ) = @_;
my $clean_filename = $in_file;
foreach my $temp_d (keys %{$rh_temp_dirs}) {
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
# \ -> / necessary to allow the next if test's
# m{} to work in the presence of spaces in file names
$temp_d =~ s{\\}{/}g;
$clean_filename =~ s{\\}{/}g;
if ($clean_filename =~ m{^$temp_d/}) {
$clean_filename =~ s{^$temp_d/}{};
if ($ON_WINDOWS and $opt_by_file) { # then go back from / to \
if ($opt_json) {
$clean_filename =~ s{/}{\\\\}g;
} else {
$clean_filename =~ s{/}{\\}g;
return $clean_filename;
} # 1}}}
sub generate_sql { # {{{1
my ($elapsed_sec, # in
$rhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{lang|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> generate_sql\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "generate_sql A [$opt_sql_project]\n";
$opt_sql_project = cwd() unless defined $opt_sql_project;
$opt_sql_project = '' unless defined $opt_sql_project; # have seen cwd() fail
#print "generate_sql B [$opt_sql_project]\n";
$opt_sql_project =~ s{/}{\\}g if $ON_WINDOWS;
#print "generate_sql C [$opt_sql_project]\n";
my $schema = undef;
if ($opt_sql_style eq "oracle") {
$schema = "
timestamp TIMESTAMP,
project VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
elapsed_s NUMBER(10, 6)
project VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
language VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_fullname VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_dirname VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
file_basename VARCHAR2(500 CHAR),
nblank INTEGER,
ncomment INTEGER,
ncode INTEGER,
nscaled NUMBER(10, 6)
} else {
$schema = "
create table metadata ( -- $URL v $VERSION
timestamp varchar(500),
Project varchar(500),
elapsed_s real);
create table t (
Project varchar(500) ,
Language varchar(500) ,
File varchar(500) ,
File_dirname varchar(500) ,
File_basename varchar(500) ,
nBlank integer ,
nComment integer ,
nCode integer ,
nScaled real );
$opt_sql = "-" if $opt_sql eq "1";
my $open_mode = ">";
$open_mode = ">>" if $opt_sql_append;
my $fh = new IO::File; # $opt_sql, "w";
if (!$fh->open("${open_mode}${opt_sql}")) {
die "Unable to write to $opt_sql $!\n";
print $fh $schema unless defined $opt_sql_append;
my $insert_into_t = "insert into t ";
if ($opt_sql_style eq "oracle") {
printf $fh "insert into metadata values(TO_TIMESTAMP('%s','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), '%s', %f);\n",
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time())),
$opt_sql_project, $elapsed_sec;
} elsif ($opt_sql_style eq "named_columns") {
print $fh "begin transaction;\n";
$insert_into_t .= "( Project, Language, File, File_dirname, File_basename, nBlank, nComment, nCode, nScaled )";
} else {
print $fh "begin transaction;\n";
printf $fh "insert into metadata values('%s', '%s', %f);\n",
strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", localtime(time())),
$opt_sql_project, $elapsed_sec;
my $nIns = 0;
foreach my $file (keys %{$rhh_count}) {
my $language = $rhh_count->{$file}{'lang'};
my $clean_filename = $file;
# If necessary (that is, if the input contained an
# archive file [.tar.gz, etc]), strip the temporary
# directory name which was used to expand the archive
# from the file name.
$clean_filename = rm_leading_tempdir($clean_filename, \%TEMP_DIR);
$clean_filename =~ s/\'/''/g; # double embedded single quotes
# to escape them
printf $fh "$insert_into_t values('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', " .
"%d, %d, %d, %f);\n",
$opt_sql_project ,
$language ,
$clean_filename ,
dirname( $clean_filename) ,
basename($clean_filename) ,
$rhh_count->{$file}{'code'} ,
if (!($nIns % 10_000) and ($opt_sql_style ne "oracle")) {
print $fh "commit;\n";
print $fh "begin transaction;\n";
if ($opt_sql_style ne "oracle") {
print $fh "commit;\n";
$fh->close unless $opt_sql eq "-"; # don't try to close STDOUT
print "<- generate_sql\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# sample query:
# select project, language,
# sum(nCode) as Code,
# sum(nComment) as Comments,
# sum(nBlank) as Blank,
# sum(nCode)+sum(nComment)+sum(nBlank) as All_Lines,
# 100.0*sum(nComment)/(sum(nCode)+sum(nComment)) as Comment_Pct
# from t group by Project, Language order by Project, Code desc;
} # 1}}}
sub output_header { # {{{1
my ($header_line,
$BY_FILE ,) = @_;
print "-> output_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @R = ();
if ($opt_xml) {
push @R, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>";
push @R, '<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="' .
$opt_xsl . '"?>' if $opt_xsl;
push @R, "<results>";
push @R, "<header>$header_line</header>";
if ($BY_FILE) {
push @R, "<files>";
} else {
push @R, "<languages>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
push @R, "---\n# $header_line";
} elsif ($opt_csv or $opt_md) {
# append the header to the end of the column headers
# to keep the output a bit cleaner from a spreadsheet
# perspective
} else {
push @R, "";
} else {
push @R, $header_line;
push @R, $hyphen_line;
print "<- output_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @R;
} # 1}}}
sub generate_report { # {{{1
# returns an array of lines containing the results
my ($version , # in
$elapsed_sec, # in
$report_type, # in "by language" | "by report file" | "by file"
$rhh_count , # in count{TYPE}{nFiles|code|blank|comment|scaled}
$rh_scale , # in
) = @_;
print "-> generate_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $DELIM = ",";
$DELIM = $opt_csv_delimiter if defined $opt_csv_delimiter;
$DELIM = "|" if defined $opt_md;
my @results = ();
my $languages = ();
my $sum_files = 0;
my $sum_code = 0;
my $sum_blank = 0;
my $sum_comment = 0;
my $max_len = 0;
foreach my $language (keys %{$rhh_count}) {
$sum_files += $rhh_count->{$language}{'nFiles'} ;
$sum_blank += $rhh_count->{$language}{'blank'} ;
$sum_comment += $rhh_count->{$language}{'comment'};
$sum_code += $rhh_count->{$language}{'code'} ;
$max_len = length($language) if length($language) > $max_len;
my $column_1_offset = 0;
$column_1_offset = $max_len - 17 if $max_len > 17;
my $sum_lines = $sum_blank + $sum_comment + $sum_code;
$elapsed_sec = 0.5 unless $elapsed_sec;
my $spacing_0 = 23;
my $spacing_1 = 13;
my $spacing_2 = 9;
my $spacing_3 = 17;
if (!$opt_3) {
$spacing_1 = 19;
$spacing_2 = 14;
$spacing_3 = 27;
$spacing_0 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_1 += $column_1_offset;
$spacing_3 += $column_1_offset;
my %Format = (
'1' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_0}s ",
'2' => { 'xml' => 'name="%s" ',
'txt' => "\%-${spacing_3}s ",
'3' => { 'xml' => 'files_count="%d" ',
'txt' => '%6d ',
'4' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%d" comment="%d" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d \%${spacing_2}d",
'5' => { 'xml' => 'blank="%3.2f" comment="%3.2f" code="%d" ',
'txt' => "\%14.2f \%14.2f \%${spacing_2}d",
'6' => { 'xml' => 'factor="%.2f" scaled="%.2f" ',
'txt' => ' x %6.2f = %14.2f',
my $Style = "txt";
$Style = "xml" if $opt_xml ;
$Style = "xml" if $opt_yaml; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_json; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
$Style = "xml" if $opt_csv ; # not a typo; just set to anything but txt
my $hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (79 + $column_1_offset);
$hyphen_line = sprintf "%s", '-' x (68 + $column_1_offset)
if (!$opt_sum_reports) and (!$opt_3) and (68 + $column_1_offset) > 79;
my $data_line = "";
my $first_column;
my $BY_LANGUAGE = 0;
my $BY_FILE = 0;
if ($report_type eq "by language") {
$first_column = "Language";
} elsif ($report_type eq "by file") {
$first_column = "File";
$BY_FILE = 1;
} elsif ($report_type eq "by report file") {
$first_column = "File";
} else {
$first_column = "Report File";
my $header_line = sprintf "%s v %s", $URL, $version;
$header_line .= sprintf(" T=%.2f s (%.1f files/s, %.1f lines/s)",
$elapsed_sec ,
$sum_lines/$elapsed_sec) unless $opt_sum_reports or $opt_hide_rate;
if ($opt_xml or $opt_yaml or $opt_json) {
if ($opt_by_file_by_lang and $opt_json) {
push @results, '{ "by_file" : ';
push @results, xml_yaml_or_json_header($URL, $version, $elapsed_sec,
$sum_files, $sum_lines, $BY_FILE);
# $ALREADY_SHOWED_HEADER = 1 unless $opt_sum_reports;
# --sum-reports yields two xml or yaml files, one by
# language and one by report file, each of which needs a header
if ($opt_xml) {
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, "<files>";
} else {
push @results, "<languages>";
} else {
push @results, output_header($header_line, $hyphen_line, $BY_FILE);
if ($Style eq "txt") {
# column headers
if (!$opt_3 and $BY_FILE) {
my $spacing_n = $spacing_1 - 11;
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_n}s ", $first_column;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", $first_column;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , " " ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s " , "files";
my $PCT_symbol = "";
$PCT_symbol = " \%" if $opt_by_percent;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s %${spacing_2}s",
"blank${PCT_symbol}" ,
"comment${PCT_symbol}" ,
$data_line .= sprintf " %8s %14s",
"scale" ,
"3rd gen. equiv"
if $opt_3;
if ($opt_md) {
my @col_header = ();
if ($data_line =~ m{\s%}) {
$data_line =~ s{\s%}{_%}g;
foreach my $w ( split(' ', $data_line) ) {
$w =~ s{_%}{ %};
push @col_header, $w;
} else {
push @col_header, split(' ', $data_line);
my @col_hyphens = ( '-------:') x scalar(@col_header);
$col_hyphens[0] = ':-------'; # first column left justified
push @results, join("|", @col_header );
push @results, join("|", @col_hyphens);
} else {
push @results, $data_line;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
if ($opt_csv) {
my $header2;
if ($BY_FILE) {
$header2 = "language${DELIM}filename";
} else {
$header2 = "files${DELIM}language";
$header2 .= "${DELIM}blank${DELIM}comment${DELIM}code";
$header2 .= "${DELIM}scale${DELIM}3rd gen. equiv" if $opt_3;
$header2 .= ${DELIM} . '"' . $header_line . '"';
push @results, $header2;
my $sum_scaled = 0;
foreach my $lang_or_file (sort {
$rhh_count->{$b}{'code'} <=>
or $a cmp $b
keys %{$rhh_count}) {
next if $lang_or_file eq "by report file";
my ($factor, $scaled);
$factor = 1;
if (defined $rh_scale->{$lang_or_file}) {
$factor = $rh_scale->{$lang_or_file};
} else {
warn "No scale factor for $lang_or_file; using 1.00";
} else { # by individual code file
if ($report_type ne "by report file") {
next unless defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
next unless defined $rh_scale->{$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}};
$factor = $rh_scale->{$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}};
$scaled = $factor*$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
} else {
if (!defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'}) {
$opt_3 = 0;
# If we're summing together files previously generated
# with --no3 then rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'}
# this variable will be undefined. That should only
# happen when summing together by file however.
} elsif ($BY_LANGUAGE) {
warn "Missing scaled language info for $lang_or_file\n";
if ($opt_3) {
$scaled = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'scaled'};
$factor = $scaled/$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'};
if ($BY_FILE) {
my $clean_filename = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
$clean_filename = xml_metachars($clean_filename) if $opt_xml;
$data_line = sprintf $Format{'1'}{$Style}, $clean_filename;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf $Format{'2'}{$Style}, $lang_or_file;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{3}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'} unless $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} );
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{5}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{4}{$Style} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{6}{$Style} ,
$factor ,
$scaled if $opt_3;
$sum_scaled += $scaled if $opt_3;
if ($opt_xml) {
if (defined $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'}) {
my $lang = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
if (!defined $languages->{$lang}) {
$languages->{$lang} = $lang;
$data_line.=' language="' . $lang . '" ';
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, " <file " . $data_line . "/>";
} else {
push @results, " <language " . $data_line . "/>";
} elsif ($opt_yaml or $opt_json) {
my ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C) = yaml_to_json_separators();
if ($opt_yaml) {
# YAML: force quoted language or filename in case these
# have embedded funny characters, issue #312
push @results,"'" . rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR). "' :$open_B";
} else {
push @results,"${Q}" . rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR). "${Q} :$open_B";
push @results," ${Q}nFiles${Q}: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'} . $C
unless $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} );
push @results," ${Q}blank_pct${Q}: " .
sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100) . $C;
push @results," ${Q}comment_pct${Q}: " .
sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100) . $C;
push @results," ${Q}code${Q}: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} . $C;
} else {
push @results," ${Q}blank${Q}: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} . $C;
push @results," ${Q}comment${Q}: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} . $C;
push @results," ${Q}code${Q}: " . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} . $C;
push @results," ${Q}language${Q}: " . $Q . $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'} . $Q . $C
if $BY_FILE;
if ($opt_3) {
push @results, " ${Q}scaled${Q}: " . $scaled . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}factor${Q}: " . $factor . $C;
if ($opt_json) { # replace the trailing comma with }, on the last line
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$/},/;
} elsif ($opt_csv or $opt_md) {
my $extra_3 = "";
$extra_3 = "${DELIM}$factor${DELIM}$scaled" if $opt_3;
my $first_column = undef;
my $clean_name = $lang_or_file;
my $str;
if ($opt_csv) {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
$clean_name = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
} else {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'};
$str = $first_column . ${DELIM} .
$clean_name . ${DELIM};
} else {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'lang'};
$clean_name = rm_leading_tempdir($lang_or_file, \%TEMP_DIR);
$str = $clean_name . ${DELIM};
} else {
$first_column = $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'nFiles'};
$str = $clean_name . ${DELIM} .
$first_column . ${DELIM};
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'code'} ,
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} );
$str .= sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} / $DEN * 100) . ${DELIM} .
sprintf("%3.2f", $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'} / $DEN * 100) . ${DELIM} .
} else {
$str .= $rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'blank'} . ${DELIM} .
$rhh_count->{$lang_or_file}{'comment'}. ${DELIM} .
$str .= $extra_3;
push @results, $str;
} else {
push @results, $data_line;
my $avg_scale = 1; # weighted average of scale factors
$avg_scale = sprintf("%.2f", $sum_scaled / $sum_code)
if $sum_code and $opt_3;
if ($opt_xml) {
$data_line = "";
if (!$BY_FILE) {
$data_line .= sprintf "sum_files=\"%d\" ", $sum_files;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'5'}{$Style},
$sum_blank / $DEN * 100,
$sum_comment / $DEN * 100,
$sum_code ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'4'}{$Style},
$sum_blank ,
$sum_comment ,
$sum_code ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'6'}{$Style},
$avg_scale ,
$sum_scaled if $opt_3;
push @results, " <total " . $data_line . "/>";
if ($BY_FILE or ($report_type eq "by report file")) {
push @results, "</files>";
} else {
foreach my $language (keys %{$languages}) {
push @results, ' <language name="' . $language . '"/>';
push @results, "</languages>";
if (!$opt_by_file_by_lang or $ALREADY_SHOWED_XML_SECTION) {
push @results, "</results>";
} else {
} elsif ($opt_yaml or $opt_json) {
my ($Q, $open_B, $close_B, $start, $C) = yaml_to_json_separators();
push @results, "${Q}SUM${Q}: ${open_B}";
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
push @results, " ${Q}blank${Q}: " . sprintf("%.2f", $sum_blank / $DEN * 100) . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}comment${Q}: ". sprintf("%.2f", $sum_comment / $DEN * 100) . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}code${Q}: " . $sum_code . $C;
} else {
push @results, " ${Q}blank${Q}: " . $sum_blank . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}comment${Q}: ". $sum_comment . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}code${Q}: " . $sum_code . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}nFiles${Q}: " . $sum_files . $C;
if ($opt_3) {
push @results, " ${Q}scaled${Q}: " . $sum_scaled . $C;
push @results, " ${Q}factor${Q}: " . $avg_scale . $C;
if ($opt_json) {
$results[-1] =~ s/,\s*$/} }/;
if ($opt_by_file_by_lang) {
$results[-1] .= ' }';
} else {
$results[-1] .= ', "by_lang" : {';
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
my @entries = ();
if ($opt_by_file) {
push @entries, "SUM";
push @entries, "";
} else {
push @entries, $sum_files;
push @entries, "SUM";
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
push @entries, sprintf("%.2f", $sum_blank / $DEN * 100);
push @entries, sprintf("%.2f", $sum_comment / $DEN * 100);
} else {
push @entries, $sum_blank;
push @entries, $sum_comment;
push @entries, $sum_code;
if ($opt_3) {
push @entries, $sum_scaled;
push @entries, $avg_scale ;
push @results, join(",", @entries);
} else {
if ($BY_FILE) {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_0}s ", "SUM:" ;
} else {
$data_line = sprintf "%-${spacing_1}s ", "SUM:" ;
$data_line .= sprintf "%${spacing_2}d ", $sum_files;
if ($opt_by_percent) {
my $DEN = compute_denominator($opt_by_percent ,
$sum_code, $sum_comment, $sum_blank);
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'5'}{$Style},
$sum_blank / $DEN * 100,
$sum_comment / $DEN * 100,
$sum_code ;
} else {
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'4'}{$Style},
$sum_blank ,
$sum_comment ,
$sum_code ;
$data_line .= sprintf $Format{'6'}{$Style},
$avg_scale ,
$sum_scaled if $opt_3;
if ($opt_md) {
my @words = split(' ', $data_line);
my $n_cols = scalar(@words);
# my $n_cols = scalar(split(' ', $data_line)); # deprecated
$data_line =~ s/\s+/\|/g;
my @col_hyphens = ( '--------') x $n_cols;
push @results, join("|", @col_hyphens);
push @results, $data_line if $sum_files > 1 or $opt_sum_one;
unshift @results, ( "cloc|$header_line", "--- | ---", "", );
} else {
push @results, $hyphen_line if $sum_files > 1 or $opt_sum_one;
push @results, $data_line if $sum_files > 1 or $opt_sum_one;
push @results, $hyphen_line;
write_xsl_file() if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
$ALREADY_SHOWED_HEADER = 1 unless $opt_sum_reports;
print "<- generate_report\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @results;
} # 1}}}
sub print_errors { # {{{1
my ($rh_Error_Codes, # in
$raa_errors , # in
) = @_;
print "-> print_errors\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %error_string = reverse(%{$rh_Error_Codes});
my $nErrors = scalar @{$raa_errors};
warn sprintf "\n%d error%s:\n", plural_form(scalar @Errors);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $nErrors; $i++) {
warn sprintf "%s: %s\n",
$error_string{ $raa_errors->[$i][0] },
$raa_errors->[$i][1] ;
print "<- print_errors\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub write_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # in
$rh_Language_by_Script , # in
$rh_Language_by_File , # in
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # in
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # in
$rh_Scale_Factor , # in
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # in
) = @_;
print "-> write_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @outlines = ();
foreach my $language (sort keys %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language}) {
next if $language =~ /(Brain|\(unknown\))/;
next if defined $Extension_Collision{$language};
push @outlines, $language;
foreach my $filter (@{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}) {
my $line = "";
$line .= sprintf " filter %s", $filter->[0];
$line .= sprintf " %s", $filter->[1] if defined $filter->[1];
# $filter->[0] == 'remove_between_general',
# 'remove_between_regex', and
# 'remove_matches_2re' have two args
$line .= sprintf " %s", $filter->[2] if defined $filter->[2];
# $filter->[0] == 'replace_between_regex' has three or four args
$line .= sprintf " %s", $filter->[3] if defined $filter->[3];
$line .= sprintf " %s", $filter->[4] if defined $filter->[4];
push @outlines, $line;
# file extension won't appear if the extension maps to
# multiple languages; work around this
my $found = 0;
foreach my $ext (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Extension}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$ext}) {
push @outlines, sprintf " extension %s\n", $ext;
$found = 1;
if (!$found and $opt_write_lang_def_incl_dup) {
foreach my $multilang (sort keys %Extension_Collision) {
my %Languages = map { $_ => 1 } split('/', $multilang);
next unless $Languages{$language};
foreach my $ext (@{$Extension_Collision{$multilang}}) {
push @outlines, sprintf " extension %s\n", $ext;
foreach my $filename (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_File}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_File->{$filename}) {
push @outlines, sprintf " filename %s\n", $filename;
foreach my $script_exe (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Script}) {
if ($language eq $rh_Language_by_Script->{$script_exe}) {
push @outlines, sprintf " script_exe %s\n", $script_exe;
push @outlines, sprintf " 3rd_gen_scale %.2f\n", $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language};
if (defined $rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language}) {
push @outlines, sprintf " end_of_line_continuation %s\n",
write_file($file, {}, @outlines);
print "<- write_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub read_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # out
$rh_Language_by_File , # out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # out
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # out
) = @_;
print "-> read_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
die "Unable to read $file.\n" unless defined $IN;
my $language = "";
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
if (/^(\w+.*?)\s*$/) {
$language = $1;
die "Missing computer language name, line $. of $file\n"
unless $language;
if (/^\s{4}filter\s+(remove_between_(general|2re|regex))
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/x) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $3 , $4 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_between_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+|\".*\")\s+(\S+)\s*$/x) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_between_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/x) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 , $4 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_regex)\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , '' ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(.+?)\s*$/x) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 , $2 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}extension\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
if (defined $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}) {
die "File extension collision: $1 ",
"maps to languages '$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}' ",
"and '$language'\n" ,
"Edit $file and remove $1 from one of these two ",
"language definitions.\n";
$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}filename\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Language_by_File->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}script_exe\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Language_by_Script->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}3rd_gen_scale\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_Scale_Factor->{$language} = $1;
} elsif (/^\s{4}end_of_line_continuation\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language} = $1;
} else {
die "Unexpected data line $. of $file:\n$_\n";
print "<- read_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub merge_lang_def { # {{{1
my ($file ,
$rh_Language_by_Extension , # in/out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # in/out
$rh_Language_by_File , # in/out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # in/out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # in/out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # in/out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # in/out
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re , # in/out
) = @_;
print "-> merge_lang_def($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
die "Unable to read $file.\n" unless defined $IN;
my $language = "";
my $already_know_it = undef;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*#/ or /^\s*$/;
if (/^(\w+.*?)\s*$/) {
$language = $1;
$already_know_it = defined $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language};
die "Missing computer language name, line $. of $file\n"
unless $language;
if (/^\s{4}filter\s+(remove_between_(general|2re|regex))
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/x) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $3 , $4 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_between_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+|\".*\")\s+(\S+)\s*$/x) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_between_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/x) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 , $4 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(replace_regex)
\s+(\S+)\s+(.+?)\s*$/x) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [
$1 , $2 , $3 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}filter\s+(\w+)\s+(.*?)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
push @{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}}, [ $1 , $2 ]
} elsif (/^\s{4}extension\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
if (defined $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}) {
die "File extension collision: $1 ",
"maps to languages '$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1}' ",
"and '$language'\n" ,
"Edit $file and remove $1 from one of these two ",
"language definitions.\n";
$rh_Language_by_Extension->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}filename\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Language_by_File->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}script_exe\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Language_by_Script->{$1} = $language;
} elsif (/^\s{4}3rd_gen_scale\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_Scale_Factor->{$language} = $1;
} elsif (/^\s{4}end_of_line_continuation\s+(\S+)\s*$/) {
next if $already_know_it;
$rh_EOL_Continuation_re->{$language} = $1;
} else {
die "Unexpected data line $. of $file:\n$_\n";
print "<- merge_lang_def\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub print_extension_info { # {{{1
my ($extension,) = @_;
if ($extension) { # show information on this extension
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b or $a cmp $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
next if $Language_by_Extension{$ext} =~ /Brain/;
printf "%-15s -> %s\n", $ext, $Language_by_Extension{$ext}
if $ext =~ m{$extension}i;
} else { # show information on all extensions
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b or $a cmp $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
next if $Language_by_Extension{$ext} =~ /Brain/;
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
printf "%-15s -> %s\n", $ext, $Language_by_Extension{$ext};
} # 1}}}
sub print_language_info { # {{{1
my ($language,
$prefix ,) = @_;
my %extensions = (); # the subset matched by the given $language value
if ($language) { # show information on this language
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b or $a cmp $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
push @{$extensions{$Language_by_Extension{$ext}} }, $ext
if lc $Language_by_Extension{$ext} eq lc $language;
# if $Language_by_Extension{$ext} =~ m{$language}i;
} else { # show information on all languages
foreach my $ext (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b or $a cmp $b } keys %Language_by_Extension) {
# Language_by_Extension{f} = 'Fortran 77'
push @{$extensions{$Language_by_Extension{$ext}} }, $ext
# add exceptions (one file extension mapping to multiple languages)
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Objective C|MATLAB|Mathematica|MUMPS|Mercury)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Objective C'}}, "m";
push @{$extensions{'MATLAB'}} , "m";
push @{$extensions{'Mathematica'}}, "m";
push @{$extensions{'MUMPS'}} , "m";
delete $extensions{'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Lisp|OpenCL)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Lisp'}} , "cl";
push @{$extensions{'OpenCL'}}, "cl";
delete $extensions{'Lisp/OpenCL'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Lisp|Julia)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Lisp'}} , "jl";
push @{$extensions{'Julia'}} , "jl";
delete $extensions{'Lisp/Julia'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Perl|Prolog)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Perl'}} , "pl";
push @{$extensions{'Prolog'}}, "pl";
delete $extensions{'Perl/Prolog'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Raku|Prolog)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Perl'}} , "p6";
push @{$extensions{'Prolog'}}, "p6";
delete $extensions{'Perl/Prolog'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(IDL|Qt Project|Prolog|ProGuard)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'IDL'}} , "pro";
push @{$extensions{'Qt Project'}}, "pro";
push @{$extensions{'Prolog'}} , "pro";
push @{$extensions{'ProGuard'}} , "pro";
delete $extensions{'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(D|dtrace)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'D'}} , "d";
push @{$extensions{'dtrace'}} , "d";
delete $extensions{'D/dtrace'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^Forth$/) {
push @{$extensions{'Forth'}} , "fs";
push @{$extensions{'Forth'}} , "f";
push @{$extensions{'Forth'}} , "for";
delete $extensions{'Fortran 77/Forth'};
delete $extensions{'F#/Forth'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^Fortran 77$/) {
push @{$extensions{'Fortran 77'}}, "f";
push @{$extensions{'Fortran 77'}}, "for";
push @{$extensions{'F#'}} , "fs";
delete $extensions{'Fortran 77/Forth'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^F#$/) {
push @{$extensions{'F#'}} , "fs";
delete $extensions{'F#/Forth'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Verilog-SystemVerilog|Coq)$/) {
push @{$extensions{'Coq'}} , "v";
push @{$extensions{'Verilog-SystemVerilog'}} , "v";
delete $extensions{'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(TypeScript|Qt Linguist)$/) {
push @{$extensions{'TypeScript'}} , "ts";
push @{$extensions{'Qt Linguist'}} , "ts";
delete $extensions{'TypeScript/Qt Linguist'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Qt|Glade)$/) {
push @{$extensions{'Glade'}} , "ui";
push @{$extensions{'Qt'}} , "ui";
delete $extensions{'Qt/Glade'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(C#|Smalltalk)$/) {
push @{$extensions{'C#'}} , "cs";
push @{$extensions{'Smalltalk'}} , "cs";
delete $extensions{'C#/Smalltalk'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Visual\s+Basic|TeX|Apex\s+Class)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Visual Basic'}} , "cls";
push @{$extensions{'TeX'}} , "cls";
push @{$extensions{'Apex Class'}} , "cls";
delete $extensions{'Visual Basic/TeX/Apex Class'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Ant)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Ant'}} , "build.xml";
delete $extensions{'Ant/XML'};
if (!$language or $language =~ /^(Scheme|SaltStack)$/i) {
push @{$extensions{'Scheme'}} , "sls";
push @{$extensions{'SaltStack'}} , "sls";
delete $extensions{'Scheme/SaltStack'};
if ($opt_explain) {
return unless $extensions{$language};
if ($prefix) {
printf "%s %s\n", $prefix, join(", ", @{$extensions{$language}});
} else {
printf "%-26s (%s)\n", $language, join(", ", @{$extensions{$language}});
} else {
if (%extensions) {
foreach my $lang (sort {lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %extensions) {
next if $lang =~ /Brain/;
if ($prefix) {
printf "%s %s\n", $prefix, join(", ", @{$extensions{$lang}});
} else {
printf "%-26s (%s)\n", $lang, join(", ", @{$extensions{$lang}});
} # 1}}}
sub print_language_filters { # {{{1
my ($language,) = @_;
if (!$Filters_by_Language{$language} or
!@{$Filters_by_Language{$language}}) {
warn "Unknown language: $language\n";
warn "Use --show-lang to list all defined languages.\n";
printf "%s\n", $language;
foreach my $filter (@{$Filters_by_Language{$language}}) {
printf " filter %s", $filter->[0];
printf " %s", $filter->[1] if defined $filter->[1];
printf " %s", $filter->[2] if defined $filter->[2];
printf " %s", $filter->[3] if defined $filter->[3];
printf " %s", $filter->[4] if defined $filter->[4];
print "\n";
print_language_info($language, " extensions:");
} # 1}}}
sub top_level_SMB_dir { # {{{1
# Ref, if the
# user supplies a directory name which is an SMB mount
# point, this directory will appear to File::Find as
# though it is empty unless $File::Find::dont_use_nlink
# is set to 1. This subroutine checks to see if any SMB
# mounts (identified from stat()'s fourth entry, nlink,
# having a value of 2) were passed in on the command line.
my ($ra_arg_list,) = @_; # in user supplied file name, directory name, git hash, etc
foreach my $entry (@{$ra_arg_list}) {
next unless -d $entry;
# gets here if $entry is a directory; now get its nlink value
my @stats = stat($entry);
my $nlink = $stats[3];
return 1 if $nlink == 2; # meaning it is an SMB mount
return 0;
# 1}}}
sub replace_git_hash_with_tarfile { # {{{1
my ($ra_arg_list, # in file name, directory name and/or
# git commit hash to examine
$ra_git_similarity) = @_; # out only if --opt-git-diff-simindex
# replace git hashes in $ra_arg_list with tar files
# Diff mode and count mode behave differently:
# Diff:
# file git_hash
# Extract file from the git repo and only compare to it.
# git_hash1 git_hash2
# Get listings of all files in git_hash1 and git_hash2.
# git ls-tree --name-only -r *git_hash1*
# git ls-tree --name-only -r *git_hash2*
# Next, get listings of files that changed with git_hash1
# and git_hash2.
# git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only *git_hash1* *git_hash2*
# Finally, make two tar files of git repos1 and 2 where the file
# listing is the union of changes.
# git archive -o tarfile1 *git_hash1* \
# <union of files that changed and exist in this commit>
# git archive -o tarfile2 *git_hash2* \
# <union of files that changed and exist in this commit>
# To avoid "Argument list too long" error, repeat the git
# achive step with chunks of 30,000 files at a time then
# merge the tar files as the final step.
# Regular count:
# Simply make a tar file of all files in the git repo.
my $prt_args = join(",", @{$ra_arg_list});
print "-> replace_git_hash_with_tarfile($prt_args)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "ra_arg_list 1: @{$ra_arg_list}\n";
my $hash_regex = qr/^([a-f\d]{5,40}|master|HEAD)$/;
my %replacement_arg_list = ();
# early exit if none of the inputs look like git hashes
my %git_hash = ();
my $i = 0;
foreach my $file_or_dir (@{$ra_arg_list}) {
if (-r $file_or_dir) { # readable file or dir; not a git hash
$replacement_arg_list{$i} = $file_or_dir;
} elsif ($opt_force_git or $file_or_dir =~ m/$hash_regex/) {
$git_hash{$file_or_dir} = $i;
} # else the input can't be understood; ignore for now
return unless %git_hash;
my $have_tar_git = external_utility_exists($ON_WINDOWS ? "unzip" : "tar --version") &&
external_utility_exists("git --version");
if (!$have_tar_git) {
warn "One or more inputs looks like a git hash but " .
