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#' Get or set PIHOLE_HOST value
#' @md
#' @param force Force setting a new Pi-Hole host[:port] the current environment?
#' @return atomic character vector containing the Pi-Hole host[:port]
#' @export
pi_host <- function(force = FALSE) {
env <- Sys.getenv('PIHOLE_HOST')
if (!identical(env, "") && !force) return(env)
if (!interactive()) {
stop("Please set env var PIHOLE_HOST to your Pi-Hole host[:port]",
call. = FALSE)
message("Couldn't find env var PIHOLE_HOST See ?pi_host for more details.")
message("Please enter your Pi-Hole host[:port]:")
pat <- readline(": ")
if (identical(pat, "")) {
stop("Pi-Hole host[:port] entry failed", call. = FALSE)
message("Updating PIHOLE_HOST env var")
Sys.setenv(PIHOLE_HOST = pat)