"either git or tar is unavailable.\n";
my %repo_listing = (); # $repo_listing{hash}{files} = 1;
foreach my $hash (sort keys %git_hash) {
my $git_list_cmd = "git ls-tree --name-only -r ";
if ($hash =~ m/(.*?):(.*?)$/) {
# requesting specific file(s) from this hash; grep for them
# Note: this capability not fully implemented yet
$git_list_cmd .= "$1|grep '$2'";
} else {
$git_list_cmd .= $hash;
print "$git_list_cmd\n" if $opt_v;
foreach my $file (`$git_list_cmd`) {
$file =~ s/\s+$//;
$repo_listing{$hash}{$file} = 1;
# logic for each of the modes
if ($opt_diff) {
#print "A DIFF\n";
# set the default git diff algorithm
$opt_git_diff_rel = 1 unless $opt_git_diff_all or
# is it git to git, or git to file/dir ?
my ($Left, $Right) = @{$ra_arg_list};
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "diff_listing= "; print Dumper(\%diff_listing);
#print "git_hash= "; print Dumper(\%git_hash);
if ($git_hash{$Left} and $git_hash{$Right}) {
#print "A DIFF git-to-git\n";
# git to git
# first make a union of all files that have changed in both commits
my %files_union = ();
my @left_files = ();
my @right_files = ();
if ($opt_git_diff_rel) {
# Strategy 1: Union files are what git consinders have changed
# between the two commits.
my $git_list_cmd = "git diff-tree -r --no-commit-id --name-only $Left $Right";
# print "$git_list_cmd\n" if $opt_v;
foreach my $file (`$git_list_cmd`) {
$files_union{$file} = 1;
} elsif ($opt_git_diff_all) {
# Strategy 2: Union files all files in both repos.
foreach my $file (keys %{$repo_listing{$Left }},
keys %{$repo_listing{$Right}}) {
$files_union{$file} = 1;
} elsif ($opt_git_diff_simindex) {
# Strategy 3: Use git's own similarity index to figure
# out which files to compare.
git_similarity_index($Left , # in
$Right , # in
\@left_files , # out
\@right_files , # out
$ra_git_similarity); # out
#use Data::Dumper;
#print "files_union =\n", Dumper(\%files_union);
#print "repo_listing=\n", Dumper(\%repo_listing);
# then make trucated tar files of those union files which
# actually exist in each repo
foreach my $file (sort keys %files_union) {
push @left_files , $file if $repo_listing{$Left }{$file};
push @right_files, $file if $repo_listing{$Right}{$file};
# backslash whitespace, weird chars within file names (#257, #284)
# my @Lfiles= map {$_ =~ s/([\s\(\)\[\]{}';\^\$\?])/\\$1/g; $_} @left_files;
# my @Lfiles= @left_files;
if(scalar(@left_files) > 0) {
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Left}} = git_archive($Left , \@left_files);
} else {
# In the right side commit ONLY file(s) was added, so no file(s) will exist in the left side commit.
# Create empty TAR to detect added lines of code.
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Left}} = empty_tar();
# $replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Left}} = git_archive($Left , \@Lfiles);
# my @Rfiles= map {$_ =~ s/([\s\(\)\[\]{}';\^\$\?])/\\$1/g; $_} @right_files ;
# my @Rfiles= @right_files ;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper('left' , \@left_files);
#print Dumper('right', \@right_files);
if(scalar(@right_files) > 0) {
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Right}} = git_archive($Right, \@right_files);
} else {
# In the left side commit ONLY file(s) was deleted, so file(s) will not exist in right side commit.
# Create empty TAR to detect removed lines of code.
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Right}} = empty_tar();
# $replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Right}} = git_archive($Right, \@Rfiles);
#write_file("/tmp/Lfiles.txt", {}, sort @Lfiles);
#write_file("/tmp/Rfiles.txt", {}, sort @Rfiles);
#write_file("/tmp/files_union.txt", {}, sort keys %files_union);
} else {
#print "A DIFF git-to-file or file-to-git Left=$Left Right=$Right\n";
# git to file/dir or file/dir to git
if ($git_hash{$Left} and $repo_listing{$Left}{$Right} ) {
#print "A DIFF 1\n";
# $Left is a git hash and $Right is a file
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Left}} = git_archive($Left, $Right);
} elsif ($git_hash{$Right} and $repo_listing{$Right}{$Left}) {
#print "A DIFF 2\n";
# $Left is a file and $Right is a git hash
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Right}} = git_archive($Right, $Left);
} elsif ($git_hash{$Left}) {
#print "A DIFF 3\n";
# assume Right is a directory; tar the entire git archive at this hash
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Left}} = git_archive($Left, "");
} else {
#print "A DIFF 4\n";
# assume Left is a directory; tar the entire git archive at this hash
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$Right}} = git_archive($Right, "");
} else {
#print "B COUNT\n";
foreach my $hash (sort keys %git_hash) {
$replacement_arg_list{$git_hash{$hash}} = git_archive($hash);
# print "git_hash= "; print Dumper(\%git_hash);
#print "repo_listing= "; print Dumper(\%repo_listing);
# replace the input arg list with the new one
@{$ra_arg_list} = ();
foreach my $index (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %replacement_arg_list) {
push @{$ra_arg_list}, $replacement_arg_list{$index};
#print "ra_arg_list 2: @{$ra_arg_list}\n";
print "<- replace_git_hash_with_tarfile()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub git_similarity_index { # {{{
my ($git_hash_Left , # in
$git_hash_Right , # in
$ra_left_files , # out
$ra_right_files , # out
$ra_git_similarity) = @_; # out
die "this option is not yet implemented";
print "-> git_similarity_index($git_hash_Left, $git_hash_Right)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $cmd = "git diff -M --name-status $git_hash_Left $git_hash_Right";
print $cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
open(GSIM, "$cmd |") or die "Unable to run $cmd $!";
while (<GSIM>) {
print "git similarity> $_";
print "<- git_similarity_index\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub empty_tar { # {{{1
my ($Tarfh, $Tarfile);
if ($opt_sdir) {
File::Path::mkpath($opt_sdir) unless is_dir($opt_sdir);
($Tarfh, $Tarfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, DIR => $opt_sdir, SUFFIX => $ON_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar'); # delete on exit
} else {
($Tarfh, $Tarfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => $ON_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar'); # delete on exit
my $cmd = $ON_WINDOWS ? "type nul > $Tarfile" : "tar -cf $Tarfile -T /dev/null";
print $cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $cmd;
if (!-r $Tarfile) {
# not readable
die "Failed to create empty tarfile.";
return $Tarfile;
} # 1}}}
sub git_archive { # {{{1
# Invoke 'git archive' as a system command to create a tar file
# using the given argument(s).
my ($A1, $A2) = @_;
print "-> git_archive($A1)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $args = undef;
my @File_Set = ( );
my $n_sets = 1;
if (ref $A2 eq 'ARRAY') {
# Avoid "Argument list too long" for the git archive command
# by splitting the inputs into sets of 10,000 files (issue 273).
my $FILES_PER_ARCHIVE = 1_000;
my $n_files = scalar(@{$A2});
$n_sets = $n_files/$FILES_PER_ARCHIVE;
$n_sets = 1 + int($n_sets) if $n_sets > int($n_sets);
$n_sets = 1 if !$n_sets;
foreach my $i (0..$n_sets-1) {
@{$File_Set[$i]} = ( );
my $start = $i*$FILES_PER_ARCHIVE;
my $end = smaller(($i+1)*$FILES_PER_ARCHIVE, $n_files) - 1;
# Wrap each file name in single quotes to protect spaces
# and other odd characters. File names that themselves have
# single quotes are instead wrapped in double quotes. File
# names with both single and double quotes... jeez.
foreach my $fname (@{$A2}[$start .. $end]) {
if ($fname =~ /^".*?\\".*?"$/) {
# git pre-handles filenames with double quotes by backslashing
# each double quote then surrounding entire name in double
# quotes; undo this otherwise archive command crashes
$fname =~ s/\\"/"/g;
$fname =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
} elsif ($fname =~ /'/ or $ON_WINDOWS) {
push @{$File_Set[$i]}, "\"$fname\"";
} else {
push @{$File_Set[$i]}, "'$fname'";
unshift @{$File_Set[$i]}, "$A1 "; # prepend git hash to beginning of list
##xx# # don't include \$ in the regex because git handles these correctly
# # to each word in @{$A2}[$start .. $end]: first backslash each
# # single quote, then wrap all entries in single quotes (#320)
# push @File_Set,
# "$A1 " . join(" ", map {$_ =~ s/'/\'/g; $_ =~ s/^(.*)$/'$1'/g; $_}
## "$A1 " . join(" ", map {$_ =~ s/([\s\(\)\[\]{}';\^\?])/\\$1/g; $_}
# @{$A2}[$start .. $end]);
} else {
if (defined $A2) {
push @{$File_Set[0]}, "$A1 $A2";
} else {
push @{$File_Set[0]}, "$A1";
my $files_this_commit = join(" ", @{$File_Set[0]});
print " git_archive(file_set[0]=$files_this_commit)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($Tarfh, $Tarfile);
if ($opt_sdir) {
File::Path::mkpath($opt_sdir) unless is_dir($opt_sdir);
($Tarfh, $Tarfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, DIR => $opt_sdir, SUFFIX => $ON_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar'); # delete on exit
} else {
($Tarfh, $Tarfile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1, SUFFIX => $ON_WINDOWS ? '.zip' : '.tar'); # delete on exit
my $cmd = "git archive -o $Tarfile $files_this_commit";
print $cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $cmd;
if (!-r $Tarfile or !-s $Tarfile) {
# not readable, or zero sized
die "Failed to create tarfile of files from git.";
if ($n_sets > 1) {
foreach my $i (1..$n_sets-1) {
my $files_this_commit = join(" ", @{$File_Set[$i]});
my $cmd = "git archive -o ${Tarfile}_extra $files_this_commit";
print $cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $cmd;
# and merge into the first one
# TODO: on Windows switch to .tar instead of .zip
$cmd = "tar -A -f ${Tarfile} ${Tarfile}_extra";
print $cmd, "\n" if $opt_v;
system $cmd;
unlink "${Tarfile}_extra";
print "<- git_archive()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $Tarfile
} # 1}}}
sub smaller { # {{{1
my( $a, $b ) = @_;
return $a < $b ? $a : $b;
} # 1}}}
sub make_file_list { # {{{1
my ($ra_arg_list, # in file and/or directory names to examine
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out errors encountered
$rh_ignored , # out files not recognized as computer languages
) = @_;
print "-> make_file_list(@{$ra_arg_list})\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($fh, $filename);
if ($opt_categorized) {
$filename = $opt_categorized;
$fh = new IO::File $filename, "+>"; # open for read/write
die "Unable to write to $filename: $!\n" unless defined $fh;
} elsif ($opt_sdir) {
# write to the user-defined scratch directory
$filename = $opt_sdir . '/cloc_file_list.txt';
$fh = new IO::File $filename, "+>"; # open for read/write
die "Unable to write to $filename: $!\n" unless defined $fh;
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary file
($fh, $filename) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); # delete file on exit
print "Using temp file list [$filename]\n" if $opt_v;
my @dir_list = ();
foreach my $file_or_dir (@{$ra_arg_list}) {
#print "make_file_list file_or_dir=$file_or_dir\n";
my $size_in_bytes = 0;
if (!-r $file_or_dir) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file_or_dir];
if (is_file($file_or_dir)) {
if (!(-s $file_or_dir)) { # 0 sized file, named pipe, socket
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'zero sized file';
} elsif (-B $file_or_dir and !$opt_read_binary_files) {
# avoid binary files unless user insists on reading them
if ($opt_unicode) {
# only ignore if not a Unicode file w/trivial
# ASCII transliteration
if (!unicode_file($file_or_dir)) {
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'binary file';
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'binary file';
push @file_list, "$file_or_dir";
} elsif (is_dir($file_or_dir)) {
push @dir_list, $file_or_dir;
} else {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Neither file nor directory'} , $file_or_dir];
$rh_ignored->{$file_or_dir} = 'not file, not directory';
# apply exclusion rules to file names passed in on the command line
my @new_file_list = ();
foreach my $File (@file_list) {
my ($volume, $directories, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath( $File );
my $ignore_this_file = 0;
foreach my $Sub_Dir ( File::Spec->splitdir($directories) ) {
if ($Exclude_Dir{$Sub_Dir}) {
$Ignored{$Sub_Dir} = "($File) --exclude-dir=$Sub_Dir";
$ignore_this_file = 1;
push @new_file_list, $File unless $ignore_this_file;
@file_list = @new_file_list;
foreach my $dir (@dir_list) {
#print "make_file_list dir=$dir Exclude_Dir{$dir}=$Exclude_Dir{$dir}\n";
# populates global variable @file_list
if ($Exclude_Dir{$dir}) {
$Ignored{$dir} = "--exclude-dir=$Exclude_Dir{$dir}";
find({wanted => \&files ,
preprocess => \&find_preprocessor,
follow => $opt_follow_links }, $dir);
if ($opt_follow_links) {
# giving { 'follow' => 1 } to find() makes it skip the
# call to find_preprocessor() so have to call this manually
@file_list = manual_find_preprocessor(@file_list);
# there's a possibility of file duplication if user provided a list
# file or --vcs command that returns directory names; squash these
my %unique_file_list = map { $_ => 1 } @file_list;
@file_list = sort keys %unique_file_list;
$nFiles_Found = scalar @file_list;
printf "%8d text file%s.\n", plural_form($nFiles_Found) unless $opt_quiet;
write_file($opt_found, {}, sort @file_list) if $opt_found;
my $nFiles_Categorized = 0;
foreach my $file (@file_list) {
printf "classifying $file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $basename = basename $file;
if ($Not_Code_Filename{$basename}) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "listed in " . '$' .
} elsif ($basename =~ m{~$}) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "temporary editor file";
my $size_in_bytes = (stat $file)[7];
my $language = "";
if ($All_One_Language) {
# user over-rode auto-language detection by using
# --force-lang with just a language name (no extension)
$language = $All_One_Language;
} else {
$language = classify_file($file ,
$rh_Err ,
if (!defined $size_in_bytes) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "no longer readable";
} elsif (!defined $language) {
$rh_ignored->{$file} = "unable to associate with a language";
printf $fh "%d,%s,%s\n", $size_in_bytes, $language, $file;
#printf "classified %d files\n", $nFiles_Categorized
# unless (!$opt_progress_rate or
# ($nFiles_Categorized % $opt_progress_rate));
printf "classified %d files\r", $nFiles_Categorized
if !$opt_quiet and $nFiles_Categorized > 1;
print "<- make_file_list()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $fh; # handle to the file containing the list of files to process
} # 1}}}
sub invoke_generator { # {{{1
my ($generator, $ra_user_inputs) = @_;
# If user provided file/directory inputs, only return
# generated files that are in user's request.
# Populates global variable %Ignored.
print "-> invoke_generator($generator)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
open(FH, "$generator |") or
die "Failed to pipe $generator: $!";
my @files = ();
while(<FH>) {
my $F = $_;
print "VCS input: $F\n" if $opt_v >= 2;
if (!defined $ra_user_inputs or !@{$ra_user_inputs}) {
push @files, $F;
} else {
# is this file desired?
my $want_this_one = 0;
foreach my $file_dir (@{$ra_user_inputs}) {
if (/^$file_dir/) {
$want_this_one = 1;
push @files, $F if $want_this_one;
# apply match/not-match file/dir filters to the list so far
my @post_filter = ();
foreach my $F (@files) {
if ($opt_match_f) {
push @post_filter, $F if basename($F) =~ m{$opt_match_f};
if ($opt_match_d) {
push @post_filter, $F if $F =~ m{$opt_match_d};
if ($opt_not_match_d) {
if ($opt_fullpath and $F =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$F} = "--not-match-d=$opt_not_match_d";
} elsif (basename($F) =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$F} = "--not-match-d (basename) =$opt_not_match_d";
if ($opt_not_match_f) {
push @post_filter, $F unless basename($F) =~ m{$opt_not_match_f};
push @post_filter, $F;
print "<- invoke_generator\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @post_filter;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_duplicate_files { # {{{1
my ($fh , # in
$rh_Language , # out
$rh_unique_source_file, # out
$rh_Err , # in
$raa_errors , # out errors encountered
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
# Check for duplicate files by comparing file sizes.
# Where files are equally sized, compare their MD5 checksums.
print "-> remove_duplicate_files\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $n = 0;
my %files_by_size = (); # files_by_size{ # bytes } = [ list of files ]
seek($fh, 0, 0); # rewind to beginning of the temp file
while (<$fh>) {
my ($size_in_bytes, $language, $file) = split(/,/, $_, 3);
if (!defined($size_in_bytes) or
!defined($language) or
!defined($file)) {
print "-> remove_duplicate_files skipping error line [$_]\n"
if $opt_v;
$rh_Language->{$file} = $language;
push @{$files_by_size{$size_in_bytes}}, $file;
if ($opt_skip_uniqueness) {
$rh_unique_source_file->{$file} = 1;
return if $opt_skip_uniqueness;
if ($opt_progress_rate and ($n > $opt_progress_rate)) {
printf "Duplicate file check %d files (%d known unique)\r",
$n, scalar keys %files_by_size;
$n = 0;
foreach my $bytes (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %files_by_size) {
printf "Unique: %8d files \r",
$n unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($n % $opt_progress_rate));
if (scalar @{$files_by_size{$bytes}} == 1) {
# only one file is this big; must be unique
$rh_unique_source_file->{$files_by_size{$bytes}[0]} = 1;
} else {
#print "equally sized files: ",join(", ", @{$files_by_size{$bytes}}), "\n";
# Files in the list @{$files_by_size{$bytes} all are
# $bytes long. Sort the list by file basename.
# # sorting on basename causes repeatability problems
# # if the basename is not unique (eg "includeA/x.h"
# # and "includeB/x.h". Instead, sort on full path.
# # Ref bug #114.
# my @sorted_bn = ();
# my %BN = map { basename($_) => $_ } @{$files_by_size{$bytes}};
# foreach my $F (sort keys %BN) {
# push @sorted_bn, $BN{$F};
# }
my @sorted_bn = sort @{$files_by_size{$bytes}};
foreach my $F (different_files(\@sorted_bn ,
$rh_Err ,
$raa_errors ,
$rh_ignored ) ) {
$rh_unique_source_file->{$F} = 1;
print "<- remove_duplicate_files\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub manual_find_preprocessor { # {{{1
# When running with --follow-links, find_preprocessor() is not
# called by find(). Have to do it manually. Inputs here
# are only files, which differs from find_preprocessor() which
# gets directories too.
# Reads global variable %Exclude_Dir.
# Populates global variable %Ignored.
# Reject files/directories in cwd which are in the exclude list.
print "-> manual_find_preprocessor(", cwd(), ")\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @ok = ();
foreach my $File (@_) { # pure file or directory name, no separators
my $Dir = dirname($File);
my $got_exclude_dir = 0;
foreach my $d (File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir )) {
# tests/inputs/issues/407/level2/level/Test/level2 ->
# $d iterates over tests, inputs, issues, 407,
# level2, level, Test, level2
# check every item against %Exclude_Dir
if ($Exclude_Dir{$d}) {
$got_exclude_dir = $d;
if ($got_exclude_dir) {
$Ignored{$File} = "--exclude-dir=$Exclude_Dir{$got_exclude_dir}";
#print "ignoring $File\n";
} else {
if ($opt_not_match_d) {
if ($opt_fullpath) {
if ($Dir =~ m{^${opt_not_match_d}$}) {
$Ignored{$File} = "--not-match-d=$opt_not_match_d";
#print "matched fullpath\n"
} else {
push @ok, $File;
} elsif (basename($Dir) =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$File} = "--not-match-d=$opt_not_match_d";
#print "matched partial\n"
} else {
push @ok, $File;
} else {
push @ok, $File;
print "<- manual_find_preprocessor(@ok)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @ok;
} # 1}}}
sub find_preprocessor { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find() each time it enters a new directory
# Reads global variable %Exclude_Dir.
# Populates global variable %Ignored.
# Reject files/directories in cwd which are in the exclude list.
print "-> find_preprocessor(", cwd(), ")\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @ok = ();
#printf "TOP find_preprocessor\n";
foreach my $F_or_D (@_) { # pure file or directory name, no separators
next if $F_or_D =~ /^\.{1,2}$/; # skip . and ..
if ($Exclude_Dir{$F_or_D}) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "--exclude-dir=$Exclude_Dir{$F_or_D}";
} else {
#printf " F_or_D=%-20s File::Find::name=%s\n", $F_or_D, $File::Find::name;
if ($opt_not_match_d) {
if ($opt_fullpath) {
if ($File::Find::name =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "--not-match-d=$opt_not_match_d";
} else {
push @ok, $F_or_D;
} elsif (!-d $F_or_D and basename($File::Find::name) =~ m{$opt_not_match_d}) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "--not-match-d (basename) =$opt_not_match_d";
} else {
push @ok, $F_or_D;
} else {
push @ok, $F_or_D;
print "<- find_preprocessor(@ok)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @ok;
} # 1}}}
sub files { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find() Populates global variable @file_list.
# See also find_preprocessor() which prunes undesired directories.
my $Dir = fastcwd(); # not $File::Find::dir which just gives relative path
if ($opt_fullpath) {
# look at as much of the path as is known
if ($opt_match_f ) {
return unless $File::Find::name =~ m{$opt_match_f};
if ($opt_not_match_f) {
return if $File::Find::name =~ m{$opt_not_match_f};
} else {
# only look at the basename
if ($opt_match_f ) { return unless /$opt_match_f/; }
if ($opt_not_match_f) { return if /$opt_not_match_f/; }
if ($opt_match_d ) { return unless $Dir =~ m{$opt_match_d} }
my $nBytes = -s $_ ;
if (!$nBytes) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = 'zero sized file';
printf "files(%s) zero size\n", $File::Find::name if $opt_v > 5;
return unless $nBytes ; # attempting other tests w/pipe or socket will hang
if ($nBytes > $opt_max_file_size*1024**2) {
$Ignored{$File::Find::name} = "file size of " .
$nBytes/1024**2 . " MB exceeds max file size of " .
"$opt_max_file_size MB";
printf "file(%s) exceeds $opt_max_file_size MB\n",
$File::Find::name if $opt_v > 5;
my $is_dir = is_dir($_);
my $is_bin = -B $_ ;
printf "files(%s) size=%d is_dir=%d -B=%d\n",
$File::Find::name, $nBytes, $is_dir, $is_bin if $opt_v > 5;
$is_bin = 0 if $opt_unicode and unicode_file($_);
$is_bin = 0 if $opt_read_binary_files;
return if $is_dir or $is_bin;
printf "%8d files\r", $nFiles_Found
unless (!$opt_progress_rate or ($nFiles_Found % $opt_progress_rate));
push @file_list, $File::Find::name;
} # 1}}}
sub archive_files { # {{{1
# invoked by File::Find's find() Populates global variable @binary_archive
foreach my $ext (keys %Known_Binary_Archives) {
push @binary_archive, $File::Find::name
if $File::Find::name =~ m{$ext$};
} # 1}}}
sub is_file { # {{{1
# portable method to test if item is a file
# (-f doesn't work in ActiveState Perl on Windows)
my $item = shift @_;
return (-f $item);
# Was:
####if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
#### my $mode = (stat $item)[2];
#### $mode = 0 unless $mode;
#### if ($mode & 0100000) { return 1; }
#### else { return 0; }
####} else {
#### return (-f $item); # works on Unix, Linux, CygWin, z/OS
} # 1}}}
sub is_dir { # {{{1
my $item = shift @_;
return (-d $item); # should work everywhere now (July 2017)
# Was:
##### portable method to test if item is a directory
##### (-d doesn't work in older versions of ActiveState Perl on Windows)
####if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
#### my $mode = (stat $item)[2];
#### $mode = 0 unless $mode;
#### if ($mode & 0040000) { return 1; }
#### else { return 0; }
####} else {
#### return (-d $item); # works on Unix, Linux, CygWin, z/OS
} # 1}}}
sub is_excluded { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$excluded , # in hash of excluded directories
) = @_;
my($filename, $filepath, $suffix) = fileparse($file);
foreach my $path (sort keys %{$excluded}) {
return 1 if ($filepath =~ m{^$path/}i);
} # 1}}}
sub classify_file { # {{{1
my ($full_file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
print "-> classify_file($full_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $language = "(unknown)";
if (basename($full_file) eq "-" && defined $opt_stdin_name) {
$full_file = $opt_stdin_name;
my $look_at_first_line = 0;
my $file = basename $full_file;
if ($opt_autoconf and $file =~ /\.in$/) {
$file =~ s/\.in$//;
return $language if $Not_Code_Filename{$file}; # (unknown)
return $language if $file =~ m{~$}; # a temp edit file (unknown)
if (defined $Language_by_File{$file}) {
if ($Language_by_File{$file} eq "Ant/XML") {
return Ant_or_XML( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_File{$file} eq "Maven/XML") {
return Maven_or_XML($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} else {
return $Language_by_File{$file};
if ($file =~ /\.([^\.]+)$/) { # has an extension
print "$full_file extension=[$1]\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $extension = $1;
# Windows file names are case insensitive so map
# all extensions to lowercase there.
$extension = lc $extension if $ON_WINDOWS or $opt_ignore_case_ext;
my @extension_list = ( $extension );
if ($file =~ /\.([^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/) { # has a double extension
my $extension = $1;
$extension = lc $extension if $ON_WINDOWS or $opt_ignore_case_ext;
unshift @extension_list, $extension; # examine double ext first
if ($file =~ /\.([^\.]+\.[^\.]+\.[^\.]+)$/) { # has a triple extension
my $extension = $1;
$extension = lc $extension if $ON_WINDOWS or $opt_ignore_case_ext;
unshift @extension_list, $extension; # examine triple ext first
foreach my $extension (@extension_list) {
if ($Not_Code_Extension{$extension} and
!$Forced_Extension{$extension}) {
# If .1 (for example) is an extension that would ordinarily be
# ignored but the user has insisted this be counted with the
# --force-lang option, then go ahead and count it.
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'listed in $Not_Code_Extension{' . $extension . '}';
return $language;
if (defined $Language_by_Extension{$extension}) {
if ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq
'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury') {
my $lang_M_or_O = "";
matlab_or_objective_C($full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if ($lang_M_or_O) {
return $lang_M_or_O;
} else { # an error happened in matlab_or_objective_C()
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'failure in matlab_or_objective_C()';
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'PHP/Pascal') {
if (really_is_php($full_file)) {
return 'PHP';
} elsif (really_is_incpascal($full_file)) {
return 'Pascal';
} else {
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Pascal/Puppet') {
my $lang_Pasc_or_Pup = "";
pascal_or_puppet( $full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if ($lang_Pasc_or_Pup) {
return $lang_Pasc_or_Pup;
} else { # an error happened in pascal_or_puppet()
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'failure in pascal_or_puppet()';
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Lisp/OpenCL') {
return Lisp_or_OpenCL($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Lisp/Julia') {
return Lisp_or_Julia( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Perl/Prolog') {
return Perl_or_Prolog($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Raku/Prolog') {
return Raku_or_Prolog($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard') {
return IDL_or_QtProject($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'D/dtrace') {
# is it D or an init.d shell script?
my $a_script = really_is_D($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
if ($a_script) {
# could be dtrace, sh, bash or anything one would
# write an init.d script in
if (defined $Language_by_Script{$a_script}) {
return $Language_by_Script{$a_script};
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
"Unrecognized script language, '$a_script'";
} else {
return 'D';
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Fortran 77/Forth') {
return Forth_or_Fortran($full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'F#/Forth') {
return Forth_or_Fsharp( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq') {
return Verilog_or_Coq( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Smarty') {
if ($extension ne "tpl") {
# unambiguous -- if ends with .smarty, is Smarty
return $Language_by_Extension{$extension};
# Smarty extension .tpl is generic; make sure the
# file at least roughly resembles PHP. Alternatively,
# if the user forces the issue, do the count.
my $force_smarty = 0;
foreach (@opt_force_lang) {
if (lc($_) eq "smarty,tpl") {
$force_smarty = 1;
if (really_is_smarty($full_file) or $force_smarty) {
return 'Smarty';
} else {
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'TypeScript/Qt Linguist') {
return TypeScript_or_QtLinguist( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Qt/Glade') {
return Qt_or_Glade( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'C#/Smalltalk') {
return Csharp_or_Smalltalk( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Scheme/SaltStack') {
return Scheme_or_SaltStack( $full_file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Visual Basic/TeX/Apex Class') {
my $lang_VB_T_A = "";
Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex($full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if ($lang_VB_T_A) {
return $lang_VB_T_A;
} else { # an error happened in Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
'failure in Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex()';
return $language; # (unknown)
} elsif ($Language_by_Extension{$extension} eq 'Brainfuck') {
if (really_is_bf($full_file)) {
return $Language_by_Extension{$extension};
} else {
return $language; # (unknown)
} else {
return $Language_by_Extension{$extension};
} else { # has an unmapped file extension
$look_at_first_line = 1;
} elsif (defined $Language_by_File{lc $file}) {
return $Language_by_File{lc $file};
} elsif ($opt_lang_no_ext and
defined $Filters_by_Language{$opt_lang_no_ext}) {
return $opt_lang_no_ext;
} else { # no file extension
$look_at_first_line = 1;
if ($look_at_first_line) {
# maybe it is a shell/Perl/Python/Ruby/etc script that
# starts with pound bang:
# #!/usr/bin/perl
# #!/usr/bin/env perl
my ($script_language, $L) = peek_at_first_line($full_file ,
$rh_Err ,
if (!$script_language) {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} = "language unknown (#2)";
# returns (unknown)
if (defined $Language_by_Script{$script_language}) {
if (defined $Filters_by_Language{
$Language_by_Script{$script_language}}) {
$language = $Language_by_Script{$script_language};
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} =
"undefined: Filters_by_Language{" .
$Language_by_Script{$script_language} .
"} for scripting language $script_language";
# returns (unknown)
} else {
# #456: XML files can have a variety of domain-specific file
# extensions. If the extension is unrecognized, examine
# the first line of the file to see if it is XML
if ($L =~ /<\?xml\s/) {
$language = "XML";
delete $rh_ignored->{$full_file};
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$full_file} = "language unknown (#3)";
# returns (unknown)
print "<- classify_file($full_file)=$language\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $language;
} # 1}}}
sub first_line { # {{{1
# return back the first line of text in the file
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
my $line = "";
print "-> first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if (!-r $file) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $line;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
print "<- first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $line;
chomp($line = <$IN>);
print "<- first_line($file, '$line')\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $line;
} # 1}}}
sub peek_at_first_line { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> peek_at_first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $script_language = "";
my $first_line = first_line($file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
if (defined $first_line) {
#print "peek_at_first_line of [$file] first_line=[$first_line]\n";
if ($first_line =~ /^#\!\s*(\S.*?)$/) {
#print "peek_at_first_line 1=[$1]\n";
my @pound_bang = split(' ', $1);
#print "peek_at_first_line basename 0=[", basename($pound_bang[0]), "]\n";
if (basename($pound_bang[0]) eq "env" and
scalar @pound_bang > 1) {
$script_language = $pound_bang[1];
#print "peek_at_first_line pound_bang A $pound_bang[1]\n";
} else {
$script_language = basename $pound_bang[0];
#print "peek_at_first_line pound_bang B $script_language\n";
print "<- peek_at_first_line($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return ($script_language, $first_line);
} # 1}}}
sub different_files { # {{{1
# See which of the given files are unique by computing each file's MD5
# sum. Return the subset of files which are unique.
my ($ra_files , # in
$rh_Err , # in
$raa_errors , # out
$rh_ignored , # out
) = @_;
print "-> different_files(@{$ra_files})\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %file_hash = (); # file_hash{md5 hash} = [ file1, file2, ... ]
foreach my $F (@{$ra_files}) {
next if is_dir($F); # needed for Windows
my $IN = new IO::File $F, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $F];
$rh_ignored->{$F} = 'cannot read';
} else {
if ($HAVE_Digest_MD5) {
binmode $IN;
my $MD5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile($IN)->hexdigest;
#print "$F, $MD5\n";
push @{$file_hash{$MD5}}, $F;
} else {
# all files treated unique
push @{$file_hash{$F}}, $F;
# Loop over file sets having identical MD5 sums. Within
# each set, pick the file that most resembles known source
# code.
my @unique = ();
for my $md5 (sort keys %file_hash) {
my $i_best = 0;
for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@{$file_hash{$md5}}); $i++) {
my $F = $file_hash{$md5}[$i];
my (@nul_a, %nul_h);
my $language = classify_file($F, $rh_Err,
# don't save these errors; pointless
\@nul_a, \%nul_h);
$i_best = $i if $language ne "(unknown)";
# keep the best one found and identify the rest as ignored
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$file_hash{$md5}}); $i++) {
if ($i == $i_best) {
push @unique, $file_hash{$md5}[$i_best];
} else {
$rh_ignored->{$file_hash{$md5}[$i]} = "duplicate of " .
print "<- different_files(@unique)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @unique;
} # 1}}}
sub call_counter { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$language , # in
$ra_Errors, # out
) = @_;
# Logic: pass the file through the following filters:
# 1. remove blank lines
# 2. remove comments using each filter defined for this language
# (example: SQL has two, remove_starts_with(--) and
# remove_c_comments() )
# 3. compute comment lines as
# total lines - blank lines - lines left over after all
# comment filters have been applied
print "-> call_counter($file, $language)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "call_counter: ", Dumper(@routines), "\n";
my @lines = ();
my $ascii = "";
if (-B $file and $opt_unicode) {
# was binary so must be unicode
$/ = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
my $bin_text = <$IN>;
$/ = "\n";
$ascii = unicode_to_ascii( $bin_text );
@lines = split("\n", $ascii );
foreach (@lines) { $_ = "$_\n"; }
} else {
# regular text file
@lines = read_file($file);
$ascii = join('', @lines);
# implement --perl-ignore-data here
my @original_lines = @lines;
my $total_lines = scalar @lines;
print_lines($file, "Original file:", \@lines) if $opt_print_filter_stages;
@lines = rm_blanks(\@lines, $language, \%EOL_Continuation_re); # remove blank lines
print " call_counter: total_lines=$total_lines blank_lines=",
scalar(@lines), "\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $blank_lines = $total_lines - scalar @lines;
print_lines($file, "Blank lines removed:", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
@lines = rm_comments(\@lines, $language, $file,
\%EOL_Continuation_re, $ra_Errors);
my $comment_lines = $total_lines - $blank_lines - scalar @lines;
if ($opt_strip_comments) {
my $stripped_file = "";
if ($opt_original_dir) {
$stripped_file = $file . ".$opt_strip_comments";
} else {
$stripped_file = basename $file . ".$opt_strip_comments";
write_file($stripped_file, {}, @lines);
if ($opt_html and !$opt_diff) {
chomp(@original_lines); # includes blank lines, comments
chomp(@lines); # no blank lines, no comments
my (@diff_L, @diff_R, %count);
# remove blank lines to get better quality diffs; count
# blank lines separately
my @original_lines_minus_white = ();
# however must keep track of how many blank lines were removed and
# where they were removed so that the HTML display can include it
my %blank_line = ();
my $insert_line = 0;
foreach (@original_lines) {
if (/^\s*$/) {
++$blank_line{ $insert_line };
} else {
push @original_lines_minus_white, $_;
array_diff( $file , # in
\@original_lines_minus_white , # in
\@lines , # in
"comment" , # in
\@diff_L, \@diff_R, , # out
$ra_Errors); # in/out
write_comments_to_html($file, \@diff_L, \@diff_R, \%blank_line);
#print Dumper("count", \%count);
print "<- call_counter($total_lines, $blank_lines, $comment_lines)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
return ($total_lines, $blank_lines, $comment_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub windows_glob { # {{{1
# Windows doesn't expand wildcards. Use code from Sean M. Burke's
# Win32::Autoglob module to do this.
return map {;
( defined($_) and m/[\*\?]/ ) ? sort(glob($_)) : $_
} @_;
} # 1}}}
sub write_file { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_options , # in
@lines , # in
) = @_;
my $local_formatting = 0;
foreach my $opt (sort keys %{$rh_options}) {
# print "write_file option $opt = $rh_options->{$opt}\n";
$local_formatting = 1;
#print "write_file 1 [$file]\n";
# Do ~ expansion (by Tim LaBerge, fixes bug 2787984)
my $preglob_filename = $file;
#print "write_file 2 [$preglob_filename]\n";
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$file = (windows_glob($file))[0];
} else {
$file = File::Glob::bsd_glob($file);
#print "write_file 3 [$file]\n";
$file = $preglob_filename unless $file;
#print "write_file 4 [$file]\n";
print "-> write_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# Create the destination directory if it doesn't already exist.
my $abs_file_path = File::Spec->rel2abs( $file );
my ($volume, $directories, $filename) = File::Spec->splitpath( $abs_file_path );
mkpath($volume . $directories, 1, 0777);
my $OUT = undef;
unlink $file;
if ($opt_file_encoding) {
# $OUT = IO::File->new($file, ">:$opt_file_encoding"); # doesn't work?
open($OUT, "> :encoding($opt_file_encoding)", $file);
} else {
$OUT = new IO::File $file, "w";
my $n_col = undef;
if ($local_formatting) {
$n_col = scalar @{$rh_options->{'columns'}};
if ($opt_xml) {
print $OUT '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', "\n";
print $OUT "<all_$rh_options->{'file_type'}>\n";
} elsif ($opt_yaml) {
print $OUT "---\n";
} elsif ($opt_md) {
print $OUT join("|", @{$rh_options->{'columns'}}) , "\n";
print $OUT join("|", map( ":------", 1 .. $n_col)), "\n";
if (!defined $OUT) {
warn "Unable to write to $file\n";
print "<- write_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($local_formatting) {
my @json_lines = ();
foreach my $L (@lines) {
my @entries;
if ($rh_options->{'separator'}) {
@entries = split($rh_options->{'separator'}, $L, $n_col);
} else {
@entries = ( $L );
if ($opt_xml) {
print $OUT " <$rh_options->{'file_type'} ";
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n_col; $i++) {
printf $OUT "%s=\"%s\" ", $rh_options->{'columns'}[$i], $entries[$i];
print $OUT "/>\n";
} elsif ($opt_yaml or $opt_json) {
my @pairs = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n_col; $i++) {
push @pairs,
sprintf "\"%s\":\"%s\"", $rh_options->{'columns'}[$i], $entries[$i];
if ($opt_json) {
push @json_lines, join(", ", @pairs );
} else {
print $OUT "- {", join(", ", @pairs), "}\n";
} elsif ($opt_csv) {
print $OUT join(",", @entries), "\n";
} elsif ($opt_md) {
print $OUT join("|", @entries), "\n";
if ($opt_json) {
print $OUT "[{", join("}, {", @json_lines), "}]\n";
if (!$opt_json and !$opt_yaml and !$opt_xml and !$opt_csv) {
print $OUT join("\n", @lines), "\n";
} else {
print $OUT join("\n", @lines), "\n";
if ($local_formatting and $opt_xml) {
print $OUT "</all_$rh_options->{'file_type'}>\n";
if (-r $file) {
print "Wrote $file" unless $opt_quiet;
print ", $CLOC_XSL" if $opt_xsl and $opt_xsl eq $CLOC_XSL;
print "\n" unless $opt_quiet;
print "<- write_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub file_pairs_from_file { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$ra_added , # out
$ra_removed , # out
$ra_compare_list , # out
) = @_;
# Example valid input format for $file
# 1)
# A/d1/hello.f90 | B/d1/hello.f90
# A/hello.C | B/hello.C
# A/d2/ | B/d2/
# 2)
# Files added: 1
# + B/ ; Perl
# Files removed: 1
# - A/d2/ ; Java
# File pairs compared: 3
# != A/d1/hello.f90 | B/d1/hello.f90 ; Fortran 90
# != A/hello.C | B/hello.C ; C++
# == A/d2/ | B/d2/ ; Python
print "-> file_pairs_from_file($file)\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
my @lines = read_file($file);
my $mode = "compare";
foreach my $L (@lines) {
next if $L =~ /^\s*$/ or $L =~ /^\s*#/;
if ($L =~ /^Files\s+(added|removed):/) {
$mode = $1;
} elsif ($L =~ /^File\s+pairs\s+compared:/) {
$mode = "compare";
} elsif ($mode eq "added" or $mode eq "removed") {
$L =~ m/^\s*[+-]\s+(.*?)\s+;/;
my $F = $1;
if (!defined $1) {
warn "file_pairs_from_file($file) parse failure\n",
"in $mode mode for '$L', ignoring\n";
if ($mode eq "added") {
push @{$ra_added} , $F;
} else {
push @{$ra_removed}, $F;
} else {
$L =~ m/^\s*([!=]=\s*)?(.*?)\s*\|\s*(.*?)\s*(;.*?)?$/;
if (!defined $2 or !defined $3) {
warn "file_pairs_from_file($file) parse failure\n",
"in compare mode for '$L', ignoring\n";
push @{$ra_compare_list}, ( [$2, $3] );
print "<- file_pairs_from_file\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
sub read_file { # {{{1
my ($file, ) = @_;
my %BoM = (
"fe ff" => 2 ,
"ff fe" => 2 ,
"ef bb bf" => 3 ,
"f7 64 4c" => 3 ,
"0e fe ff" => 3 ,
"fb ee 28" => 3 ,
"00 00 fe ff" => 4 ,
"ff fe 00 00" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 38" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 39" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 2b" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 2f" => 4 ,
"dd 73 66 73" => 4 ,
"84 31 95 33" => 4 ,
"2b 2f 76 38 2d" => 5 ,
print "-> read_file($file)\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
my @lines = ();
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (defined $IN) {
@lines = <$IN>;
if ($lines[$#lines]) { # test necessary for zero content files
# (superfluous?)
# Some files don't end with a new line. Force this:
$lines[$#lines] .= "\n" unless $lines[$#lines] =~ m/\n$/;
} else {
warn "Unable to read $file\n";
# Are first few characters of the file Unicode Byte Order
# Marks (
# If yes, remove them.
if (@lines) {
my @chrs = split('', $lines[0]);
my $n_chrs = scalar @chrs;
my ($n2, $n3, $n4, $n5) = ('', '', '', '');
$n2 = sprintf("%x %x", map ord, @chrs[0,1]) if $n_chrs >= 2;
$n3 = sprintf("%s %x", $n2, ord $chrs[2]) if $n_chrs >= 3;
$n4 = sprintf("%s %x", $n3, ord $chrs[3]) if $n_chrs >= 4;
$n5 = sprintf("%s %x", $n4, ord $chrs[4]) if $n_chrs >= 5;
if (defined $BoM{$n2}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 2;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n3}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 3;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n4}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 4;
} elsif (defined $BoM{$n5}) { $lines[0] = substr $lines[0], 5;
# Trim DOS line endings. This allows Windows files
# to be diff'ed with Unix files without line endings
# causing every line to differ.
foreach (@lines) { s/\cM$// }
print "<- read_file\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
return @lines;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_blanks { # {{{1
my ($ra_in ,
$language ,
$rh_EOL_continuation_re) = @_;
print "-> rm_blanks(language=$language)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "rm_blanks: language = [$language]\n";
my @out = ();
if ($language eq "COBOL") {
@out = remove_cobol_blanks($ra_in);
} else {
# removes blank lines
if (defined $rh_EOL_continuation_re->{$language}) {
@out = remove_matches_2re($ra_in, '^\s*$',
} else {
@out = remove_matches($ra_in, '^\s*$');
print "<- rm_blanks(language=$language, n_remain= ",
scalar(@out), "\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @out;
} # 1}}}
sub rm_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines , # in, must be free of blank lines
$language , # in
$file , # in (some language counters, eg Haskell, need
# access to the original file)
$rh_EOL_continuation_re , # in
$raa_Errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> rm_comments(file=$file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @routines = @{$Filters_by_Language{$language}};
my @lines = @{$ra_lines};
my @original_lines = @{$ra_lines};
if (!scalar @original_lines) {
return @lines;
foreach my $call_string (@routines) {
my $subroutine = $call_string->[0];
next if $subroutine eq "rm_comments_in_strings" and !$opt_strip_str_comments;
if (! defined &{$subroutine}) {
warn "rm_comments undefined subroutine $subroutine for $file\n";
print "rm_comments file=$file sub=$subroutine\n" if $opt_v > 1;
my @args = @{$call_string};
shift @args; # drop the subroutine name
if (@args and $args[0] eq '>filename<') {
shift @args;
unshift @args, $file;
# Unusual inputs, namely /* within strings without
# a corresponding */ can cause huge delays so put a timer on this.
my $max_duration_sec = scalar(@lines)/1000.0; # est lines per second
$max_duration_sec = 1.0 if $max_duration_sec < 1;
if (defined $opt_timeout) {
$max_duration_sec = $opt_timeout if $opt_timeout > 0;
#my $T_start = Time::HiRes::time();
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $max_duration_sec;
no strict 'refs';
@lines = &{$subroutine}(\@lines, @args); # apply filter...
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
# timed out
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n";
push @{$raa_Errors},
[ $Error_Codes{'Line count, exceeded timeout'}, $file ];
@lines = ();
if ($opt_v) {
warn "rm_comments($subroutine): exceeded timeout for $file--ignoring\n";
#print "end time = ",Time::HiRes::time() - $T_start;
print " rm_comments after $subroutine line count=",
scalar(@lines), "\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "lines after=\n";
#print Dumper(\@lines);
print_lines($file, "After $subroutine(@args)", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
# then remove blank lines which are created by comment removal
if (defined $rh_EOL_continuation_re->{$language}) {
@lines = remove_matches_2re(\@lines, '^\s*$',
} else {
@lines = remove_matches(\@lines, '^\s*$');
print_lines($file, "post $subroutine(@args) blank cleanup:", \@lines)
if $opt_print_filter_stages;
foreach (@lines) { chomp } # make sure no spurious newlines were added
# Exception for scripting languages: treat the first #! line as code.
# Will need to add it back in if it was removed earlier.
chomp( $original_lines[0] );
if (defined $Script_Language{$language} and
$original_lines[0] =~ /^#!/ and
(!scalar(@lines) or ($lines[0] ne $original_lines[0]))) {
unshift @lines, $original_lines[0]; # add the first line back
print "<- rm_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_f77_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_f77_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if m{^[*cC]};
next if m{^\s*!};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_f77_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_f90_comments { # {{{1
# derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_f90_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
# a comment is m/^\s*!/
# an empty line is m/^\s*$/
# a HPF statement is m/^\s*!hpf\$/i
# an Open MP statement is m/^\s*!omp\$/i
if (! m/^(\s*!|\s*$)/ || m/^\s*!(hpf|omp)\$/i) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_f90_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub reduce_to_rmd_code_blocks { #{{{1
my ($ra_lines) = @_; #in
print "-> reduce_to_rmd_code_blocks()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_code_block = 0;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if ( m/^```\{\s*[[:alpha:]]/ ) {
$in_code_block = 1;
if ( m/^```\s*$/ ) {
$in_code_block = 0;
next if (!$in_code_block);
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- reduce_to_rmd_code_blocks()\n" if $opt_v> 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_matches { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern , # in Perl regular expression (case insensitive)
) = @_;
print "-> remove_matches(pattern=$pattern)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
#print "remove_matches [$pattern] [$_]\n";
next if m{$pattern}i;
# s{$pattern}{}i;
# next unless /\S/; # at least one non space
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_matches\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_matches returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_matches_2re { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern1, # in Perl regex 1 (case insensitive) to match
$pattern2, # in Perl regex 2 (case insensitive) to not match prev line
) = @_;
print "-> remove_matches_2re(pattern=$pattern1,$pattern2)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_lines}; $i++) {
# chomp($ra_lines->[$i]);
#print "remove_matches_2re [$pattern1] [$pattern2] [$ra_lines->[$i]]\n";
if ($i) {
#print "remove_matches_2re prev=[$ra_lines->[$i-1]] this=[$ra_lines->[$i]]\n";
next if ($ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{$pattern1}i) and
($ra_lines->[$i-1] !~ m{$pattern2}i);
} else {
# on first line
next if $ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{$pattern1}i;
push @save_lines, $ra_lines->[$i];
print "<- remove_matches_2re\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_matches_2re returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_inline { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, # in
$pattern , # in Perl regular expression (case insensitive)
) = @_;
print "-> remove_inline(pattern=$pattern)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
unless ($opt_inline) {
return @{$ra_lines};
my $nLines_affected = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
#chomp; print "remove_inline [$pattern] [$_]\n";
if (m{$pattern}i) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_inline\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_inline returning\n ", join("\n ", @save_lines), "\n";
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_above { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_above(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# Make two passes through the code:
# 1. check if the marker exists
# 2. remove anything above the marker if it exists,
# do nothing if the marker does not exist
# Pass 1
my $found_marker = 0;
for (my $line_number = 1;
$line_number <= scalar @{$ra_lines};
$line_number++) {
if ($ra_lines->[$line_number-1] =~ m{$marker}) {
$found_marker = $line_number;
# Pass 2 only if needed
my @save_lines = ();
if ($found_marker) {
my $n = 1;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, $_
if $n >= $found_marker;
} else { # marker wasn't found; save all lines
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_above\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_below { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_below(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
last if m{$marker};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_below\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_below_above { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker_below, $marker_above, ) = @_;
# delete lines delimited by start and end line markers such
# as Perl POD documentation
print "-> remove_below_above(markerB=$marker_below, A=$marker_above)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $between = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (!$between and m{$marker_below}) {
$between = 1;
if ($between and m{$marker_above}) {
$between = 0;
next if $between;
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_below_above\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $marker, ) = @_;
# $marker must contain one of the balanced pairs understood
# by Regexp::Common::balanced, namely
# '{}' '()' '[]' or '<>'
print "-> remove_between(marker=$marker)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my %acceptable = ('{}'=>1, '()'=>1, '[]'=>1, '<>'=>1, );
die "remove_between: invalid delimiter '$marker'\n",
"the delimiter must be one of these four pairs:\n",
"{} () [] <>\n" unless
Install_Regexp_Common() unless $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
no strict 'vars';
# otherwise get:
# Global symbol "%RE" requires explicit package name at cloc line xx.
if ($all_lines =~ m/$RE{balanced}{-parens => $marker}/) {
no warnings;
$all_lines =~ s/$1//g;
print "<- remove_between\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return split("\n", $all_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub rm_comments_in_strings { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $string_marker, $start_comment, $end_comment, $multiline_mode) = @_;
$multiline_mode = 0 if not defined $multiline_mode;
# Replace comments within strings with 'xx'.
print "-> rm_comments_in_strings(string_marker=$string_marker, " .
"start_comment=$start_comment, end_comment=$end_comment)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_ml_string = 0;
foreach my $line (@{$ra_lines}) {
#print "line=[$line]\n";
my $new_line = "";
if ($line !~ /${string_marker}/) {
# short circuit; no strings on this line
if ( $in_ml_string ) {
$line =~ s/\Q${start_comment}\E/xx/g;
$line =~ s/\Q${end_comment}\E/xx/g if $end_comment;
push @save_lines, $line;
# replace backslashed string markers with 'Q'
$line =~ s/\\${string_marker}/Q/g;
if ( $in_ml_string and $line =~ /^(.*?)(${string_marker})(.*)$/ ) {
# A multiline string ends on this line. Process the part
# until the end of the multiline string first.
my ($lastpart_ml_string, $firstpart_marker, $rest_of_line ) = ($1, $2, $3);
$lastpart_ml_string =~ s/\Q${start_comment}\E/xx/g;
$lastpart_ml_string =~ s/\Q${end_comment}\E/xx/g if $end_comment;
$new_line = $lastpart_ml_string . $firstpart_marker;
$line = $rest_of_line;
$in_ml_string = 0;
my @tokens = split(/(${string_marker}.*?${string_marker})/, $line);
foreach my $t (@tokens) {
#printf " t0 = [$t]\n";
if ($t =~ /${string_marker}.*${string_marker}$/) {
# enclosed in quotes; process this token
$t =~ s/\Q${start_comment}\E/xx/g;
$t =~ s/\Q${end_comment}\E/xx/g if $end_comment;
elsif ( $multiline_mode and $t =~ /(${string_marker})/ ) {
# Unclosed quote present in line. If multiline_mode is enabled,
# consider it the start of a multiline string.
my $firstpart_marker = $1;
my @sub_token = split(/${string_marker}/, $t );
if ( scalar @sub_token == 1 ) {
# The line ends with a string marker that starts
# a multiline string.
$t = $sub_token[0] . $firstpart_marker;
$in_ml_string = 1;
elsif ( scalar @sub_token == 2 ) {
# The line has some more content after the string
# marker that starts a multiline string
$t = $sub_token[0] . $firstpart_marker;
$sub_token[1] =~ s/\Q${start_comment}\E/xx/g;
$sub_token[1] =~ s/\Q${end_comment}\E/xx/g if $end_comment;
$t .= $sub_token[1];
$in_ml_string = 1;
} else {
print "Warning: rm_comments_in_string length \@sub_token > 2\n";
#printf " t1 = [$t]\n";
$new_line .= $t;
push @save_lines, $new_line;
print "<- rm_comments_in_strings\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between_general { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $start_marker, $end_marker, ) = @_;
# Start and end markers may be any length strings.
print "-> remove_between_general(start=$start_marker, end=$end_marker)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/\Q$start_marker\E.*?\Q$end_marker\E//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\Q$end_marker\E/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if $in_comment;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)\Q$start_marker\E/; # $1 may be blank or code
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/; # leading blank; all comment
if ($in_comment) {
# part code, part comment; strip the comment and keep the code
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_between_general\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_between_regex { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $start_RE, $end_RE, ) = @_;
# Start and end regex's may be any length strings.
print "-> remove_between_regex(start=$start_RE, end=$end_RE)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/${start_RE}.*?${end_RE}//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/$end_RE/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if $in_comment;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)${start_RE}/; # $1 may be blank or code
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/; # leading blank; all comment
if ($in_comment) {
# part code, part comment; strip the comment and keep the code
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_between_regex\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub replace_regex { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $regex, $replace, ) = @_;
print "-> replace_regex(regex=$regex, replace=$replace)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
next if /^\s*$/;
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- replace_regex\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub replace_between_regex { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $start_RE, $end_RE, $replace_RE, $multiline_mode ) = @_;
# If multiline_mode is enabled, $replace_RE should not refer
# to any captured groups in $start_RE.
$multiline_mode = 1 if not defined $multiline_mode;
# Start and end regex's may be any length strings.
print "-> replace_between_regex(start=$start_RE, end=$end_RE, replace=$replace_RE)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = join("", @{$ra_lines});
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/${start_RE}.*?${end_RE}/${replace_RE}/eeg; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/$end_RE/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if $in_comment;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if $multiline_mode and /^(.*?)${start_RE}/ ; # $1 may be blank or code
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/; # leading blank; all comment
if ($in_comment) {
# part code, part comment; strip the comment and keep the code
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- replace_between_regex\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_cobol_blanks { # {{{1
# subroutines derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
my $free_format = 0; # Support "free format" source code.
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if m/^\s*$/;
my $line = expand($_); # convert tabs to equivalent spaces
$free_format = 1 if $line =~ m/^......\$.*SET.*SOURCEFORMAT.*FREE/i;
if ($free_format) {
push @save_lines, $_;
} else {
# Greg Toth:
# (1) Treat lines with any alphanum in cols 1-6 and
# blanks in cols 7 through 71 as blank line, and
# (2) Treat lines with any alphanum in cols 1-6 and
# slash (/) in col 7 as blank line (this is a
# page eject directive).
push @save_lines, $_ unless m/^\d{6}\s*$/ or
($line =~ m/^.{6}\s{66}/) or
($line =~ m/^......\//);
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_cobol_comments { # {{{1
# subroutines derived from SLOCCount
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
my $free_format = 0; # Support "free format" source code.
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (m/^......\$.*SET.*SOURCEFORMAT.*FREE/i) {$free_format = 1;}
if ($free_format) {
push @save_lines, $_ unless m{^\s*\*};
} else {
push @save_lines, $_ unless m{^......\*} or m{^\*};
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_jcl_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_jcl_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
next if m{^//\*};
last if m{^\s*//\s*$};
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_jcl_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_jsp_comments { # {{{1
# JSP comment is <%-- body of comment --%>
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_jsp_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/<\%\-\-.*?\-\-\%>//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\-\-\%>/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)<\%\-\-/;
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/;
next if ($in_comment);
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_jsp_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_html_comments { # {{{1
# HTML comment is <!-- body of comment -->
# Need to use my own routine until the HTML comment regex in
# the Regexp::Common module can handle <!-- -- -->
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_html_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
s/<!\-\-.*?\-\->//g; # strip one-line comments
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($in_comment) {
if (/\-\->/) {
$in_comment = 0;
next if /^\s*$/;
$in_comment = 1 if /^(.*?)<!\-\-/;
next if defined $1 and $1 =~ /^\s*$/;
next if ($in_comment);
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_html_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_bf_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_bf_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- remove_bf_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_bf { # {{{1
my ($file, ) = @_;
print "-> really_is_bf\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $n_bf_indicators = 0;
my @lines = read_file($file);
foreach my $L (@lines) {
my $ind = 0;
if ($L =~ /([+-]{4,} | # at least four +'s or -'s in a row
[\[\]]{4,} | # at least four [ or ] in a row
[<>][+-] | # >- or >+ or <+ or <-
<{3,} | # at least three < in a row
^\s*[\[\]]\s*$)/x) { # [ or ] on line by itself
$ind = 1;
# if ($ind) { print "YES: $L"; } else { print "NO : $L"; }
my $ratio = $n_bf_indicators/scalar(@lines);
my $decision = ($ratio > 0.5) || ($n_bf_indicators > 5);
printf "<- really_is_bf(Y/N=%d %s, R=%.3f, N=%d)\n",
$decision, $file, $ratio, $n_bf_indicators if $opt_v > 2;
return $decision;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_intented_block { # {{{1
# Haml block comments are defined by a silent comment marker like
# /
# or
# -#
# followed by indented text on subsequent lines.
my ($ra_lines, $regex, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_intented_block\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if /^\s*$/;
my $line = expand($_); # convert tabs to equivalent spaces
if ($in_comment) {
$line =~ /^(\s*)/;
# print "indent=", length $1, "\n";
if (length $1 < $in_comment) {
# indent level is less than comment level
# are back in code
$in_comment = 0;
} else {
# still in comments, don't use this line
} elsif ($line =~ m{$regex}) {
if ($1) {
$in_comment = length($1) + 1; # number of leading spaces + 1
} else {
$in_comment = 1;
# print "in_comment=$in_comment\n";
push @save_lines, $line;
print "<- remove_intented_block\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_haml_block { # {{{1
# Haml block comments are defined by a silent comment marker like
# /
# or
# -#
# followed by indented text on subsequent lines.
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
return remove_intented_block($ra_lines, '^(\s*)(/|-#)\s*$');
} # 1}}}
sub remove_pug_block { # {{{1
# Haml block comments are defined by a silent comment marker like
# //
# followed by indented text on subsequent lines.
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
return remove_intented_block($ra_lines, '^(\s*)(//)\s*$');
} # 1}}}
sub remove_OCaml_comments { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_OCaml_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0; # counter to depth of nested comments
foreach my $L (@{$ra_lines}) {
next if $L =~ /^\s*$/;
# make an array of tokens where a token is a start comment
# marker, end comment marker, string, or anything else
my $clean_line = ""; # ie, free of comments
my @tokens = split(/(\(\*|\*\)|".*?")/, $L);
foreach my $t (@tokens) {
next unless $t;
if ($t eq "(*") {
} elsif ($t eq "*)") {
} elsif (!$in_comment) {
$clean_line .= $t;
push @save_lines, $clean_line if $clean_line;
print "<- remove_OCaml_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_slim_block { # {{{1
# slim comments start with /
# followed by indented text on subsequent lines.
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
return remove_intented_block($ra_lines, '^(\s*)(/[^!])');
} # 1}}}
sub add_newlines { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> add_newlines \n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
push @save_lines, "$_\n";
print "<- add_newlines \n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub docstring_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Python docstrings to C comments.
if ($opt_docstring_as_code) {
return @{$ra_lines};
print "-> docstring_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_docstring = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
while (/((""")|('''))/) {
if (!$in_docstring) {
$in_docstring = 1;
} else {
$in_docstring = 0;
print "<- docstring_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub jupyter_nb { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Translate .ipynb file content into an equivalent set of code
# lines as expected by cloc.
print "-> jupyter_nb()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_code = 0;
my $in_source = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (!$in_code and !$in_source and /^\s*"cell_type":\s*"code",\s*$/) {
$in_code = 1;
} elsif ($in_code and !$in_source and /^\s*"source":\s*\[\s*$/) {
$in_source = 1;
} elsif ($in_code and $in_source) {
if (/^\s*"\s*\\n",\s*$/) { # "\n", -> empty line
} elsif (/^\s*"\s*#/) { # comment within the code block
} elsif (/^\s*\]\s*$/) {
$in_code = 0;
$in_source = 0;
} else {
push @save_lines, $_;
print "<- jupyter_nb\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub elixir_doc_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Elixir docs to C comments.
print "-> elixir_doc_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_docstring = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (!$in_docstring && /(\@(module)?doc\s+(~[sScC])?['"]{3})/) {
$in_docstring = 1;
} elsif ($in_docstring && /(['"]{3})/) {
$in_docstring = 0;
print "<- elixir_doc_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub Forth_paren_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Forth comment parentheses to C comments.
print "-> Forth_paren_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_comment = 0;
my $max_paren_pair_per_line = 255;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
#print "Forth_paren_to_C: [$_]\n";
my $n_iter = 0;
while (/\s\(\s/ or ($in_comment and /\)/)) {
#print "TOP n_iter=$n_iter in_comment=$in_comment\n";
if (/\s\(\s.*?\)/) {
# in-line parenthesis comment; handle here
#print "B\n";
} elsif (!$in_comment and /\s\(\s/) {
#print "C\n";
$in_comment = 1;
} elsif ($in_comment and /\)/) {
#print "D\n";
$in_comment = 0;
} else {
# gets here if it can't find a matching
# close parenthesis; in this case the
# results will likely be incorrect
#print "E\n";
last if $n_iter > $max_paren_pair_per_line;
print "<- Forth_paren_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub powershell_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts PowerShell block comment markers to C comments.
print "-> powershell_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $in_docstring = 0;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
print "<- powershell_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub smarty_to_C { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
# Converts Smarty comments to C comments.
print "-> smarty_to_C()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
print "<- smarty_to_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @{$ra_lines};
} # 1}}}
sub determine_lit_type { # {{{1
my ($file) = @_;
open (FILE, $file);
while (<FILE>) {
if (m/^\\begin\{code\}/) { close FILE; return 2; }
if (m/^>\s/) { close FILE; return 1; }
return 0;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_haskell_comments { # {{{1
# Bulk of code taken from SLOCCount's haskell_count script.
# Strips out {- .. -} and -- comments and counts the rest.
# Pragmas, {-#...}, are counted as SLOC.
# BUG: Doesn't handle strings with embedded block comment markers gracefully.
# In practice, that shouldn't be a problem.
my ($ra_lines, $file, ) = @_;
print "-> remove_haskell_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @save_lines = ();
my $in_comment = 0;
my $incomment = 0;
my ($literate, $inlitblock) = (0,0);
$literate = 1 if $file =~ /\.lhs$/;
if($literate) { $literate = determine_lit_type($file) }
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if ($literate == 1) {
if (!s/^>//) { s/.*//; }
} elsif ($literate == 2) {
if ($inlitblock) {
if (m/^\\end\{code\}/) { s/.*//; $inlitblock = 0; }
} elsif (!$inlitblock) {
if (m/^\\begin\{code\}/) { s/.*//; $inlitblock = 1; }
else { s/.*//; }
if ($incomment) {
if (m/\-\}/) { s/^.*?\-\}//; $incomment = 0;}
else { s/.*//; }
if (!$incomment) {
if (m/{-/ && (!m/{-#/)) {
$incomment = 1;
if (m/\S/) { push @save_lines, $_; }
# if ($incomment) {print "ERROR: ended in comment in $ARGV\n";}
print "<- remove_haskell_comments\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @save_lines;
} # 1}}}
sub print_lines { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$title , # in
$ra_lines , # in
) = @_;
printf "->%-30s %s\n", $file, $title;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$ra_lines}; $i++) {
printf "%5d | %s", $i+1, $ra_lines->[$i];
print "\n" unless $ra_lines->[$i] =~ m{\n$}
} # 1}}}
sub set_constants { # {{{1
my ($rh_Language_by_Extension , # out
$rh_Language_by_Script , # out
$rh_Language_by_File , # out
$rhaa_Filters_by_Language , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Extension , # out
$rh_Not_Code_Filename , # out
$rh_Scale_Factor , # out
$rh_Known_Binary_Archives , # out
$rh_EOL_continuation_re , # out
) = @_;
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_Extension} = ( # {{{1
'abap' => 'ABAP' ,
'ac' => 'm4' ,
'ada' => 'Ada' ,
'adb' => 'Ada' ,
'ads' => 'Ada' ,
'adso' => 'ADSO/IDSM' ,
'ahkl' => 'AutoHotkey' ,
'ahk' => 'AutoHotkey' ,
'agda' => 'Agda' ,
'lagda' => 'Agda' ,
'aj' => 'AspectJ' ,
'am' => 'make' ,
'ample' => 'AMPLE' ,
'apl' => 'APL' ,
'apla' => 'APL' ,
'aplf' => 'APL' ,
'aplo' => 'APL' ,
'apln' => 'APL' ,
'aplc' => 'APL' ,
'apli' => 'APL' ,
'dyalog' => 'APL' ,
'dyapp' => 'APL' ,
'mipage' => 'APL' ,
'as' => 'ActionScript' ,
'adoc' => 'AsciiDoc' ,
'asciidoc' => 'AsciiDoc' ,
'dofile' => 'AMPLE' ,
'startup' => 'AMPLE' ,
'axd' => 'ASP' ,
'ashx' => 'ASP' ,
'asa' => 'ASP' ,
'asax' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'ascx' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'asd' => 'Lisp' , # system definition file
'nasm' => 'Assembly' ,
'a51' => 'Assembly' ,
'asm' => 'Assembly' ,
'asmx' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'asp' => 'ASP' ,
'aspx' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'master' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'sitemap' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'cshtml' => 'Razor' ,
'razor' => 'Razor' , # Client-side Blazor
'nawk' => 'awk' ,
'mawk' => 'awk' ,
'gawk' => 'awk' ,
'auk' => 'awk' ,
'awk' => 'awk' ,
'bash' => 'Bourne Again Shell' ,
'bzl' => 'Bazel' ,
'bazel' => 'Bazel' ,
'BUILD' => 'Bazel' ,
'vbhtml' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'frx' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'bas' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'dxl' => 'DOORS Extension Language',
'bat' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'BAT' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'cmd' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'CMD' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'btm' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'BTM' => 'DOS Batch' ,
'blade' => 'Blade' ,
'blade.php' => 'Blade' ,
'build.xml' => 'Ant' ,
'b' => 'Brainfuck' ,
'bf' => 'Brainfuck' ,
'brs' => 'BrightScript' ,
'bzl' => 'Starlark' ,
'cpy' => 'COBOL' ,
'cobol' => 'COBOL' ,
'ccp' => 'COBOL' ,
'cbl' => 'COBOL' ,
'CBL' => 'COBOL' ,
'idc' => 'C' ,
'cats' => 'C' ,
'c' => 'C' ,
'tpp' => 'C++' ,
'tcc' => 'C++' ,
'ipp' => 'C++' ,
'inl' => 'C++' ,
'h++' => 'C++' ,
'C' => 'C++' ,
'cc' => 'C++' ,
'c++' => 'C++' ,
'ccs' => 'CCS' ,
'cfc' => 'ColdFusion CFScript' ,
'cfml' => 'ColdFusion' ,
'cfm' => 'ColdFusion' ,
'chpl' => 'Chapel' ,
'cl' => 'Lisp/OpenCL' ,
'riemann.config'=> 'Clojure' ,
'hic' => 'Clojure' ,
'cljx' => 'Clojure' ,
'cljscm' => 'Clojure' ,
'cljs.hl' => 'Clojure' ,
'cl2' => 'Clojure' ,
'boot' => 'Clojure' ,
'clj' => 'Clojure' ,
'cljs' => 'ClojureScript' ,
'cljc' => 'ClojureC' ,
'cls' => 'Visual Basic/TeX/Apex Class' ,
'' => 'CMake' ,
'CMakeLists.txt' => 'CMake' ,
'cmake' => 'CMake' ,
'cob' => 'COBOL' ,
'COB' => 'COBOL' ,
'iced' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'cjsx' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'cakefile' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'_coffee' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'coffee' => 'CoffeeScript' ,
'component' => 'Visualforce Component' ,
'cpp' => 'C++' ,
'CPP' => 'C++' ,
'cr' => 'Crystal' ,
'cs' => 'C#/Smalltalk' ,
'csh' => 'C Shell' ,
'cson' => 'CSON' ,
'css' => "CSS" ,
'ctl' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'cu' => 'CUDA' ,
'cuh' => 'CUDA' , # CUDA header file
'cxx' => 'C++' ,
'd' => 'D/dtrace' ,
# in addition, .d can map to init.d files typically written as
# bash or sh scripts
'da' => 'DAL' ,
'dart' => 'Dart' ,
'def' => 'Windows Module Definition',
'dhall' => 'dhall' ,
'dt' => 'DIET' ,
'patch' => 'diff' ,
'diff' => 'diff' ,
'dmap' => 'NASTRAN DMAP' ,
'sthlp' => 'Stata' ,
'matah' => 'Stata' ,
'mata' => 'Stata' ,
'ihlp' => 'Stata' ,
'doh' => 'Stata' ,
'ado' => 'Stata' ,
'do' => 'Stata' ,
'DO' => 'Stata' ,
'pascal' => 'Pascal' ,
'lpr' => 'Pascal' ,
'dfm' => 'Pascal' ,
'dpr' => 'Pascal' ,
'dita' => 'DITA' ,
'drl' => 'Drools' ,
'dsr' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'dtd' => 'DTD' ,
'ec' => 'C' ,
'ecpp' => 'ECPP' ,
'eex' => 'EEx' ,
'el' => 'Lisp' ,
'elm' => 'Elm' ,
'exs' => 'Elixir' ,
'ex' => 'Elixir' ,
'ecr' => 'Embedded Crystal' ,
'ejs' => 'EJS' ,
'erb' => 'ERB' ,
'ERB' => 'ERB' ,
'yrl' => 'Erlang' ,
'xrl' => 'Erlang' ,
'rebar.lock' => 'Erlang' ,
'rebar.config.lock'=> 'Erlang' ,
'rebar.config'=> 'Erlang' ,
'emakefile' => 'Erlang' ,
'app.src' => 'Erlang' ,
'erl' => 'Erlang' ,
'exp' => 'Expect' ,
'4th' => 'Forth' ,
'fish' => 'Fish Shell' ,
'fnl' => 'Fennel' ,
'forth' => 'Forth' ,
'fr' => 'Forth' ,
'frt' => 'Forth' ,
'fth' => 'Forth' ,
'f83' => 'Forth' ,
'fb' => 'Forth' ,
'fpm' => 'Forth' ,
'e4' => 'Forth' ,
'rx' => 'Forth' ,
'ft' => 'Forth' ,
'f77' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'F77' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'f90' => 'Fortran 90' ,
'F90' => 'Fortran 90' ,
'f95' => 'Fortran 95' ,
'F95' => 'Fortran 95' ,
'f' => 'Fortran 77/Forth' ,
'F' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'for' => 'Fortran 77/Forth' ,
'FOR' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'ftl' => 'Freemarker Template' ,
'ftn' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'FTN' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'fmt' => 'Oracle Forms' ,
'focexec' => 'Focus' ,
'frm' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'fs' => 'F#/Forth' ,
'fsi' => 'F#' ,
'fsx' => 'F# Script' ,
'fxml' => 'FXML' ,
'gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'Gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'gd' => 'GDScript' ,
'vshader' => 'GLSL' ,
'vsh' => 'GLSL' ,
'vrx' => 'GLSL' ,
'gshader' => 'GLSL' ,
'glslv' => 'GLSL' ,
'geo' => 'GLSL' ,
'fshader' => 'GLSL' ,
'fsh' => 'GLSL' ,
'frg' => 'GLSL' ,
'fp' => 'GLSL' ,
'glsl' => 'GLSL' ,
'graphqls' => 'GraphQL' ,
'gql' => 'GraphQL' ,
'graphql' => 'GraphQL' ,
'vert' => 'GLSL' ,
'tesc' => 'GLSL' ,
'tese' => 'GLSL' ,
'geom' => 'GLSL' ,
'feature' => 'Cucumber' ,
'frag' => 'GLSL' ,
'comp' => 'GLSL' ,
'g' => 'ANTLR Grammar' ,
'g4' => 'ANTLR Grammar' ,
'go' => 'Go' ,
'gsp' => 'Grails' ,
'jenkinsfile' => 'Groovy' ,
'gvy' => 'Groovy' ,
'gtpl' => 'Groovy' ,
'grt' => 'Groovy' ,
'groovy' => 'Groovy' ,
'gant' => 'Groovy' ,
'gradle' => 'Gradle' ,
'gradle.kts' => 'Gradle' ,
'h' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'H' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hh' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hpp' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hxx' => 'C/C++ Header' ,
'hb' => 'Harbour' ,
'hrl' => 'Erlang' ,
'hsc' => 'Haskell' ,
'hs' => 'Haskell' ,
'tfvars' => 'HCL' ,
'hcl' => 'HCL' ,
'tf' => 'HCL' ,
'nomad' => 'HCL' ,
'hlsli' => 'HLSL' ,
'fxh' => 'HLSL' ,
'hlsl' => 'HLSL' ,
'shader' => 'HLSL' ,
'cg' => 'HLSL' ,
'cginc' => 'HLSL' ,
'haml.deface' => 'Haml' ,
'haml' => 'Haml' ,
'handlebars' => 'Handlebars' ,
'hbs' => 'Handlebars' ,
'hxsl' => 'Haxe' ,
'hx' => 'Haxe' ,
'hoon' => 'Hoon' ,
'xht' => 'HTML' ,
'html.hl' => 'HTML' ,
'htm' => 'HTML' ,
'html' => 'HTML' ,
'i3' => 'Modula3' ,
'ice' => 'Slice' ,
'icl' => 'Clean' ,
'dcl' => 'Clean' ,
'dlm' => 'IDL' ,
'idl' => 'IDL' ,
'idr' => 'Idris' ,
'lidr' => 'Literate Idris' ,
'imba' => 'Imba' ,
'prefs' => 'INI' ,
'lektorproject'=> 'INI' ,
'buildozer.spec'=> 'INI' ,
'ini' => 'INI' ,
'ism' => 'InstallShield' ,
'ipl' => 'IPL' ,
'pro' => 'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard' ,
'ig' => 'Modula3' ,
'il' => 'SKILL' ,
'ils' => 'SKILL++' ,
'inc' => 'PHP/Pascal' , # might be PHP or Pascal
'inl' => 'C++' ,
'ino' => 'Arduino Sketch' ,
'ipf' => 'Igor Pro' ,
'pde' => 'Arduino Sketch' , # pre 1.0
'itk' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'java' => 'Java' ,
'jcl' => 'JCL' , # IBM Job Control Lang.
'jl' => 'Lisp/Julia' ,
'xsjslib' => 'JavaScript' ,
'xsjs' => 'JavaScript' ,
'ssjs' => 'JavaScript' ,
'sjs' => 'JavaScript' ,
'pac' => 'JavaScript' ,
'njs' => 'JavaScript' ,
'mjs' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jss' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jsm' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jsfl' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jscad' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jsb' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jakefile' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jake' => 'JavaScript' ,
'bones' => 'JavaScript' ,
'_js' => 'JavaScript' ,
'js' => 'JavaScript' ,
'es6' => 'JavaScript' ,
'jsf' => 'JavaServer Faces' ,
'jsx' => 'JSX' ,
'xhtml' => 'XHTML' ,
'yyp' => 'JSON' ,
'webmanifest' => 'JSON' ,
'webapp' => 'JSON' ,
'topojson' => 'JSON' ,
'tfstate.backup'=> 'JSON' ,
'tfstate' => 'JSON' ,
'' => 'JSON' ,
'mcmeta' => 'JSON' ,
'json-tmlanguage'=> 'JSON' ,
'jsonl' => 'JSON' ,
'har' => 'JSON' ,
'gltf' => 'JSON' ,
'geojson' => 'JSON' ,
'composer.lock'=> 'JSON' ,
'avsc' => 'JSON' ,
'watchmanconfig'=> 'JSON' ,
'tern-project'=> 'JSON' ,
'tern-config' => 'JSON' ,
'htmlhintrc' => 'JSON' ,
'arcconfig' => 'JSON' ,
'json' => 'JSON' ,
'json5' => 'JSON5' ,
'jsp' => 'JSP' , # Java server pages
'jspf' => 'JSP' , # Java server pages
'vm' => 'Velocity Template Language' ,
'ksc' => 'Kermit' ,
'ksh' => 'Korn Shell' ,
'ktm' => 'Kotlin' ,
'kt' => 'Kotlin' ,
'kts' => 'Kotlin' ,
'hlean' => 'Lean' ,
'lean' => 'Lean' ,
'lhs' => 'Haskell' ,
'lex' => 'lex' ,
'l' => 'lex' ,
'less' => 'LESS' ,
'lfe' => 'LFE' ,
'liquid' => 'liquid' ,
'lsp' => 'Lisp' ,
'lisp' => 'Lisp' ,
'lgt' => 'Logtalk' ,
'logtalk' => 'Logtalk' ,
'wlua' => 'Lua' ,
'rbxs' => 'Lua' ,
'pd_lua' => 'Lua' ,
'p8' => 'Lua' ,
'nse' => 'Lua' ,
'lua' => 'Lua' ,
'm3' => 'Modula3' ,
'm4' => 'm4' ,
'makefile' => 'make' ,
'Makefile' => 'make' ,
'mao' => 'Mako' ,
'mako' => 'Mako' ,
'workbook' => 'Markdown' ,
'ronn' => 'Markdown' ,
'mkdown' => 'Markdown' ,
'mkdn' => 'Markdown' ,
'mkd' => 'Markdown' ,
'mdx' => 'Markdown' ,
'mdwn' => 'Markdown' ,
'mdown' => 'Markdown' ,
'markdown' => 'Markdown' ,
'' => 'Markdown' ,
'md' => 'Markdown' ,
'mc' => 'Windows Message File' ,
'met' => 'Teamcenter met' ,
'mg' => 'Modula3' ,
'mk' => 'make' ,
# 'mli' => 'ML' , # ML not implemented
# 'ml' => 'ML' ,
'ml4' => 'OCaml' ,
'eliomi' => 'OCaml' ,
'eliom' => 'OCaml' ,
'ml' => 'OCaml' ,
'mli' => 'OCaml' ,
'mly' => 'OCaml' ,
'mll' => 'OCaml' ,
'm' => 'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' ,
'mm' => 'Objective C++' ,
'msg' => 'Gencat NLS' ,
'nbp' => 'Mathematica' ,
'mathematica' => 'Mathematica' ,
'ma' => 'Mathematica' ,
'cdf' => 'Mathematica' ,
'mt' => 'Mathematica' ,
'wl' => 'Mathematica' ,
'wlt' => 'Mathematica' ,
'mustache' => 'Mustache' ,
'wdproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'csproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'vcproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'wixproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'vbproj' => 'MSBuild script' ,
'mps' => 'MUMPS' ,
'mth' => 'Teamcenter mth' ,
'n' => 'Nemerle' ,
'nims' => 'Nim' ,
'nimrod' => 'Nim' ,
'nimble' => 'Nim' ,
'nim.cfg' => 'Nim' ,
'nim' => 'Nim' ,
'nix' => 'Nix' ,
'nut' => 'Squirrel' ,
'oscript' => 'LiveLink OScript' ,
'bod' => 'Oracle PL/SQL' ,
'spc' => 'Oracle PL/SQL' ,
'fnc' => 'Oracle PL/SQL' ,
'prc' => 'Oracle PL/SQL' ,
'trg' => 'Oracle PL/SQL' ,
'pad' => 'Ada' , # Oracle Ada preprocessor
'page' => 'Visualforce Page' ,
'pas' => 'Pascal' ,
'pcc' => 'C++' , # Oracle C++ preprocessor
'rexfile' => 'Perl' ,
'psgi' => 'Perl' ,
'ph' => 'Perl' ,
'' => 'Perl' ,
'cpanfile' => 'Perl' ,
'al' => 'Perl' ,
'ack' => 'Perl' ,
'perl' => 'Perl' ,
'pfo' => 'Fortran 77' ,
'pgc' => 'C' , # Postgres embedded C/C++
'phpt' => 'PHP' ,
'phps' => 'PHP' ,
'phakefile' => 'PHP' ,
'ctp' => 'PHP' ,
'aw' => 'PHP' ,
'php_cs.dist' => 'PHP' ,
'php_cs' => 'PHP' ,
'php3' => 'PHP' ,
'php4' => 'PHP' ,
'php5' => 'PHP' ,
'php' => 'PHP' ,
'phtml' => 'PHP' ,
'pig' => 'Pig Latin' ,
'plh' => 'Perl' ,
'pl' => 'Perl/Prolog' ,
'PL' => 'Perl/Prolog' ,
'p6' => 'Raku/Prolog' ,
'P6' => 'Raku/Prolog' ,
'plx' => 'Perl' ,
'pm' => 'Perl' ,
'pm6' => 'Raku' ,
'raku' => 'Raku' ,
'rakumod' => 'Raku' ,
'pom.xml' => 'Maven' ,
'pom' => 'Maven' ,
'yap' => 'Prolog' ,
'prolog' => 'Prolog' ,
'P' => 'Prolog' ,
'p' => 'Pascal' ,
'pp' => 'Pascal/Puppet' ,
'viw' => 'SQL' ,
'udf' => 'SQL' ,
'tab' => 'SQL' ,
'mysql' => 'SQL' ,
'cql' => 'SQL' ,
'psql' => 'SQL' ,
'xpy' => 'Python' ,
'wsgi' => 'Python' ,
'wscript' => 'Python' ,
'workspace' => 'Python' ,
'tac' => 'Python' ,
'snakefile' => 'Python' ,
'sconstruct' => 'Python' ,
'sconscript' => 'Python' ,
'pyt' => 'Python' ,
'pyp' => 'Python' ,
'pyi' => 'Python' ,
'pyde' => 'Python' ,
'py3' => 'Python' ,
'lmi' => 'Python' ,
'gypi' => 'Python' ,
'gyp' => 'Python' ,
'build.bazel' => 'Python' ,
'buck' => 'Python' ,
'gclient' => 'Python' ,
'py' => 'Python' ,
'pyw' => 'Python' ,
'ipynb' => 'Jupyter Notebook' ,
'pyj' => 'RapydScript' ,
'pxi' => 'Cython' ,
'pxd' => 'Cython' ,
'pyx' => 'Cython' ,
'qbs' => 'QML' ,
'qml' => 'QML' ,
'watchr' => 'Ruby' ,
'vagrantfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'thorfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'thor' => 'Ruby' ,
'snapfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'ru' => 'Ruby' ,
'rbx' => 'Ruby' ,
'rbw' => 'Ruby' ,
'rbuild' => 'Ruby' ,
'rabl' => 'Ruby' ,
'puppetfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'podfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'mspec' => 'Ruby' ,
'mavenfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'jbuilder' => 'Ruby' ,
'jarfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'guardfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'god' => 'Ruby' ,
'gemspec' => 'Ruby' ,
'gemfile.lock'=> 'Ruby' ,
'gemfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'fastfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'eye' => 'Ruby' ,
'deliverfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'dangerfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'capfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'buildfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'builder' => 'Ruby' ,
'brewfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'berksfile' => 'Ruby' ,
'appraisals' => 'Ruby' ,
'pryrc' => 'Ruby' ,
'irbrc' => 'Ruby' ,
'rb' => 'Ruby' ,
'podspec' => 'Ruby' ,
'rake' => 'Ruby' ,
# 'resx' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'rex' => 'Oracle Reports' ,
'pprx' => 'Rexx' ,
'rexx' => 'Rexx' ,
'rhtml' => 'Ruby HTML' ,
'' => 'Rust' ,
'rs' => 'Rust' ,
'rst.txt' => 'reStructuredText' ,
'rest.txt' => 'reStructuredText' ,
'rest' => 'reStructuredText' ,
'rst' => 'reStructuredText' ,
's' => 'Assembly' ,
'S' => 'Assembly' ,
'SCA' => 'Visual Fox Pro' ,
'sca' => 'Visual Fox Pro' ,
'sbt' => 'Scala' ,
'kojo' => 'Scala' ,
'scala' => 'Scala' ,
'sbl' => 'Softbridge Basic' ,
'SBL' => 'Softbridge Basic' ,
'sed' => 'sed' ,
'ses' => 'Patran Command Language' ,
'sp' => 'SparForte' ,
'sol' => 'Solidity' ,
'pcl' => 'Patran Command Language' ,
'pl1' => 'PL/I' ,
'plm' => 'PL/M' ,
'lit' => 'PL/M' ,
'po' => 'PO File' ,
'pbt' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'sra' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'srf' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'srm' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'srs' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'sru' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'srw' => 'PowerBuilder' ,
'jade' => 'Pug' ,
'pug' => 'Pug' ,
'purs' => 'PureScript' ,
'prefab' => 'Unity-Prefab' ,
'proto' => 'Protocol Buffers' ,
'mat' => 'Unity-Prefab' ,
'ps1' => 'PowerShell' ,
'psd1' => 'PowerShell' ,
'psm1' => 'PowerShell' ,
'rsx' => 'R' ,
'rd' => 'R' ,
'expr-dist' => 'R' ,
'rprofile' => 'R' ,
'R' => 'R' ,
'r' => 'R' ,
'raml' => 'RAML' ,
'rktd' => 'Racket' ,
'rkt' => 'Racket' ,
'rktl' => 'Racket' ,
'Rmd' => 'Rmd' ,
're' => 'ReasonML' ,
'rei' => 'ReasonML' ,
'scrbl' => 'Racket' ,
'sps' => 'Scheme' ,
'sc' => 'Scheme' ,
'ss' => 'Scheme' ,
'scm' => 'Scheme' ,
'sch' => 'Scheme' ,
'sls' => 'Scheme/SaltStack' ,
'sld' => 'Scheme' ,
'robot' => 'RobotFramework' ,
'rc' => 'Windows Resource File' ,
'rc2' => 'Windows Resource File' ,
'sas' => 'SAS' ,
'sass' => 'Sass' ,
'scss' => 'Sass' ,
'sh' => 'Bourne Shell' ,
'smarty' => 'Smarty' ,
'sml' => 'Standard ML' ,
'sig' => 'Standard ML' ,
'fun' => 'Standard ML' ,
'slim' => 'Slim' ,
'e' => 'Specman e' ,
'sql' => 'SQL' ,
'SQL' => 'SQL' ,
'sproc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'spoc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'spc.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'udf.sql' => 'SQL Stored Procedure' ,
'data.sql' => 'SQL Data' ,
'sss' => 'SugarSS' ,
'st' => 'Smalltalk' ,
'styl' => 'Stylus' ,
'i' => 'SWIG' ,
'svelte' => 'Svelte' ,
'sv' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog' ,
'svh' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog' ,
'svg' => 'SVG' ,
'SVG' => 'SVG' ,
'v' => 'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq' ,
'tcl' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tcsh' => 'C Shell' ,
'tk' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'mkvi' => 'TeX' ,
'mkiv' => 'TeX' ,
'mkii' => 'TeX' ,
'ltx' => 'TeX' ,
'lbx' => 'TeX' ,
'ins' => 'TeX' ,
'cbx' => 'TeX' ,
'bib' => 'TeX' ,
'bbx' => 'TeX' ,
'aux' => 'TeX' ,
'tex' => 'TeX' , # TeX, LaTex, MikTex, ..
'toml' => 'TOML' ,
'sty' => 'TeX' ,
# 'cls' => 'TeX' ,
'dtx' => 'TeX' ,
'bst' => 'TeX' ,
'thrift' => 'Thrift' ,
'tpl' => 'Smarty' ,
'trigger' => 'Apex Trigger' ,
'ttcn' => 'TTCN' ,
'ttcn2' => 'TTCN' ,
'ttcn3' => 'TTCN' ,
'ttcnpp' => 'TTCN' ,
'sdl' => 'TNSDL' ,
'ssc' => 'TNSDL' ,
'sdt' => 'TNSDL' ,
'spd' => 'TNSDL' ,
'sst' => 'TNSDL' ,
'rou' => 'TNSDL' ,
'cin' => 'TNSDL' ,
'cii' => 'TNSDL' ,
'interface' => 'TNSDL' ,
'in1' => 'TNSDL' ,
'in2' => 'TNSDL' ,
'in3' => 'TNSDL' ,
'in4' => 'TNSDL' ,
'inf' => 'TNSDL' ,
'tpd' => 'TITAN Project File Information',
'ts' => 'TypeScript/Qt Linguist',
'tsx' => 'TypeScript' ,
'tss' => 'Titanium Style Sheet' ,
'twig' => 'Twig' ,
'ui' => 'Qt/Glade' ,
'glade' => 'Glade' ,
'vala' => 'Vala' ,
'vapi' => 'Vala Header' ,
'vhw' => 'VHDL' ,
'vht' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhs' => 'VHDL' ,
'vho' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhi' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhf' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhd' => 'VHDL' ,
'VHD' => 'VHDL' ,
'vhdl' => 'VHDL' ,
'VHDL' => 'VHDL' ,
'vba' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VBA' => 'Visual Basic' ,
# 'vbp' => 'Visual Basic' , # .vbp - autogenerated
'vb' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VB' => 'Visual Basic' ,
# 'vbw' => 'Visual Basic' , # .vbw - autogenerated
'vbs' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'VBS' => 'Visual Basic' ,
'vue' => 'Vuejs Component' ,
'webinfo' => 'ASP.NET' ,
'xmi' => 'XMI' ,
'XMI' => 'XMI' ,
'zcml' => 'XML' ,
'xul' => 'XML' ,
'xspec' => 'XML' ,
'xproj' => 'XML' ,
'xml.dist' => 'XML' ,
'xliff' => 'XML' ,
'xlf' => 'XML' ,
'xib' => 'XML' ,
'xacro' => 'XML' ,
'x3d' => 'XML' ,
'wsf' => 'XML' ,
'web.release.config'=> 'XML' ,
'web.debug.config'=> 'XML' ,
'web.config' => 'XML' ,
'vxml' => 'XML' ,
'vstemplate' => 'XML' ,
'vssettings' => 'XML' ,
'vsixmanifest'=> 'XML' ,
'vcxproj' => 'XML' ,
'ux' => 'XML' ,
'urdf' => 'XML' ,
'tmtheme' => 'XML' ,
'tmsnippet' => 'XML' ,
'tmpreferences'=> 'XML' ,
'tmlanguage' => 'XML' ,
'tml' => 'XML' ,
'tmcommand' => 'XML' ,
'targets' => 'XML' ,
'sublime-snippet'=> 'XML' ,
'sttheme' => 'XML' ,
'storyboard' => 'XML' ,
'srdf' => 'XML' ,
'shproj' => 'XML' ,
'sfproj' => 'XML' ,
'settings.stylecop'=> 'XML' ,
'scxml' => 'XML' ,
'rss' => 'XML' ,
'resx' => 'XML' ,
'rdf' => 'XML' ,
'pt' => 'XML' ,
'psc1' => 'XML' ,
'ps1xml' => 'XML' ,
'props' => 'XML' ,
'proj' => 'XML' ,
'plist' => 'XML' ,
'pkgproj' => 'XML' ,
'packages.config'=> 'XML' ,
'osm' => 'XML' ,
'odd' => 'XML' ,
'nuspec' => 'XML' ,
'nuget.config'=> 'XML' ,
'nproj' => 'XML' ,
'ndproj' => 'XML' ,
'natvis' => 'XML' ,
'mjml' => 'XML' ,
'mdpolicy' => 'XML' ,
'launch' => 'XML' ,
'kml' => 'XML' ,
'jsproj' => 'XML' ,
'jelly' => 'XML' ,
'ivy' => 'XML' ,
'iml' => 'XML' ,
'grxml' => 'XML' ,
'gmx' => 'XML' ,
'fsproj' => 'XML' ,
'filters' => 'XML' ,
'dotsettings' => 'XML' ,
'dll.config' => 'XML' ,
'ditaval' => 'XML' ,
'ditamap' => 'XML' ,
'depproj' => 'XML' ,
'ct' => 'XML' ,
'csl' => 'XML' ,
'csdef' => 'XML' ,
'cscfg' => 'XML' ,
'cproject' => 'XML' ,
'clixml' => 'XML' ,
'ccxml' => 'XML' ,
'ccproj' => 'XML' ,
'builds' => 'XML' ,
'axml' => 'XML' ,
'app.config' => 'XML' ,
'ant' => 'XML' ,
'admx' => 'XML' ,
'adml' => 'XML' ,
'project' => 'XML' ,
'classpath' => 'XML' ,
'xml' => 'XML' ,
'XML' => 'XML' ,
'mxml' => 'MXML' ,
'xml.builder' => 'builder' ,
'build' => 'NAnt script' ,
'vim' => 'vim script' ,
'swift' => 'Swift' ,
'xaml' => 'XAML' ,
'wast' => 'WebAssembly' ,
'wat' => 'WebAssembly' ,
'wxs' => 'WiX source' ,
'wxi' => 'WiX include' ,
'wxl' => 'WiX string localization' ,
'prw' => 'xBase' ,
'prg' => 'xBase' ,
'ch' => 'xBase Header' ,
'xqy' => 'XQuery' ,
'xqm' => 'XQuery' ,
'xql' => 'XQuery' ,
'xq' => 'XQuery' ,
'xquery' => 'XQuery' ,
'xsd' => 'XSD' ,
'XSD' => 'XSD' ,
'xslt' => 'XSLT' ,
'XSLT' => 'XSLT' ,
'xsl' => 'XSLT' ,
'XSL' => 'XSLT' ,
'xtend' => 'Xtend' ,
'yacc' => 'yacc' ,
'y' => 'yacc' ,
'yml.mysql' => 'YAML' ,
'yaml-tmlanguage'=> 'YAML' ,
'syntax' => 'YAML' ,
'sublime-syntax'=> 'YAML' ,
'rviz' => 'YAML' ,
'reek' => 'YAML' ,
'mir' => 'YAML' ,
'glide.lock' => 'YAML' ,
'gemrc' => 'YAML' ,
'clang-tidy' => 'YAML' ,
'clang-format'=> 'YAML' ,
'yaml' => 'YAML' ,
'yml' => 'YAML' ,
'zsh' => 'zsh' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_Script} = ( # {{{1
'awk' => 'awk' ,
'bash' => 'Bourne Again Shell' ,
'bc' => 'bc' ,# calculator
'crystal' => 'Crystal' ,
'csh' => 'C Shell' ,
'dmd' => 'D' ,
'dtrace' => 'dtrace' ,
'escript' => 'Erlang' ,
'groovy' => 'Groovy' ,
'idl' => 'IDL' ,
'kermit' => 'Kermit' ,
'ksh' => 'Korn Shell' ,
'lua' => 'Lua' ,
'make' => 'make' ,
'octave' => 'Octave' ,
'perl5' => 'Perl' ,
'perl' => 'Perl' ,
'miniperl' => 'Perl' ,
'php' => 'PHP' ,
'php5' => 'PHP' ,
'python' => 'Python' ,
'python2.6'=> 'Python' ,
'python2.7'=> 'Python' ,
'python3' => 'Python' ,
'python3.3'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.4'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.5'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.6'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.7'=> 'Python' ,
'python3.8'=> 'Python' ,
'perl6' => 'Raku' ,
'raku' => 'Raku' ,
'rakudo' => 'Raku' ,
'rexx' => 'Rexx' ,
'regina' => 'Rexx' ,
'ruby' => 'Ruby' ,
'sed' => 'sed' ,
'sh' => 'Bourne Shell' ,
'swipl' => 'Prolog' ,
'tcl' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tclsh' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'tcsh' => 'C Shell' ,
'wish' => 'Tcl/Tk' ,
'zsh' => 'zsh' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Language_by_File} = ( # {{{1
'build.xml' => 'Ant/XML' ,
'BUILD' => 'Bazel' ,
'WORKSPACE' => 'Bazel' ,
'CMakeLists.txt' => 'CMake' ,
'Jamfile' => 'Jam' ,
'Jamrules' => 'Jam' ,
'Makefile' => 'make' ,
'makefile' => 'make' ,
'gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'Gnumakefile' => 'make' ,
'pom.xml' => 'Maven/XML' ,
'Rakefile' => 'Ruby' ,
'rakefile' => 'Ruby' ,
'Dockerfile' => 'Dockerfile' ,
'' => 'Dockerfile' ,
'Dockerfile.test' => 'Dockerfile' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language} = ( # {{{1
'(unknown)' => [ ],
'ABAP' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\*' ], ],
'ActionScript' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Apex Class' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'ASP' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'ASP.NET' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Ada' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ], ],
'ADSO/IDSM' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*[\+\!]' ], ],
'Agda' => [ [ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ], ],
'AMPLE' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
'APL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*⍝' ],
'Ant/XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'ANTLR Grammar' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Ant' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Apex Trigger' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Arduino Sketch' => [ # Arduino IDE inserts problematic 0xA0 characters; strip them
[ 'replace_regex' , '\xa0', " " ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'AsciiDoc' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '////', '////' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\/\/' ],
'AspectJ' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Assembly' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\@' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\|' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*!' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\@.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\|.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '!.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\*' ], # z/OS Assembly
'AutoHotkey' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'awk' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Bazel' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'bc' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Blade' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{--', '--}}' ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
'Bourne Again Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Bourne Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Brainfuck' => [ # puerile name for a language
# [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Brainfuck' ], # inaccurate
[ 'remove_bf_comments', ],
'BrightScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*rem', ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\'', ],
'builder' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*xml_markup.comment!' ],
'C' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Chapel' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'C++' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'C/C++ Header' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Clean' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Clojure' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#_' ],
'ClojureScript' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'ClojureC' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'CMake' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Crystal' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'CUDA' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Cython' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'C#/Smalltalk' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'C#' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'CCS' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'CSS' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'COBOL' => [ [ 'remove_cobol_comments', ], ],
'CoffeeScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'ColdFusion' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'ColdFusion CFScript'=> [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Coq' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
'Crystal Reports' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
'CSON' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Cucumber' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
'D/dtrace' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'D' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/+', '+/' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '/+', '+/' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'DAL' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '[', ']', ],
'Dart' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'dhall' => [ [ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ], ],
'DIET' => [ # same as Pug
[ 'remove_pug_block' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
# diff is kind of weird: anything but a space in the first column
# will count as code, with the exception of #, ---, +++. Spaces
# in the first column denote context lines which aren't part of the
# difference.
'diff' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\-\-\-' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\+\+\+' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s' ],
'DITA' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'DOORS Extension Language' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Drools' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'dtrace' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'ECPP' => [
[ 'remove_between_general',
'<%doc>', '</%doc>', ],
[ 'remove_between_general',
'<#' , '#>' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'EEx' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<%#', '%>' ],
'EJS' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<%#', '%>' ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
'Elm' => [ [ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ], ],
'Embedded Crystal' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<%#', '%>' ],
'ERB' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<%#', '%>' ],
'Gencat NLS' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\$ .*$' ], ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\$.*$' ],
'Dockerfile' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'DOS Batch' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*rem', ], ],
'DTD' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'Elixir' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'elixir_doc_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Erlang' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
'Expect' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Fennel' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'Fish Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Focus' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\-\*' ], ],
'Forth' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\\\\.*$' ],
[ 'Forth_paren_to_C' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\\\\.*$' ],
'Fortran 77' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'Fortran 77/Forth' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'F#/Forth' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Fortran 90' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_f90_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'Fortran 95' => [
[ 'remove_f77_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_f90_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\!.*$' ],
'Freemarker Template' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '<#--', '-->' ],
'FXML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'F#' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
'F# Script' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
'GDScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Glade' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'GLSL' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Go' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Gradle' => [ # same as Groovy
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
# separate /* inside quoted strings with two
# concatenated strings split between / and *
[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?/)(\*.*?)\g1',
'(.*?)' , '"$1$2$1 + $1$3$1$4"', 0],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '/*', '*/', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '//', '', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'''", '/*', '*/', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'''", '//', '', 1],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Grails' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'GraphQL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Groovy' => [
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
# separate /* inside quoted strings with two
# concatenated strings split between / and *
[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?/)(\*.*?)\g1',
'(.*?)' , '"$1$2$1 + $1$3$1$4"', 0],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '/*', '*/', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '//', '', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'''", '/*', '*/', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'''", '//', '', 1],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Handlebars' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!--', '--}}' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!', '}}' ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
'Harbour' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Haml' => [
[ 'remove_haml_block' , ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*/\s*\S+' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*-#\s*\S+' ],
'Haxe' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'HCL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'HLSL' => [
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'HTML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Hoon' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*:[:><]' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ':[:><].*$' ],
'INI' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
'XHTML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Haskell' => [ [ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ], ],
'IDL' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Idris' => [
[ 'remove_haskell_comments', '>filename<' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\|{3}' ],
'Igor Pro' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Literate Idris' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^[^>]' ],
'Imba' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#\s'],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#\s.*$' ],
[ 'remove_between_regex', '###', '###' ],
'InstallShield' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'IPL' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Jam' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'JSP' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'JavaServer Faces' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Java' => [
[ 'replace_regex', '\\\\$', ' '],
# Java seems to have more path globs in strings
# than other languages. The variations makes
# it tricky to craft a universal fix.
[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?/\*)\g1',
'(.*?)' , '"xx"'],
[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?\*/)\g1',
'(.*?)' , '"xx"'],
## separate /* inside quoted strings with two
## concatenated strings split between / and *
## -> defeated by "xx/**/*_xx" issue 365
#[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?/)(\*.*?)\g1',
# '(.*?)' , '"$1$2$1 + $1$3$1$4"'],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'JavaScript' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'", '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', "'", '//', '' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'JSX' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'JCL' => [ [ 'remove_jcl_comments' , ], ],
'JSON' => [ # ECMA-404, the JSON standard definition
# makes no provision for JSON comments
# so just use a placeholder filter
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*$' ],
'JSON5' => [ # same as JavaScript
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Julia' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '#=', '=#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Kotlin' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '/*', '*/', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"""', '//', '', 1],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Lean' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '/-', '-/' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'LESS' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'LFE' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '#|', '|#' ],
'liquid' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{% comment %}',
'{% endcomment %}' ],
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
'Lisp' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '#|', '|#' ],
'Lisp/OpenCL' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Lisp/Julia' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'LiveLink OScript' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ], ],
'Logtalk' => [ # same filters as Prolog
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\%' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '(//|\%).*$' ],
# 'Lua' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'lua' ], ],
'Lua' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[=====[', ']=====]' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[====[', ']====]' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[===[', ']===]' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[==[', ']==]' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[=[', ']=]' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '--[[', ']]' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\-\-' ],
'make' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'MATLAB' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
'Mathematica' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
'Maven/XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Maven' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Mercury' => [
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
'Modula3' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ], ],
# Modula 3 comments are (* ... *) so applying the Pascal filter
# which also treats { ... } as a comment is not really correct.
'Nemerle' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Objective C' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Objective C++' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'OCaml' => [
[ 'remove_OCaml_comments', ],
'OpenCL' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'PHP/Pascal' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Mako' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '##.*$' ],
'Markdown' => [
[ 'remove_between_regex',
'\[(comment|\/\/)?\]\s*:?\s*(<\s*>|#)?\s*\(.*?', '.*?\)' ],
'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'MUMPS' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ], ],
'Mustache' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{{!', '}}' ],
'Nim' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '#[', ']#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
# [ 'docstring_to_C' ],
# [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Nix' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Octave' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Oracle Forms' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Oracle Reports' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Oracle PL/SQL' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'PL/SQL' ],
'Pascal' => [
[ 'remove_between_regex', '\{[^$]', '}' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
####'Pascal' => [
#### [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Pascal' ],
#### [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
#### ],
'Pascal/Puppet' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Puppet' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'PureScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '{-', '-}' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'Patran Command Language'=> [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\$#' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'PL/I' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'PL/M' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Perl' => [ [ 'remove_below' , '^__(END|DATA)__'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=head1', '^=cut' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Perl/Prolog' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Pig Latin' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'ProGuard' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'PO File' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#[^,]' ], # '#,' is not a comment
'PowerBuilder' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'PowerShell' => [
[ 'powershell_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Prolog' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\%' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '(//|\%).*$' ],
'Protocol Buffers' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Pug' => [
[ 'remove_pug_block' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Python' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '/\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '\*/' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Jupyter Notebook' => [ # these are JSON files; have no comments
# would have to parse JSON for
# "cell_type": "code"
# to count code lines
[ 'jupyter_nb' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*$' ],
'PHP' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'QML' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Qt' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Qt Linguist' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Qt Project' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'R' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Rmd' => [
[ 'reduce_to_rmd_code_blocks' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Racket' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'Raku' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=head1', '^=cut' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=begin', '^=end' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Raku/Prolog' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'RAML' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'RapydScript' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Razor' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '@*', '*@' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'reStructuredText' => [
[ 'remove_between_regex', '^\.\.', '^[^ \n\t\r\f\.]' ]
'Rexx' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'ReasonML' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '/*', '*/' ],
'RobotFramework' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Comment' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*{3}\s+(Variables|Test\s+Cases|Settings|Keywords)\s+\*{3}' ] ,
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\[(Documentation|Tags)\]' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Ruby' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_below_above' , '^=begin', '^=end' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Ruby HTML' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'Rust' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'SaltStack' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'SAS' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '*', ';' ],
'Sass' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
'Scala' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Scheme/SaltStack' => [ [ 'die' , ], ], # never called
'Scheme' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'sed' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Slice' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Slim' => [
[ 'remove_slim_block' , ],
'SKILL' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
'SKILL++' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
'Squirrel' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Starlark' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'docstring_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Solidity' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'SparForte' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#!' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
'Specman e' => [
[ 'pre_post_fix' , "'>", "<'"],
[ 'remove_between_general', "^'>", "^<'" ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++', ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'rm_last_line' , ], # undo pre_post_fix addition
# of trailing line of just <'
'SQL' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'SQL Stored Procedure'=> [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'SQL Data' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'Smalltalk' => [
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'Smalltalk' ],
'Smarty' => [
[ 'smarty_to_C' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'Standard ML' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(*', '*)' ],
'Stata' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Stylus' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'SugarSS' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Svelte' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'SVG' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Swift' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'SWIG' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'm4' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^dnl\s' ], ],
'C Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Kermit' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Korn Shell' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Tcl/Tk' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Teamcenter met' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'Teamcenter mth' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ], ],
'TeX' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*%' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '%.*$' ],
'Thrift' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Titanium Style Sheet' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '//.*$' ],
[ 'remove_between_regex', '/[^/]', '[^/]/' ],
'TNSDL' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'TOML' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'TTCN' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'TITAN Project File Information' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Twig' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '{#', '#}' ],
'TypeScript' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Unity-Prefab' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'Visual Fox Pro' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\*.*$' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*&&' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '&&.*$' ],
'Softbridge Basic' => [ [ 'remove_above' , '^\s*Attribute\s+VB_Name\s+=' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Attribute\s+'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'Vala' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Vala Header' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq' => [ ['die'] ], # never called
'Verilog-SystemVerilog' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'VHDL' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*--' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '--.*$' ],
'vim script' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*"' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '".*$' ],
'Visual Basic' => [ [ 'remove_above' , '^\s*Attribute\s+VB_Name\s+=' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Attribute\s+'],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\47'], ], # \47 = '
'Visualforce Component' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Visualforce Page' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'Velocity Template Language' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_jsp_comments' , ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*##' ],
[ 'remove_between_general', '#**', '*#' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
'Vuejs Component' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'Teamcenter def' => [ [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ], ],
'Windows Module Definition' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , ';.*$' ],
'yacc' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'YAML' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
'lex' => [ [ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ], ],
'XAML' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'xBase Header' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'xBase' => [
# [ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\&\&' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\*' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*NOTE' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*note' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*Note' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '\&\&.*$' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'MXML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*//' ],
[ 'add_newlines' , ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
'WebAssembly' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;;' ],
'Windows Message File' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;\s*//' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*;\s*$' ],
# next line only hypothetical
# [ 'remove_matches_2re' , '^\s*;\s*/\*',
# '^\s*;\s*\*/', ],
'Windows Resource File' => [
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '/*', '*/' ],
[ 'rm_comments_in_strings', '"', '//', '' ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
'WiX source' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'WiX include' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'WiX string localization' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'XMI' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'XML' => [
[ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ],
'XQuery' => [
[ 'remove_between_general', '(:', ':)' ],
'XSD' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'XSLT' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'Xtend' => [ # copy of Java, plus triple << inline
# separate /* inside quoted strings with two
# concatenated strings split between / and *
[ 'replace_between_regex', '(["\'])(.*?/)(\*.*?)\g1',
'(.*?)' , '"$1$2$1 + $1$3$1$4"', 0],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'C++' ],
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*\x{c2ab}{3}' ], # doesn't work
# \xCA2B is unicode << character
'NAnt script' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'MSBuild script' => [ [ 'remove_html_comments', ],
[ 'call_regexp_common' , 'HTML' ], ],
'zsh' => [
[ 'remove_matches' , '^\s*#' ],
[ 'remove_inline' , '#.*$' ],
# 1}}}
%{$rh_EOL_continuation_re} = ( # {{{1
'ActionScript' => '\\\\$' ,
'AspectJ' => '\\\\$' ,
'Assembly' => '\\\\$' ,
'ASP' => '\\\\$' ,
'ASP.NET' => '\\\\$' ,
'Ada' => '\\\\$' ,
'awk' => '\\\\$' ,
'bc' => '\\\\$' ,
'C' => '\\\\$' ,
'C++' => '\\\\$' ,
'C/C++ Header' => '\\\\$' ,
'CMake' => '\\\\$' ,
'Cython' => '\\\\$' ,
'C#' => '\\\\$' ,
'D' => '\\\\$' ,
'Dart' => '\\\\$' ,
'Expect' => '\\\\$' ,
'Gencat NLS' => '\\\\$' ,
'Go' => '\\\\$' ,
'IDL' => '\$\\$' ,
'Igor Pro' => '\\$' ,
# 'Java' => '\\\\$' ,
'JavaScript' => '\\\\$' ,
'JSON5' => '\\\\$' ,
'JSX' => '\\\\$' ,
'LESS' => '\\\\$' ,
'Lua' => '\\\\$' ,
'make' => '\\\\$' ,
'MATLAB' => '\.\.\.\s*$' ,
'MXML' => '\\\\$' ,
'Objective C' => '\\\\$' ,
'Objective C++' => '\\\\$' ,
'OCaml' => '\\\\$' ,
'Octave' => '\.\.\.\s*$' ,
'Qt Project' => '\\\\$' ,
'Patran Command Language'=> '\\\\$' ,
'PowerBuilder' => '\\\\$' ,
'PowerShell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Python' => '\\\\$' ,
'R' => '\\\\$' ,
'Rmd' => '\\\\$' ,
'Ruby' => '\\\\$' ,
'sed' => '\\\\$' ,
'Swift' => '\\\\$' ,
'Bourne Again Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Bourne Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'C Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Kermit' => '\\\\$' ,
'Korn Shell' => '\\\\$' ,
'Starlark' => '\\\\$' ,
'Solidity' => '\\\\$' ,
'Stata' => '///$' ,
'Stylus' => '\\\\$' ,
'Tcl/Tk' => '\\\\$' ,
'TTCN' => '\\\\$' ,
'TypeScript' => '\\\\$' ,
'lex' => '\\\\$' ,
'Vala' => '\\\\$' ,
'Vala Header' => '\\\\$' ,
'zsh' => '\\\\$' ,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Not_Code_Extension} = ( # {{{1
'1' => 1, # Man pages (documentation):
'2' => 1,
'3' => 1,
'4' => 1,
'5' => 1,
'6' => 1,
'7' => 1,
'8' => 1,
'9' => 1,
'a' => 1, # Static object code.
'ad' => 1, # X application default resource file.
'afm' => 1, # font metrics
'arc' => 1, # arc(1) archive
'arj' => 1, # arj(1) archive
'au' => 1, # Audio sound filearj(1) archive
'bak' => 1, # Backup files - we only want to count the "real" files.
'bdf' => 1,
'bmp' => 1,
'bz2' => 1, # bzip2(1) compressed file
'csv' => 1, # comma separated values
'desktop' => 1,
'dic' => 1,
'doc' => 1,
'elc' => 1,
'eps' => 1,
'fig' => 1,
'gif' => 1,
'gz' => 1,
'hdf' => 1, # hierarchical data format
'in' => 1, # Debatable.
'jpg' => 1,
'kdelnk' => 1,
'man' => 1,
'mf' => 1,
'mp3' => 1,
'n' => 1,
'o' => 1, # Object code is generated from source code.
'o.cmd' => 1, # not DOS Batch; Linux kernel compilation optimization file
'pbm' => 1,
'pdf' => 1,
'pfb' => 1,
'png' => 1,
'ps' => 1, # Postscript is _USUALLY_ generated automatically.
'sgm' => 1,
'sgml' => 1,
'so' => 1, # Dynamically-loaded object code.
'Tag' => 1,
'text' => 1,
'tfm' => 1,
'tgz' => 1, # gzipped tarball
'tiff' => 1,
'tsv' => 1, # tab separated values
'txt' => 1,
'vf' => 1,
'wav' => 1,
'xbm' => 1,
'xpm' => 1,
'Y' => 1, # file compressed with "Yabba"
'Z' => 1, # file compressed with "compress"
'zip' => 1, # zip archive
'gitignore' => 1,
); # 1}}}
%{$rh_Not_Code_Filename} = ( # {{{1
'AUTHORS' => 1,
'BUGS' => 1,
'BUGS' => 1,
'Changelog' => 1,
'ChangeLog' => 1,
'ChangeLog' => 1,
'Changes' => 1,
'CHANGES' => 1,
'COPYING' => 1,
'COPYING' => 1,
'DESCRIPTION' => 1, # R packages metafile
'.cvsignore' => 1,
'Entries' => 1,
'FAQ' => 1,
'iconfig.h' => 1, # Skip "iconfig.h" files; they're used in Imakefiles.
'INSTALL' => 1,
'MD5SUMS' => 1,
'NAMESPACE' => 1, # R packages metafile
'NEWS' => 1,
'readme' => 1,
'Readme' => 1,
'README' => 1,
'' => 1, # used in kdemultimedia, it's confusing.
'Repository' => 1,
'Root' => 1, # CVS
'TODO' => 1,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Scale_Factor} = ( # {{{1
'(unknown)' => 0.00,
'1032/af' => 5.00,
'1st generation default' => 0.25,
'2nd generation default' => 0.75,
'3rd generation default' => 1.00,
'4th generation default' => 4.00,
'5th generation default' => 16.00,
'aas macro' => 0.88,
'abap/4' => 5.00,
'ABAP' => 5.00,
'accel' => 4.21,
'access' => 2.11,
'ActionScript' => 1.36,
'actor' => 3.81,
'acumen' => 2.86,
'Ada' => 0.52,
'Ada 83' => 1.13,
'Ada 95' => 1.63,
'adr/dl' => 2.00,
'adr/ideal/pdl' => 4.00,
'ads/batch' => 4.00,
'ads/online' => 4.00,
'ADSO/IDSM' => 3.00,
'advantage' => 2.11,
'Agda' => 2.11,
'ai shell default' => 1.63,
'ai shells' => 1.63,
'algol 68' => 0.75,
'algol w' => 0.75,
'ambush' => 2.50,
'aml' => 1.63,
'AMPLE' => 2.00,
'Ant/XML' => 1.90,
'Ant' => 1.90,
'ANTLR Grammar' => 2.00,
'amppl ii' => 1.25,
'ansi basic' => 1.25,
'ansi cobol 74' => 0.75,
'ansi cobol 85' => 0.88,
'SQL' => 6.15,
'SQL Stored Procedure' => 6.15,
'SQL Data' => 1.00,
'answer/db' => 6.15,
'Apex Class' => 1.50,
'APL' => 2.50,
'applesoft basic' => 0.63,
'application builder' => 4.00,
'application manager' => 2.22,
'aps' => 0.96,
'aps' => 4.71,
'apt' => 1.13,
'aptools' => 4.00,
'arc' => 1.63,
'ariel' => 0.75,
'arity' => 1.63,
'art' => 1.63,
'art enterprise' => 1.74,
'artemis' => 2.00,
'artim' => 1.74,
'AsciiDoc' => 1.50,
'AspectJ' => 1.36,
'as/set' => 4.21,
'asi/inquiry' => 6.15,
'ask windows' => 1.74,
'asa' => 1.29,
'ASP' => 1.29,
'ASP.NET' => 1.29,
'aspx' => 1.29,
'asax' => 1.29,
'ascx' => 1.29,
'asmx' => 1.29,
'config' => 1.29,
'webinfo' => 1.29,
'CCS' => 5.33,
'Apex Trigger' => 1.4 ,
'Arduino Sketch' => 1.00,
'Assembly' => 0.25,
'Assembly (macro)' => 0.51,
'associative default' => 1.25,
'autocoder' => 0.25,
'AutoHotkey' => 1.29,
'awk' => 3.81,
'aztec c' => 0.63,
'balm' => 0.75,
'base sas' => 1.51,
'basic' => 0.75,
'basic a' => 0.63,
'Bazel' => 1.00,
'bc' => 1.50,
'berkeley pascal' => 0.88,
'better basic' => 0.88,
'Blade' => 2.00,
'bliss' => 0.75,
'bmsgen' => 2.22,
'boeingcalc' => 13.33,
'bteq' => 6.15,
'Brainfuck' => 0.10,
'BrightScript' => 2.00,
'builder' => 2.00,
'C' => 0.77,
'c set 2' => 0.88,
'C#' => 1.36,
'C++' => 1.51,
'c86plus' => 0.63,
'cadbfast' => 2.00,
'caearl' => 2.86,
'cast' => 1.63,
'cbasic' => 0.88,
'cdadl' => 4.00,
'cellsim' => 1.74,
'ColdFusion' => 4.00,
'ColdFusion CFScript' => 4.00,
'Chapel' => 2.96,
'chili' => 0.75,
'chill' => 0.75,
'cics' => 1.74,
'clarion' => 1.38,
'clascal' => 1.00,
'Clean' => 2.50,
'cli' => 2.50,
'clipper' => 2.05,
'clipper db' => 2.00,
'clos' => 3.81,
'Clojure' => 1.25,
'ClojureScript' => 1.25,
'ClojureC' => 1.25,
'clout' => 2.00,
'CMake' => 1.00,
'cms2' => 0.75,
'cmsgen' => 4.21,
'COBOL' => 1.04,
'COBOL ii' => 0.75,
'COBOL/400' => 0.88,
'cobra' => 4.00,
'codecenter' => 2.22,
'cofac' => 2.22,
'CoffeeScript' => 2.00,
'cogen' => 2.22,
'cognos' => 2.22,
'cogo' => 1.13,
'comal' => 1.00,
'comit ii' => 1.25,
'common lisp' => 1.25,
'concurrent pascal' => 1.00,
'conniver' => 1.25,
'cool:gen/ief' => 2.58,
'Coq' => 5.00,
'coral 66' => 0.75,
'corvet' => 4.21,
'corvision' => 5.33,
'cpl' => 0.50,
'Crystal' => 2.50,
'Crystal Reports' => 4.00,
'csl' => 1.63,
'CSON' => 2.50,
'csp' => 1.51,
'cssl' => 1.74,
'CSS' => 1.0,
'Cucumber' => 3.00,
'CUDA' => 1.00,
'culprit' => 1.57,
'cxpert' => 1.63,
'cygnet' => 4.21,
'D' => 1.70,
'DAL' => 1.50,
'Dart' => 2.00,
'data base default' => 2.00,
'dataflex' => 2.00,
'datatrieve' => 4.00,
'dbase iii' => 2.00,
'dbase iv' => 1.54,
'DIET' => 2.00,
'diff' => 1.00,
'decision support default' => 2.22,
'decrally' => 2.00,
'delphi' => 2.76,
'dhall' => 2.11,
'DITA' => 1.90,
'dl/1' => 2.00,
'dtrace' => 2.00,
'NASTRAN DMAP' => 2.35,
'dna4' => 4.21,
'DOORS Extension Language' => 1.50,
'Dockerfile' => 2.00,
'DOS Batch' => 0.63,
'Drools' => 2.00,
'dsp assembly' => 0.50,
'dtabl' => 1.74,
'dtipt' => 1.74,
'dyana' => 1.13,
'dynamoiii' => 1.74,
'easel' => 2.76,
'easy' => 1.63,
'easytrieve+' => 2.35,
'eclipse' => 1.63,
'ECPP' => 1.90,
'eda/sql' => 6.67,
'edscheme 3.4' => 1.51,
'EEx' => 2.00,
'eiffel' => 3.81,
'EJS' => 2.50,
'Elixir' => 2.11,
'Elm' => 2.50,
'enform' => 1.74,
'englishbased default' => 1.51,
'ensemble' => 2.76,
'epos' => 4.00,
'Embedded Crystal' => 2.00,
'ERB' => 2.00,
'Erlang' => 2.11,
'esf' => 2.00,
'espadvisor' => 1.63,
'espl/i' => 1.13,
'euclid' => 0.75,
'excel' => 1.74,
'excel 12' => 13.33,
'excel 34' => 13.33,
'excel 5' => 13.33,
'express' => 2.22,
'exsys' => 1.63,
'extended common lisp' => 1.43,
'eznomad' => 2.22,
'facets' => 4.00,
'factorylink iv' => 2.76,
'fame' => 2.22,
'Fennel' => 2.50,
'filemaker pro' => 2.22,
'flavors' => 2.76,
'flex' => 1.74,
'flexgen' => 2.76,
'Focus' => 1.90,
'foil' => 1.51,
'forte' => 4.44,
'Forth' => 1.25,
'Fortran 66' => 0.63,
'Fortran 77' => 0.75,
'Fortran 90' => 1.00,
'Fortran 95' => 1.13,
'Fortran II' => 0.63,
'foundation' => 2.76,
'foxpro' => 2.29,
'foxpro 1' => 2.00,
'foxpro 2.5' => 2.35,
'framework' => 13.33,
'Freemarker Template' => 1.48,
'F#' => 2.50,
'F# Script' => 2.50,
'g2' => 1.63,
'gamma' => 5.00,
'genascript' => 2.96,
'gener/ol' => 6.15,
'genexus' => 5.33,
'genifer' => 4.21,
'geode 2.0' => 5.00,
'gfa basic' => 2.35,
'Glade' => 2.00,
'GLSL' => 2.00,
'gml' => 1.74,
'golden common lisp' => 1.25,
'gpss' => 1.74,
'guest' => 2.86,
'guru' => 1.63,
'GDScript' => 2.50,
'Go' => 2.50,
'Gradle' => 4.00,
'Grails' => 1.48,
'GraphQL' => 4.00,
'Groovy' => 4.10,
'gw basic' => 0.82,
'Harbour' => 2.00,
'Haskell' => 2.11,
'HCL' => 2.50,
'high c' => 0.63,
'hlevel' => 1.38,
'hp basic' => 0.63,
'Haml' => 2.50,
'Handlebars' => 2.50,
'Haxe' => 2.00,
'Hoon' => 2.00,
'HTML' => 1.90,
'XHTML' => 1.90,
'XMI' => 1.90,
'XML' => 1.90,
'FXML' => 1.90,
'MXML' => 1.90,
'XSLT' => 1.90,
'DTD' => 1.90,
'XSD' => 1.90,
'NAnt script' => 1.90,
'MSBuild script' => 1.90,
'HLSL' => 2.00,
'HTML 2' => 5.00,
'HTML 3' => 5.33,
'huron' => 5.00,
'ibm adf i' => 4.00,
'ibm adf ii' => 4.44,
'ibm advanced basic' => 0.82,
'ibm cics/vs' => 2.00,
'ibm compiled basic' => 0.88,
'ibm vs cobol' => 0.75,
'ibm vs cobol ii' => 0.88,
'ices' => 1.13,
'icon' => 1.00,
'ideal' => 1.54,
'idms' => 2.00,
'Idris' => 2.00,
'Literate Idris' => 2.00,
'ief' => 5.71,
'ief/cool:gen' => 2.58,
'iew' => 5.71,
'ifps/plus' => 2.50,
'Igor Pro' => 4.00,
'Imba' => 3.00,
'imprs' => 2.00,
'informix' => 2.58,
'ingres' => 2.00,
'INI' => 1.00,
'inquire' => 6.15,
'insight2' => 1.63,
'install/1' => 5.00,
'InstallShield' => 1.90,
'intellect' => 1.51,
'interlisp' => 1.38,
'interpreted basic' => 0.75,
'interpreted c' => 0.63,
'IPL' => 2.00,
'iqlisp' => 1.38,
'iqrp' => 6.15,
'j2ee' => 1.60,
'Jam' => 2.00,
'janus' => 1.13,
'Java' => 1.36,
'JavaScript' => 1.48,
'JavaServer Faces' => 1.5 ,
'JSON' => 2.50,
'JSON5' => 2.50,
'JSP' => 1.48,
'JSX' => 1.48,
'Velocity Template Language' => 1.00,
'JCL' => 1.67,
'joss' => 0.75,
'jovial' => 0.75,
'jsp' => 1.36,
'kappa' => 2.00,
'kbms' => 1.63,
'kcl' => 1.25,
'kee' => 1.63,
'keyplus' => 2.00,
'kl' => 1.25,
'klo' => 1.25,
'knowol' => 1.63,
'krl' => 1.38,
'Kermit' => 2.00,
'Korn Shell' => 3.81,
'Kotlin' => 2.00,
'ladder logic' => 2.22,
'lambit/l' => 1.25,
'lattice c' => 0.63,
'Lean' => 3.00,
'LESS' => 1.50,
'LFE' => 1.25,
'liana' => 0.63,
'lilith' => 1.13,
'linc ii' => 5.71,
'liquid' => 3.00,
'Lisp' => 1.25,
'LiveLink OScript' => 3.5 ,
'loglisp' => 1.38,
'Logtalk' => 2.00,
'loops' => 3.81,
'lotus 123 dos' => 13.33,
'lotus macros' => 0.75,
'lotus notes' => 3.64,
'lucid 3d' => 13.33,
'lyric' => 1.51,
'm4' => 1.00,
'm' => 5.00,
'macforth' => 1.25,
'mach1' => 2.00,
'machine language' => 0.13,
'maestro' => 5.00,
'magec' => 5.00,
'magik' => 3.81,
'Lake' => 3.81,
'make' => 2.50,
'Mako' => 1.50, # Not sure about the scaling.
'mantis' => 2.96,
'mapper' => 0.99,
'mark iv' => 2.00,
'mark v' => 2.22,
'Markdown' => 1.00,
'mathcad' => 16.00,
'Maven' => 1.90,
'mdl' => 2.22,
'mentor' => 1.51,
'mesa' => 0.75,
'microfocus cobol' => 1.00,
'microforth' => 1.25,
'microsoft c' => 0.63,
'microstep' => 4.00,
'miranda' => 2.00,
'model 204' => 2.11,
'modula 2' => 1.00,
'mosaic' => 13.33,
# 'ms c ++ v. 7' => 1.51,
'ms compiled basic' => 0.88,
'msl' => 1.25,
'mulisp' => 1.25,
'MUMPS' => 4.21,
'Mustache' => 1.75,
'Nastran' => 1.13,
'natural' => 1.54,
'natural 1' => 1.51,
'natural 2' => 1.74,
'natural construct' => 3.20,
'natural language' => 0.03,
'Nemerle' => 2.50,
'netron/cap' => 4.21,
'nexpert' => 1.63,
'nial' => 1.63,
'Nim' => 2.00,
'Nix' => 2.70,
'nomad2' => 2.00,
'nonprocedural default' => 2.22,
'notes vip' => 2.22,
'nroff' => 1.51,
'object assembler' => 1.25,
'object lisp' => 2.76,
'object logo' => 2.76,
'object pascal' => 2.76,
'object star' => 5.00,
'Objective C' => 2.96,
'Objective C++' => 2.96,
'objectoriented default' => 2.76,
'objectview' => 3.20,
'OCaml' => 3.00,
'ogl' => 1.00,
'omnis 7' => 2.00,
'oodl' => 2.76,
'ops' => 1.74,
'ops5' => 1.38,
'oracle' => 2.76,
'Oracle Reports' => 2.76,
'Oracle Forms' => 2.67,
'Oracle Developer/2000' => 3.48,
'oscar' => 0.75,
'pacbase' => 1.67,
'pace' => 2.00,
'paradox/pal' => 2.22,
'Pascal' => 0.88,
'Patran Command Language' => 2.50,
'pc focus' => 2.22,
'pdl millenium' => 3.81,
'pdp11 ade' => 1.51,
'peoplesoft' => 2.50,
'Perl' => 4.00,
'persistance object builder' => 3.81,
'Pig Latin' => 1.00,
'pilot' => 1.51,
'PL/I' => 1.38,
'pl/1' => 1.38,
'PL/M' => 1.13,
'pl/s' => 0.88,
'Oracle PL/SQL' => 2.58,
'pl/sql' => 2.58,
'planit' => 1.51,
'planner' => 1.25,
'planperfect 1' => 11.43,
'plato' => 1.51,
'PO File' => 1.50,
'polyforth' => 1.25,
'pop' => 1.38,
'poplog' => 1.38,
'power basic' => 1.63,
'PowerBuilder' => 3.33,
'powerhouse' => 5.71,
'PowerShell' => 3.00,
'ppl (plus)' => 2.00,
'problemoriented default' => 1.13,
'proc' => 2.96,
'procedural default' => 0.75,
'professional pascal' => 0.88,
'program generator default' => 5.00,
'progress v4' => 2.22,
'ProGuard' => 2.50,
'proiv' => 1.38,
'Prolog' => 1.25,
'prose' => 0.75,
'proteus' => 0.75,
'Protocol Buffers' => 2.00,
'Pug' => 2.00,
'Puppet' => 2.00,
'PureScript' => 2.00,
'qbasic' => 1.38,
'qbe' => 6.15,
'qmf' => 5.33,
'QML' => 1.25,
'Qt' => 2.00,
'Qt Linguist' => 1.00,
'Qt Project' => 1.00,
'qnial' => 1.63,
'quattro' => 13.33,
'quattro pro' => 13.33,
'query default' => 6.15,
'quick basic 1' => 1.25,
'quick basic 2' => 1.31,
'quick basic 3' => 1.38,
'quick c' => 0.63,
'quickbuild' => 2.86,
'quiz' => 5.33,
'R' => 3.00,
'Rmd' => 3.00,
'Racket' => 1.50,
'Raku' => 4.00,
'rally' => 2.00,
'ramis ii' => 2.00,
'RAML' => 0.90,
'rapidgen' => 2.86,
'ratfor' => 0.88,
'rdb' => 2.00,
'realia' => 1.74,
'realizer 1.0' => 2.00,
'realizer 2.0' => 2.22,
'ReasonML' => 2.50,
'relate/3000' => 2.00,
'reStructuredText' => 1.50,
'reuse default' => 16.00,
'Razor' => 2.00,
'Rexx' => 1.19,
'rm basic' => 0.88,
'rm cobol' => 0.75,
'rm fortran' => 0.75,
'RobotFramework' => 2.50,
'rpg i' => 1.00,
'rpg ii' => 1.63,
'rpg iii' => 1.63,
'rtexpert 1.4' => 1.38,
'Rust' => 1.00,
'sabretalk' => 0.90,
'sail' => 0.75,
'sapiens' => 5.00,
'sas' => 1.95,
'savvy' => 6.15,
'sbasic' => 0.88,
'Scala' => 4.10,
'sceptre' => 1.13,
'Scheme' => 1.51,
'screen painter default' => 13.33,
'sequal' => 6.67,
'Slim' => 3.00,
'Solidity' => 1.48,
'Bourne Shell' => 3.81,
'Bourne Again Shell' => 3.81,
'ksh' => 3.81,
'zsh' => 3.81,
'Fish Shell' => 3.81,
'C Shell' => 3.81,
'siebel tools ' => 6.15,
'SaltStack' => 2.00,
'SAS' => 1.5 ,
'Sass' => 1.5 ,
'simplan' => 2.22,
'simscript' => 1.74,
'simula' => 1.74,
'simula 67' => 1.74,
'simulation default' => 1.74,
'SKILL' => 2.00,
'SKILL++' => 2.00,
'slogan' => 0.98,
'Slice' => 1.50,
'Smalltalk' => 4.00,
'smalltalk 286' => 3.81,
'smalltalk 80' => 3.81,
'smalltalk/v' => 3.81,
'Smarty' => 3.50,
'snap' => 1.00,
'snobol24' => 0.63,
'softscreen' => 5.71,
'Softbridge Basic' => 2.76,
'solo' => 1.38,
'SparForte' => 3.80,
'speakeasy' => 2.22,
'spinnaker ppl' => 2.22,
'splus' => 2.50,
'spreadsheet default' => 13.33,
'sps' => 0.25,
'spss' => 2.50,
'Specman e' => 2.00,
'SQL' => 2.29,
'sqlwindows' => 6.67,
'Squirrel' => 2.50,
'statistical default' => 2.50,
'Standard ML' => 3.00,
'Stata' => 3.00,
'strategem' => 2.22,
'stress' => 1.13,
'strongly typed default' => 0.88,
'style' => 1.74,
'Stylus' => 1.48,
'SugarSS' => 2.50,
'superbase 1.3' => 2.22,
'surpass' => 13.33,
'Svelte' => 2.00,
'SVG' => 1.00,
'Swift' => 2.50,
'SWIG' => 2.50,
'sybase' => 2.00,
'symantec c++' => 2.76,
'symbolang' => 1.25,
'synchroworks' => 4.44,
'synon/2e' => 4.21,
'systemw' => 2.22,
'tandem access language' => 0.88,
'Tcl/Tk' => 4.00,
'Teamcenter def' => 1.00,
'Teamcenter met' => 1.00,
'Teamcenter mth' => 1.00,
'TeX' => 1.50,
'telon' => 5.00,
'tessaract' => 2.00,
'the twin' => 13.33,
'Thrift' => 2.50,
'tiief' => 5.71,
'Titanium Style Sheet' => 2.00,
'TOML' => 2.76,
'transform' => 5.33,
'translisp plus' => 1.43,
'treet' => 1.25,
'treetran' => 1.25,
'trs80 basic' => 0.63,
'true basic' => 1.25,
'turing' => 1.00,
'tutor' => 1.51,
'twaice' => 1.63,
'Twig' => 2.00,
'TNSDL' => 2.00,
'TTCN' => 2.00,
'TITAN Project File Information' => 1.90,
'TypeScript' => 2.00,
'ucsd pascal' => 0.88,
'ufo/ims' => 2.22,
'uhelp' => 2.50,
'uniface' => 5.00,
'Unity-Prefab' => 2.50,
'Vala' => 1.50,
'Vala Header' => 1.40,
'vax acms' => 1.38,
'vax ade' => 2.00,
'vbscript' => 2.35,
'vectran' => 0.75,
'Verilog-SystemVerilog' => 1.51,
'VHDL' => 4.21,
'vim script' => 3.00,
'visible c' => 1.63,
'visible cobol' => 2.00,
'visicalc 1' => 8.89,
'visual 4.0' => 2.76,
'visual basic' => 1.90,
'visual basic 1' => 1.74,
'visual basic 2' => 1.86,
'visual basic 3' => 2.00,
'visual basic 4' => 2.22,
'visual basic 5' => 2.76,
'Visual Basic' => 2.76,
'visual basic dos' => 2.00,
'visual c++' => 2.35,
'visual cobol' => 4.00,
'Visual Fox Pro' => 4.00, # Visual Fox Pro is not available in the language gearing ratios listed at Mayes Consulting web site
'visual objects' => 5.00,
'visualage' => 3.81,
'Visualforce Component' => 1.9 ,
'Visualforce Page' => 1.9 ,
'visualgen' => 4.44,
'VM' => 2.00,
'vpf' => 0.84,
'Vuejs Component' => 2.00,
'vulcan' => 1.25,
'vz programmer' => 2.22,
'warp x' => 2.00,
'watcom c' => 0.63,
'watcom c/386' => 0.63,
'waterloo c' => 0.63,
'waterloo pascal' => 0.88,
'watfiv' => 0.94,
'watfor' => 0.88,
'web scripts' => 5.33,
'WebAssembly' => 0.45,
'whip' => 0.88,
'Windows Message File' => 1.00,
'Windows Resource File' => 1.00,
'Windows Module Definition' => 1.00,
'WiX source' => 1.90,
'WiX include' => 1.90,
'WiX string localization' => 1.90,
'wizard' => 2.86,
'xBase' => 2.00,
'xBase Header' => 2.00,
'xlisp' => 1.25,
'XAML' => 1.90,
'XQuery' => 2.50,
'yacc' => 1.51,
'yacc++' => 1.51,
'YAML' => 0.90,
'zbasic' => 0.88,
'zim' => 4.21,
'zlisp' => 1.25,
'Expect' => 2.00,
'Gencat NLS' => 1.50,
'C/C++ Header' => 1.00,
'inc' => 1.00,
'lex' => 1.00,
'Julia' => 4.00,
'MATLAB' => 4.00,
'Mathematica' => 5.00,
'Mercury' => 3.00,
'Maven/XML' => 2.5,
'IDL' => 3.80,
'Octave' => 4.00,
'ML' => 3.00,
'Modula3' => 2.00,
'PHP' => 3.50,
'Jupyter Notebook' => 4.20,
'Python' => 4.20,
'RapydScript' => 4.20,
'Starlark' => 4.20,
'Cython' => 3.80,
'Ruby' => 4.20,
'Ruby HTML' => 4.00,
'sed' => 4.00,
'Lua' => 4.00,
'OpenCL' => 1.50,
'Xtend' => 2.00,
# aggregates; value is meaningless
'C#/Smalltalk' => 1.00,
'D/dtrace' => 1.00,
'F#/Forth' => 1.00,
'Fortran 77/Forth' => 1.00,
'Lisp/Julia' => 1.00,
'Lisp/OpenCL' => 1.00,
'PHP/Pascal' => 1.00,
'Pascal/Puppet' => 1.00,
'Perl/Prolog' => 1.00,
'Raku/Prolog' => 1.00,
'Verilog-SystemVerilog/Coq' => 1.00,
'MATLAB/Mathematica/Objective C/MUMPS/Mercury' => 1.00,
'IDL/Qt Project/Prolog/ProGuard' => 1.00,
# 1}}}
%{$rh_Known_Binary_Archives} = ( # {{{1
'.tar' => 1 ,
'.tar.Z' => 1 ,
'.tar.gz' => 1 ,
'.tar.bz2' => 1 ,
'.zip' => 1 ,
'.Zip' => 1 ,
'.ZIP' => 1 ,
'.ear' => 1 , # Java
'.war' => 1 , # contained within .ear
'.xz' => 1 ,
'.whl' => 1 , # Python wheel files (zip)
# 1}}}
} # end sub set_constants()
sub check_scale_existence { # {{{1
# do a few sanity checks
my ($rhaa_Filters_by_Language,
$rh_Scale_Factor) = @_;
my $OK = 1;
foreach my $language (sort keys %{$rhaa_Filters_by_Language}) {
next if defined $Extension_Collision{$language};
if (!defined $rh_Scale_Factor->{$language}) {
$OK = 0;
warn "Missing scale factor for $language\n";
my %seen_it = ();
foreach my $ext (sort keys %{$rh_Language_by_Extension}) {
my $language = $rh_Language_by_Extension->{$ext};
next if defined $Extension_Collision{$language};
next if $seen_it{$language};
if (!$rhaa_Filters_by_Language->{$language}) {
$OK = 0;
warn "Missing language filter for $language\n";
$seen_it{$language} = 1;
die unless $OK;
} # 1}}}
sub Install_Regexp_Common { # {{{1
# Installs portions of Damian Conway's & Abigail's Regexp::Common
# module, version 2013031301 into a temporary directory for the
# duration of this run.
my %Regexp_Common_Contents = ();
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common'} = <<'EOCommon'; # {{{2
package Regexp::Common;
use 5.00473;
use strict;
# This makes sure 'use warnings' doesn't bomb out on 5.005_*;
# warnings won't be enabled on those old versions though.
# Since all other files use this file, we can use 'use warnings'
# elsewhere as well, but *AFTER* 'use Regexp::Common'.
if ($] < 5.006) {
$INC {""} = 1;
no strict 'refs';
*{"warnings::unimport"} = sub {0};
use warnings;
use vars qw /$VERSION %RE %sub_interface $AUTOLOAD/;
$VERSION = '2013031301';
sub _croak {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::croak;
sub _carp {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::carp;
sub new {
my ($class, @data) = @_;
my %self;
tie %self, $class, @data;
return \%self;
my ($class, @data) = @_;
bless \@data, $class;
sub FETCH {
my ($self, $extra) = @_;
return bless ref($self)->new(@$self, $extra), ref($self);
my %imports = map {$_ => "Regexp::Common::$_"}
qw /balanced CC comment delimited lingua list
net number profanity SEN URI whitespace
sub import {
shift; # Shift off the class.
tie %RE, __PACKAGE__;
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::RE"} = \%RE;
my $saw_import;
my $no_defaults;
my %exclude;
foreach my $entry (grep {!/^RE_/} @_) {
if ($entry eq 'pattern') {
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::pattern"} = \&pattern;
# This used to prevent $; from being set. We still recognize it,
# but we won't do anything.
if ($entry eq 'clean') {
if ($entry eq 'no_defaults') {
$no_defaults ++;
if (my $module = $imports {$entry}) {
$saw_import ++;
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
if ($entry =~ /^!(.*)/ && $imports {$1}) {
$exclude {$1} ++;
# As a last resort, try to load the argument.
my $module = $entry =~ /^Regexp::Common/
? $entry
: "Regexp::Common::" . $entry;
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
unless ($saw_import || $no_defaults) {
foreach my $module (values %imports) {
next if $exclude {$module};
eval "require $module;";
die $@ if $@;
my %exported;
foreach my $entry (grep {/^RE_/} @_) {
if ($entry =~ /^RE_(\w+_)?ALL$/) {
my $m = defined $1 ? $1 : "";
my $re = qr /^RE_${m}.*$/;
while (my ($sub, $interface) = each %sub_interface) {
next if $exported {$sub};
next unless $sub =~ /$re/;
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::$sub"} = $interface;
$exported {$sub} ++;
else {
next if $exported {$entry};
_croak "Can't export unknown subroutine &$entry"
unless $sub_interface {$entry};
no strict 'refs';
*{caller() . "::$entry"} = $sub_interface {$entry};
$exported {$entry} ++;
sub AUTOLOAD { _croak "Can't $AUTOLOAD" }
sub DESTROY {}
my %cache;
my $fpat = qr/^(-\w+)/;
sub _decache {
my @args = @{tied %{$_[0]}};
my @nonflags = grep {!/$fpat/} @args;
my $cache = get_cache(@nonflags);
_croak "Can't create unknown regex: \$RE{"
. join("}{",@args) . "}"
unless exists $cache->{__VAL__};
_croak "Perl $] does not support the pattern "
. "\$RE{" . join("}{",@args)
. "}.\nYou need Perl $cache->{__VAL__}{version} or later"
unless ($cache->{__VAL__}{version}||0) <= $];
my %flags = ( %{$cache->{__VAL__}{default}},
map { /$fpat\Q$;\E(.*)/ ? ($1 => $2)
: /$fpat/ ? ($1 => undef)
: ()
} @args);
$cache->{__VAL__}->_clone_with(\@args, \%flags);
use overload q{""} => \&_decache;
sub get_cache {
my $cache = \%cache;
foreach (@_) {
$cache = $cache->{$_}
|| ($cache->{$_} = {});
return $cache;
sub croak_version {
my ($entry, @args) = @_;
sub pattern {
my %spec = @_;
_croak 'pattern() requires argument: name => [ @list ]'
unless $spec{name} && ref $spec{name} eq 'ARRAY';
_croak 'pattern() requires argument: create => $sub_ref_or_string'
unless $spec{create};
if (ref $spec{create} ne "CODE") {
my $fixed_str = "$spec{create}";
$spec{create} = sub { $fixed_str }
my @nonflags;
my %default;
foreach ( @{$spec{name}} ) {
if (/$fpat=(.*)/) {
$default{$1} = $2;
elsif (/$fpat\s*$/) {
$default{$1} = undef;
else {
push @nonflags, $_;
my $entry = get_cache(@nonflags);
if ($entry->{__VAL__}) {
_carp "Overriding \$RE{"
. join("}{",@nonflags)
. "}";
$entry->{__VAL__} = bless {
create => $spec{create},
match => $spec{match} || \&generic_match,
subs => $spec{subs} || \&generic_subs,
version => $spec{version},
default => \%default,
}, 'Regexp::Common::Entry';
foreach (@nonflags) {s/\W/X/g}
my $subname = "RE_" . join ("_", @nonflags);
$sub_interface{$subname} = sub {
push @_ => undef if @_ % 2;
my %flags = @_;
my $pat = $spec{create}->($entry->{__VAL__},
{%default, %flags}, \@nonflags);
if (exists $flags{-keep}) { $pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(/g; }
else { $pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(?:/g; }
return exists $flags {-i} ? qr /(?i:$pat)/ : qr/$pat/;
return 1;
sub generic_match {$_ [1] =~ /$_[0]/}
sub generic_subs {$_ [1] =~ s/$_[0]/$_[2]/}
sub matches {
my ($self, $str) = @_;
my $entry = $self -> _decache;
$entry -> {match} -> ($entry, $str);
sub subs {
my ($self, $str, $newstr) = @_;
my $entry = $self -> _decache;
$entry -> {subs} -> ($entry, $str, $newstr);
return $str;
package Regexp::Common::Entry;
# use Carp;
use overload
q{""} => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
my $pat = $self->{create}->($self, $self->{flags}, $self->{args});
if (exists $self->{flags}{-keep}) {
$pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(/g;
else {
$pat =~ s/\Q(?k:/(?:/g;
if (exists $self->{flags}{-i}) { $pat = "(?i)$pat" }
return $pat;
sub _clone_with {
my ($self, $args, $flags) = @_;
bless { %$self, args=>$args, flags=>$flags }, ref $self;
# This software is Copyright (c) 2001 - 2011, Damian Conway and Abigail.
# This module is free software, and maybe used under any of the following
# licenses:
# 1) The Perl Artistic License. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL.
# 2) The Perl Artistic License 2.0. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL2.
# 3) The BSD Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.BSD.
# 4) The MIT Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.MIT.
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/comment'} = <<'EOC'; # {{{2
package Regexp::Common::comment;
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = '2010010201';
my @generic = (
{languages => [qw /ABC Forth/],
to_eol => ['\\\\']}, # This is for just a *single* backslash.
{languages => [qw /Ada Alan Eiffel lua/],
to_eol => ['--']},
{languages => [qw /Advisor/],
to_eol => ['#|//']},
{languages => [qw /Advsys CQL Lisp LOGO M MUMPS REBOL Scheme
SMITH zonefile/],
to_eol => [';']},
{languages => ['Algol 60'],
from_to => [[qw /comment ;/]]},
{languages => [qw {ALPACA B C C-- LPC PL/I}],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /awk fvwm2 Icon m4 mutt Perl Python QML
R Ruby shell Tcl/],
to_eol => ['#']},
{languages => [[BASIC => 'mvEnterprise']],
to_eol => ['[*!]|REM']},
{languages => [qw /Befunge-98 Funge-98 Shelta/],
id => [';']},
{languages => ['beta-Juliet', 'Crystal Report', 'Portia', 'Ubercode'],
to_eol => ['//']},
{languages => ['BML'],
from_to => [['<?_c', '_c?>']],
{languages => [qw /C++/, 'C#', qw /AspectJ Cg ECMAScript FPL Java JavaScript JSX Stylus/],
to_eol => ['//'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /CLU LaTeX slrn TeX/],
to_eol => ['%']},
{languages => [qw /False/],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!]]},
{languages => [qw /Fortran/],
to_eol => ['!']},
{languages => [qw /Haifu/],
id => [',']},
{languages => [qw /ILLGOL/],
to_eol => ['NB']},
{languages => [qw /INTERCAL/],
to_eol => [q{(?:(?:PLEASE(?:\s+DO)?|DO)\s+)?(?:NOT|N'T)}]},
{languages => [qw /J/],
to_eol => ['NB[.]']},
{languages => [qw /JavaDoc/],
from_to => [[qw {/** */}]]},
{languages => [qw /Nickle/],
to_eol => ['#'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /Oberon/],
from_to => [[qw /(* *)/]]},
{languages => [[qw /Pascal Delphi/], [qw /Pascal Free/], [qw /Pascal GPC/]],
to_eol => ['//'],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!], [qw !(* *)!]]},
{languages => [[qw /Pascal Workshop/]],
id => [qw /"/],
from_to => [[qw !{ }!], [qw !(* *)!], [qw !/* */!]]},
{languages => [qw /PEARL/],
to_eol => ['!'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /PHP/],
to_eol => ['#', '//'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw !PL/B!],
to_eol => ['[.;]']},
{languages => [qw !PL/SQL!],
to_eol => ['--'],
from_to => [[qw {/* */}]]},
{languages => [qw /Q-BAL/],
to_eol => ['`']},
{languages => [qw /Smalltalk/],
id => ['"']},
{languages => [qw /SQL/],
to_eol => ['-{2,}']},
{languages => [qw /troff/],
to_eol => ['\\\"']},
{languages => [qw /vi/],
to_eol => ['"']},
{languages => [qw /*W/],
from_to => [[qw {|| !!}]]},
{languages => [qw /ZZT-OOP/],
to_eol => ["'"]},
my @plain_or_nested = (
[Caml => undef, "(*" => "*)"],
[Dylan => "//", "/*" => "*/"],
[Haskell => "-{2,}", "{-" => "-}"],
[Hugo => "!(?!\\\\)", "!\\" => "\\!"],
[SLIDE => "#", "(*" => "*)"],
['Modula-2' => undef, "(*" => "*)"],
['Modula-3' => undef, "(*" => "*)"],
# Helper subs.
sub combine {
local $_ = join "|", @_;
if (@_ > 1) {
$_ = "(?k:$_)";
sub to_eol ($) {"(?k:(?k:$_[0])(?k:[^\\n]*)(?k:\\n))"}
sub id ($) {"(?k:(?k:$_[0])(?k:[^$_[0]]*)(?k:$_[0]))"} # One char only!
sub from_to {
my ($begin, $end) = @_;
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
my $count = 0;
sub nested {
my ($begin, $end) = @_;
$count ++;
my $r = '(??{$Regexp::Common::comment ['. $count . ']})';
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fb = quotemeta substr $begin => 0, 1;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $tb = quotemeta substr $begin => 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
use re 'eval';
my $re;
if ($fb eq $fe) {
$re = qr /(?:$qb(?:(?>[^$fb]+)|$fb(?!$tb)(?!$te)|$r)*$qe)/;
else {
local $" = "|";
my @clauses = "(?>[^$fb$fe]+)";
push @clauses => "$fb(?!$tb)" if length $tb;
push @clauses => "$fe(?!$te)" if length $te;
push @clauses => $r;
$re = qr /(?:$qb(?:@clauses)*$qe)/;
$Regexp::Common::comment [$count] = qr/$re/;
# Process data.
foreach my $info (@plain_or_nested) {
my ($language, $mark, $begin, $end) = @$info;
pattern name => [comment => $language],
create =>
sub {my $re = nested $begin => $end;
my $prefix = defined $mark ? $mark . "[^\n]*\n|" : "";
exists $_ [1] -> {-keep} ? qr /($prefix$re)/
: qr /$prefix$re/
version => 5.006,
foreach my $group (@generic) {
my $pattern = combine +(map {to_eol $_} @{$group -> {to_eol}}),
(map {from_to @$_} @{$group -> {from_to}}),
(map {id $_} @{$group -> {id}}),
foreach my $language (@{$group -> {languages}}) {
pattern name => [comment => ref $language ? @$language : $language],
create => $pattern,
# Other languages.
pattern name => [qw /comment Pascal/],
create => '(?k:' . '(?k:[{]|[(][*])'
. '(?k:[^}*]*(?:[*](?![)])[^}*]*)*)'
. '(?k:[}]|[*][)])'
. ')'
pattern name => [qw /comment Pascal Alice/],
create => '(?k:(?k:[{])(?k:[^}\n]*)(?k:[}]))'
pattern name => [qw (comment), 'Algol 68'],
create => q {(?k:(?:#[^#]*#)|} .
q {(?:\bco\b(?:[^c]+|\Bc|\bc(?!o\b))*\bco\b)|} .
q {(?:\bcomment\b(?:[^c]+|\Bc|\bc(?!omment\b))*\bcomment\b))}
# See rules 91 and 92 of ISO 8879 (SGML).
# Charles F. Goldfarb: "The SGML Handbook".
# Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1990. ISBN 0-19-853737-9.
# Ch. 10.3, pp 390.
pattern name => [qw (comment HTML)],
create => q {(?k:(?k:<!)(?k:(?:--(?k:[^-]*(?:-[^-]+)*)--\s*)*)(?k:>))},
pattern name => [qw /comment SQL MySQL/],
create => q {(?k:(?:#|-- )[^\n]*\n|} .
q {/\*(?:(?>[^*;"']+)|"[^"]*"|'[^']*'|\*(?!/))*(?:;|\*/))},
# Anything that isn't <>[]+-.,
pattern name => [qw /comment Brainfuck/],
create => '(?k:[^<>\[\]+\-.,]+)'
# Squeak is a variant of Smalltalk-80.
# http://www.squeak.
pattern name => [qw /comment Squeak/],
create => '(?k:(?k:")(?k:[^"]*(?:""[^"]*)*)(?k:"))'
# Scores of less than 5 or above 17....
@Regexp::Common::comment::scores = (1, 3, 3, 2, 1, 4, 2, 4, 1, 8,
5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 10, 1, 1, 1,
1, 4, 4, 8, 4, 10);
my ($s, $x);
pattern name => [qw /comment Beatnik/],
create => sub {
use re 'eval';
my $re = qr {\b([A-Za-z]+)\b
(?(?{($s, $x) = (0, lc $^N);
$s += $Regexp::Common::comment::scores
[ord (chop $x) - ord ('a')] while length $x;
$s >= 5 && $s < 18})XXX|)}x;
version => 5.008,
# (Goto table of contents/3.3 Source Form)
# Fortran, in fixed format. Comments start with a C, c or * in the first
# column, or a ! anywhere, but the sixth column. Then end with a newline.
pattern name => [qw /comment Fortran fixed/],
create => '(?k:(?k:(?:^[Cc*]|(?<!^.....)!))(?k:[^\n]*)(?k:\n))'
# Traditionally, comments in COBOL were indicated with an asterisk in
# the seventh column. Modern compilers may be more lenient.
pattern name => [qw /comment COBOL/],
create => '(?<=^......)(?k:(?k:[*])(?k:[^\n]*)(?k:\n))',
version => '5.008',
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/balanced'} = <<'EOB'; # {{{2
package Regexp::Common::balanced; {
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = '2013030901';
my %closer = ( '{'=>'}', '('=>')', '['=>']', '<'=>'>' );
my %cache;
sub nested {
my ($start, $finish) = @_;
return $cache {$start} {$finish} if exists $cache {$start} {$finish};
my @starts = map {s/\\(.)/$1/g; $_} grep {length}
$start =~ /([^|\\]+|\\.)+/gs;
my @finishes = map {s/\\(.)/$1/g; $_} grep {length}
$finish =~ /([^|\\]+|\\.)+/gs;
push @finishes => ($finishes [-1]) x (@starts - @finishes);
my @re;
local $" = "|";
foreach my $begin (@starts) {
my $end = shift @finishes;
my $qb = quotemeta $begin;
my $qe = quotemeta $end;
my $fb = quotemeta substr $begin => 0, 1;
my $fe = quotemeta substr $end => 0, 1;
my $tb = quotemeta substr $begin => 1;
my $te = quotemeta substr $end => 1;
my $add;
if ($fb eq $fe) {
push @re =>
qq /(?:$qb(?:(?>[^$fb]+)|$fb(?!$tb)(?!$te)|(?-1))*$qe)/;
else {
my @clauses = "(?>[^$fb$fe]+)";
push @clauses => "$fb(?!$tb)" if length $tb;
push @clauses => "$fe(?!$te)" if length $te;
push @clauses => "(?-1)";
push @re => qq /(?:$qb(?:@clauses)*$qe)/;
$cache {$start} {$finish} = qr /(@re)/;
pattern name => [qw /balanced -parens=() -begin= -end=/],
create => sub {
my $flag = $_[1];
unless (defined $flag -> {-begin} && length $flag -> {-begin} &&
defined $flag -> {-end} && length $flag -> {-end}) {
my @open = grep {index ($flag->{-parens}, $_) >= 0}
my @close = map {$closer {$_}} @open;
$flag -> {-begin} = join "|" => @open;
$flag -> {-end} = join "|" => @close;
return nested @$flag {qw /-begin -end/};
version => 5.010,
# This software is Copyright (c) 2001 - 2013, Damian Conway and Abigail.
# This module is free software, and maybe used under any of the following
# licenses:
# 1) The Perl Artistic License. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL.
# 2) The Perl Artistic License 2.0. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL2.
# 3) The BSD Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.BSD.
# 4) The MIT Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.MIT.
# 2}}}
$Regexp_Common_Contents{'Common/delimited'} = <<'EOD'; # {{{3
package Regexp::Common::delimited;
use Regexp::Common qw /pattern clean no_defaults/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw /$VERSION/;
$VERSION = '2010010201';
sub gen_delimited {
my ($dels, $escs) = @_;
# return '(?:\S*)' unless $dels =~ /\S/;
if (length $escs) {
$escs .= substr ($escs, -1) x (length ($dels) - length ($escs));
my @pat = ();
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i < length $dels; $i++) {
my $del = quotemeta substr ($dels, $i, 1);
my $esc = length($escs) ? quotemeta substr ($escs, $i, 1) : "";
if ($del eq $esc) {
push @pat,
elsif (length $esc) {
push @pat,
else {
push @pat, "(?k:$del)(?k:[^$del]*)(?k:$del)";
my $pat = join '|', @pat;
return "(?k:$pat)";
sub _croak {
require Carp;
goto &Carp::croak;
pattern name => [qw( delimited -delim= -esc=\\ )],
create => sub {my $flags = $_[1];
_croak 'Must specify delimiter in $RE{delimited}'
unless length $flags->{-delim};
return gen_delimited (@{$flags}{-delim, -esc});
pattern name => [qw( quoted -esc=\\ )],
create => sub {my $flags = $_[1];
return gen_delimited (q{"'`}, $flags -> {-esc});
# This software is Copyright (c) 2001 - 2009, Damian Conway and Abigail.
# This module is free software, and maybe used under any of the following
# licenses:
# 1) The Perl Artistic License. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL.
# 2) The Perl Artistic License 2.0. See the file COPYRIGHT.AL2.
# 3) The BSD Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.BSD.
# 4) The MIT Licence. See the file COPYRIGHT.MIT.
# 2}}}
my $problems = 0;
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 0;
my $dir = "";
if ($opt_sdir) {
$dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($dir) if is_dir($dir);
File::Path::mkpath($dir) unless is_dir($dir);
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary directory
$dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_INST{ $dir } = "Regexp::Common";
print "Using temp dir [$dir] to install Regexp::Common\n" if $opt_v;
my $Regexp_dir = "$dir/Regexp";
my $Regexp_Common_dir = "$dir/Regexp/Common";
mkdir $Regexp_dir ;
mkdir $Regexp_Common_dir;
foreach my $module_file (keys %Regexp_Common_Contents) {
my $OUT = new IO::File "$dir/Regexp/${module_file}.pm", "w";
if (defined $OUT) {
print $OUT $Regexp_Common_Contents{$module_file};
} else {
warn "Failed to install Regexp::${module_file}.pm\n";
$problems = 1;
push @INC, $dir;
eval "use Regexp::Common qw /comment RE_comment_HTML balanced/";
$HAVE_Rexexp_Common = 1 unless $problems;
} # 1}}}
sub Install_Algorithm_Diff { # {{{1
# Installs Tye McQueen's Algorithm::Diff module, v1.1902, into a
# temporary directory for the duration of this run.
my $Algorithm_Diff_Contents = <<'EOAlgDiff'; # {{{2
package Algorithm::Diff;
# Skip to first "=head" line for documentation.
use strict;
use integer; # see below in _replaceNextLargerWith() for mod to make
# if you don't use this
use vars qw( $VERSION @EXPORT_OK );
$VERSION = 1.19_02;
# ^ ^^ ^^-- Incremented at will
# | \+----- Incremented for non-trivial changes to features
# \-------- Incremented for fundamental changes
require Exporter;
*import = \&Exporter::import;
@EXPORT_OK = qw(
prepare LCS LCSidx LCS_length
diff sdiff compact_diff
traverse_sequences traverse_balanced
# McIlroy-Hunt diff algorithm
# Adapted from the Smalltalk code of Mario I. Wolczko, <>
# by Ned Konz,
# Updates by Tye McQueen,
# Create a hash that maps each element of $aCollection to the set of
# positions it occupies in $aCollection, restricted to the elements
# within the range of indexes specified by $start and $end.
# The fourth parameter is a subroutine reference that will be called to
# generate a string to use as a key.
# Additional parameters, if any, will be passed to this subroutine.
# my $hashRef = _withPositionsOfInInterval( \@array, $start, $end, $keyGen );
sub _withPositionsOfInInterval
my $aCollection = shift; # array ref
my $start = shift;
my $end = shift;
my $keyGen = shift;
my %d;
my $index;
for ( $index = $start ; $index <= $end ; $index++ )
my $element = $aCollection->[$index];
my $key = &$keyGen( $element, @_ );
if ( exists( $d{$key} ) )
unshift ( @{ $d{$key} }, $index );
$d{$key} = [$index];
return wantarray ? %d : \%d;
# Find the place at which aValue would normally be inserted into the
# array. If that place is already occupied by aValue, do nothing, and
# return undef. If the place does not exist (i.e., it is off the end of
# the array), add it to the end, otherwise replace the element at that
# point with aValue. It is assumed that the array's values are numeric.
# This is where the bulk (75%) of the time is spent in this module, so
# try to make it fast!
sub _replaceNextLargerWith
my ( $array, $aValue, $high ) = @_;
$high ||= $#$array;
# off the end?
if ( $high == -1 || $aValue > $array->[-1] )
push ( @$array, $aValue );
return $high + 1;
# binary search for insertion point...
my $low = 0;
my $index;
my $found;
while ( $low <= $high )
$index = ( $high + $low ) / 2;
# $index = int(( $high + $low ) / 2); # without 'use integer'
$found = $array->[$index];
if ( $aValue == $found )
return undef;
elsif ( $aValue > $found )
$low = $index + 1;
$high = $index - 1;
# now insertion point is in $low.
$array->[$low] = $aValue; # overwrite next larger
return $low;
# This method computes the longest common subsequence in $a and $b.
# Result is array or ref, whose contents is such that
# $a->[ $i ] == $b->[ $result[ $i ] ]
# foreach $i in ( 0 .. $#result ) if $result[ $i ] is defined.
# An additional argument may be passed; this is a hash or key generating
# function that should return a string that uniquely identifies the given
# element. It should be the case that if the key is the same, the elements
# will compare the same. If this parameter is undef or missing, the key
# will be the element as a string.
# By default, comparisons will use "eq" and elements will be turned into keys
# using the default stringizing operator '""'.
# Additional parameters, if any, will be passed to the key generation
# routine.
sub _longestCommonSubsequence
my $a = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $counting = shift; # scalar
my $keyGen = shift; # code ref
my $compare; # code ref
if ( ref($a) eq 'HASH' )
{ # prepared hash must be in $b
my $tmp = $b;
$b = $a;
$a = $tmp;
# Check for bogus (non-ref) argument values
if ( !ref($a) || !ref($b) )
my @callerInfo = caller(1);
die 'error: must pass array or hash references to ' . $callerInfo[3];
# set up code refs
# Note that these are optimized.
if ( !defined($keyGen) ) # optimize for strings
$keyGen = sub { $_[0] };
$compare = sub { my ( $a, $b ) = @_; $a eq $b };
$compare = sub {
my $a = shift;
my $b = shift;
&$keyGen( $a, @_ ) eq &$keyGen( $b, @_ );
my ( $aStart, $aFinish, $matchVector ) = ( 0, $#$a, [] );
my ( $prunedCount, $bMatches ) = ( 0, {} );
if ( ref($b) eq 'HASH' ) # was $bMatches prepared for us?
$bMatches = $b;
my ( $bStart, $bFinish ) = ( 0, $#$b );
# First we prune off any common elements at the beginning
while ( $aStart <= $aFinish
and $bStart <= $bFinish
and &$compare( $a->[$aStart], $b->[$bStart], @_ ) )
$matchVector->[ $aStart++ ] = $bStart++;
# now the end
while ( $aStart <= $aFinish
and $bStart <= $bFinish
and &$compare( $a->[$aFinish], $b->[$bFinish], @_ ) )
$matchVector->[ $aFinish-- ] = $bFinish--;
# Now compute the equivalence classes of positions of elements
$bMatches =
_withPositionsOfInInterval( $b, $bStart, $bFinish, $keyGen, @_ );
my $thresh = [];
my $links = [];
my ( $i, $ai, $j, $k );
for ( $i = $aStart ; $i <= $aFinish ; $i++ )
$ai = &$keyGen( $a->[$i], @_ );
if ( exists( $bMatches->{$ai} ) )
$k = 0;
for $j ( @{ $bMatches->{$ai} } )
# optimization: most of the time this will be true
if ( $k and $thresh->[$k] > $j and $thresh->[ $k - 1 ] < $j )
$thresh->[$k] = $j;
$k = _replaceNextLargerWith( $thresh, $j, $k );
# oddly, it's faster to always test this (CPU cache?).
if ( defined($k) )
$links->[$k] =
[ ( $k ? $links->[ $k - 1 ] : undef ), $i, $j ];
if (@$thresh)
return $prunedCount + @$thresh if $counting;
for ( my $link = $links->[$#$thresh] ; $link ; $link = $link->[0] )
$matchVector->[ $link->[1] ] = $link->[2];
elsif ($counting)
return $prunedCount;
return wantarray ? @$matchVector : $matchVector;
sub traverse_sequences
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $callbacks = shift || {};
my $keyGen = shift;
my $matchCallback = $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { };
my $discardACallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { };
my $finishedACallback = $callbacks->{'A_FINISHED'};
my $discardBCallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { };
my $finishedBCallback = $callbacks->{'B_FINISHED'};
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, $keyGen, @_ );
# Process all the lines in @$matchVector
my $lastA = $#$a;
my $lastB = $#$b;
my $bi = 0;
my $ai;
for ( $ai = 0 ; $ai <= $#$matchVector ; $ai++ )
my $bLine = $matchVector->[$ai];
if ( defined($bLine) ) # matched
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) while $bi < $bLine;
&$matchCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai, $bi, @_ );
# The last entry (if any) processed was a match.
# $ai and $bi point just past the last matching lines in their sequences.
while ( $ai <= $lastA or $bi <= $lastB )
# last A?
if ( $ai == $lastA + 1 and $bi <= $lastB )
if ( defined($finishedACallback) )
&$finishedACallback( $lastA, @_ );
$finishedACallback = undef;
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) while $bi <= $lastB;
# last B?
if ( $bi == $lastB + 1 and $ai <= $lastA )
if ( defined($finishedBCallback) )
&$finishedBCallback( $lastB, @_ );
$finishedBCallback = undef;
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ ) while $ai <= $lastA;
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ ) if $ai <= $lastA;
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ ) if $bi <= $lastB;
return 1;
sub traverse_balanced
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $callbacks = shift || {};
my $keyGen = shift;
my $matchCallback = $callbacks->{'MATCH'} || sub { };
my $discardACallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_A'} || sub { };
my $discardBCallback = $callbacks->{'DISCARD_B'} || sub { };
my $changeCallback = $callbacks->{'CHANGE'};
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, $keyGen, @_ );
# Process all the lines in match vector
my $lastA = $#$a;
my $lastB = $#$b;
my $bi = 0;
my $ai = 0;
my $ma = -1;
my $mb;
while (1)
# Find next match indices $ma and $mb
do {
} while(
$ma <= $#$matchVector
&& !defined $matchVector->[$ma]
last if $ma > $#$matchVector; # end of matchVector?
$mb = $matchVector->[$ma];
# Proceed with discard a/b or change events until
# next match
while ( $ai < $ma || $bi < $mb )
if ( $ai < $ma && $bi < $mb )
# Change
if ( defined $changeCallback )
&$changeCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
elsif ( $ai < $ma )
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
# $bi < $mb
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
# Match
&$matchCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
while ( $ai <= $lastA || $bi <= $lastB )
if ( $ai <= $lastA && $bi <= $lastB )
# Change
if ( defined $changeCallback )
&$changeCallback( $ai++, $bi++, @_ );
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
elsif ( $ai <= $lastA )
&$discardACallback( $ai++, $bi, @_ );
# $bi <= $lastB
&$discardBCallback( $ai, $bi++, @_ );
return 1;
sub prepare
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $keyGen = shift; # code ref
# set up code ref
$keyGen = sub { $_[0] } unless defined($keyGen);
return scalar _withPositionsOfInInterval( $a, 0, $#$a, $keyGen, @_ );
sub LCS
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
my $matchVector = _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, @_ );
my @retval;
my $i;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $#$matchVector ; $i++ )
if ( defined( $matchVector->[$i] ) )
push ( @retval, $a->[$i] );
return wantarray ? @retval : \@retval;
sub LCS_length
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref or hash ref
return _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 1, @_ );
sub LCSidx
my $a= shift @_;
my $b= shift @_;
my $match= _longestCommonSubsequence( $a, $b, 0, @_ );
my @am= grep defined $match->[$_], 0..$#$match;
my @bm= @{$match}[@am];
return \@am, \@bm;
sub compact_diff
my $a= shift @_;
my $b= shift @_;
my( $am, $bm )= LCSidx( $a, $b, @_ );
my @cdiff;
my( $ai, $bi )= ( 0, 0 );
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
while( 1 ) {
while( @$am && $ai == $am->[0] && $bi == $bm->[0] ) {
shift @$am;
shift @$bm;
++$ai, ++$bi;
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
last if ! @$am;
$ai = $am->[0];
$bi = $bm->[0];
push @cdiff, $ai, $bi;
push @cdiff, 0+@$a, 0+@$b
if $ai < @$a || $bi < @$b;
return wantarray ? @cdiff : \@cdiff;
sub diff
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $retval = [];
my $hunk = [];
my $discard = sub {
push @$hunk, [ '-', $_[0], $a->[ $_[0] ] ];
my $add = sub {
push @$hunk, [ '+', $_[1], $b->[ $_[1] ] ];
my $match = sub {
push @$retval, $hunk
if 0 < @$hunk;
$hunk = []
traverse_sequences( $a, $b,
{ MATCH => $match, DISCARD_A => $discard, DISCARD_B => $add }, @_ );
return wantarray ? @$retval : $retval;
sub sdiff
my $a = shift; # array ref
my $b = shift; # array ref
my $retval = [];
my $discard = sub { push ( @$retval, [ '-', $a->[ $_[0] ], "" ] ) };
my $add = sub { push ( @$retval, [ '+', "", $b->[ $_[1] ] ] ) };
my $change = sub {
push ( @$retval, [ 'c', $a->[ $_[0] ], $b->[ $_[1] ] ] );
my $match = sub {
push ( @$retval, [ 'u', $a->[ $_[0] ], $b->[ $_[1] ] ] );
MATCH => $match,
DISCARD_A => $discard,
DISCARD_B => $add,
CHANGE => $change,
return wantarray ? @$retval : $retval;
my $Root= __PACKAGE__;
package Algorithm::Diff::_impl;
use strict;
sub _Idx() { 0 } # $me->[_Idx]: Ref to array of hunk indices
# 1 # $me->[1]: Ref to first sequence
# 2 # $me->[2]: Ref to second sequence
sub _End() { 3 } # $me->[_End]: Diff between forward and reverse pos
sub _Same() { 4 } # $me->[_Same]: 1 if pos 1 contains unchanged items
sub _Base() { 5 } # $me->[_Base]: Added to range's min and max
sub _Pos() { 6 } # $me->[_Pos]: Which hunk is currently selected
sub _Off() { 7 } # $me->[_Off]: Offset into _Idx for current position
sub _Min() { -2 } # Added to _Off to get min instead of max+1
sub Die
require Carp;
Carp::confess( @_ );
sub _ChkPos
my( $me )= @_;
return if $me->[_Pos];
my $meth= ( caller(1) )[3];
Die( "Called $meth on 'reset' object" );
sub _ChkSeq
my( $me, $seq )= @_;
return $seq + $me->[_Off]
if 1 == $seq || 2 == $seq;
my $meth= ( caller(1) )[3];
Die( "$meth: Invalid sequence number ($seq); must be 1 or 2" );
sub getObjPkg
my( $us )= @_;
return ref $us if ref $us;
return $us . "::_obj";
sub new
my( $us, $seq1, $seq2, $opts ) = @_;
my @args;
for( $opts->{keyGen} ) {
push @args, $_ if $_;
for( $opts->{keyGenArgs} ) {
push @args, @$_ if $_;
my $cdif= Algorithm::Diff::compact_diff( $seq1, $seq2, @args );
my $same= 1;
if( 0 == $cdif->[2] && 0 == $cdif->[3] ) {
$same= 0;
splice @$cdif, 0, 2;
my @obj= ( $cdif, $seq1, $seq2 );
$obj[_End] = (1+@$cdif)/2;
$obj[_Same] = $same;
$obj[_Base] = 0;
my $me = bless \@obj, $us->getObjPkg();
$me->Reset( 0 );
return $me;
sub Reset
my( $me, $pos )= @_;
$pos= int( $pos || 0 );
$pos += $me->[_End]
if $pos < 0;
$pos= 0
if $pos < 0 || $me->[_End] <= $pos;
$me->[_Pos]= $pos || !1;
$me->[_Off]= 2*$pos - 1;
return $me;
sub Base
my( $me, $base )= @_;
my $oldBase= $me->[_Base];
$me->[_Base]= 0+$base if defined $base;
return $oldBase;
sub Copy
my( $me, $pos, $base )= @_;
my @obj= @$me;
my $you= bless \@obj, ref($me);
$you->Reset( $pos ) if defined $pos;
$you->Base( $base );
return $you;
sub Next {
my( $me, $steps )= @_;
$steps= 1 if ! defined $steps;
if( $steps ) {
my $pos= $me->[_Pos];
my $new= $pos + $steps;
$new= 0 if $pos && $new < 0;
$me->Reset( $new )
return $me->[_Pos];
sub Prev {
my( $me, $steps )= @_;
$steps= 1 if ! defined $steps;
my $pos= $me->Next(-$steps);
$pos -= $me->[_End] if $pos;
return $pos;
sub Diff {
my( $me )= @_;
return 0 if $me->[_Same] == ( 1 & $me->[_Pos] );
my $ret= 0;
my $off= $me->[_Off];
for my $seq ( 1, 2 ) {
$ret |= $seq
if $me->[_Idx][ $off + $seq + _Min ]
< $me->[_Idx][ $off + $seq ];
return $ret;
sub Min {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off= $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
sub Max {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off= $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off ] -1;
sub Range {
my( $me, $seq, $base )= @_;
my $off = $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
if( !wantarray ) {
return $me->[_Idx][ $off ]
- $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
$base= $me->[_Base] if !defined $base;
return ( $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ] )
.. ( $base + $me->[_Idx][ $off ] - 1 );
sub Items {
my( $me, $seq )= @_;
my $off = $me->_ChkSeq($seq);
if( !wantarray ) {
return $me->[_Idx][ $off ]
- $me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ];
$me->[_Idx][ $off + _Min ]
.. ( $me->[_Idx][ $off ] - 1 )
sub Same {
my( $me )= @_;
return wantarray ? () : 0
if $me->[_Same] != ( 1 & $me->[_Pos] );
return $me->Items(1);
my %getName;
%getName= (
same => \&Same,
diff => \&Diff,
base => \&Base,
min => \&Min,
max => \&Max,
range=> \&Range,
items=> \&Items, # same thing
sub Get
my $me= shift @_;
my @value;
for my $arg ( @_ ) {
for my $word ( split ' ', $arg ) {
my $meth;
if( $word !~ /^(-?\d+)?([a-zA-Z]+)([12])?$/
|| not $meth= $getName{ lc $2 }
) {
Die( $Root, ", Get: Invalid request ($word)" );
my( $base, $name, $seq )= ( $1, $2, $3 );
push @value, scalar(
4 == length($name)
? $meth->( $me )
: $meth->( $me, $seq, $base )
if( wantarray ) {
return @value;
} elsif( 1 == @value ) {
return $value[0];
Die( 0+@value, " values requested from ",
$Root, "'s Get in scalar context" );
my $Obj= getObjPkg($Root);
no strict 'refs';
for my $meth ( qw( new getObjPkg ) ) {
*{$Root."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
*{$Obj ."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
for my $meth ( qw(
Next Prev Reset Copy Base Diff
Same Items Range Min Max Get
_ChkPos _ChkSeq
) ) {
*{$Obj."::".$meth} = \&{$meth};
# This version released by Tye McQueen (
# =head1 LICENSE
# Parts Copyright (c) 2000-2004 Ned Konz. All rights reserved.
# Parts by Tye McQueen.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl.
# Mark-Jason still maintains a mailing list. To join a low-volume mailing
# list for announcements related to diff and Algorithm::Diff, send an
# empty mail message to
# =head1 CREDITS
# Versions through 0.59 (and much of this documentation) were written by:
# Mark-Jason Dominus,
# This version borrows some documentation and routine names from
# Mark-Jason's, but's code was completely replaced.
# This code was adapted from the Smalltalk code of Mario Wolczko
# <>, which is available at
# C<sdiff> and C<traverse_balanced> were written by Mike Schilli
# <>.
# The algorithm is that described in
# I<A Fast Algorithm for Computing Longest Common Subsequences>,
# CACM, vol.20, no.5, pp.350-353, May 1977, with a few
# minor improvements to improve the speed.
# Much work was done by Ned Konz (
# The OO interface and some other changes are by Tye McQueen.
# 2}}}
my $problems = 0;
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 0;
my $dir = "";
if ($opt_sdir) {
$dir = "$opt_sdir/$TEMP_OFF";
File::Path::rmtree($dir) if is_dir($dir);
File::Path::mkpath($dir) unless is_dir($dir);
} else {
# let File::Temp create a suitable temporary directory
$dir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 ); # 1 = delete on exit
$TEMP_INST{ $dir } = "Algorithm::Diff";
print "Using temp dir [$dir] to install Algorithm::Diff\n" if $opt_v;
my $Algorithm_dir = "$dir/Algorithm";
my $Algorithm_Diff_dir = "$dir/Algorithm/Diff";
mkdir $Algorithm_dir ;
mkdir $Algorithm_Diff_dir;
my $OUT = new IO::File "$dir/Algorithm/", "w";
if (defined $OUT) {
print $OUT $Algorithm_Diff_Contents;
} else {
warn "Failed to install Algorithm/\n";
$problems = 1;
push @INC, $dir; # between this & Regexp::Common only need to do once
eval "use Algorithm::Diff qw / sdiff /";
$HAVE_Algorith_Diff = 1 unless $problems;
} # 1}}}
sub pre_post_fix { # {{{1
# Return the input lines prefixed and postfixed
# by the given strings.
my ($ra_lines, $prefix, $postfix ) = @_;
print "-> pre_post_fix with $prefix, $postfix\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $all_lines = $prefix . join("" , @{$ra_lines}) . $postfix;
print "<- pre_post_fix\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return split("\n", $all_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub rm_last_line { # {{{1
# Return all but the last line.
my ($ra_lines, ) = @_;
print "-> rm_last_line\n" if $opt_v > 2;
print "<- rm_last_line\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $n = scalar(@{$ra_lines}) - 2;
return @{$ra_lines}[0..$n];
} # 1}}}
sub call_regexp_common { # {{{1
my ($ra_lines, $language ) = @_;
print "-> call_regexp_common for $language\n" if $opt_v > 2;
Install_Regexp_Common() unless $HAVE_Rexexp_Common;
my $all_lines = undef;
if ($language eq "C++") { # Regexp::Common's C++ comment regex is multi-line
# $all_lines = join("\n", @{$ra_lines});
$all_lines = "";
foreach (@{$ra_lines}) {
if (m/\\$/) { # line ends with a continuation marker
$all_lines .= $_;
} else {
$all_lines .= "$_\n";
} else {
$all_lines = join("" , @{$ra_lines});
no strict 'vars';
# otherwise get:
# Global symbol "%RE" requires explicit package name at cloc line xx.
if ($all_lines =~ $RE{comment}{$language}) {
# Suppress "Use of uninitialized value in regexp compilation" that
# pops up when $1 is undefined--happens if there's a bug in the $RE
# This Pascal comment will trigger it:
# (* This is { another } test. **)
# Curiously, testing for "defined $1" breaks the substitution.
no warnings;
# Remove comments.
$all_lines =~ s/$1//g;
# a bogus use of %RE to avoid:
# Name "main::RE" used only once: possible typo at cloc line xx.
print scalar keys %RE if $opt_v < -20;
print "<- call_regexp_common\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return split("\n", $all_lines);
} # 1}}}
sub plural_form { # {{{1
# For getting the right plural form on some English nouns.
my $n = shift @_;
if ($n == 1) { return ( 1, "" ); }
else { return ($n, "s"); }
} # 1}}}
sub matlab_or_objective_C { # {{{1
# Decide if code is MATLAB, Mathematica, Objective C, MUMPS, or Mercury
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rs_language , # out
) = @_;
print "-> matlab_or_objective_C\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# matlab markers:
# first line starts with "function"
# some lines start with "%"
# high marks for lines that start with [
# Objective C markers:
# must have at least two brace characters, { }
# has /* ... */ style comments
# some lines start with @
# some lines start with #include
# has ; comment markers
# do not match: \w+\s*=\s*\w
# lines begin with \s*\.?\w+\s+\w
# high marks for lines that start with \s*K\s+ or \s*Kill\s+
# Mercury:
# any line that begins with :- immediately triggers this
# Mathematica:
# (* .. *)
# BeginPackage
${$rs_language} = "";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $matlab_points = 0;
my $mathematica_points = 0;
my $objective_C_points = 0;
my $mumps_points = 0;
my $mercury_points = 0;
my $has_braces = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$has_braces if $_ =~ m/[{}]/;
#print "LINE $. has_braces=$has_braces\n";
++$mumps_points if $. == 1 and m{^[A-Z]};
if (m{^\s*/\*} or m {^\s*//}) { # /* or //
$objective_C_points += 5;
$matlab_points -= 5;
printf ".m: /*|// obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mathematica=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^:-\s+}) { # gotta be mercury
$mercury_points = 1000;
} elsif (m{\w+\s*=\s*\[}) { # matrix assignment, very matlab
$matlab_points += 5;
if (m{\w+\[}) { # function call by []
$mathematica_points += 2;
printf ".m: \\w=[ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*\w+\s*=\s*}) { # definitely not MUMPS
printf ".m: \\w= obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*\.?(\w)\s+(\w)} and $1 !~ /\d/ and $2 !~ /\d/) {
printf ".m: \\w \\w obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*;}) {
printf ".m: ; obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
if (m{^\s*#(include|import)}) {
# Objective C without a doubt
$objective_C_points = 1000;
$matlab_points = 0;
printf ".m: #includ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
$has_braces = 2;
} elsif (m{^\s*@(interface|implementation|protocol|public|protected|private|end)\s}o) {
# Objective C without a doubt
$objective_C_points = 1000;
$matlab_points = 0;
printf ".m: keyword obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*BeginPackage}) {
$mathematica_points += 2;
} elsif (m{^\s*\[}) { # line starts with [ -- very matlab
$matlab_points += 5;
printf ".m: [ obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\sK(ill)?\s+}) {
$mumps_points += 5;
printf ".m: Kill obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*function}) {
printf ".m: funct obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
} elsif (m{^\s*%}) { # %
# matlab commented line
printf ".m: pcent obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
printf "END LOOP obj C=% 2d matlab=% 2d mumps=% 2d mercury= % 2d\n", $objective_C_points, $matlab_points, $mathematica_points, $mumps_points, $mercury_points if $DEBUG;
# next heuristic is unreliable for small files
# $objective_C_points = -9.9e20 unless $has_braces >= 2;
my %points = ( 'MATLAB' => $matlab_points ,
'Mathematica' => $mathematica_points ,
'MUMPS' => $mumps_points ,
'Objective C' => $objective_C_points,
'Mercury' => $mercury_points , );
${$rs_language} = (sort { $points{$b} <=> $points{$a} or $a cmp $b } keys %points)[0];
print "<- matlab_or_objective_C($file: matlab=$matlab_points, mathematica=$mathematica_points, C=$objective_C_points, mumps=$mumps_points, mercury=$mercury_points) => ${$rs_language}\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub Lisp_or_OpenCL { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Lisp_or_OpenCL\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $lisp_points = 0;
my $opcl_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$lisp_points if /^\s*;/;
++$lisp_points if /\((def|eval|require|export|let|loop|dec|format)/;
++$opcl_points if /^\s*(int|float|const|{)/;
# print "lisp_points=$lisp_points opcl_points=$opcl_points\n";
if ($lisp_points > $opcl_points) {
$lang = "Lisp";
} else {
$lang = "OpenCL";
print "<- Lisp_or_OpenCL\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Lisp_or_Julia { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Lisp_or_Julia\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $lisp_points = 0;
my $julia_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$lisp_points if /^\s*;/;
++$lisp_points if /\((def|eval|require|export|let|loop|dec|format)/;
++$julia_points if /^\s*(function|end|println|for|while)/;
# print "lisp_points=$lisp_points julia_points=$julia_points\n";
if ($lisp_points > $julia_points) {
$lang = "Lisp";
} else {
$lang = "Julia";
print "<- Lisp_or_Julia\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Perl_or_Prolog { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Perl_or_Prolog\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $perl_points = 0;
my $prolog_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
if ($. == 1 and /^#!.*?\bperl/) {
$perl_points = 100;
++$perl_points if /^=(head|over|item|cut)/;
++$perl_points if /;\s*$/;
++$perl_points if /(\{|\})/;
++$perl_points if /^\s*sub\s+/;
++$perl_points if /\s*<<'/; # start HERE block
++$perl_points if /\$(\w+\->|[_!])/;
++$prolog_points if !/\s*#/ and /\.\s*$/;
++$prolog_points if /:-/;
# print "perl_points=$perl_points prolog_points=$prolog_points\n";
if ($perl_points > $prolog_points) {
$lang = "Perl";
} else {
$lang = "Prolog";
printf "<- Perl_or_Prolog(%s, Perl=%d Prolog=%d)\n",
$file, $perl_points, $prolog_points if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub IDL_or_QtProject { # {{{1
# IDL, QtProject, Prolog, or ProGuard
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> IDL_or_QtProject($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $idl_points = 0;
my $qtproj_points = 0;
my $prolog_points = 0;
my $proguard_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$idl_points if /^\s*;/;
++$idl_points if /plot\(/i;
++$qtproj_points if /^\s*(qt|configs|sources|template|target|targetpath|subdirs)\b/i;
++$qtproj_points if /qthavemodule/i;
++$prolog_points if /\.\s*$/;
++$prolog_points if /:-/;
++$proguard_points if /^\s*#/;
++$proguard_points if /^-keep/;
++$proguard_points if /^-(dont)?obfuscate/;
# print "idl_points=$idl_points qtproj_points=$qtproj_points\n";
my %points = ( 'IDL' => $idl_points ,
'Qt Project' => $qtproj_points ,
'Prolog' => $prolog_points ,
'ProGuard' => $proguard_points ,
$lang = (sort { $points{$b} <=> $points{$a} or $a cmp $b} keys %points)[0];
print "<- IDL_or_QtProject(idl_points=$idl_points, ",
"qtproj_points=$qtproj_points, prolog_points=$prolog_points, ",
if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Ant_or_XML { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Ant_or_XML($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = "XML";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $Ant_points = 0;
my $XML_points = 1;
while (<$IN>) {
if (/^\s*<project\s+/) {
++$Ant_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if (/xmlns:artifact="antlib:org.apache.maven.artifact.ant"/) {
++$Ant_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if ($XML_points >= $Ant_points) {
# tie or better goes to XML
$lang = "XML";
} else {
$lang = "Ant";
print "<- Ant_or_XML($lang)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Maven_or_XML { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Maven_or_XML($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = "XML";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $Mvn_points = 0;
my $XML_points = 1;
while (<$IN>) {
if (/^\s*<project\s+/) {
++$Mvn_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if (m{xmlns="}) {
++$Mvn_points ;
--$XML_points ;
if ($XML_points >= $Mvn_points) {
# tie or better goes to XML
$lang = "XML";
} else {
$lang = "Maven";
print "<- Maven_or_XML($lang)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub pascal_or_puppet { # {{{1
# Decide if code is Pascal or Puppet manifest
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rs_language , # out
) = @_;
print "-> pascal_or_puppet\n" if $opt_v > 2;
${$rs_language} = "";
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
my $DEBUG = 0;
my $pascal_points = 0;
my $puppet_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
if ( /^\s*\#\s+/ ) {
$puppet_points += .001;
++$pascal_points if /\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bprocedure\b/i;
++$pascal_points if /\bfunction\b/i;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*interface\s+/i;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*implementation\s+/i;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*uses\s+/i;
++$pascal_points if /(?<!\:\:)\bbegin\b(?!\:\:)/i;
++$pascal_points if /(?<!\:\:)\bend\b(?!\:\:)/i;
++$pascal_points if /\:\=/;
++$pascal_points if /\<\>/;
++$pascal_points if /^\s*\{\$(I|INCLUDE)\s+.*\}/i;
++$pascal_points if /writeln/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*class\s+/ and not /class\s+operator\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*case\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*package\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*file\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*include\s\w+/;
++$puppet_points if /^\s*service\s+/;
++$puppet_points if /\s\$\w+\s*\=\s*\S/;
++$puppet_points if /\S\s*\=\>\s*\S/;
# No need to process rest of file if language seems obvious.
if (abs ($pascal_points - $puppet_points ) > 20 );
print "<- pascal_or_puppet(pascal=$pascal_points, puppet=$puppet_points)\n"
if $opt_v > 2;
if ($pascal_points > $puppet_points) {
${$rs_language} = "Pascal";
} else {
${$rs_language} = "Puppet";
} # 1}}}
sub Forth_or_Fortran { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Forth_or_Fortran\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $forth_points = 0;
my $fortran_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$forth_points if /^:\s/;
++$fortran_points if /^([c*][^a-z]|\s{6,}(subroutine|program|end|implicit)\s|\s*!)/i;
if ($forth_points > $fortran_points) {
$lang = "Forth";
} else {
$lang = "Fortran 77";
print "<- Forth_or_Fortran\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Forth_or_Fsharp { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Forth_or_Fsharp\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $forth_points = 0;
my $fsharp_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$forth_points if /^:\s/;
++$fsharp_points if /^\s*(#light|import|let|module|namespace|open|type)/;
if ($forth_points > $fsharp_points) {
$lang = "Forth";
} else {
$lang = "F#";
print "<- Forth_or_Fsharp\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Verilog_or_Coq { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Verilog_or_Coq\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $coq_points = 0;
my $verilog_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$verilog_points if /^\s*(module|begin|input|output|always)/;
++$coq_points if /\b(Inductive|Fixpoint|Definition|
if ($coq_points > $verilog_points) {
$lang = "Coq";
} else {
$lang = "Verilog-SystemVerilog";
print "<- Verilog_or_Coq\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub TypeScript_or_QtLinguist { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> TypeScript_or_QtLinguist\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $tscript_points = 0;
my $linguist_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
++$linguist_points if m{\b</?(message|source|translation)>};
++$tscript_points if /^\s*(var|const|let|class|document)\b/;
++$tscript_points if /[;}]\s*$/;
++$tscript_points if m{^\s*//};
if ($tscript_points >= $linguist_points) {
$lang = "TypeScript";
} else {
$lang = "Qt Linguist";
print "<- TypeScript_or_QtLinguist\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Qt_or_Glade { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Qt_or_Glade\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $qt_points = 1;
my $glade_points = -1;
while (<$IN>) {
if (/generated\s+with\s+glade/i) {
$glade_points = 1;
$qt_points = -1;
if ($glade_points > $qt_points) {
$lang = "Glade";
} else {
$lang = "Qt";
print "<- Qt_or_Glade\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Csharp_or_Smalltalk { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Csharp_or_Smalltalk($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $cs_points = 0;
my $smalltalk_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
s{//.*?$}{}; # strip inline C# comments for better clarity
next if /^\s*$/;
if (/[;}{]\s*$/) {
++$cs_points ;
} elsif (/^(using|namespace)\s/) {
$cs_points += 20;
} elsif (/^\s*(public|private|new)\s/) {
$cs_points += 20;
} elsif (/^\s*\[assembly:/) {
++$cs_points ;
if (/(\!|\]\.)\s*$/) {
--$cs_points ;
if ($smalltalk_points > $cs_points) {
$lang = "Smalltalk";
} else {
$lang = "C#";
print "<- Csharp_or_Smalltalk($file)=$lang\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
$rs_language , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $VB_points = 0;
my $tex_points = 0;
my $apex_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
#print "$_";
if (/\s*%/ or /\s*\\/) {
++$tex_points ;
} else {
if (/^\s*(public|private)\s/i) {
++$VB_points ;
++$apex_points ;
#print "+VB1 +A1";
} elsif (/^\s*(end|attribute|version)\s/i) {
++$VB_points ;
#print "+VB2";
if (/[{}]/ or /;\s*$/) {
++$apex_points ;
#print "+A2";
#print "\n";
my %points = ( 'Visual Basic' => $VB_points ,
'TeX' => $tex_points ,
'Apex Class' => $apex_points ,);
${$rs_language} = (sort { $points{$b} <=> $points{$a} or $a cmp $b } keys %points)[0];
print "<- Visual_Basic_or_TeX_or_Apex($file: VB=$VB_points, TeX=$tex_points, Apex=$apex_points\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $lang;
} # 1}}}
sub Scheme_or_SaltStack { # {{{1
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> Scheme_or_SaltStack($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $lang = undef;
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
push @{$raa_errors}, [$rh_Err->{'Unable to read'} , $file];
return $lang;
my $Sch_points = 0;
my $SS_points = 0;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/;
if (/{\%.*%}/) {
$SS_points += 5;
} elsif (/map\.jinja\b/) {
$SS_points += 5;
} elsif (/\((define|lambda|let|cond|do)\s/) {
$Sch_points += 1;
} else {
print "<- Scheme_or_SaltStack($file: Scheme=$Sch_points, SaltStack=$SS_points\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($Sch_points > $SS_points) {
return "Scheme";
} else {
return "SaltStack";
} # 1}}}
sub html_colored_text { # {{{1
my ($color, $text) = @_;
#?#die "html_colored_text($text)";
if ($color =~ /^red$/i) {
$color = "#ff0000";
} elsif ($color =~ /^green$/i) {
$color = "#00ff00";
} elsif ($color =~ /^blue$/i) {
$color = "#0000ff";
} elsif ($color =~ /^grey$/i) {
$color = "#cccccc";
# return "" unless $text;
return '<font color="' . $color . '">' . html_metachars($text) . "</font>";
} # 1}}}
sub xml_metachars { # {{{1
my ($string, ) = shift @_;
my @in_chars = split(//, $string);
my @out_chars = ();
foreach my $c (@in_chars) {
if ($c eq '&') { push @out_chars, '&amp;'
} elsif ($c eq '<') { push @out_chars, '&lt;'
} elsif ($c eq '>') { push @out_chars, '&gt;'
} elsif ($c eq '"') { push @out_chars, '&quot;'
} elsif ($c eq "'") { push @out_chars, '&apos;'
} else {
push @out_chars, $c;
return join "", @out_chars;
} # 1}}}
sub html_metachars { # {{{1
# Replace HTML metacharacters with their printable forms.
# Future: use HTML-Encoder-0.00_04/lib/HTML/
# from Fabiano Reese Righetti's HTML::Encoder module if
# this subroutine proves to be too simplistic.
my ($string, ) = shift @_;
my @in_chars = split(//, $string);
my @out_chars = ();
foreach my $c (@in_chars) {
if ($c eq '<') {
push @out_chars, '&lt;'
} elsif ($c eq '>') {
push @out_chars, '&gt;'
} elsif ($c eq '&') {
push @out_chars, '&amp;'
} else {
push @out_chars, $c;
return join "", @out_chars;
} # 1}}}
sub test_alg_diff { # {{{1
my ($file_1 ,
$file_2 )
= @_;
my $fh_1 = new IO::File $file_1, "r";
die "Unable to read $file_1: $!\n" unless defined $fh_1;
chomp(my @lines_1 = <$fh_1>);
my $fh_2 = new IO::File $file_2, "r";
die "Unable to read $file_2: $!\n" unless defined $fh_2;
chomp(my @lines_2 = <$fh_2>);
my $n_no_change = 0;
my $n_modified = 0;
my $n_added = 0;
my $n_deleted = 0;
my @min_sdiff = ();
my $NN = chr(27) . "[0m"; # normal
my $BB = chr(27) . "[1m"; # bold
my @sdiffs = sdiff( \@lines_1, \@lines_2 );
foreach my $entry (@sdiffs) {
my ($out_1, $out_2) = ('', '');
if ($entry->[0] eq 'u') {
# $out_1 = $entry->[1];
# $out_2 = $entry->[2];
# push @min_sdiff, $entry;
if ($entry->[0] eq 'c') {
($out_1, $out_2) = diff_two_strings($entry->[1], $entry->[2]);
$out_1 =~ s/\cA(\w)/${BB}$1${NN}/g;
$out_2 =~ s/\cA(\w)/${BB}$1${NN}/g;
# $out_1 =~ s/\cA//g;
# $out_2 =~ s/\cA//g;
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq '+') {
$out_1 = $entry->[1];
$out_2 = $entry->[2];
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq '-') {
$out_1 = $entry->[1];
$out_2 = $entry->[2];
} elsif ($entry->[0] eq 'u') {
} else { die "unknown entry->[0]=[$entry->[0]]\n"; }
printf "%-80s | %s\n", $out_1, $out_2;
# foreach my $entry (@min_sdiff) {
# printf "DIFF: %s %s %s\n", @{$entry};
# }
} # 1}}}
sub write_comments_to_html { # {{{1
my ($filename , # in
$rah_diff_L , # in see routine array_diff() for explanation
$rah_diff_R , # in see routine array_diff() for explanation
$rh_blank , # in location and counts of blank lines
) = @_;
print "-> write_comments_to_html($filename)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $file = $filename . ".html";
my $approx_line_count = scalar @{$rah_diff_L};
$approx_line_count = 1 unless $approx_line_count;
my $n_digits = 1 + int(log($approx_line_count)/2.30258509299405); # log_10
my $html_out = html_header($filename);
my $comment_line_number = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @{$rah_diff_R}; $i++) {
if (defined $rh_blank->{$i}) {
foreach (1..$rh_blank->{$i}) {
$html_out .= "<!-- blank -->\n";
my $line_num = "";
my $pre = "";
my $post = '</span> &nbsp;';
warn "undef rah_diff_R[$i]{type} " unless defined $rah_diff_R->[$i]{type};
if ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'nonexist') {
$line_num = sprintf "\&nbsp; <span class=\"clinenum\"> %0${n_digits}d %s",
$comment_line_number, $post;
$pre = '<span class="comment">';
$html_out .= $line_num;
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_L->[$i]{char}) .
$post . "\n";
if ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'code' and
$rah_diff_R->[$i]{desc} eq 'same') {
# entire line remains as-is
$line_num = sprintf "\&nbsp; <span class=\"linenum\"> %0${n_digits}d %s",
$rah_diff_R->[$i]{lnum}, $post;
$pre = '<span class="normal">';
$html_out .= $line_num;
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}) . $post;
#XX } elsif ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'code') { # code+comments
#XX $line_num = '<span class="linenum">' .
#XX $rah_diff_R->[$i]{lnum} . $post;
#XX $html_out .= $line_num;
#XX my @strings = @{$rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}{strings}};
#XX my @type = @{$rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}{type}};
#XX for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @strings; $i++) {
#XX if ($type[$i] eq 'u') {
#XX $pre = '<span class="normal">';
#XX } else {
#XX $pre = '<span class="comment">';
#XX }
#XX $html_out .= $pre . html_metachars($strings[$i]) . $post;
#XX }
# print Dumper(@strings, @type); die;
} elsif ($rah_diff_R->[$i]{type} eq 'comment') {
$line_num = '<span class="clinenum">' . $comment_line_number . $post;
# entire line is a comment
$pre = '<span class="comment">';
$html_out .= $pre .
html_metachars($rah_diff_R->[$i]{char}) . $post;
#printf "%-30s %s %-30s\n", $line_1, $separator, $line_2;
$html_out .= "\n";
$html_out .= html_end();
my $out_file = "$filename.html";
write_file($out_file, {}, ( $html_out ) );
print "<- write_comments_to_html\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub array_diff { # {{{1
my ($file , # in only used for error reporting
$ra_lines_L , # in array of lines in Left file (no blank lines)
$ra_lines_R , # in array of lines in Right file (no blank lines)
$mode , # in "comment" | "revision"
$rah_diff_L , # out
$rah_diff_R , # out
$raa_Errors , # in/out
) = @_;
# This routine operates in two ways:
# A. Computes diffs of the same file with and without comments.
# This is used to classify lines as code, comments, or blank.
# B. Computes diffs of two revisions of a file. This method
# requires a prior run of method A using the older version
# of the file because it needs lines to be classified.
# $rah_diff structure:
# An array with n entries where n equals the number of lines in
# an sdiff of the two files. Each entry in the array describes
# the contents of the corresponding line in file Left and file Right:
# diff[]{type} = blank | code | code+comment | comment | nonexist
# {lnum} = line number within the original file (1-based)
# {desc} = same | added | removed | modified
# {char} = the input line unless {desc} = 'modified' in
# which case
# {char}{strings} = [ substrings ]
# {char}{type} = [ disposition (added, removed, etc)]
@{$rah_diff_L} = ();
@{$rah_diff_R} = ();
print "-> array_diff()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
$COMMENT_MODE = 1 if $mode eq "comment";
#print "array_diff(mode=$mode)\n";
#print Dumper("block left:" , $ra_lines_L);
#print Dumper("block right:", $ra_lines_R);
my @sdiffs = ();
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
alarm $opt_diff_timeout;
@sdiffs = sdiff($ra_lines_L, $ra_lines_R);
alarm 0;
if ($@) {
# timed out
die unless $@ eq "alarm\n"; # propagate unexpected errors
push @{$raa_Errors},
[ $Error_Codes{'Diff error, exceeded timeout'}, $file ];
if ($opt_v) {
warn "array_diff: diff timeout failure for $file--ignoring\n";
my $n_L = 0;
my $n_R = 0;
my $n_sdiff = 0; # index to $rah_diff_L, $rah_diff_R
foreach my $triple (@sdiffs) {
my $flag = $triple->[0];
my $line_L = $triple->[1];
my $line_R = $triple->[2];
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{char} = $line_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{char} = $line_R;
if ($flag eq 'u') { # u = unchanged
# line exists in both with & without comments, must be code
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "same";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "same";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq 'c') { # c = changed
# warn "per line sdiff() commented out\n"; if (0) {
# line has text both with & without comments;
# count as code
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "code";
my @chars_L = split '', $line_L;
my @chars_R = split '', $line_R;
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "modified";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "modified";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq '+') { # + = added
# should never get here, but may due to sdiff() bug,
# ref
# Rather than failing, ignore and continue. A possible
# consequence is counts may be inconsistent.
##### @{$rah_diff_L} = ();
##### @{$rah_diff_R} = ();
##### push @{$raa_Errors},
##### [ $Error_Codes{'Diff error (quoted comments?)'}, $file ];
if ($opt_v) {
warn "array_diff: diff failure (diff says the\n";
warn "comment-free file has added lines).\n";
warn "$n_sdiff $line_L\n";
#### $rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "nonexist";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "comment";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "removed";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "added";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_R;
} elsif ($flag eq '-') { # - = removed
# line must be comment because blanks already gone
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "comment";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{type} = "nonexist";
$rah_diff_R->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "removed";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{desc} = "added";
$rah_diff_L->[$n_sdiff]{lnum} = $n_L;
#printf "%-30s %s %-30s\n", $line_L, $separator, $line_R;
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper($rah_diff_L, $rah_diff_R);
#print Dumper($rah_diff_L);
print "<- array_diff\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub remove_leading_dir { # {{{1
my @filenames = @_;
# Input should be a list of file names
# with the same leading directory such as
# dir1/dir2/a.txt
# dir1/dir2/b.txt
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
# Output is the same list minus the common
# directory path:
# a.txt
# b.txt
# dir3/c.txt
print "-> remove_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @D = (); # a matrix: [ [ dir1, dir2 ], # dir1/dir2/a.txt
# [ dir1, dir2 ], # dir1/dir2/b.txt
# [ dir1, dir2 , dir3] ] # dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{\\}{/}g;
$F = ucfirst($F) if $F =~ /^\w:/; # uppercase drive letter
if (scalar @filenames == 1) {
# special case: with only one filename
# cannot determine a baseline, just remove first directory level
$filenames[0] =~ s{^.*?/}{};
# print "-> $filenames[0]\n";
return $filenames[0];
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
my ($Vol, $Dir, $File) = File::Spec->splitpath($F);
my @x = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir );
pop @x unless $x[$#x]; # last entry usually null, remove it
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
if (defined($Vol) and $Vol) {
# put the drive letter, eg, C:, at the front
unshift @x, uc $Vol;
#print "F=$F, Dir=$Dir x=[", join("][", @x), "]\n";
push @D, [ @x ];
# now loop over columns until either they are all
# eliminated or a unique column is found
my @common = (); # to contain the common leading directories
my $mismatch = 0;
while (!$mismatch) {
for (my $row = 1; $row < scalar @D; $row++) {
#print "comparing $D[$row][0] to $D[0][0]\n";
if (!defined $D[$row][0] or !defined $D[0][0] or
($D[$row][0] ne $D[0][0])) {
$mismatch = 1;
#print "mismatch=$mismatch\n";
if (!$mismatch) {
push @common, $D[0][0];
# all terms in the leading match; unshift the batch
foreach my $ra (@D) {
shift @{$ra};
push @common, " "; # so that $leading will end with "/ "
my $leading = File::Spec->catdir( @common );
$leading =~ s{ $}{}; # now take back the bogus appended space
#print "remove_leading_dir leading=[$leading]\n"; die;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$leading =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{^$leading}{};
print "<- remove_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @filenames;
} # 1}}}
sub strip_leading_dir { # {{{1
my ($leading, @filenames) = @_;
# removes the string $leading from each entry in @filenames
print "-> strip_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print "remove_leading_dir leading=[$leading]\n"; die;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$leading =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{\\}{/}g;
foreach my $F (@filenames) {
$F =~ s{^$leading}{};
print "<- strip_leading_dir()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @filenames;
} # 1}}}
sub find_deepest_file { # {{{1
my @filenames = @_;
# Input should be a list of file names
# with the same leading directory such as
# dir1/dir2/a.txt
# dir1/dir2/b.txt
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
# Output is the file with the most parent directories:
# dir1/dir2/dir3/c.txt
print "-> find_deepest_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $deepest = undef;
my $max_subdir = -1;
foreach my $F (sort @filenames) {
my ($Vol, $Dir, $File) = File::Spec->splitpath($F);
my @x = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir );
pop @x unless $x[$#x]; # last entry usually null, remove it
if (scalar @x > $max_subdir) {
$deepest = $F;
$max_subdir = scalar @x;
print "<- find_deepest_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $deepest;
} # 1}}}
sub find_uncommon_parent_dir { # {{{1
my ($file_L, $file_R) = @_;
# example:
# file_L = "perl-5.16.1/cpan/CPANPLUS/lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Source/SQLite/"
# file_R = "/tmp/8VxQG0OLbp/perl-5.16.3/cpan/CPANPLUS/lib/CPANPLUS/Internals/Source/SQLite/"
# then return
# "perl-5.16.1",
# "/tmp/8VxQG0OLbp/perl-5.16.3",
my ($Vol_L, $Dir_L, $File_L) = File::Spec->splitpath($file_L);
my @x_L = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir_L );
my ($Vol_R, $Dir_R, $File_R) = File::Spec->splitpath($file_R);
my @x_R = File::Spec->splitdir( $Dir_R );
my @common = ();
# work backwards
while ($x_L[$#x_L] eq $x_R[$#x_R]) {
push @common, $x_L[$#x_L];
pop @x_L;
pop @x_R;
my $success = scalar @common;
my $dirs_L = File::Spec->catdir( @x_L );
my $dirs_R = File::Spec->catdir( @x_R );
my $lead_L = File::Spec->catpath( $Vol_L, $dirs_L, "" );
my $lead_R = File::Spec->catpath( $Vol_R, $dirs_R, "" );
return $lead_L, $lead_R, $success;
} # 1}}}
sub get_leading_dirs { # {{{1
my ($rh_file_list_L, $rh_file_list_R) = @_;
# find uniquely named files in both sets to help determine the
# leading directory positions
my %unique_filename = ();
my %basename_L = ();
my %basename_R = ();
foreach my $f (keys %{$rh_file_list_L}) {
my $bn = basename($f);
$basename_L{ $bn }{'count'} += 1;
$basename_L{ $bn }{'fullpath'} = $f;
foreach my $f (keys %{$rh_file_list_R}) {
my $bn = basename($f);
$basename_R{ $bn }{'count'} += 1;
$basename_R{ $bn }{'fullpath'} = $f;
foreach my $f (keys %basename_L) {
next unless $basename_L{$f}{'count'} == 1;
next unless defined $basename_R{$f} and $basename_R{$f}{'count'} == 1;
$unique_filename{$f}{'L'} = $basename_L{ $f }{'fullpath'};
$unique_filename{$f}{'R'} = $basename_R{ $f }{'fullpath'};
return undef, undef, 0 unless %unique_filename;
####my %candidate_leading_dir_L = ();
####my %candidate_leading_dir_R = ();
my ($L_drop, $R_drop) = (undef, undef);
foreach my $f (keys %unique_filename) {
my $fL = $unique_filename{ $f }{'L'};
my $fR = $unique_filename{ $f }{'R'};
my @DL = File::Spec->splitdir($fL);
my @DR = File::Spec->splitdir($fR);
#printf "%-36s -> %-36s\n", $fL, $fR;
#print Dumper(@DL, @DR);
# find the most number of common directories between L and R
if (!defined $L_drop) {
$L_drop = dirname $fL;
if (!defined $R_drop) {
$R_drop = dirname $fR;
my $n_path_elements_L = scalar @DL;
my $n_path_elements_R = scalar @DR;
my $n_path_elem = $n_path_elements_L < $n_path_elements_R ?
$n_path_elements_L : $n_path_elements_R;
my ($n_L_drop_this_pair, $n_R_drop_this_pair) = (0, 0);
for (my $i = 0; $i < $n_path_elem; $i++) {
last if $DL[ $#DL - $i] ne $DR[ $#DR - $i];
my $L_common = File::Spec->catdir( @DL[0..($#DL-$n_L_drop_this_pair)] );
my $R_common = File::Spec->catdir( @DR[0..($#DR-$n_R_drop_this_pair)] );
#print "L_common=$L_common\n";
#print "R_common=$R_common\n";
$L_drop = $L_common if length $L_common < length $L_drop;
$R_drop = $R_common if length $R_common < length $R_drop;
########my $ptr_L = length($fL) - 1;
########my $ptr_R = length($fR) - 1;
########my @aL = split '', $fL;
########my @aR = split '', $fR;
########while ($ptr_L >= 0 and $ptr_R >= 0) {
######## last if $aL[$ptr_L] ne $aR[$ptr_R];
######## --$ptr_L;
######## --$ptr_R;
########my $leading_dir_L = "";
######## $leading_dir_L = substr($fL, 0, $ptr_L+1) if $ptr_L >= 0;
########my $leading_dir_R = "";
######## $leading_dir_R = substr($fR, 0, $ptr_R+1) if $ptr_R >= 0;
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper(%candidate_leading_dir_L);
#print Dumper(%candidate_leading_dir_R);
return $L_drop, $R_drop, 1;
####my $best_L = (sort {
#### $candidate_leading_dir_L{$b} <=>
#### $candidate_leading_dir_L{$a}} keys %candidate_leading_dir_L)[0];
####my $best_R = (sort {
#### $candidate_leading_dir_R{$b} <=>
#### $candidate_leading_dir_R{$a}} keys %candidate_leading_dir_R)[0];
####return $best_L, $best_R, 1;
} # 1}}}
sub align_by_pairs { # {{{1
my ($rh_file_list_L , # in
$rh_file_list_R , # in
$ra_added , # out
$ra_removed , # out
$ra_compare_list , # out
) = @_;
print "-> align_by_pairs()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
my @files_L = sort keys %{$rh_file_list_L};
my @files_R = sort keys %{$rh_file_list_R};
return () unless @files_L or @files_R; # at least one must have stuff
if ( @files_L and !@files_R) {
# left side has stuff, right side is empty; everything deleted
@{$ra_added } = ();
@{$ra_removed } = @files_L;
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
} elsif (!@files_L and @files_R) {
# left side is empty, right side has stuff; everything added
@{$ra_added } = @files_R;
@{$ra_removed } = ();
@{$ra_compare_list} = ();
} elsif (scalar(@files_L) == 1 and scalar(@files_R) == 1) {
# Special case of comparing one file against another. In
# this case force the pair to be aligned with each other,
# otherwise the file naming logic will think one file
# was added and the other deleted.
@{$ra_added } = ();
@{$ra_removed } = ();
@{$ra_compare_list} = ( [$files_L[0], $files_R[0]] );
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %{$rh_file_list_L}, %{$rh_file_list_R},);
# The harder case: compare groups of files. This only works
# if the groups are in different directories so the first step
# is to strip the leading directory names from file lists to
# make it possible to align by file names.
my @files_L_minus_dir = undef;
my @files_R_minus_dir = undef;
my $deepest_file_L = find_deepest_file(@files_L);
my $deepest_file_R = find_deepest_file(@files_R);
#print "deepest L = [$deepest_file_L]\n";
#print "deepest R = [$deepest_file_R]\n";
my ($leading_dir_L, $leading_dir_R, $success) =
get_leading_dirs($rh_file_list_L, $rh_file_list_R);
#print "leading_dir_L=[$leading_dir_L]\n";
#print "leading_dir_R=[$leading_dir_R]\n";
#print "success =[$success]\n";
if ($success) {
@files_L_minus_dir = strip_leading_dir($leading_dir_L, @files_L);
@files_R_minus_dir = strip_leading_dir($leading_dir_R, @files_R);
} else {
# otherwise fall back to old strategy
@files_L_minus_dir = remove_leading_dir(@files_L);
@files_R_minus_dir = remove_leading_dir(@files_R);
# Keys of the stripped_X arrays are canonical file names;
# should overlap mostly. Keys in stripped_L but not in
# stripped_R are files that have been deleted. Keys in
# stripped_R but not in stripped_L have been added.
my %stripped_L = ();
@stripped_L{ @files_L_minus_dir } = @files_L;
my %stripped_R = ();
@stripped_R{ @files_R_minus_dir } = @files_R;
my %common = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_L) {
$common{$f} = 1 if defined $stripped_R{$f};
my %deleted = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_L) {
$deleted{$stripped_L{$f}} = $f unless defined $stripped_R{$f};
my %added = ();
foreach my $f (keys %stripped_R) {
$added{$stripped_R{$f}} = $f unless defined $stripped_L{$f};
#use Data::Dumper::Simple;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %stripped_L, %stripped_R);
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", %common, %added, %deleted);
foreach my $f (keys %common) {
push @{$ra_compare_list}, [ $stripped_L{$f},
$stripped_R{$f} ];
@{$ra_added } = keys %added ;
@{$ra_removed } = keys %deleted;
print "<- align_by_pairs()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
#print Dumper("align_by_pairs", @files_L_minus_dir, @files_R_minus_dir);
} # 1}}}
sub html_header { # {{{1
my ($title , ) = @_;
print "-> html_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="GENERATOR" content="cloc">
' .
<!-- Created by $script v$VERSION -->
" .
<style TYPE="text/css">
body {
color: black;
background-color: white;
font-family: monospace
.whitespace {
background-color: gray;
.comment {
color: gray;
font-style: italic;
.clinenum {
color: red;
.linenum {
color: green;
print "<- html_header\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub html_end { # {{{1
} # 1}}}
sub die_unknown_lang { # {{{1
my ($lang, $option_name) = @_;
die "Unknown language '$lang' used with $option_name option. " .
"The command\n $script --show-lang\n" .
"will print all recognized languages. Language names are " .
"case sensitive.\n" ;
} # 1}}}
sub unicode_file { # {{{1
my $file = shift @_;
print "-> unicode_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 0 if (-s $file > 2_000_000);
# don't bother trying to test binary files bigger than 2 MB
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
return 0;
my @lines = <$IN>;
if (unicode_to_ascii( join('', @lines) )) {
print "<- unicode_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 1;
} else {
print "<- unicode_file()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return 0;
} # 1}}}
sub unicode_to_ascii { # {{{1
my $string = shift @_;
# A trivial attempt to convert UTF-16 little or big endian
# files into ASCII. These files exhibit the following byte
# sequence:
# byte 1: 255
# byte 2: 254
# byte 3: ord of ASCII character
# byte 4: 0
# byte 3+i: ord of ASCII character
# byte 4+i: 0
# or
# byte 1: 255
# byte 2: 254
# byte 3: 0
# byte 4: ord of ASCII character
# byte 3+i: 0
# byte 4+i: ord of ASCII character
my $length = length $string;
#print "length=$length\n";
return '' if $length <= 3;
my @unicode = split(//, $string);
# check the first 100 characters for big or little endian UTF-16 encoding
my $max_peek = $length < 200 ? $length : 200;
my @view_1 = ();
for (my $i = 2; $i < $max_peek; $i += 2) { push @view_1, $unicode[$i] }
my @view_2 = ();
for (my $i = 3; $i < $max_peek; $i += 2) { push @view_2, $unicode[$i] }
my $points_1 = 0;
foreach my $C (@view_1) {
++$points_1 if (32 <= ord($C) and ord($C) <= 127) or ord($C) == 13
or ord($C) == 10
or ord($C) == 9;
my $points_2 = 0;
foreach my $C (@view_2) {
++$points_2 if (32 <= ord($C) and ord($C) <= 127) or ord($C) == 13
or ord($C) == 10
or ord($C) == 9;
#print "points 1: $points_1\n";
#print "points 2: $points_2\n";
my $offset = undef;
if ($points_1 > 90) { $offset = 2; }
elsif ($points_2 > 90) { $offset = 3; }
else { return '' } # neither big or little endian UTF-16
my @ascii = ();
for (my $i = $offset; $i < $length; $i += 2) { push @ascii, $unicode[$i]; }
return join("", @ascii);
} # 1}}}
sub uncompress_archive_cmd { # {{{1
my ($archive_file, ) = @_;
# Wrap $archive_file in single or double quotes in the system
# commands below to avoid filename chicanery (including
# spaces in the names).
print "-> uncompress_archive_cmd($archive_file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $extract_cmd = "";
my $missing = "";
if ($opt_extract_with) {
( $extract_cmd = $opt_extract_with ) =~ s/>FILE</$archive_file/g;
} elsif (basename($archive_file) eq "-" and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
$extract_cmd = "cat > -";
} elsif (($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.(gz|Z)$/ or
$archive_file =~ /\.tgz$/ ) and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("gzip --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "gzip -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "gzip";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.bz2$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("bzip2 --help")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "bzip2 -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar\.xz$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("unxz --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("tar --version")) {
$extract_cmd = "unxz -dc '$archive_file' | tar xf -";
} else {
$missing = "tar";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.tar$/ and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
$extract_cmd = "tar xf '$archive_file'";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.src\.rpm$/i and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("cpio --version")) {
if (external_utility_exists("rpm2cpio")) {
$extract_cmd = "rpm2cpio '$archive_file' | cpio -i";
} else {
$missing = "rpm2cpio";
} else {
$missing = "bzip2";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.(whl|zip)$/i and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
if (external_utility_exists("unzip")) {
$extract_cmd = "unzip -qq -d . '$archive_file'";
} else {
$missing = "unzip";
} elsif ($archive_file =~ /\.deb$/i and !$ON_WINDOWS) {
# only useful if the .deb contains source code--most
# .deb files just have compiled executables
if (external_utility_exists("dpkg-deb")) {
$extract_cmd = "dpkg-deb -x '$archive_file' .";
} else {
$missing = "dpkg-deb";
} elsif ($ON_WINDOWS and $archive_file =~ /\.(whl|zip)$/i) {
# use unzip on Windows (comes with git-for-Windows)
if (external_utility_exists("unzip")) {
$extract_cmd = "unzip -qq -d . \"$archive_file\" ";
} else {
$missing = "unzip";
print "<- uncompress_archive_cmd\n" if $opt_v > 2;
if ($missing) {
die "Unable to expand $archive_file because external\n",
"utility '$missing' is not available.\n",
"Another possibility is to use the --extract-with option.\n";
} else {
return $extract_cmd;
# 1}}}
sub read_list_file { # {{{1
my ($file, ) = @_;
# reads filenames from a STDIN pipe if $file == "-"
print "-> read_list_file($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $IN;
if ($file eq "-") {
open($IN, $file);
} else {
$IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
return ();
my @entry = ();
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/; # skip empty or commented lines
s/\cM$//; # DOS to Unix
push @entry, $_;
print "<- read_list_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @entry;
# 1}}}
sub external_utility_exists { # {{{1
my $exe = shift @_;
my $success = 0;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$success = 1 unless system $exe . ' > nul';
} else {
$success = 1 unless system $exe . ' >/dev/null 2>&1';
if (!$success) {
$success = 1 unless system "which" . " $exe" . ' >/dev/null 2>&1';
return $success;
} # 1}}}
sub write_xsl_file { # {{{1
print "-> write_xsl_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my $XSL = # <style> </style> {{{2
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- XSL file by Paul Schwann, January 2009.
Fixes for by-file and by-file-by-lang by d_uragan, November 2010.
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CLOC Results</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
table-layout: auto;
border-collapse: collapse;
empty-cells: show;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
th {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td {
text-align: center;
table, td, tr, th {
border: thin solid #999999;
<h3><xsl:value-of select="results/header"/></h3>
# 2}}}
if ($opt_by_file) {
$XSL .= # <table> </table>{{{2
' <table>
$XSL .=
' <th>3<sup>rd</sup> Generation Equivalent</th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<xsl:for-each select="results/files/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@language"/></td>
$XSL .=
' <td><xsl:value-of select="@factor"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@scaled"/></td>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@blank"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@comment"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@code"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@language"/></th>
$XSL .=
' <th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@factor"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/files/total/@scaled"/></th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
# 2}}}
if (!$opt_by_file or $opt_by_file_by_lang) {
$XSL .= # <table> </table> {{{2
' <table>
$XSL .=
' <th>Scale</th>
<th>3<sup>rd</sup> Generation Equivalent</th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<xsl:for-each select="results/languages/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
$XSL .=
' <td><xsl:value-of select="@factor"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@scaled"/></td>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@sum_files"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@blank"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@comment"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@code"/></th>
$XSL .=
' <th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@factor"/></th>
<th><xsl:value-of select="results/languages/total/@scaled"/></th>
' if $opt_3;
$XSL .=
' </tr>
# 2}}}
$XSL.= <<'EO_XSL'; # {{{2
# 2}}}
my $XSL_DIFF = <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- XSL file by Blazej Kroll, November 2010 -->
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:output method="html"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<html xmlns="">
<title>CLOC Results</title>
<style type="text/css">
table {
table-layout: auto;
border-collapse: collapse;
empty-cells: show;
margin: 1em;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
th {
background-color: #CCCCCC;
td {
text-align: center;
table, td, tr, th {
border: thin solid #999999;
<h3><xsl:value-of select="results/header"/></h3>
# 2}}}
if ($opt_by_file) {
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<tr><th colspan="4">Same</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/same/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Modified</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/modified/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Added</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/added/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="4">Removed</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/removed/file">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
# 2}}}
if (!$opt_by_file or $opt_by_file_by_lang) {
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
<tr><th colspan="5">Same</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/same/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Modified</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/modified/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Added</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/added/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
<tr><th colspan="5">Removed</th>
<xsl:for-each select="diff_results/removed/language">
<th><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></th>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@files_count"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@blank"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@comment"/></td>
<td><xsl:value-of select="@code"/></td>
# 2}}}
$XSL_DIFF.= <<'EO_DIFF_XSL'; # {{{2
# 2}}}
if ($opt_diff) {
write_file($CLOC_XSL, {}, ( $XSL_DIFF ) );
} else {
write_file($CLOC_XSL, {}, ( $XSL ) );
print "<- write_xsl_file\n" if $opt_v > 2;
} # 1}}}
sub normalize_file_names { # {{{1
my (@files, ) = @_;
# Returns a hash of file names reduced to a canonical form
# (fully qualified file names, all path separators changed to /,
# Windows file names lowercased). Hash values are the original
# file name.
my %normalized = ();
foreach my $F (@files) {
my $F_norm = $F;
if ($ON_WINDOWS) {
$F_norm = lc $F_norm; # for case insensitive file name comparisons
$F_norm =~ s{\\}{/}g; # Windows directory separators to Unix
$F_norm =~ s{^\./}{}g; # remove leading ./
if (($F_norm !~ m{^/}) and ($F_norm !~ m{^\w:/})) {
# looks like a relative path; prefix with cwd
$F_norm = lc "$cwd/$F_norm";
} else {
$F_norm =~ s{^\./}{}g; # remove leading ./
if ($F_norm !~ m{^/}) {
# looks like a relative path; prefix with cwd
$F_norm = "$cwd/$F_norm";
# Remove trailing / so it does not interfere with further regex code
# that does not expect it
$F_norm =~ s{/+$}{};
$normalized{ $F_norm } = $F;
return %normalized;
} # 1}}}
sub combine_diffs { # {{{1
# subroutine by Andy (
my ($ra_files) = @_;
my $res = "$URL v $VERSION\n";
my $dl = '-';
my $width = 79;
# columns are in this order
my @cols = ('files', 'blank', 'comment', 'code');
my %HoH = ();
foreach my $file (@{$ra_files}) {
my $IN = new IO::File $file, "r";
if (!defined $IN) {
warn "Unable to read $file; ignoring.\n";
my $sec;
while (<$IN>) {
next if /^(http|Language|-----)/;
if (/^[A-Za-z0-9]+/) { # section title
$sec = $_;
$HoH{$sec} = () if ! exists $HoH{$sec};
if (/^\s(same|modified|added|removed)/) { # calculated totals row
my @ar = grep { $_ ne '' } split(/ /, $_);
my $ttl = shift @ar;
my $i = 0;
foreach(@ar) {
my $t = "${ttl}${dl}${cols[$i]}";
$HoH{$sec}{$t} = 0 if ! exists $HoH{$sec}{$t};
$HoH{$sec}{$t} += $_;
# rows are in this order
my @rows = ('same', 'modified', 'added', 'removed');
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
$res .= sprintf("%-19s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n", 'Language',
$cols[0], $cols[1], $cols[2], $cols[3]);
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
# no inputs? %HoH will be empty
return $res unless %HoH;
for my $sec ( keys %HoH ) {
next if $sec =~ /SUM:/;
next unless defined $HoH{$sec}; # eg, the header line
$res .= "$sec\n";
foreach (@rows) {
$res .= sprintf(" %-18s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n",
$_, $HoH{$sec}{"${_}${dl}${cols[0]}"},
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
my $sec = 'SUM:';
$res .= "$sec\n";
foreach (@rows) {
$res .= sprintf(" %-18s %14s %14s %14s %14s\n",
$_, $HoH{$sec}{"${_}${dl}${cols[0]}"},
$res .= sprintf("%s\n", "-" x $width);
return $res;
} # 1}}}
sub get_time { # {{{1
if ($HAVE_Time_HiRes) {
return Time::HiRes::time();
} else {
return time();
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_D { # {{{1
# Ref bug 131, files ending with .d could be init.d scripts
# instead of D language source files.
my ($file , # in
$rh_Err , # in hash of error codes
$raa_errors , # out
) = @_;
print "-> really_is_D($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my ($possible_script, $L) = peek_at_first_line($file, $rh_Err, $raa_errors);
print "<- really_is_D($file)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $possible_script; # null string if D, otherwise a language
} # 1}}}
sub no_autogen_files { # {{{1
# ref
my ($print,) = @_;
print "-> no_autogen($print)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
# These sometimes created manually?
# acinclude.m4
my @files = qw (
if ($print) {
printf "cloc will ignore these %d files with --no-autogen:\n", scalar @files;
foreach my $F (@files) {
print " $F\n";
print "Additionally, Go files with '// Code generated by .* DO NOT EDIT.'\n";
print "on the first line are ignored.\n";
print "<- no_autogen()\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return @files;
} # 1}}}
sub load_from_config_file { # {{{1
# Supports all options except --config itself which would
# be pointless.
my ($config_file,
$rs_by_file ,
$rs_by_file_by_lang ,
$rs_categorized ,
$rs_counted ,
$rs_include_ext ,
$rs_include_lang ,
$rs_exclude_content ,
$rs_exclude_lang ,
$rs_exclude_dir ,
$rs_exclude_list_file ,
$rs_explain ,
$rs_extract_with ,
$rs_found ,
$rs_count_diff ,
$rs_diff ,
$rs_diff_alignment ,
$rs_diff_timeout ,
$rs_timeout ,
$rs_html ,
$rs_ignored ,
$rs_quiet ,
$rs_force_lang_def ,
$rs_read_lang_def ,
$rs_show_ext ,
$rs_show_lang ,
$rs_progress_rate ,
$rs_print_filter_stages ,
$rs_report_file ,
$ra_script_lang ,
$rs_sdir ,
$rs_skip_uniqueness ,
$rs_strip_comments ,
$rs_original_dir ,
$rs_sum_reports ,
$rs_hide_rate ,
$rs_processes ,
$rs_unicode ,
$rs_3 ,
$rs_v ,
$rs_vcs ,
$rs_version ,
$rs_write_lang_def ,
$rs_xml ,
$rs_xsl ,
$ra_force_lang ,
$rs_lang_no_ext ,
$rs_yaml ,
$rs_csv ,
$rs_csv_delimiter ,
$rs_json ,
$rs_md ,
$rs_fullpath ,
$rs_match_f ,
$rs_not_match_f ,
$rs_match_d ,
$rs_not_match_d ,
$rs_list_file ,
$rs_help ,
$rs_skip_win_hidden ,
$rs_read_binary_files ,
$rs_sql ,
$rs_sql_project ,
$rs_sql_append ,
$rs_sql_style ,
$rs_inline ,
$rs_exclude_ext ,
$rs_ignore_whitespace ,
$rs_ignore_case ,
$rs_ignore_case_ext ,
$rs_follow_links ,
$rs_autoconf ,
$rs_sum_one ,
$rs_by_percent ,
$rs_stdin_name ,
$rs_force_on_windows ,
$rs_force_on_unix ,
$rs_show_os ,
$rs_skip_archive ,
$rs_max_file_size ,
$rs_use_sloccount ,
$rs_no_autogen ,
$rs_force_git ,
$rs_strip_str_comments ,
$rs_file_encoding ,
$rs_docstring_as_code ,
$rs_stat ,
) = @_;
# look for runtime configuration file in
# $ENV{'HOME'}/.config/cloc/options.txt -> POSIX
# $ENV{'APPDATA'} . 'cloc'
print "-> load_from_config_file($config_file)\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
if (!-f $config_file) {
print "<- load_from_config_file() (no such file: $config_file)\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
} elsif (!-r $config_file) {
print "<- load_from_config_file() (unable to read $config_file)\n" if $opt_v and $opt_v > 2;
print "Reading options from $config_file.\n" if defined $opt_v;
my @lines = read_file($config_file);
foreach (@lines) {
next if /^\s*$/ or /^\s*#/;
if (!defined ${$rs_by_file} and /by_file|by-file/) { ${$rs_by_file} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_by_file_by_lang} and /by_file_by_lang|by-file-by-lang/) { ${$rs_by_file_by_lang} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_categorized} and /categorized(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_categorized} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_counted} and /counted(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_counted} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_include_ext} and /include_ext|include-ext(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_include_ext} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_include_lang} and /include_lang|include-lang(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_include_lang} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_exclude_content} and /exclude_content|exclude-content(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_exclude_content} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_exclude_lang} and /exclude_lang|exclude-lang(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_exclude_lang} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_exclude_dir} and /exclude_dir|exclude-dir(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_exclude_dir} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_explain} and /explain(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_explain} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_extract_with} and /extract_with|extract-with(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_extract_with} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_found} and /found(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_found} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_count_diff} and /count_and_diff|count-and-diff/) { ${$rs_count_diff} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_diff} and /diff/) { ${$rs_diff} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_diff_alignment} and /diff-alignment|diff_alignment(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_diff_alignment} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_diff_timeout} and /diff-timeout|diff_timeout(=|\s+)i/) { ${$rs_diff_timeout} = $1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_timeout} and /timeout(=|\s+)i/) { ${$rs_timeout} = $1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_html} and /html/) { ${$rs_html} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_ignored} and /ignored(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_ignored} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_quiet} and /quiet/) { ${$rs_quiet} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_force_lang_def} and /force_lang_def|force-lang-def(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_force_lang_def} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_read_lang_def} and /read_lang_def|read-lang-def(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_read_lang_def} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_progress_rate} and /progress_rate|progress-rate(=|\s+)(\d+)/) { ${$rs_progress_rate} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_print_filter_stages} and /print_filter_stages|print-filter-stages/) { ${$rs_print_filter_stages}= 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_report_file} and /report_file|report-file(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_report_file} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_report_file} and /out(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_report_file} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sdir} and /sdir(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_sdir} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_skip_uniqueness} and /skip_uniqueness|skip-uniqueness/) { ${$rs_skip_uniqueness} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_strip_comments} and /strip_comments|strip-comments(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_strip_comments} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_original_dir} and /original_dir|original-dir/) { ${$rs_original_dir} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sum_reports} and /sum_reports|sum-reports/) { ${$rs_sum_reports} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_hide_rate} and /hid_rate|hide-rate/) { ${$rs_hide_rate} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_processes} and /processes(=|\s+)(\d+)/) { ${$rs_processes} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_unicode} and /unicode/) { ${$rs_unicode} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_3} and /3/) { ${$rs_3} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_vcs} and /vcs(=|\s+)s/) { ${$rs_vcs} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_version} and /version/) { ${$rs_version} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_write_lang_def} and /write_lang_def|write-lang-def(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_write_lang_def} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_write_lang_def_incl_dup} and /write_lang_def_incl_dup|write-lang-def-incl-dup(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_write_lang_def_incl_dup} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_xml} and /xml/) { ${$rs_xml} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_xsl} and /xsl(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_xsl} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_lang_no_ext} and /lang_no_ext|lang-no-ext(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_lang_no_ext} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_yaml} and /yaml/) { ${$rs_yaml} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_csv} and /csv/) { ${$rs_csv} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_csv_delimiter} and /csv_delimeter|csv-delimiter(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_csv_delimiter} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_json} and /json/) { ${$rs_json} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_md} and /md/) { ${$rs_md} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_fullpath} and /fullpath/) { ${$rs_fullpath} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_match_f} and /match_f|match-f(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_match_f} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_not_match_f} and /not_match_f|not-match-f(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_not_match_f} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_match_d} and /match_d|match-d(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_match_d} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_not_match_d} and /not_match_d|not-match-d(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_not_match_d} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_list_file} and /list_file|list-file(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_list_file} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_help} and /help/) { ${$rs_help} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_skip_win_hidden} and /skip_win_hidden|skip-win-hidden/) { ${$rs_skip_win_hidden} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_read_binary_files} and /read_binary_files|read-binary-files/) { ${$rs_read_binary_files} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sql} and /sql(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_sql} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sql_project} and /sql_project|sql-project(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_sql_project} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sql_append} and /sql_append|sql-append/) { ${$rs_sql_append} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sql_style} and /sql_style|sql-style(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_sql_style} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_inline} and /inline/) { ${$rs_inline} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_exclude_ext} and /exclude_ext|exclude-ext(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_exclude_ext} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_ignore_whitespace} and /ignore_whitespace|ignore-whitespace/) { ${$rs_ignore_whitespace} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_ignore_case_ext} and /ignore_case_ext|ignore-case-ext/) { ${$rs_ignore_case_ext} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_ignore_case} and /ignore_case|ignore-case/) { ${$rs_ignore_case} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_follow_links} and /follow_links|follow-links/) { ${$rs_follow_links} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_autoconf} and /autoconf/) { ${$rs_autoconf} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_sum_one} and /sum_one|sum-one/) { ${$rs_sum_one} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_by_percent} and /by_percent|by-percent(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_by_percent} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_stdin_name} and /stdin_name|stdin-name(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_stdin_name} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_force_on_windows} and /windows/) { ${$rs_force_on_windows} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_force_on_unix} and /unix/) { ${$rs_force_on_unix} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_show_os} and /show_os|show-os/) { ${$rs_show_os} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_skip_archive} and /skip_archive|skip-archive(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) { ${$rs_skip_archive} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_max_file_size} and /max_file_size|max-file-size(=|\s+)(\d+)/) { ${$rs_max_file_size} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_use_sloccount} and /use_sloccount|use-sloccount/) { ${$rs_use_sloccount} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_no_autogen} and /no_autogen|no-autogen/) { ${$rs_no_autogen} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_force_git} and /git/) { ${$rs_force_git} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_exclude_list_file} and /exclude_list_file|exclude-list-file(=|\s+)(.*?)$/)
{ ${$rs_exclude_list_file} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_v} and /(verbose|v)((=|\s+)(\d+))?/) {
if (!defined $4) { ${$rs_v} = 0; }
else { ${$rs_v} = $4; }
} elsif (!defined $ra_script_lang and /script_lang|script-lang(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) {
push @{$ra_script_lang} , $2;
} elsif (!defined $ra_force_lang and /force_lang|force-lang(=|\s+)(.*?)$/) {
push @{$ra_force_lang} , $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_show_ext} and /(show_ext|show-ext)((=|\s+)(.*))?$/) {
if (!defined $4) { ${$rs_show_ext} = 0; }
else { ${$rs_show_ext} = $4; }
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_show_lang} and /(show_lang|show-lang)((=|\s+)(.*))?s/){
if (!defined $4) { ${$rs_show_lang} = 0; }
else { ${$rs_show_lang} = $4; }
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_strip_str_comments} and /(strip_str_comments|strip-str-comments)/) { ${$rs_strip_str_comments} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_file_encoding} and /file_encoding|file-encoding(=|\s+)(\S+)/) { ${$rs_file_encoding} = $2;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_docstring_as_code} and /docstring_as_code|docstring-as-code/) { ${$rs_docstring_as_code} = 1;
} elsif (!defined ${$rs_stat} and /stat/) { ${$rs_stat} = 1;
} # 1}}}
sub trick_pp_packer_encode { # {{{1
use Encode;
# PAR::Packer gives 'Unknown PerlIO layer "encoding"' unless it is
# forced into using this module.
my ($OUT, $JunkFile) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); # delete on exit
open($OUT, "> :encoding(utf8)", $JunkFile);
# 1}}}
sub really_is_smarty { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents look like Smarty template
my ($filename, ) = @_;
print "-> really_is_smarty($filename)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
my @lines = read_file($filename);
my $points = 0;
foreach my $L (@lines) {
if (($L =~ /\{(if|include)\s/) or
($L =~ /\{\/if\}/) or
($L =~ /(\{\*|\*\})/) or
($L =~ /\{\$\w/)) {
last if $points >= 2;
print "<- really_is_smarty(points=$points)\n" if $opt_v > 2;
return $points >= 2;
} # 1}}}
# subroutines copied from SLOCCount
my %php_files = (); # really_is_php()
sub really_is_pascal { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really are Pascal.
# This isn't as obvious as it seems.
# Many ".p" files are Perl files
# (such as /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ispell-3.1/dicts/czech/glob.p),
# others are C extractions
# (such as /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/linux/include/linux/umsdos_fs.p
# and some files in linuxconf).
# However, test files in "p2c" really are Pascal, for example.
# Note that /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/ucd-snmp-4.1.1/ov/bitmaps/UCD.20.p
# is actually C code. The heuristics determine that they're not Pascal,
# but because it ends in ".p" it's not counted as C code either.
# I believe this is actually correct behavior, because frankly it
# looks like it's automatically generated (it's a bitmap expressed as code).
# Rather than guess otherwise, we don't include it in a list of
# source files. Let's face it, someone who creates C files ending in ".p"
# and expects them to be counted by default as C files in SLOCCount needs
# their head examined. I suggest examining their head
# with a sucker rod (see syslogd(8) for more on sucker rods).
# This heuristic counts as Pascal such files such as:
# /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/teTeX-1.0/texk/web2c/tangleboot.p
# Which is hand-generated. We don't count woven documents now anyway,
# so this is justifiable.
my $filename = shift;
# The heuristic is as follows: it's Pascal _IF_ it has all of the following
# (ignoring {...} and (*...*) comments):
# 1. "^..program NAME" or "^..unit NAME",
# 2. "procedure", "function", "^..interface", or "^..implementation",
# 3. a "begin", and
# 4. it ends with "end.",
# Or it has all of the following:
# 1. "^..module NAME" and
# 2. it ends with "end.".
# Or it has all of the following:
# 1. "^..program NAME",
# 2. a "begin", and
# 3. it ends with "end.".
# The "end." requirements in particular filter out non-Pascal.
# Note (jgb): this does not detect Pascal main files in fpc, like
# fpc-1.0.4/api/test/testterminfo.pas, which does not have "program" in
# it
my $is_pascal = 0; # Value to determine.
my $has_program = 0;
my $has_unit = 0;
my $has_module = 0;
my $has_procedure_or_function = 0;
my $found_begin = 0;
my $found_terminating_end = 0;
my $has_begin = 0;
open(PASCAL_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's pascal.\n";
while(<PASCAL_FILE>) {
s/\{.*?\}//g; # Ignore {...} comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
s/\(\*.*?\*\)//g; # Ignore (*...*) comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
if (m/\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_program=1;}
if (m/\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_unit=1;}
if (m/\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$has_module=1;}
if (m/\bprocedure\b/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/\bfunction\b/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/^\s*interface\s+/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/^\s*implementation\s+/i) { $has_procedure_or_function = 1; }
if (m/\bbegin\b/i) { $has_begin = 1; }
# Originally I said:
# "This heuristic fails if there are multi-line comments after
# "end."; I haven't seen that in real Pascal programs:"
# But jgb found there are a good quantity of them in Debian, specially in
# fpc (at the end of a lot of files there is a multiline comment
# with the changelog for the file).
# Therefore, assume Pascal if "end." appears anywhere in the file.
if (m/end\.\s*$/i) {$found_terminating_end = 1;}
# elsif (m/\S/) {$found_terminating_end = 0;}
# Okay, we've examined the entire file looking for clues;
# let's use those clues to determine if it's really Pascal:
if ( ( ($has_unit || $has_program) && $has_procedure_or_function &&
$has_begin && $found_terminating_end ) ||
( $has_module && $found_terminating_end ) ||
( $has_program && $has_begin && $found_terminating_end ) )
{$is_pascal = 1;}
return $is_pascal;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_incpascal { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really are Pascal.
# For .inc files (mainly seen in fpc)
my $filename = shift;
# The heuristic is as follows: it is Pascal if any of the following:
# 1. really_is_pascal returns true
# 2. Any usual reserved word is found (program, unit, const, begin...)
# If the general routine for Pascal files works, we have it
if (really_is_pascal($filename)) {
return 1;
my $is_pascal = 0; # Value to determine.
my $found_begin = 0;
open(PASCAL_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's pascal.\n";
while(<PASCAL_FILE>) {
s/\{.*?\}//g; # Ignore {...} comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
s/\(\*.*?\*\)//g; # Ignore (*...*) comments on this line; imperfect, but effective.
if (m/\bprogram\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bunit\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bmodule\s+[A-Za-z]/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bprocedure\b/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/\bfunction\b/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/^\s*interface\s+/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/^\s*implementation\s+/i) {$is_pascal = 1; }
if (m/\bconstant\s+/i) {$is_pascal=1;}
if (m/\bbegin\b/i) { $found_begin = 1; }
if ((m/end\.\s*$/i) && ($found_begin = 1)) {$is_pascal = 1;}
if ($is_pascal) {
return $is_pascal;
} # 1}}}
sub really_is_php { # {{{1
# Given filename, returns TRUE if its contents really is php.
my $filename = shift;
my $is_php = 0; # Value to determine.
# Need to find a matching pair of surrounds, with ending after beginning:
my $normal_surround = 0; # <?; bit 0 = <?, bit 1 = ?>
my $script_surround = 0; # <script..>; bit 0 = <script language="php">
my $asp_surround = 0; # <%; bit 0 = <%, bit 1 = %>
# Return cached result, if available:
if ($php_files{$filename}) { return $php_files{$filename};}
open(PHP_FILE, "<$filename") ||
die "Can't open $filename to determine if it's php.\n";
while(<PHP_FILE>) {
if (m/\<\?/) { $normal_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\?\>/ && ($normal_surround & 1)) { $normal_surround |= 2; }
if (m/\<script.*language="?php"?/i) { $script_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\<\/script\>/i && ($script_surround & 1)) { $script_surround |= 2; }
if (m/\<\%/) { $asp_surround |= 1; }
if (m/\%\>/ && ($asp_surround & 1)) { $asp_surround |= 2; }
if ( ($normal_surround == 3) || ($script_surround == 3) ||
($asp_surround == 3)) {
$is_php = 1;
$php_files{$filename} = $is_php; # Store result in cache.
return $is_php;
} # 1}}}
mode values (stat $item)[2]
Unix Windows
file: 33188 33206
dir : 16832 16895
link: 33261 33206
pipe: 4544 null